(1) Presentation(s)
Mar. 24/09/2024 14:00 Salle des Séminaires, Bâtiment 21, Etage 4 COMAN Ioana (IPMU, University of Tokyo) VOAs as chiralizations of quiver varieties from 3D SQFTs (Théorie des Interactions Fondamentales) Relations between quantum field theories and vertex operator algebras (VOAs) have proven ubiquitous. I will discuss one such instance, where VOAs arise on the boundary of topologically twisted 3d supersymmetric quantum field theories. These VOAs are defined from twisted non-Abelian quiver gauge theories by restricting to the boundary sector and performing a BRST reduction. The quiver description plays a key role, with parallels between the geometry of the associated quiver variety and structures of the corresponding VOA. There are two interconnected perspectives here: i) physically, BRST closed operators allow to construct an explicit homomorphism from affine W-algebras into the H-twist VOAs of particular quiver gauge theories, while ii) mathematically, the VOAs are defined as a chiralization of an extended quiver variety. The latter point of view is particularly powerful as it allows to implement a reduction procedure for the quiver diagrams, which translates to free-field realisations when lifted to the VOAs. Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Alexandrov S. |