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(1) Presentation(s)


Mar. 24/11/2015 10:30 Petite Ourse, Bâtiment 13, Etage 1

URBANI Pierfrancesco (CEA Saclay)
Mean field theory predictions for the elastic and vibrational properties of glasses


I will discuss the theory of hard and soft spheres in the limit of infinite dimensions. At low temperature or high pressure, it predicts the existence of a new phase transition, the Gardner transition, beyond which minima of the free energy landscape become marginally stable. This landscape marginal stability merges naturally in the mechanical marginal stability that characterize the jamming point and is crucial to obtain new insights on the criticality of jammed packings. I will introduce some protocols to detect the Gardner point and I will show what are the main properties of the marginal phase. I will discuss what are the consequences of the Gardner transition on the elastic properties of glasses. Then I will focus on the vibrational spectrum showing how marginal stability provides a new scenario for the anomalous excess of soft modes.

Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Berthier L.