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(1) Presentation(s)


Ven. 18/11/2016 15:00 Salle RdC, Bâtiment 11, RdC (à confirmer)

SCIORTINO Francesco (Sapienza, Universita di Roma, Italy)
Unconventional Collective Behaviour of DNA – made Nanoparticles

(Physique Statistique)


DNA oligomers can nowadays be assembled to produce a large variety of nanometric constructs, via a cascade of self-assembly processes, each one guided by the length of complementary sequences of distinct DNA strands. In the seminar I will show that it is possible to build bulk quantities of DNA-made nanoparticles that closely match idealised colloids, transferring modern in-paper and in-silico intuitions into experimental realisations. I will show how unconventional collective behaviours, recently explored theoretically and numerically, can indeed be reproduced in the lab. Specifically I will discuss: (i) how to exploit limited valence interactions to suppress phase separation, enhancing the stability of the equilibrium gel phase; (ii) how to exploit competing interactions to generate a material that is fluid both at high and at low temperatures and a solid-like disordered open network structure in between and (iii) how to exploit bond-swap dynamics to create an all-DNA vitrimer.

Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Berthier L.