- Hypermultiplet metric and NS5-instantons doi link

Auteur(s): Alexandrov S., Bendriss K.

(Article) Publié: Jhep, vol. 01 p.140 (2024)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : arxiv

Ref HAL: hal-04236880_v1
Ref Arxiv: 2309.14440
Ref INSPIRE: 2703100
DOI: 10.1007/JHEP01(2024)140
Ref. & Cit.: NASA ADS
Exporter : BibTex | endNote

The metric on the hypermultiplet moduli space of Calabi-Yau compactifications of type II string theory is known to receive D-brane and NS5-brane instanton corrections. We compute explicit expressions for these corrections in the one-instanton approximation, but to all orders in the string coupling expansion around the instantons. As a consistency check, we prove that in the case of one (universal) hypermultiplet, the resulting metric fits the Przanowski description of self-dual Einstein spaces. We also show that in the small string coupling limit the metric acquires a certain square structure, consistently with expectations from the string amplitudes analysis. This result provides explicit predictions for yet mysterious string amplitudes in the presence of NS5-branes.