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(1) Presentation(s)


Mar. 25/11/2014 10:30 Bat 11, RDC

COULAIS Corentin (Leiden University)
Flexible Mechanical Metamaterials

(Physique Statistique)


Optical and acoustical metamaterials take advantage of resonances. Here, we create mechanical metamaterials by exploiting elastic instabilities. Namely, we exploit buckling of the micro-structure to create materials with transnatural mechanical properties. We use Finite Element simulations, 3D printing, mechanical tests and high resolution imaging to optimize, make and study their mechanical response. I will show several examples of metamaterials in 1D (metabeams), 2D (holey sheets) and 3D (buckli-cube), that have an incredibly rich phenomenology: auxetic behavior, negative stiffness, elastic memory, collective effects. I will show that the symmetries of the micro-structure and the presence of elastic nonlinearities are crucial to understand, to model and to tune the mechanics of such systems. This paves the way towards the rational design of a new generation of materials, with extreme mechanics and enhanced functionality.

Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Berthier L.