Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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(256) Production(s) de CIPELLETTI L.

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. Dynamical heterogeneities at the Jamming Transition.

Auteur(s): Cipelletti L.

Conference: XIX Sitges Conference (Barcelone, Spain, FR, 2004-06-14)

. Dynamical heterogeneities at the Jamming Transition.

Auteur(s): Cipelletti L.

Conference: Kick-Off Meeting of the Marie Curie RTN "Arrested Matter" (Bonn, Germany, FR, 2004-04-01)

. Fluctuations of the dynamics in jammed systems.

Auteur(s): Cipelletti L.

Conference: Meeting "Lengthscales and heterogeneous dynamics in glassy materials. (Oxford, UK, FR, 2004-09-22)

. Dynamical fluctuations near the jamming transition.

Auteur(s): Cipelletti L.

Conference: Rencontre Franco-Japonaise "Recent progress in glassy physics." (Paris, France, FR, 2004-09-27)

. Intermittency temporal heterogeneity and non-Gaussian fluctuations in the dynamics of jammed soft materials.

Auteur(s): Cipelletti L.

Conference: Fluctuations and Noise in Materials (Maspalomas, Gran Canaria Island, Spain, FR, 2004-05-25)

. Fluctuation of the dynamics in jammed systems.

Auteur(s): Cipelletti L.

Conference: HUSC Meeting (Crete, Greece, FR, 2004-06-25)

. Dynamique de réarrangement de bulles dans une mousse sondée par diffusion multiple de lumière.

Auteur(s): Cipelletti L.

Conference: GDR IMCODE (Paris, France, FR, 2004-12-08)

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