c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c c The program SuSpect: calculating the MSSM (or related models) Spectrum c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Authors: Abdelhak Djouadi, Jean-Loic Kneur and Gilbert Moultaka c (main coding and maintenance: J-L Kneur) c (Lab Charles Coulomb, CNRS & Universite Montpellier). c VERSION: 2.5.1 c Last modifications : Sept 10, 2017 c The reference to be used for the program is: hep-ph/0211331 c (published in Comput. Phys. Commun. 176:426) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c This code calculates the supersymmetric + Higgs particle spectrum in the c unconstrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), as well as c constrained models such as the minimal Supergravity (mSUGRA), the c gauge mediated SUSY (GMSB) and anomaly mediated SUSY (AMSB) breaking c models. All important features are included: c - Renormalization Group evolution between low and high energy scales. c - Consistent implementation of radiative electroweak symmetry breaking. c - Calculation of the physical masses with radiative corrections. c (including e.g. all leading 2-loop corrections to the Higgs masses c in the DRbar scheme -courtesy of Pietro Slavich) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c For the users manual, updated information, changes, maintenance, see c Home page:http://www.coulomb.univ-montp2.fr/perso/jean-loic.kneur/Suspect/ c c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c SUBROUTINE SUSPECT2(iknowl,input,ichoice,errmess) c c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ cc This is the MAIN routine of the program, to be used as it is or to be c called by any other routine (such as SuSpect2_call.f),as discussed below. c The routine has the following four important input control parameters: c c IKNOWL: which sets the degree of control on the various parts of c the algorithm. It has two possible values: c -- IKNOWL=0: blind use of the program, no warning and other messages. c default values are set for the control parameters and the program c gives just the results from the physical input. c -- IKNOWL=1: c some warning/error messages are collected in the SuSpect2.out file c (this is the recommended choice). c c INPUT: sets input (and output) control, it offers now 4 possibilities: c =0: model and option input parameters ONLY read in file suspect2.in. c (output generated in both suspect2.out and SLHA format suspect2_lha.out) c =1: define yourself IN suspect2_call.f all relevant input and parameters. c (i.e. NO reading of input files): c see example of input in accompanying file suspect2_call.f c Maybe more convenient e.g. for scan over the model parameter space. c (output generated in both suspect2.out and SLHA format suspect2_lha.out) c =2: same as input =0 but read SLHA format input file: suspect2_lha.in c (it writes also all output in the SLHA format file: suspect2_lha.out) c =11: same as input=1, but NO output file(s) suspect*.out generated c c ICHOICE: initializes the various options for the models to be considered, c the degree of accuracy to be required, the features to be c included, etc. There are 10 possible choice at present and the c options are described in more details in the input file: c !! NB: ICHOICE(..) superseded if using SLHA input file mode: in this c case we follow SLHA standards and conventions (now adapted to ver. 2). c -- ICHOICE(1): Choice of the model to be considered. c -- ICHOICE(2): choice of perturbative order (1 or 2 loop) of the RGEs. c -- ICHOICE(3): To impose or not the GUT scale. c -- ICHOICE(4): Accuracy of the RGEs. c -- ICHOICE(5): To impose or not the radiative EWSB. c -- ICHOICE(6): Chose different input in the Higgs sector (MA,MU,Mhu,Mhd) c -- ICHOICE(7): Choice of radiative corrections to (s)particles masses. c -- ICHOICE(8): Choice of the EWSB scale c -- ICHOICE(9): Accuracy of the physical spectrum calculation. c -- ICHOICE(10): different options for calculation of Higgs boson masses. c -- ICHOICE(11): running/pole H masses used in loops. c c ERRMESS: which provides a useful set of warning/error message flags, c that are automatically written in the output file SUSPECT2.OUT: c -- ERRMESS(i)= 0: Everything is fine. c -- ERRMESS(1)=-1: tachyon 3rd gen. sfermion from RGE c -- ERRMESS(2)=-1: tachyon 1,2 gen. sfermion from RGE c -- ERRMESS(3)=-1: tachyon A (maybe temporary: see final mass) c -- ERRMESS(4)=-1: tachyon 3rd gen. sfermion from mixing c -- ERRMESS(5)=-1: mu inconsistent (or unstable) after many iterations c -- ERRMESS(6)=-1: non-convergent mu from EWSB c -- ERRMESS(7)=-1: EWSB maybe inconsistent (!but RG-improved only check) c -- ERRMESS(8)=-1: V_Higgs maybe UFB or CCB (!but RG-improved only check) c -- ERRMESS(9)=-1: Higgs boson masses are NaN c -- ERRMESS(10)=-1: RGE problems (non-pert and/or Landau poles) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c The program starts here: c========================== c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) real*8 nf,nl,nq logical su_isNaN parameter(ni=87,nout=88,ninlha=85,noutlha=86) parameter(n=31) dimension ichoice(11),errmess(10),imod(1:2) dimension y(n),ysave(n),ygut(n),yewsb(n),ysav2(n) dimension U(2,2),VV(2,2),Z(4,4),dxmn(4) dimension gcen(2,2),gctb(2,2),glee(2,2),gltt(2,2), . glbb(2,2),ghee(2,2),ghtt(2,2),ghbb(2,2) dimension ac1(2,2),ac2(2,2),ac3(2,2),an1(4,4),an2(4,4),an3(4,4), . acnl(2,4),acnr(2,4) dimension gmn(4),xmn(4),gmc(2),gmst(2),msb(2),gmsl(2), . gmsu(2),gmsd(2),gmse(2),gmsn(4) dimension bsgchm(2), ubsg(2,2),vbsg(2,2) c c **************************************************************** c INPUT parameters for interface with other codes: c c NB: the parameters defined in the commons below in the INPUT/OUTPUT c section are necessary (and sufficient in most situations!) for c interface with other codes. c **************************************************************** c "Standard model" INPUT parameters (couplings and fermion masses): COMMON/SU_smpar/dalfinv,dsw2,dalphas,dmt,dmb,dmc,dmtau c !!NB: dmt,dmtau are pole masses but dmb is mb(mb)_MSbar c RG evolution scale parameters EWSB scale, high and low RGE ends): COMMON/SU_rgscal/dqewsb,dehigh,delow c MSSM parameters of the scalar sector: COMMON/SU_mssmhpar/dmhu2,dmhd2,dma,dmu c The U(1), SU(2), SU(3) soft SUSY-breaking gaugino masses: COMMON/SU_mssmgpar/dm1,dm2,dm3 c The soft-SUSY breaking slepton mass terms (3d and then 1/2 gen.): COMMON/SU_mssmslep/dmsl,dmtaur,dmel,dmer c The soft-SUSY breaking squark mass terms (3d and then 1/2 gen.): COMMON/SU_mssmsqua/dmsq,dmtr,dmbr,dmuq,dmur,dmdr c The soft-SUSY breaking trilinear couplings (3d and then 1/2 gen.): COMMON/SU_atri3/dal,dau,dad COMMON/SU_atri12/dal1,dau1,dad1 c c GUT scale MSSM parameters output: COMMON/SU_mssmhgut/mhu2gut,mhd2gut,magut,mugut COMMON/SU_mssmggut/m1gut,m2gut,m3gut COMMON/SU_mssmslgut/mslgut,mtaurgut,melgut,mergut COMMON/SU_mssmsqgut/msqgut,mtrgut,mbrgut,muqgut,murgut,mdrgut COMMON/SU_A3gut/algut,augut,adgut COMMON/SU_A12gut/al1gut,au1gut,ad1gut c tan(beta) and sign(mu) COMMON/SU_radewsb/sgnmu0,tgbeta c mSUGRA case input parameters: COMMON/SU_msugra/m0,mhalf,a0 c GMSB case input parameters: COMMON/SU_gmsb/mgmmess,mgmsusy,nl,nq c AMSB case input parameters: