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(1) Presentation(s)


Jeu. 18/01/2024 11:00 Webinaire

SINGH Amit (MPI-PKS Dresden)
Electro-hydraulics of electrically polarized spherical organoids

(Physique Théorique)


Cells and tissues in many contexts are electrically polarized.
In this work, we develop a three-dimensional electrohydraulic model that
simultaneously solves for the electric potential, ion concentration, and
hydrodynamic flows and stresses inside and outside a spherical
water-filled cavity enclosed by an epithelium. We analyze two sources of
electric asymmetry in the system: (i) heterogeneous ion transporter
along the surface of the sphere and (ii) organoid in an external
electric field. We show that inhomogeneous ion transport leads to an
organ-scale electric current and water flux. Consistent with recent
experimental observation we find that a constant electric field leads to
isotropic swelling of the organ.

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ID de réunion: 934 5629 4768
Code secret: 052645

Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Palmeri J.