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(1) Presentation(s)


Jeu. 18/06/2015 11:30 Salle RdC, Bâtiment 11, RdC

DEGIRON Aloyse (Institut d'Electronique Fondamentale, Université Paris-Sud)
Electromagnetic surface waves beyond plasmonics

(Nanostructures & Spectroscopie)


Abstract: Surface waves play a key role in the quest for harnessing
electromagnetic phenomena at a deep subwavelength scale. This is
especially true in optics due to the possibility of exciting a variety
of plasmon modes and resonances at the surface of nanoscale metallic
samples. For example, miniature plasmonic antennas can be used to tailor
the emission of fluorescent species, as will be discussed in the first
part of this talk with new results on this topic. However, there are
other types of electromagnetic surface waves with properties at least as
interesting as those of plasmons. I will illustrate this point by
showing that surface waves supported by ferrites at microwave
frequencies can be leveraged to synthesize artificial media (or
metamaterials) with strong nonreciprocal responses.

Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Metz R.