COMMON/SU_amsb/m32,am0,cq,cu,cd,cl,ce,chu,chd c **************************************************************** c COMMONS for OUTPUT masses and mixing angles: c c !! However some of the INPUT parameters above can also be OUTPUT c at the end of the run: typically the soft terms like mu,mhu2, etc .. c **************************************************************** COMMON/SU_outhiggs/dml,dmh,dmch,alfa c light, heavy, charged Higgs masses, neutral (h,H) mix angle alpha COMMON/SU_outginos/dmc1,dmc2,dmn1,dmn2,dmn3,dmn4,mgluino c charginos 1,2 masses, neutralinos 1-4 masses, gluino mass COMMON/SU_outsqu/dmst1,dmst2,dmsu1,dmsu2 c stop 1,2 and sup 1,2 = scharm 1,2 masses COMMON/SU_outsqd/dmsb1,dmsb2,dmsd1,dmsd2 c sbottom 1,2 and sdown 1,2 = sstrange 1,2 masses COMMON/SU_outslep/dmsl1,dmsl2,dmse1,dmse2,dmsn1,dmsntau c stau 1,2 ; selectron (=smuon) 1,2; sneut_e,mu, sneut_tau masses COMMON/SU_outmix/thet,theb,thel c stop, sbottom, stau mixing angles c low-energy contrained parameter values: rho-1, g_mu-2, Br(b->s gamma): COMMON/SU_lowen/crho,gmuon,brsg c **************************************************************** c COMMONs INTERNAL to the routine c c ("internal" means that normally the user does not have to care about c any parameters defined by the commons etc below: in particular none c of these commons below should be necessary for interface with other codes) c **************************************************************** COMMON/SU_strc/irge,irgmax,ifix,isfrc,inorc COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole COMMON/SU_stegut/ifirst,jfirst,ygut COMMON/SU_errsf/sterr,sberr,stauerr,stnuerr COMMON/SU_qcdflag/nnlo,idrflag COMMON/SU_hflag/ihflag COMMON/SU_tachyrc/tachsqrc COMMON/SU_good/iflop COMMON/SU_sthresh/rmtop,susym,egut COMMON/SU_gunif/kunif COMMON/SU_param/gf,alpha,mz,mw COMMON/SU_cte/nf,cpi,zm,wm,tbeta COMMON/SU_als/xlambda,mc0,mb0,mt0,n0 COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtau,mbpole,mtpole COMMON/SU_runmasses/mtaurun,mbrun,mtrun COMMON/SU_yuka/ytau,yb,ytop COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytauewsb,ybewsb,ytewsb,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_tbewsb/vuewsb,vdewsb common/su_allewsb/yewsb COMMON/SU_treesfer/msbtr1,msbtr2,msttr1,msttr2 common/su_mixflip/istflip,isbflip COMMON/SU_hmass/ma,ml,mh,mch,marun COMMON/SU_break/msl,mtaur,msq,mtr,mbr,al,au,ad, . mu,m1,m2,m3 COMMON/SU_break2/mel,mer,muq,mur,mdr COMMON/SU_smass/gmn,xmn,gmc,gmst,msb,gmsl,gmsu,gmsd,gmse,gmsn COMMON/SU_hcoup/bcoup,a,gat,gab,glt,glb,ght,ghb,ghvv,glvv COMMON/SU_HMIX/BETA,Adum COMMON/SU_cplhsf/gcen,gctb,glee,gltt,glbb,ghee,ghtt,ghbb, . gatt,gabb,gaee COMMON/SU_cplhino/ac1,ac2,ac3,an1,an2,an3,acnl,acnr COMMON/SU_cteloop/vu,vd,atop,ab,atau,rmllt,rmllb,rmlltau, . rmrrt,rmrrb,rmrrtau COMMON/SU_soft/rmtaur,rml,rmbr,rmtr,rmq COMMON/SU_cpl/g12,g22,sw2 COMMON/SU_sgnm123/sgnm1,sgnm2,sgnm3 COMMON/SU_matino/u,vv,z,dxmn common/su_MAinput/piaa,tadba,D2MA,kMAflag c (!! add for MA input case) common/su_errma/errma2z ! added for ma^2(mz) <0 control common/su_mbmb/mbmb,imbmb ! added for mb(mb) input common/su_nonpert/inonpert ! added for non-pert problems COMMON/run_p/pizzp COMMON/pietro/mApole,mCHpole common/su_polemz/ipolemz COMMON/SU_renscale/scale common/SU_ftune/czmu,czbmu,ctmu,ctbmu c c **************************************************************** external su_deriv1,su_deriv2,su_rkqc sgn(x)=dsign(x,x)/dabs(x) c **************************************************************** c c Here comes the initialisation and reading part: c ============================================== c reinitialize various control parameters + other parameters: do ierr=1,10 errmess(ierr)=0.d0 enddo errnogo=0.d0 irge=0 iflop=0 irpb=0 tachsqrc=0.d0 icount=0 iremember=0 do irg=1,31 y(irg)=0.d0 enddo c ml=0.d0 ytauewsb=0.d0 ybewsb=0.d0 ytewsb=0.d0 pizz_mz=0.d0 pizzp =0.d0 inorc=0 inonpert=0 ! added for non-pert pbs control bup=0.d0 sterr=0.d0 sberr=0.d0 stauerr=0.d0 stnuerr=0.d0 errma2z=0.d0 c%%% further reinitializations added alsewsb=0.d0 g2ewsb=0.d0 g1ewsb=0.d0 vuewsb=0.d0 vdewsb=0.d0 c mh=0.d0 mch=0.d0 marun=0.d0 mapole = 1.d0 ! initialization at 1st call (value later superseded) c piaa=0.d0 tadba=0.d0 D2MA=0.d0 kMAflag=0 imbmb =0 c dmc1=0.d0 dmc2=0.d0 dmn1=0.d0 dmn2=0.d0 dmn3=0.d0 dmn4=0.d0 mgluino=0.d0 c dmst1=0.d0 dmst2=0.d0 dmsu1=0.d0 dmsu2=0.d0 dmsb1=0.d0 dmsb2=0.d0 dmsd1=0.d0 dmsd2=0.d0 dmsl1=0.d0 dmsl2=0.d0 dmse1=0.d0 dmse2=0.d0 dmsn1=0.d0 dmsntau=0.d0 c thet=0.d0 theb=0.d0 thel=0.d0 c dml=0.d0 dmh=0.d0 dmch=0.d0 alfa=0.d0 c%%%%%% c open OUTPUT file: if(input.ne.11) then OPEN(NOUT,FILE='suspect2.out',status='unknown') endif c Read input: c Physical input parameters: if(input.eq.0) then c Read all relevant physical parameters from the input file:) OPEN(NI,FILE='suspect2.in',status='unknown') do i=1,10 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) ichoice(1) c do i=1,3 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) ichoice(2) c do i=1,3 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) ichoice(3) c do i=1,3 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) ichoice(4) c do i=1,3 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) ichoice(5) c do i=1,3 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) ichoice(6) c do i=1,5 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) ichoice(7) c do i=1,3 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) ichoice(8) c read(ni,*) read(ni,*) read(ni,*) ichoice(9) c do i=1,5 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) ichoice(10) c do i=1,5 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) ichoice(11) c do i=1,3 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) alfinv, alphas, mt, mbmb, mtau !now mb(mb) c read(ni,*) read(ni,*) read(ni,*) Ehigh, qewsb c read(ni,*) read(ni,*) read(ni,*) c Minimal supergravity input if(ichoice(1).eq.10) then read(ni,*) rm0, rmhalf, a0, tgbeta, sgnmu0 m0=rm0 mhalf=rmhalf else if(ichoice(1).eq.11) then c Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking input: do i=1,4 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) mgmmess, mgmsusy, tgbeta, sgnmu0, nl, nq else if(ichoice(1).eq.12) then c Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking input: do i=1,8 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) m32,am0,tgbeta,sgnmu0,cq,cu,cd,cl,ce,chu,chd else c i.e. non-universal arbitrary input case do i=1,12 read(ni,*) enddo read(ni,*) mhu2, mhd2, tgbeta, sgnmu0 read(ni,*) read(ni,*) m1, m2, m3 read(ni,*) read(ni,*) msl, mtaur, msq, mtr, mbr read(ni,*) read(ni,*) mel, mer, muq, mur, mdr read(ni,*) read(ni,*) al, au, ad, al1, au1, ad1 read(ni,*) read(ni,*) read(ni,*) ma, mu mu = sgnmu0*dabs(mu) ! add to avoid inconsistent user's input endif close(ni) if(gf.eq.0d0) gf = 1.16639d-5 ! only if not already defined if(mz.eq.0d0) mz = 91.187d0 ! only if not already defined c c simple renaming for SLHA output purpose: dalfinv = alfinv dalphas = alphas dmt = mt dmb = mbmb dmc =mc dmtau =mtau dqewsb= qewsb dehigh = ehigh dMHU2 = mhu2 dMHD2 = mhd2 dM1 = m1 dM2 = m2 dM3 = m3 dMSL = msl dMTAUR = mtaur dMSQ = msq dMTR = mtr dMBR = mbr dMEL = mel dMER = mer dMUQ = muq dMUR = mur dMDR = mdr dAL = al dAU = au dAD = ad dAL1 = al1 dAU1 = au1 dAD1 = ad1 dMU = mu dma = ma call SU_read_leshouches(input,ninlha,ichoice,imod) c else if(input.eq.2) then c this is the case where input file is read in SLHA format: open(ninlha,FILE='suspect2_lha.in',status='unknown') call SU_read_leshouches(input,ninlha,ichoice,imod) close(ninlha) endif c if(ichoice(1).eq.10.or.ichoice(1).eq.1) then igut_in=1 else igut_in=0 endif if(input.ne.2.and.igut_in.eq.0) goto 8765 ! all cases =/= SLHA input file c this is the case when input is read from suspect2.in or from a calling c file for mSUGRA c nb this series of IF is due to the various ways in which input may be defined if(input.eq.0) then m0=rm0 mhalf=rmhalf endif if(input.ne.2.and.ichoice(1).eq.10) then al0=a0 ad0=a0 au0=a0 al10=a0 ad10=a0 au10=a0 mhu2=m0**2 mhd2=m0**2 mtaur0=m0 msl0=m0 mbr0=m0 mtr0=m0 msq0=m0 mer0=m0 mel0=m0 mdr0=m0 mur0=m0 muq0=m0 m10=mhalf m20=mhalf m30=mhalf endif 8765 continue c if(input.ne.0) then alfinv =dalfinv alphas =dalphas c mt =dmt mbmb = dmb ! mbmb is mb(mb)_MSbar input mtau = dmtau c qewsb = dqewsb ehigh = dehigh c if(ichoice(1).eq.10) then rm0 = m0 else if(ichoice(1).eq.12) then rm0 = am0 endif rmhalf = mhalf c (nb parameters a0 and sgnmu already defined via common) c if(input.eq.2.or.input.eq.11.or.ichoice(1).eq.1) then if(input.eq.11.and.ichoice(1).eq.10) goto 8766 mhu2 = dmhu2 mhd2 = dmhd2 c m1 = dm1 m2 = dm2 m3 = dm3 c msl = dmsl mtaur = dmtaur msq = dmsq mtr = dmtr mbr = dmbr mel = dmel mer = dmer muq = dmuq mur = dmur mdr = dmdr c al = dal au = dau ad = dad c al1 = dal1 au1 = dau1 ad1 = dad1 c ma = dma mu = dmu 8766 continue endif if(sgnmu0.ne.1d0.and.sgnmu0.ne.-1d0) then if(mu.ne.0d0) then sgnmu0 = mu/dabs(mu) else sgnmu0=1d0 endif else mu = sgnmu0*dabs(mu) !added to avoid inconsistent user's input endif if(input.eq.1) call SU_read_leshouches(input,ninlha,ichoice,imod) endif c c ! added reinitialization of mhu2,mhd2 for scans: if(ichoice(1).ne.2.and.ichoice(6).eq.0) then mhu2=1.d4 mhd2=1.d4 c (nb ichoice(6)=0 -> MA,MU input thus these mhu2,mhd2 values are c irrelevant but only initialized for convergence of iteration control) endif ihflag= ichoice(10) ihrcsave=ihflag ipolemz=ichoice(11) tgbet0 = tgbeta beta_z = datan(tgbet0) if(ichoice(1).eq.12) rm0 = am0 c blind use: assign protection default values to control parameters: if(ichoice(2).eq.0) ichoice(2)=11 c (i.e. 1-loop RGE at first run by default, if 2-loop not chosen) c:essai if(ichoice(3).eq.0.and.ichoice(1).ne.2) ichoice(3)=1 c (i.e. GUT scale always consitently recalculated as g1(gut)=g2(gut) if(ichoice(4).ne.1.and.ichoice(4).ne.2) ichoice(4)=1 iaccsave=ichoice(4) c (i.e. protections against wrong or undefined rge accuracy setup) if(ichoice(5).ne.1) ichoice(5)=1 c (i.e. always EWSB) if(ichoice(8).ne.0) ichoice(8) = 1 c (i.e to be sure that not choosing default EWSB scale c =(m_t_L*m_t_R)^(1/2) is on purpose) c choose frozen scale in RGE parameters: kpole = ichoice(8) c for some NO RGE purposes: inorge = ichoice(1) c for special case where MA(pole) is really input: kmaflag=ichoice(6) c choose susy R.C. options: if(ichoice(7).eq.1) then c only mt,mb,mtau susy R.C. isfrc = 0 else if(ichoice(7).eq.2) then c mt,mb,mtau + (all) squarks + (all) gaugino susy RC: isfrc = 1 endif c c optimize number of long (RG+ Full spectrum) iterations irgmax = 50 irgsave=irgmax c if (ichoice(1) .le. 2 ) then c one could have arbitrary m1,m2,m3 signs sgnm1 = m1/dabs(m1) sgnm2 = m2/dabs(m2) sgnm3 = m3/dabs(m3) else if(ichoice(1) .eq. 10 .or. ichoice(1).eq.11) then c msugra (or gmsb) case sgnm1 = 1.d0 sgnm2 = 1.d0 sgnm3 = 1.d0 else if(ichoice(1) .eq. 12) then c amsb case sgnm1 = 1.d0 sgnm2 = 1.d0 sgnm3 = -1.d0 endif c c rename input parameters for SLHA and other input choice purpose cc if(input.eq.2.or.input.eq.0) then if(input.ne.2.and.ichoice(1).eq.10) goto 9876 mhu20 = mhu2 mhd20 = mhd2 c msl0=msl mtaur0=mtaur msq0=msq mtr0=mtr mbr0=mbr c mel0=mel mer0=mer muq0=muq mur0=mur mdr0=mdr c al0=al au0=au ad0=ad al10=al1 au10=au1 ad10=ad1 mu0=mu c m10=m1 m20=m2 m30=m3 9876 continue cc endif beta = datan(tgbeta) c c some other basic parameter definitions pi = 4*datan(1.d0) cpi = 1.d0/(16*pi*pi) if(gf.eq.0d0) gf = 1.16639d-5 ! only if not already defined sw2 = .2221d0 ! only starting value! sw2_DRbar calculated below fermi=gf if(mz.eq.0d0) mz = 91.187d0 ! only if not already defined zm = mz c guess starting point for susym , elow, ehigh scales: elow = mz if(ichoice(3).ne.0) ehigh = 1.d17 if(ichoice(1).eq.10.or.ichoice(1).eq.12) then susym = .5*(rm0+rmhalf) +mz else if(ichoice(1).eq.11) then susym = mz rm0 = susym c NB this "rm0" is not m0, only used at 1rst iter to guess mu(0),b(0) c else if(ichoice(1).eq.1) then rm0= (msl+mtaur+msq+mtr+mbr+mel+mer+muq+mur+mdr)/10 susym = .5*(rm0+(m1+m2+m3)/3) +mz endif gut=ehigh kunif=ichoice(3) wistep= 1.d2 nf = 6.d0 c c mw, sw^2 msbar at Z scale (values may be changed): cw2= 1.d0-sw2 sw=dsqrt(sw2) cw =dsqrt(cw2) mw = mz*cw wm = mw mc=1.42d0 rmtau=mtau rmtau2=rmtau**2 c c Some saving mc0=mc c mb0=mb mb0=4.9d0 ! value just used for very first initialization mb=mb0 mt0=mt mbpole=mb mtpole=mt mtaurun=mtau mbrun=mb0 mtrun=mt0 c (initial values only! at 1st iter mrun = mpole) c passing from alpha_S(MZ) MSbar to alpha_S(MZ) DRbar: alphas0=alphas g32=4*pi*alphas0/(1.d0-(1.d0/2)*alphas0/(2*pi) ) alphas=g32/4/pi c (NB value in fact used at first RG only, does not include SUSY etc R.C.) c c passing from alpha(MZ) MSbar to alpha(MZ) DRbar: alpha =1.d0/(alfinv -1.d0/pi/6) c (NB value used at first RG iteration only, does not include SUSY etc R.C.) e2=4*pi*alpha sw20=sw2 cw20=1.d0-sw20 g12= e2/cw20 g22=e2/sw20 g120=g12 g220=g22 c acc=1.d-8 nloop=2 nnlo = 1 idrflag =0 xlambda=xitla(nloop,alphas0,acc) ! alphas0 is MSbar n0 = 5 CALL alsini(acc) imbmb=0 ! (just reinitialization) rmbms=runm(mz,5) mb=mbpole mb0=mb c rmbms is mb running(MZ) in MSbar scheme mc=runm(mz,4) c c Now defining running quark masses in DRbar at Z scale: rmb = rmbms*(1.d0-alphas/(3*pi) -23*alphas**2/(72*pi**2) . +3*g22/(128*pi**2) +13*g12/(1152*pi**2)) c rmb is mb running(MZ) in DRbar scheme (what is mostly used after) c c xlambda=xitla(nloop,alphas0,acc) c CALL alsini(acc) c rmb2=rmb**2 rmtop = runm(mt,6) rmt2=rmtop**2 if(ichoice(1).eq.2.and.ichoice(6).eq.1) then iremember=1 ichoice(1)=0 ! a trick to simplify the bottom-up case endif c c **************************************************************** c Long iteration (on RGE + spectrum, once defined) starts here: c **************************************************************** c 44 irge=irge+1 c ! reinitialize at each RGE iter Higgs RC choice (1 or 2 loop): ihflag=ihrcsave c reinitialize error messages until last iteration: if(irge.le.irgmax) then do i=1,10 errmess(i) =0.d0 enddo endif c tbeta=tgbet0 c c calculating s^2_W_DRbar(MZ), g1_DRbar(MZ), g2_DRbar(MZ) incl. SUSY R.C.: if(irge.ge.2) then c (because at first call no susy physical masses etc are defined) c first need to compute PIzz(Q=mz), PIww(Q=mz): scale = mz call SU_PIXX(sw2,dsqrt(g22),dsqrt(g12),tbeta,pizz,piww,piww0 $ ,0d0) ! PiXX with pole mt pizz_mz=pizz c Now the more complete calculation of g1,g2,sw2 (MZ) in DRbar: call su_runningcp(alphas0,mt,rmtop,m3z,tbeta,pizz,piww,piww0, . alphadr,alphas,sw2) e2=4*pi*alphadr cw2=1.d0-sw2 c!!!following redef of sw etc added sw=dsqrt(sw2) cw =dsqrt(cw2) mw = sqrt((mz**2+pizz)*cw2 - piww) wm = mw g12= e2/cw2 g22=e2/sw2 g32=4*pi*alphas endif c - higgs vev at Z scale: tbeta = vu/vd c (NB in our normalization MZ = (g12+g22)/2*(vu2+vd2), and there c are no factors of sqrt(2) in the Higgs doublet components c (cf Ramond et al PRD49(1994) 4882) if(irge.eq.1) then pizz =0.d0 else call SU_PIXX(sw2,dsqrt(g22),dsqrt(g12),tbeta,pizz,piww,piww0 $ ,rmtop) ! PiZZ with running mt pizz_mz=pizz endif c if(su_isNaN(pizz).or.mz**2+pizz.le.0.d0) then c !!! protections added c non-pert or NaN pb, uses tree-level values temporarily: pizz = 0.