- Elastic and plastic transformations of vitreous silica underpressure hal link

Auteur(s): Foret M.(Corresp.), Ruffle B., Weigel C., Vacher R.

Conférence invité: Journées de la Matière Condensée, 2018 (Grenoble, FR, 2018-08-27)

Ref HAL: hal-01940534_v1
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The talk focuses on the thermodynamical properties of vitreous silica submitted to high pressures in a diamond anvil cell as obtained directly from Brillouin Light Scattering experiments or indirectly from standard relations. The analysis reveals non-negligible differences between static and dynamic compressibilities which are mostly related to the existence of thermally activated relaxational processes. Estimate of the residual densifications after complete cycles of compression/decompression is discussed.