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(1) Presentation(s)


Ven. 22/01/2016 11:30 Salle RdC, Bâtiment 11, RdC

PONTANI Laetitia (INSP - Institut des nanosciences de Paris)
The many faces of emulsions

(Matière Molle)


We use emulsions as a model system for a wide range of applications : from the synthesis of biomimetic tissues to the production of patchy particles for self assembly, or the study of granular matter. In particular we design bio-inspired emulsions that are stabilized with phospholipids and functionalized with proteins in order to mimic specific cellular functions, such as lipid domain formation, cell-cell adhesion or even hemifusion. The assembly of the droplets in 3D is controlled through their adhesion energy, which can be tuned through the binders grafted on the surface. For example quasi-permanent bonds are created through biotin-streptavidin links, while reversible bonds are created with complementary single DNA strands. We use this versatile system to quantify cellular interactions in a simplified in vitro framework. Moreover we use the emulsion system to control the interactions between the droplets in order to drive their directed self-assembly into 3D structures. For example, immiscible lipids on the surface of emulsion droplets are used to create stable domain patterns, thus providing a route for patchy particle synthesis. Functionalizing these patches with binders allows the droplets to aggregate with a given valency. The mobile adhesion patches can then self-assemble linear chains of thermal droplets into well-defined compact structures. Bio-inspired emulsions are therefore a useful system for problems in biophysics, but also provide a new class of liquid patchy particles for self-assembly.

Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Truzzolillo D.