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) inonpert=-1 endif c vd2 = 2*(mz**2+pizz)/(g12+g22)/(1.d0+tbeta**2) cbeta= 1.d0/dsqrt(1.d0+tbeta**2) sbeta=tbeta*cbeta vu2 = vd2*tbeta**2 vd= dsqrt(vd2) vu= dsqrt(vu2) v= dsqrt(vu2+vd2) vd_mz=vd vu_mz=vu c c defining Yukawa couplings at Z scale: if(irge.eq.1) then y(4) = mtau/vd c QCD corrections to mt(mz) (yt(mz)=y(6)) in DRbar including Logs: mtlog = dlog((mt/mz)**2) delmt = alphas/pi*(5.d0/3 -mtlog) . +alphas**2*(0.876d0 -0.384*mtlog +0.038*mtlog**2) c y(6) = rmtop/vu*(1.d0-delmt) y(5) = rmb/vd endif c - higgs vev at Z scale: y(7)=Ln vu, y(8)=Ln vd y(7) = .5*log(vu2) y(8) = .5*log(vd2) c 1st stage: evolution of gauge + yukawa cpl from Mz to GUT: c ! for irge=1 (iter. 1) yukawa's determined from QCD corrections only y(1) = 5.d0*g12/3.d0 c (i.e usual SU(5) normalisation of g1) y(2) = g22 y(3) = g32 c set RGE accuracy choices (3 different) if(ichoice(4).eq.0) then h1=.2d0 eps=1.d-3 else if(ichoice(4).eq.1) then h1=.06d0 eps=1.d-3 else if(ichoice(4).eq.2) then h1=.01d0 if(ichoice(1).eq.0.or.ichoice(1).eq.2) h1=.005d0 c ! more precise rge for pmssm eps=2.d-5 endif c if(ichoice(3).ne.0.and.irge.eq.1) ehigh =1.d17 c note ehigh = 1.e17 will be superseded c by true unification scale (where y(1)=y(2) by def.)): c if(ichoice(1).eq.0) then c Case where only mass spectrum at EWSB scale is calculated: c it is then assumed that all MSSM parameters are defined at EWSB scale, c except tanbeta(mz). The EWSB scale is an input arbitrarily chosen, and c the only RGE performed is to calculate the gauge+yukawa +vevs from their c input values at mz scale to their consistent values at EWSB scale. c if(ichoice(8).eq.0) then if(qewsb.eq.0.d0) qewsb = 1.05*zm c (protections in case of badly chosen ewsb scale input in this case) else if(irge.eq.1) then qewsb=dsqrt(msq*mtr) else qewsb=dsqrt(msttr1*msttr2) endif if(qewsb.lt.mz) qewsb=mz+1.d-1 !! added protection endif x1 = dlog(zm) x2 = dlog(qewsb) else c means all other cases where RGE is performed from mz to GUT scales if(ichoice(8).eq.1) then if(irge.eq.1) then qewsb= mz else qewsb = dsqrt(msttr1*msttr2) if(qewsb.lt.mz) qewsb=mz+1.d-1 !! added protection endif endif x1 = dlog(zm) x2 = dlog(1d17) c!essai if(ichoice(1).eq.2.and.ehigh.ne.0d0) x2=dlog(ehigh) if(ichoice(3).eq.0.and.ehigh.ne.0d0) x2=dlog(ehigh) endif c ifirst=0 jfirst=0 scale = qewsb c first step: run from mz to high scale with initial conditions c g_i(mz), yukawa_i, find GUT scale etc. c if(ichoice(2).eq.11) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,x1,x2,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv1,su_rkqc) else if(ichoice(2).eq.21) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,x1,x2,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv2,su_rkqc) endif c protection against RGE num. pbs (Landau poles, non-perturbativity): if(iflop.eq.1) then errmess(10)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif if(ichoice(1).eq.0) then g1ewsb = dsqrt(3*y(1)/5) g2ewsb = dsqrt(y(2)) alsewsb = y(3)/4/pi ytauewsb=y(4) ybewsb= y(5) ytewsb= y(6) vuewsb=dexp(y(7)) vdewsb=dexp(y(8)) tbeta= vuewsb/vdewsb goto 880 endif c c (exact) gauge (g1=g2) unif. if required: 882 if(egut.ne.0.d0.and.ichoice(3).ne.0) then ehigh=egut do irg=1,31 y(irg)=ygut(irg) enddo y(2)=y(1) endif c do i=1,8 ysave(i)=y(i) end do vu = dexp(y(7)) vd = dexp(y(8)) mtaugut=vd*y(4) mbgut = vd*y(5) mtgut=vu*y(6) c if(ichoice(1).eq.2.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then dmhu2 =y(12) dmhd2 =y(13) dmtaur = dsqrt(y(14)) dmsL = dsqrt(y(15)) dmbr =dsqrt(y(16)) dmtr =dsqrt(y(17)) dmsQ =dsqrt(y(18)) dmer =dsqrt(y(24)) dmel =dsqrt(y(25)) dmdr =dsqrt(y(26)) dmur =dsqrt(y(27)) dmuQ =dsqrt(y(28)) dal =y(9) dad =y(10) dau =y(11) dal1 =y(29) dad1 =y(30) dau1 =y(31) c dB = y(19) dmu = sgnmu0*dexp(y(23)) dM1=sgnM1*dexp(y(20)) dM2=sgnM2*dexp(y(21)) dM3=sgnM3*dexp(y(22)) goto 801 endif c****************************************************************** c 2d stage: evolution from HIGH (GUT) scale down to low energy c****************************************************************** c c Now taking input rmu0,B0 values (!only guess initialization values) if(ichoice(6).eq.0.and.irge.gt.1) then mhu2 = y(12) mhd2=y(13) c i.e. for MA_pole,MU(EWSB) input: in this case mhu2,mhd2(GUT) should not c be reinitialized (except at first RGE iteration where they are undefined) endif c guess mu(GUT) value at first time run (later superseeded by EWSB MU) c this apply in particular in mSUGRA or non-univ cases: if(rm0.eq.0d0) rm0 = 1d-4 ! protection if(irge.eq.1) rmu0 = 1.1*rm0 c 7 rmu0=sgnmu0*dabs(rmu0) c also guess value for b(GUT): b0 = 2*rm0 c set up boundary conditions at GUT scale: c yukawa coupling (eventual) unification at GUT scale: if(ichoice(3).ge.2) then y(5)=y(4) ysave(5)=y(5) endif c (tau- b unification) if(ichoice(3).eq.3) then y(6)=y(5) ysave(6)=y(6) endif c (tau-b-top unification): ! caution then tanbeta is constrained! c (!! NOT YET operative !!) c c - Higgs initial vev at GUT scale: fixed from evolution c from Z scale (see above) 2 icount=icount+1 c icount is a counter for things to be done only at first iteration errhu=1.d3 errhd=1.d3 ifix =0 c errhu,hd,ifix are convergence control parameters for ichoice(6)=0 c if on different high-energy input (msugra, amsb,gmsb,..) starts here: c 77 if(ichoice(1).eq.1.or.ichoice(1).eq.10) then c Unconstrained MSSM: general case; ! now includes SUGRA case with c universality as special case in same algorithm y(9)=al0 y(10)=ad0 y(11)=au0 y(29)=al10 y(30)=ad10 y(31)=au10 y(12)=mhu2 y(13)=mhd2 y(14)=mtaur0**2 y(15)=msl0**2 y(16)=mbr0**2 y(17)=mtr0**2 y(18)=msq0**2 if(irge.eq.1) y(19)=b0 if(irge.eq.1) y(23)=dlog(dabs(rmu0)) y(24)=mer0**2 y(25)=mel0**2 y(26)=mdr0**2 y(27)=mur0**2 y(28)=muq0**2 y(20)=dlog(dabs(m10)) y(21)=dlog(dabs(m20)) y(22)=dlog(dabs(m30)) c else if(ichoice(1).eq.2.and.irge.eq.1) then c Bottom-up RGE case with soft(EWSB) input: initialize reasonable GUT c scale (guess) values at firt RGE iteration to catch convergence do j= 9,11 y(j) = 0d0 end do do j= 29,31 y(j) = 0d0 end do do kk=12,18 y(kk) = 100d0 end do do kk=24,28 y(kk) = 100d0 end do y(19) = b0 do l=20,22 y(l) = dlog(100d0) end do y(23) = 0d0 c else if(ichoice(1).eq.12) then c AMSB case: m3/2, m0,c_q, etc (coeffs of m0),sgn(mu0) input) CALL SU_AMSBSUB(rm0,m32,cq,cu,cd,cl,ce,chu,chd,y(1),y(2),y(3), . y(4),y(5),y(6),y(9),y(10),y(11),y(29),y(30),y(31),y(12),y(13), . y(14),y(15),y(16),y(17),y(18),y(24),y(25),y(26),y(27),y(28), . m10,m20,m30) c y(20)=dlog(dabs(m10)) y(21)=dlog(dabs(m20)) y(22)=dlog(dabs(m30)) c remaining needed parameters: if(irge.eq.1) y(19)=b0 