- From Excitonic to Photonic Polariton Condensate in a ZnO-Based Microcavity doi link

Auteur(s): Li Feng, Orosz Laurent, Kamoun O., Bouchoule Sophie, Brimont C., Disseix Pierre, Guillet T., Lafosse Xavier, Leroux Mathieu, Leymarie Joël, Mexis M., Mihailovic Martine, Patriarche Gilles, Reveret François, Solnyshkov Dimitri, Zúñiga-Pérez Jesús, Malpuech Guillaume

(Article) Publié: Physical Review Letters, vol. 110 p.196406 (2013)

Ref HAL: hal-00824238_v1
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.196406
WoS: 000322735100009
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149 Citations

We report exciton-polariton condensation in a new family of fully hybrid ZnO based microcavity demonstrating the best-quality ZnO material available (a bulk substrate), a large quality factor (~4000) and large Rabi splittings (~240 meV). Condensation is achieved between 4 and 300 K and for excitonic fractions ranging between 17% and 96 %, which corresponds to a tuning of the exciton-polariton mass, lifetime and interaction constant by one order of magnitude. We demonstrate mode switching between polariton branches allowing, just by controlling the pumping power, to tune the photonic fraction by a factor 4.