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(1) Presentation(s)


Ven. 06/02/2015 10:30 Salle RdC, Bâtiment 11, RdC (à confirmer)

COULAIS Corentin (Huygens-Kamerlingh Onnes Lab : Leiden Nederland)
Soft mechanical metamaterials

(Matière Molle)


I introduce a novel class of soft structures that exhibit elastic instabilities. I use them
as a building block to create soft mechanical metamaterials with
highly nonlinear and novel properties, such as negative elasticity, elastic memory and programmability.
Combining fabrication via 3D printing, experiments, numerical simulations and theory,
I fabricate and investigate the physics of 1D (beams), 2D (holey sheets) and 3D (cubes) systems.
On these examples, I will show that nonlinearity is the main ingredient to understand and design these
exotic mechanical responses.

Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Gross M.