if(irge.eq.1) y(23) = dlog(dabs(rmu0)) c forces radiative EW breaking (if was not chosen before:) ichoice(5)=1 endif c======================================= 883 x1= dlog(ehigh) c c Generic end of running scale: determined "consistently" by default: c - at MZ scale for gauge+yukawas couplings, that are defined at MZ, c - at EWSB scale (!by default = sqrt(mst_L*mst_R)). c For all others RG parameters c if(scale.eq.0d0) scale =mz+1d-1 ! protection against undefined xewsb=dlog(scale) x2=dlog(mz) h1=-h1 3 issb=0 istab=0 ifirst=0 jfirst=0 if(ichoice(1).ne.11) then c RGE is made in two steps from Gut scale to EWSB; then MZ if(ichoice(2).eq.11) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,x1,xewsb,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad, . su_deriv1,su_rkqc) else if(ichoice(2).eq.21) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,x1,xewsb,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad, . su_deriv2,su_rkqc) endif else c this is GMSB case: input are mgmmess,mgmgsusy,nl,nq, sgn(mu) and tbeta) c but intermediate (messenger) scale: mgmmess for RGE of soft terms c if(irge.eq.1) y(19) = B0 if(irge.eq.1) y(23) = dlog(dabs(rmu0)) xint = dlog(mgmmess) if(ichoice(2).eq.11) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,x1,xint,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv1, . su_rkqc) else if(ichoice(2).eq.21) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,x1,xint,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv2, . su_rkqc) endif c - Now input soft susy-breaking terms at messenger scale: CALL SU_GMSBSUB(mgmmess,mgmsusy,nl,nq, y(1),y(2),y(3), . y(9),y(10),y(11),y(29),y(30),y(31),y(12),y(13),y(14),y(15),y(16), . y(17),y(18),y(24),y(25),y(26),y(27),y(28),m10,m20,m30) c y(20)=dlog(dabs(M10)) y(21)=dlog(dabs(m20)) y(22)=dlog(dabs(m30)) do i=29,31 y(i) = 0.d0 enddo c next RGE down to EWSB scale: forces as usual radiative EW breaking: ichoice(5)=1 if(ichoice(2).eq.11) then c$$$ CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,xint,x2,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv1, CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,xint,xewsb,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv1, . su_rkqc) else if(ichoice(2).eq.21) then c$$$ CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,xint,x2,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv2, CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,xint,xewsb,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv2, . su_rkqc) endif endif c (last endif = end of non-univ/mSUGRA/GMSB/AMSB distinctions) c c protection against big troubles in RGE (e.g. Landau poles): if(iflop.eq.1) then errmess(10)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif c c check for problems (non-perturbativity or/and Landau poles) in RGE: do i=1,31 if(su_isnan(y(i))) then errmess(10)=-1.d0 endif end do if(errmess(10).eq.-1.d0) then goto 801 endif if(ichoice(1).eq.2) then c ! new algorithm for EWSB soft terms input with bottom-up RGE c Unconstrained MSSM: general case: note in this case al0 etc are c supposed to be soft terms input values at low EWSB input scale y(9)=al0 y(10)=ad0 y(11)=au0 y(29)=al10 y(30)=ad10 y(31)=au10 if(ichoice(6).eq.1.or.irge.eq.1) then y(12)=mhu2 y(13)=mhd2 endif c (nb otherwise it means that MA_pole and MU(EWSB) are input) y(14)=mtaur0**2 y(15)=msl0**2 y(16)=mbr0**2 y(17)=mtr0**2 y(18)=msq0**2 if(irge.eq.1) y(19)=b0 if(irge.eq.1) y(23)=dlog(dabs(rmu0)) y(24)=mer0**2 y(25)=mel0**2 y(26)=mdr0**2 y(27)=mur0**2 y(28)=muq0**2 y(20)=dlog(dabs(m10)) y(21)=dlog(dabs(m20)) y(22)=dlog(dabs(m30)) c endif vu=dexp(y(7)) vd=dexp(y(8)) c c saving all rge parameters at ewsb scale: do ip=1,31 yewsb(ip)=y(ip) enddo c saving also Yukawas and others at EWSB scale: 886 ytauewsb=y(4) ybewsb=y(5) ytewsb=y(6) alsewsb=y(3)/(4*pi) g2ewsb= dsqrt(y(2)) g1ewsb= dsqrt(3*y(1)/5) vuewsb = dexp(y(7)) vdewsb=dexp(y(8)) tbeta=dexp(y(7))/dexp(y(8)) atau =y(9) ab=y(10) atop=y(11) al1 =y(29) ad1=y(30) au1=y(31) rmhu2 = y(12) rmhd2 = y(13) c !! change (after 10 iter) of standard fixed point algorithm: c mhu_new = mhu_ewsb -> mhu_new = (1-c)*mhu_old + c*mhu_ewsb, c=0.3 c this trick may help recovering convergence if on the boarder: c also increasing RGE accuracy in this case: if(irge.ge.10) then rmhu2= .7d0*rmhu2old +.3d0*rmhu2 ichoice(4)=2 c (i.e. also increasing RGE accuracy in this case) endif c do kk=14,18 if(y(kk).lt.0.d0) then if(irge.eq.irgmax) errmess(1)=-1.d0 if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)') 'Bad input: one m^2(3rd gen. sf) <0 from RGE ' write(*,'(a)') 'maybe temporary due to iteration. wait and see' endif c endif enddo do kk=24,28 if(y(kk).lt.0.d0) then if(irge.eq.irgmax) errmess(2)=-1.d0 if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)') 'Bad input: one m^2(1,2 gen. sf) <0 from RGE ' write(*,'(a)') 'maybe temporary due to iteration. wait and see' endif endif enddo c if(errmess(1).eq.-1.d0.or.errmess(2).eq.-1.d0) then goto 801 endif c rmtaur = dsqrt(y(14)) rmL = dsqrt(y(15)) rmbr=dsqrt(y(16)) rmtr=dsqrt(y(17)) rmQ =dsqrt(y(18)) rmer =dsqrt(y(24)) rmel=dsqrt(y(25)) rmdr=dsqrt(y(26)) rmur=dsqrt(y(27)) rmuQ=dsqrt(y(28)) c!! modif (temporary, until final conv) rescue in case tachyon RGE sf if(irge.lt.irgmax) then ! protections against NaN if(y(14).lt.0.d0) rmtaur=1.d0 if(y(15).lt.0.d0) rmL=1.d0 if(y(16).lt.0.d0) rmbr=1.d0 if(y(17).lt.0.d0) rmtr=1.d0 if(y(18).lt.0.d0) rmQ=1.d0 c if(y(24).lt.0.d0) rmer=1.d0 if(y(25).lt.0.d0) rmel=1.d0 if(y(26).lt.0.d0) rmdr=1.d0 if(y(27).lt.0.d0) rmur=1.d0 if(y(28).lt.0.d0) rmuQ=1.d0 else if(y(14).lt.0.d0) errmess(1)=-1d0 if(y(15).lt.0.d0) errmess(1)=-1d0 if(y(16).lt.0.d0) errmess(1)=-1d0 if(y(17).lt.0.d0) errmess(1)=-1d0 if(y(18).lt.0.d0) errmess(1)=-1d0 c if(y(24).lt.0.d0) errmess(2)=-1d0 if(y(25).lt.0.d0) errmess(2)=-1d0 if(y(26).lt.0.d0) errmess(2)=-1d0 if(y(27).lt.0.d0) errmess(2)=-1d0 if(y(28).lt.0.d0) errmess(2)=-1d0 c if(errmess(1).eq.-1d0.or.errmess(2).eq.-1.d0) goto 801 endif c B = y(19) if(ichoice(1).eq.2.and.ichoice(6).eq.0) then ! if MU(ewsb) input rmu0=mu y(23)=dlog(dabs(mu)) endif rmu = sgn(rmu0)*dexp(y(23)) if(ichoice(6).eq.0) rmu=mu ! if MU(ewsb) input if(ichoice(5).eq.1) then Bold =B rmuold =1.d0 c else c means no radiative EW required continue endif rmino1=sgnM1*dexp(y(20)) rmino2=sgnM2*dexp(y(21)) rmino3=sgnM3*dexp(y(22)) c c interface with Higgs mass spectrum calculations: ihflag=ichoice(10) c msl=rml mtaur=rmtaur msq=rmq mtr=rmtr mbr=rmbr c mel=rmel mer=rmer muq=rmuq mur=rmur mdr=rmdr c al=atau au=atop ad=ab mu=rmu c c m1=rmino1 m2=rmino2 m3=rmino3 c tan beta at the relevant (ewsb) scale: tbeta c (extracted from COMMON/SU_tbewsb/vuewsb,vdewsb ) tbeta= vuewsb/vdewsb beta = datan(tbeta) c c set EWSB scale IF not defaut value (used in RGE, V_eff, and susy R.C): if(ichoice(8).eq.0) then scale= qewsb ewsb2= qewsb**2 else if(ichoice(8).eq.1) then c Default EWSB scale: if(msttr1.ne.0.d0.and.irge.gt.1) then scale= dsqrt(msttr1*msttr2) else scale = dsqrt(msq*mtr) endif if(scale.lt.mz) then !! added protections scale=mz+1.d-1 if(scale.lt.dsqrt(msq*mtr)) then scale= dsqrt(msq*mtr) qewsb= scale endif endif ewsb2= scale**2 endif c c Gaugino masses: CALL SU_GAUGINO(mu,m1,m2,m3,beta,a,gmc,gmn,xmn) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif c dmc1=gmc(1) dmc2=gmc(2) dmn1=xmn(1) dmn2=xmn(2) dmn3=xmn(3) dmn4=xmn(4) c c****************************************************************** c- Set up the conditions for radiative sym. break. and stability: c******************************************************************* cbeta=1.d0/dsqrt(1.d0+tbeta*tbeta) sbeta = tbeta*cbeta c2beta = cbeta*cbeta-sbeta*sbeta wm2=wm*wm zm2=zm*zm c if(ichoice(6).eq.0) then c======================================== c input is MA_pole!, MU(EWSB). Consistent M^2_Hu, M^2_d from EWSB c with iteration. 