Structures Carbonées de Basse Dimensionnalité
Dernières publications
High-Order Commensurate Zwitterionic Quinonoid Phase Induces a Nanoscale Dipole Lattice on Graphene
Auteur(s): Nassar Gaelle, Cortés-Arriagada Diego, Sanhueza-Vega Luis, Landois P., Paillet M., Hrich H., Contreras S., Siri Olivier, Pascal Simon, Masson Laurence, Becker Conrad, Ranguis Alain, Parret R., Canard Gabriel, Leoni Thomas
(Article) Publié:
The Journal Of Physical Chemistry C, vol. p. (2024)
Ref HAL: hal-04609427_v1
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c01695
Exporter : BibTex | endNote
Résumé: Since the introduction of hybrid van der Waals heterostructures (h-vdWHs) for device architecture development, many vertically staked organic two-dimensional materials have been investigated in order to control transport properties. This article introduces a novel h-vdWH that achieves periodicinteraction by the development of a superlattice. We describe a complete investigation of the diphenyl-functionalized p-benzoquinonemonoimine zwitterion on highly oriented pyrolytic graphiteand monolayer graphene using high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy images and numerical simulations. The molecular phase on both substrates exhibits a structurally identical antiparallel dipole alignment in a head-to-tail dimer configuration. Density functional theory calculations reveal that this molecularadsorption induces a local dipole at the graphene interface due to the rearrangement of the electron density distribution.