Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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(408) Production(s) de l'année 2015

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+ 1D-confinement inside single walled carbon nanotubes hal link

Auteur(s): Bantignies J.-L.(Corresp.)

Conférence invité: 2nd international Conference on nanomaterials and Applications. (NanoAPP 2015) (Maribor, SI, 2015-06-23)

+ Experimental study of encapsulated molecules inside carbon nanotubes hal link

Auteur(s): Lopes Selvati A. C., Bantignies J.-L.(Corresp.), Le Parc R., Rols Stéphane

Conference: Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique JDN23 (Evian-les-bains, FR, 2015-10-05)

+ Vibrational study of the hybrid material: photo-active molecule encapsulated in SWCNT hal link

Auteur(s): Lopes Selvati A. C., Belhboub A., Aznar R., Campidelli S, Jiménez-Ruiz Monica, Le Parc R., Alvarez L., Bantignies J.-L.(Corresp.), Rols Stéphane

(Affiches/Poster) Fifth Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop (copenhague, DK), 2015-11-09

+ Stochastic self-assembly of ParB proteins at centromeres builds bacterial DNA segregation apparatus hal link

Auteur(s): Walter J.-C.(Corresp.)

Conference: Architecture et Dynamique Nucléaire (ADN) (Paris, Jussieu, FR, 2015-04-01)

. Physical modeling of active bacterial DNA segregation

Auteur(s): Walter J.-C.(Corresp.)

(Séminaires) DIMNP (Montpellier, FR), 2015-06-15

. Physical modeling of active bacterial DNA segregation

Auteur(s): Walter J.-C.(Corresp.)

(Séminaires) TIMC-IMAG (Grenoble, FR), 2015-11-15

. Physical modeling of active bacterial DNA segregation

Auteur(s): Walter J.-C.(Corresp.)

(Séminaires) Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics (Princeton, US), 2015-10-15

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