66 ifix=ifix+1 inonpert=0 if(ichoice(1).eq.0) then ewsb2= qewsb**2 ytewsb = rmtop/vu endif c Gaugino masses ccc if(ichoice(7).eq.2.and.irge.eq.irgmax) inorc =1 !commented jlk 30/01/2013 CALL SU_GAUGINO(mu,m1,m2,m3,beta,a,gmc,gmn,xmn) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif c c sfermion masses CALL SU_SFERMION(msq,mtr,mbr,msl,mtaur,al,au,ad,mu, . gmst,msb,gmsl,gmsu,gmsd,gmse,gmsn) if(sterr.eq.-1.d0.or.sberr.eq.-1.d0.or.stauerr.eq.-1.d0. . or.stnuerr.eq.-1.d0) then c means there is really the tachyonic sfermion mass problem: c can't even calculate Higgs spectrum etc, so has to stop really. errmess(4)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif c c Higgs masses c the user's Ma input value is used in Higgs spectrum calc.: ma2 = ma**2 mapole2=ma2 !! in that case the input is really MA_pole if(ewsb2.lt.mz**2) ewsb2=qewsb**2 CALL SU_SUSYCP(tgbeta) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10) =-1.d0 goto 801 endif alfa= a c c call one-loop effective potential corrections to Mh^2_1,2: c dVdvd2, dVdvu2 are d(V_eff)/d(vd^2) and d(V_eff)/d(vu^2) which c add corrections to m^2_Phid (rmhd2) and m^2_Phiu (rmhu2) resp. rmtaur = mtaur rml = msl rmbr= mbr rmtr= mtr rmq = msq atau= al ab= ad atop = au rmst12= msttr1**2 rmst22= msttr2**2 rmsb12= msbtr1**2 rmsb22= msbtr2**2 rmstau12=gmsl(1)**2 rmstau22=gmsl(2)**2 dmsu1=gmsu(1) dmsu2=gmsu(2) dmsd1=gmsd(1) dmsd2=gmsd(2) dmse1=gmse(1) dmse2=gmse(2) dmsn1=gmsn(1) dmsntau=gmsn(3) dmc1=gmc(1) dmc2=gmc(2) dmn1=xmn(1) dmn2=xmn(2) dmn3=xmn(3) dmn4=xmn(4) rmu=mu ewsb2 = scale**2 c if(ytewsb.eq.0.d0) ytewsb=rmtop/vu if(ytauewsb.eq.0.d0) ytauewsb=rmtau/vu if(ybewsb.eq.0.d0) ybewsb= rmb/vu CALL SU_VLOOP2(ewsb2,MU,AU,AD,AL,dVdvd2,dVdvu2,pizz) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10) =-1.d0 goto 801 endif if(ifix.eq.1) then dVdvd2=0.d0 dVdvu2=0.d0 rmhu2old=0.d0 rmhd2old=0.d0 endif c c sb2=dsin(beta)**2 cb2=dcos(beta)**2 mzdr2= mz**2+pizz madr2= mapole2 +piaa -tadba -D2MA rmhu2 = (cb2-sb2)*mzdr2/2 +cb2*madr2 -mu**2 -dVdvu2 rmhd2 = (sb2-cb2)*mzdr2/2 +sb2*madr2 -mu**2 -dVdvd2 c c (Note: -dVdvi2: to get "tree-level" values of M^2_Hu, M^2_Hd, c thus without V_eff loop corrections) dmhu2=rmhu2 dmhd2=rmhd2 B=(rmhd2+rmhu2+dVdvd2+dVdvu2+2*rmu**2)*dsin(2*beta)/(2*rmu) c - to be compared to previous M^2_Hu,Hd values: errhuold=errhu errhdold=errhd errhu = (rmhu2-rmhu2old)/rmhu2 errhd = (rmhd2-rmhd2old)/rmhd2 errstop=1d-2 if(ifix.gt.1) errstop=1d-4 if(dabs(errhu).gt.errstop.and.dabs(errhd).gt.errstop) then rmhu2old=rmhu2 rmhd2old=rmhd2 goto 66 endif c y(12) = rmhu2 y(13) = rmhd2 c 8 continue if(ichoice(6).eq.0) then c stop long (RGE) iterations on spectrum when xx % accuracy reached: c (usually needs ~ 3-4 iterations). NB conv. test is made on MA_run(EWSB) if(irge.eq.1) madr2old=0.d0 if(ichoice(9).le.1) then if(dabs(1.d0-madr2old/madr2).lt.2d-2) irgmax=irge else if(dabs(1.d0-madr2old/madr2).lt.2d-4) irgmax=irge endif madr2old=madr2 endif c c========================== Now comes ichoice(6).neq.0 i.e: c input parameters M_Hu, M_Hd c consistent mu, B from EWSB conditions else c=========================== c stop long iterations on spectrum when xx % accuracy reached: c (usually needs ~ 3-4 iterations) if(ichoice(1).ne.2) then if(irge.eq.1) rmhu2old=0.d0 if(ichoice(9).le.1) then ! 1% accuracy if(dabs(1.d0-rmhu2old/rmhu2).lt.2d-2) irgmax=irge else ! 0.01% accuracy if(dabs(1.d0-rmhu2old/rmhu2).lt.2d-4) irgmax=irge endif rmhu2old=rmhu2 if(irge.eq.irgsave) errmess(5)=-1.d0 endif c --- algorithm to find a consistent mu with V_eff corrections: errB=1.d5 errmu=1.d5 if(ichoice(5).eq.1) then c i.e. we want EWSB to determine mu and B dVdvd2=0.d0 dVdvu2=0.d0 ifix=0 80 ifix=ifix+1 inonpert=0 mu=rmu CALL SU_GAUGINO(mu,m1,m2,m3,beta,a,gmc,gmn,xmn) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif c dmc1=gmc(1) dmc2=gmc(2) dmn1=xmn(1) dmn2=xmn(2) dmn3=xmn(3) dmn4=xmn(4) c c equation for MA_run: if(irge.eq.1) pizz=0.d0 ma2 =(rmhu2+dVdvu2-rmhd2-dVdvd2)/dcos(2*beta)-zm**2-pizz dmhu2=rmhu2 dmhd2=rmhd2 c if(ma2.ge.0.d0) then MA=dsqrt(ma2) masave=ma errmess(3)=0.d0 else c Allows for temporary MA^2 < 0 (before EWSB converges) c and attempt to retrieve a correct MA via a correct MU etc. c Gives approximate MA_run(ewsb) values just so that calculation c (EWSB iteration) can proceed for a while: ma=1.1d0 if(.NOT.(su_isNaN(mapole)).and.mapole.ne.0.d0) ma=mapole masave=ma CALL SU_GAUGINO(mu,m1,m2,m3,beta,a,gmc,gmn,xmn) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif endif c c Now Calculate sfermion masses and mixing angle: c CALL SU_SFERMION(msq,mtr,mbr,msl,mtaur,al,au,ad,mu, . gmst,msb,gmsl,gmsu,gmsd,gmse,gmsn) if(sterr.eq.-1.d0.or.sberr.eq.-1.d0.or.stauerr.eq.-1.d0. . or.stnuerr.eq.-1.d0) then c means there is really the tachyonic sfermion mass problem: c can't even calculate Higgs spectrum etc, so has to stop really. errmess(4)=-1.d0 if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)')' CAUTION: m^2_sf < 0! . Has been changed to 0 ' endif goto 801 endif if(tachsqrc.eq.-1.d0) then errmess(4)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif c Otherwise (= no tachyonic sfermions) calculate Higgs mass spectrum: CALL SU_SUSYCP(tbeta) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10) =-1.d0 goto 801 endif c protection against NAN Higgs that could occurs despite previous protec. if(su_isNAN(ml).or.su_isNAN(mH).or.su_isNAN(MCH)) then errmess(9)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif if(ml.eq.0.d0.or.ml.gt.1.d10.or.mH.gt.1.d10) then if(irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(9)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif endif c rmst12= msttr1**2 rmst22= msttr2**2 rmsb12= msbtr1**2 rmsb22= msbtr2**2 rmstau12=gmsl(1)**2 rmstau22=gmsl(2)**2 dmsu1=gmsu(1) dmsu2=gmsu(2) dmsd1=gmsd(1) dmsd2=gmsd(2) dmse1=gmse(1) dmse2=gmse(2) dmsn1=gmsn(1) dmsntau=gmsn(3) alfa= a c call one-loop effective potential corrections to Mh^2_1,2: c c dVdvd2, dVdvu2 are d(V_eff)/d(vd^2) and d(V_eff)/d(vu^2) which c add corrections to m^2_Hd (rmhd2) and m^2_Hu (rmhu2) resp. c if(ytewsb.eq.0.d0) ytewsb=rmtop/vu if(ytauewsb.eq.0.d0) ytauewsb=rmtau/vu if(ybewsb.eq.0.d0) ybewsb= rmb/vu CALL SU_VLOOP2(ewsb2,MU,AU,AD,AL,dVdvd2,dVdvu2,pizz) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10) =-1.d0 goto 801 endif c if(su_isNAN(dvdvd2).or.su_isNaN(dvdvu2)) then if(irge.eq.irgmax.and.ifix.ne.1) then errmess(3)=-1.d0 goto 801 else c Maybe due to uncorrect spectrum at 1rst iter., give it a chance if(su_isNAN(dvdvd2)) dvdvd2=0.d0 if(su_isNAN(dvdvu2)) dvdvu2=0.d0 endif endif c Now the radiative breaking conditions DEFINE true mu(mz): c c Tree-level EWSB conditions as (first time!) MU