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(1) Presentation(s)


Lun. 26/01/2015 14:00 Petite Ourse, Bâtiment 13, Etage 1

DUPUIS Maité (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada)
candidat CNRS - section 02
Towards the Turaev-Viro amplitudes from a Hamiltonian constraint

(Théorie des Champs & Physique Mathématique)


I will show how the usual Loop Quantum Gravity phase space can be deformed to characterize hyperbolic discrete geometries and thus be a candidate to describe the discretization of SU(2) BF theory with a (negative) cosmological constant. The quantization of this model will then give at the kinematical level, an Hilbert space spanned by spin networks built on Uq(su(2)) (with q real). I will also build an Hamiltonian constraint and show that the Turaev-Viro amplitude with q real is a solution of the quantum Hamiltonian. This model is therefore a natural candidate to describe 3D loop quantum gravity with a (negative) cosmological constant.

Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Alexandrov S.