guess: if(ifix.eq.1) then rmu2 =(rmhd2-(rmhu2)*tbeta**2)/(tbeta**2-1.d0) . -(zm**2+pizz)/2.d0 else rmu2 =(rmhd2+dVdvd2-(rmhu2+dVdvu2)*tbeta**2)/(tbeta**2-1.d0) . -(zm**2+pizz)/2.d0 endif if(rmu2.le.0.d0) then if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)')'Warning: MU^2(EWSB) <0 (may be temporary) ' endif if(irge.eq.irgmax.and.ifix.ge.5) then c Consider the MU^2 < 0 problem irremediable: errmess(6)=-1.d0 goto 801 else c Take approximate MU "RG" =f(MA,M_Hu,Mhd) to attempt to retrieve c EWSB convergence: if(ma**2-rmhu2 -rmhd2.gt.0.d0) then rmu= sgn(rmu0)*dsqrt((ma**2-rmhu2 -rmhd2)/2) else c take arbitrary small MU to attempt to retrieve EWSB convergence: rmu = sgn(rmu0)*10d0 endif endif c rmu= rmu/2.d0 else rmu =sgn(rmu0)*dsqrt(rmu2) c !! added: change (after 10 iter) of standard fixed point algorithm: c mu_new = mu_ewsb -> mu_new = (1-c)* mu_old + c*mu_ewsb, c=0.3 c to try recovering convergence if on the boarder: if(ifix.ge.10) rmu= .7d0*rmuold +.3d0*rmu MU=rmu endif c c - ..and true B(EWSB): c tree-level EWSB conditions as first time MU guess: if(ifix.eq.1) then B = (rmhd2 +rmhu2 +2*rmu**2)*sbeta*cbeta/rmu else B = (rmhu2+dVdvu2 +rmhd2+dVdvd2 +2*rmu**2)*sbeta*cbeta/rmu endif c c - to be compared to evolved mu values: errmuold=errmu errmu= (rmu-rmuold)/rmuold if(dabs(errmu).lt.5.d-5.and.ma2.gt.0.d0.and.rmu2.gt.0.d0 & .or.ifix.eq.20) then c i.e. considers as unconvergent MU from EWSB either: c -inaccurate (> 1e-4) convergence; c - more than 5 tolerated iterations IF MA^2 was in fact <0, c so that convergence is around fake MA,MU c since MA was articifially forced = MZ temporarily in that case c goto 81 else if(ma2.le.0.d0.and.ifix.eq.5) goto 81 c !!added to get out if really unconvergent EWSB: if(dabs(errmu).gt.dabs(errmuold).and.ifix.gt.15) then if(irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(6)=-1.d0 goto 801 else goto 81 endif endif c rmuold=rmu goto 80 endif c ( end of the iterative loop on consistent MU,B ) c 81 continue endif c (previous endif = end of the choice M_Hu,MHd or MA,MU input) if(ma2.le.0.d0.and.ifix.eq.5.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(6)=-1.d0 errmess(3)=-1.d0 if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)')' consistent EWSB unconvergent below 1d-4' endif endif if(ifix.eq.20.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(6)=-1.d0 errmess(3)=-1.d0 if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)')' consistent EWSB unconvergent below 1d-4' endif endif c 88 if(ichoice(1).eq.1.and.ifix.eq.20) then errmess(6)=-1.d0 if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)')' consistent EWSB unconvergent below 1d-4' endif endif c endif c control SSB V stability (naive RG improved checks of UFB/CCB): r1= rmhd2 +dvdvd2 +mu**2 r2= rmhu2 +dvdvu2 +mu**2 r3= B*mu test1= r1*r2-r3*r3 test2 = ma2 +2*r3 test3 = ma2 -2*r3 if(ichoice(5).eq.1) then if(test1.ge.0.d0.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(7)=-1.d0 if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)')' Warning!: EW Sym. Break may be not realized ' endif endif if(test2.lt.0.d0.or.test3.lt.0.d0.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(8)=-1.d0 if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)')' Warning: Potential maybe unbounded from below ' endif endif c CCB (simplest!) constraints, checked at EWSB scale: if(irge.eq.irgmax) then ccbt= atop**2-3*(msq**2 +mtr**2 +rmhu2 +rmu**2) ccbb= ab**2-3*(msq**2 +mbr**2 +rmhd2 +rmu**2) ccbtau= atau**2-3*(msl**2 +mtaur**2 +rmhd2 +rmu**2) ccbu= au1**2-3*(muq**2 +mur**2 +rmhu2 +rmu**2) ccbd= ad1**2-3*(muq**2 +mdr**2 +rmhd2 +rmu**2) ccbl= al1**2-3*(mel**2 +mer**2 +rmhd2 +rmu**2) if(ccbt.gt.0.d0.or.ccbb.gt.0.d0.or.ccbtau.gt.0.d0) then c ! these are points which do not pass those naive CCB constraints errmess(8)=-1.d0 endif if(ccbu.gt.0.d0.or.ccbd.gt.0.d0.or.ccbl.gt.0.d0) then errmess(8)=-1.d0 endif endif else c Means no radiative EW required c Now B = y(19) and mu =exp(y(23)) are determined from EW breaking c (however not radiative breaking in this case) rmu2 =(rmhd2+dVdvd2-(rmhu2+dVdvu2)*tgbeta**2)/(tgbeta**2-1.d0) . -zm**2/2.d0 if(rmu2.le.0.d0) then if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)')' Warning: initial rmu0(HIGH) inconsistent. ' write(*,'(a)')' has been changed ' endif rmu0 = rmu0/2 do i=1,8 y(i)=ysave(i) end do x2=x1 h1=-h1 goto 7 else continue endif c rmu =sgn(rmu0)*dsqrt(rmu2) c - .. B(mz): B = (rmhd2+dVdvd2+rmhu2+dVdvu2+2*rmu2)*sbeta*cbeta/rmu c control of SSB and V stability scales: r1= rmhd2 +dVdvd2 +rmu2 r2= rmhu2 +dVdvu2 +rmu2 r3= B*rmu c test1= r1*r2-r3*r3 test2= r1+r2+2*r3 test3=r1+r2-2*r3 if(test1.gt.0.d0) then errmess(7)=-1.d0 if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)')'Warning: m^2(Hu),m^2(Hd) inconsistent with EWSB' write(*,13) rmhu2,rmhd2 write(*,'(a)')' have been changed ' endif mhu2= 1.5*mhu2 mhd2= mhd2 do i=1,8 y(i)=ysave(i) end do x2=x1 h1=-h1 goto 7 endif if(test2.lt.0.d0.or.test3.lt.0.d0) then errmess(8)=-1.d0 if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)')' Warning: Potential unbounded from below! ' write(*,'(a)')' m^2(Hu),m^2(Hd) values been changed ' endif mhu2 = 1.5*mhu2 mhd2 =mhd2 do i=1,8 y(i)=ysave(i) end do x2=x1 h1=-h1 goto 7 endif endif if(ichoice(5).ne.1) then ma = dsqrt(rmhu2 +rmhd2 +2*rmu**2 ) c calculate Higgs mass spectrum if(ewsb2.lt.mz**2) ewsb2 = qewsb**2 if(ytewsb.eq.0.d0) ytewsb=rmtop/vu CALL SU_SUSYCP(tgbeta) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10) =-1.d0 goto 801 endif c c calculate sfermion masses and mixing angle: CALL SU_SFERMION(msq,mtr,mbr,msl,mtaur,al,au,ad,mu, . gmst,msb,gmsl,gmsu,gmsd,gmse,gmsn) endif c c Special case of unconstrained MSSM with low-en input: c ===================================================== 880 if(ichoice(1).eq.0) then c case of the pMSSM (unconstrained MSSM, low-en input) c if(ichoice(6).eq.0) then c Input parameter of the pMSSM is MA_pole , MU(EWSB) c stop long iterations on spectrum when xx % accuracy reached: c (usually needs ~ 3-4 iterations) if(irge.eq.1) mhu2old=0.d0 if(irge.lt.irgmax) then if(ichoice(9).le.1) then if(dabs(1.d0-mhu2old/mhu2).lt.2d-2) irgmax=irge ! 1% accuracy else if(dabs(1.d0-mhu2old/mhu2).lt.2d-6) irgmax=irge ! 1d-4 % endif endif mhu2old=mhu2 if(irge.eq.irgsave) errmess(5)=-1.d0 c Gaugino masses 881 beta =datan(tbeta) if(ichoice(7).eq.2.and.irge.eq.irgmax) inorc =1 ! ino masses RC only at last iter CALL SU_GAUGINO(mu,m1,m2,m3,beta,a,gmc,gmn,xmn) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif c c sfermion masses CALL SU_SFERMION(msq,mtr,mbr,msl,mtaur,al,au,ad,mu, . gmst,msb,gmsl,gmsu,gmsd,gmse,gmsn) if(sterr.eq.-1.d0.or.sberr.eq.-1.d0.or.stauerr.eq.-1.d0. . or.stnuerr.eq.-1.d0) then c means there is really the tachyonic sfermion mass problem: c can't even calculate Higgs spectrum etc, so has to stop really. errmess(4)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif c c Higgs masses ma2 = ma**2 mapole2=ma2 !! in that case the input is really Ma_pole if(ewsb2.lt.mz**2) ewsb2=qewsb**2 CALL SU_SUSYCP(tgbeta) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10) =-1.d0 goto 801 endif alfa= a c Check of EWSB in this parametrization: c Note we include in the EWSB consistency relations all the c V_eff contributions +loop: indeed, it is consistent with the fact c that all Higgs masses are calculated with 1- +2-loop contributions: c rmtaur = mtaur rml = msl rmbr= mbr rmtr= mtr rmq = msq atau= al ab= ad atop = au c rmst12= msttr1**2 rmst22= msttr2**2 rmsb12= msbtr1**2 rmsb22= msbtr2**2 rmstau12=gmsl(1)**2 rmstau22=gmsl(2)**2 rmt2=mtrun**2 rmtop=mtrun rmb2=mbrun**2 rmtau2= mtaurun**2 dmsu1=gmsu(1) dmsu2=gmsu(2) dmsd1=gmsd(1) dmsd2=gmsd(2) dmse1=gmse(1) dmse2=gmse(2) dmsn1=gmsn(1) dmsntau=gmsn(3) alfa = a dmc1=gmc(1) dmc2=gmc(2) dmn1=xmn(1) dmn2=xmn(2) dmn3=xmn(3) dmn4=xmn(4) rmu=mu ewsb2 = scale**2 CALL SU_VLOOP2(ewsb2,MU,AU,AD,AL,dVdvd2,dVdvu2,pizz) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10) =-1.d0 goto 801 endif c sb2=dsin(beta)**2 cb2=dcos(beta)**2 mzdr2= mz**2+pizz madr2= mapole2 +piaa -tadba -D2MA rmhu2 = (cb2-sb2)*mzdr2/2 +cb2*madr2 -mu**2 -dVdvu2 rmhd2 = (sb2-cb2)*mzdr2/2 +sb2*madr2 -mu**2 -dVdvd2 c c (Note: -dVdvi2: to get "tree-level" values of M^2_Hu, M^2_Hd, c thus without V_eff loop corrections) dmhu2=rmhu2 dmhd2=rmhd2 B=(rmhd2+rmhu2+dVdvd2+dVdvu2+2*rmu**2)*dsin(2*beta)/(2*rmu) c c Control of SSB and V stability scales: r1= rmhd2 +dVdvd2 +rmu**2 r2= rmhu2 +dVdvu2 +rmu**2 r3= B*rmu test1= r1*r2-r3*r3 test2= r1+r2+2*r3 test3=r1+r2-2*r3 c mhu2=rmhu2 mhd2=rmhd2 if(ichoice(1).eq.0.or.ichoice(1).eq.2) then rmino1=m1 rmino2=m2 rmino3=m3 sgnm1 = m1/dabs(m1) sgnm2 = m2/dabs(m2) sgnm3 = m3/dabs(m3) else rmino1=sgnM1*dexp(y(20)) rmino2=sgnM2*dexp(y(21)) rmino3=sgnM3*dexp(y(22)) endif if(test1.ge.0.d0) then errmess(7)=-1.d0 endif if(test2.lt.0.d0.or.test3.lt.0.d0) then errmess(8)=-1.d0 endif if(ichoice(1).eq.2.and.irge.eq.irgmax) goto 801 c c========================== Endif of ichoice(1) pMSSM else c========================== c Input parameter of pMSSM is MHd2,MHu2: ichoice(5) = 1 rmhd2=mhd2 rmhu2=mhu2 if(irge.eq.1) then pizz=0.d0 dvdvd2=0.d0 dvdvu2=0.d0 endif ewsb2=qewsb**2 if(irge.ge.2) then CALL SU_VLOOP2(ewsb2,MU,AU,AD,AL,dVdvd2,dVdvu2,pizz) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10) =-1.d0 goto 801 endif c endif ma2 =(rmhu2+dVdvu2-rmhd2-dVdvd2)/dcos(2*beta)-zm**2-pizz c c --- Algorithm to find a consistent MU with V_eff corrections: c --- the radiative breaking conditions DEFINE true mu(mz): c tgbeta=tbeta rmu2 =(rmhd2+dVdvd2-(rmhu2+dVdvu2)*tbeta**2)/(tbeta**2-1.d0) . -(zm**2+pizz)/2.d0 if(rmu2.le.0.d0) then if(iknowl.eq.2) then write(*,'(a)')' CAUTION: initial M^2_Hu,Hd inconsistent' write(*,'(a)')' their values were changed so that mu^2 >=0! ' c endif c find the minimal values of M^2_Hu,Hd to guarantee mu^2 >0,MA>0: rmhu2 = (1.d-6+mz**2/2)*(1.d0-tgbeta**2)/(1.d0+tgbeta**2) + . (ma**2-2*1.d-6)/(1.d0+tgbeta**2) rmhd2 = -rmhu2 rmu = sgnmu0*1.d-6 rmu2=rmu**2 else c rmu^2 >0 from the input rmu = sgnmu0*dsqrt(rmu2) rmu2=rmu**2 endif c stop long iterations on spectrum when xx % accuracy reached: c (usually needs ~ 3-4 iterations) if(irge.eq.1) rmu2old=0.d0 if(ichoice(9).le.1) then if(dabs(1.d0-rmu2old/rmu2).lt.0.02d0) irgmax=irge else if(dabs(1.d0-rmu2old/rmu2).lt.0.0002d0) irgmax=irge !.002->.0002 endif rmu2old=rmu2 if(irge.eq.irgsave) errmess(5)=-1.d0 c c - .. and true B(mz): b = (rmhd2+dvdvd2 +rmhu2+dVdvu2 +2*rmu2)*sbeta*cbeta/rmu mu=rmu CALL SU_GAUGINO(mu,m1,m2,m3,beta,a,gmc,gmn,xmn) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif c calculate sfermion masses and mixing angle: CALL SU_SFERMION(msq,mtr,mbr,msl,mtaur,al,au,ad,mu, . gmst,msb,gmsl,gmsu,gmsd,gmse,gmsn) if(sterr.eq.-1.d0.or.sberr.eq.-1.d0.or.stauerr.eq.-1.d0. . or.stnuerr.eq.-1.d0) then c means there is really the tachyonic sfermion mass problem: c can't even calculate Higgs spectrum etc, so has to stop really. errmess(4)=-1.d0 goto 801 endif c if(ma2.ge.0.d0) then ma = dsqrt(ma2 ) else ma = 1.d-6 errmess(3)=-1.d0 endif if(ewsb2.lt.mz**2) ewsb2=qewsb**2 CALL SU_SUSYCP(tgbeta) if(inonpert.eq.-1.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then errmess(10) =-1.d0 goto 801 endif alfa = a c c c control of SSB and V stability scales: r1= rmhd2 +dVdvd2 +rmu2 r2= rmhu2 +dVdvu2 +rmu2 r3= B*rmu test1= r1*r2-r3*r3 test2= r1+r2+2*r3 test3=r1+r2-2*r3 if(test1.ge.0.d0) then errmess(7)=-1.d0 endif if(test2.lt.0.d0.or.test3.lt.0.d0) then errmess(8)=-1.d0 endif if(ichoice(1).eq.0.or.ichoice(1).eq.2) then rmino1=m1 rmino2=m2 rmino3=m3 sgnm1 = m1/dabs(m1) sgnm2 = m2/dabs(m2) sgnm3 = m3/dabs(m3) else rmino1=sgnM1*dexp(y(20)) rmino2=sgnM2*dexp(y(21)) rmino3=sgnM3*dexp(y(22)) endif c endif endif c=================================== if(irge.eq.irgmax.and.iremember.eq.1) ichoice(1)=2 c (a trick to simplify the case of bottom-up evol with Mhu,Mhd input) if(ichoice(1).eq.2.and.irge.eq.irgmax) then c c unconstrained MSSM runned up to High scale c Now the final run from Q_ewsb to Q_final: x1 = dlog(qewsb) x2=dlog(ehigh) h1= dsign(h1,x2-x1) c if(ichoice(2).eq.11) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,x1,x2,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv1, . su_rkqc) else if(ichoice(2).eq.21) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,x1,x2,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv2, . su_rkqc) endif goto 882 endif c c **************************************************************** c SUSY radiative corrections to tau,b,t and sparticle masses: c **************************************************************** c recovering all rge parameter values at mz scale: 884 if(ichoice(1).ne.0.and.irge.ge.2) then y(19)=b y(23)=dlog(dabs(mu)) xewsb=dlog(qewsb) !! added to be consistent with new c !! protections for tachyonic sfermions if(ichoice(2).eq.11) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,xewsb,x2,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad, . su_deriv1,su_rkqc) else if(ichoice(2).eq.21) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,xewsb,x2,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad, . su_deriv2,su_rkqc) endif vu = vu_mz vd = vd_mz rmtau=y(4)*vd rmb = y(5)*vd rmtop =y(6)*vu mtaurun = rmtau mbrun = rmb mtrun = rmtop else if(ichoice(1).eq.0) then y(9)=al y(10)=ad y(11)=au y(29)=al1 y(30)=ad1 y(31)=au1 y(12)=mhu2 y(13)=mhd2 y(14)=mtaur**2 y(15)=msl**2 y(16)=mbr**2 y(17)=mtr**2 y(18)=msq**2 y(19)=b y(23)=dlog(dabs(mu)) y(24)=mer**2 y(25)=mel**2 y(26)=mdr**2 y(27)=mur**2 y(28)=muq**2 y(20)=dlog(dabs(m1)) y(21)=dlog(dabs(m2)) y(22)=dlog(dabs(m3)) x1=dlog(qewsb) c x2=dlog(mz) h1=-h1 if(ichoice(2).eq.11) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,x1,x2,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv1,su_rkqc) else if(ichoice(2).eq.21) then CALL SU_ODEINT(y,n,x1,x2,eps,h1,1.d-8,nok,nbad,su_deriv2,su_rkqc) endif vu = vu_mz vd = vd_mz rmtau=y(4)*vd rmb = y(5)*vd rmtop =y(6)*vu mtaurun = rmtau mbrun = rmb mtrun = rmtop endif if(ichoice(7).eq.2) then c c====== Incorporating leading susy RC to gluino mass: CALL SU_GINOCR(alsewsb,m3, mb0,mt0, delgino) mgluino = dabs(m3)/(1.d0 -delgino/dabs(m3)) else mgluino= dabs(m3) endif mglu=mgluino c if(ichoice(7).ge.1) then c====== Incorporating mb,mt,mtau corrections: c first redefining all needed soft etc parameters now at mz scale: alz=y(9) adz=y(10) auz=y(11) mtaurz=dsqrt(y(14)) mslz=dsqrt(y(15)) mbrz=dsqrt(y(16)) mtrz=dsqrt(y(17)) msqz=dsqrt(y(18)) merz=dsqrt(y(24)) melz=dsqrt(y(25)) mdrz=dsqrt(y(26)) murz=dsqrt(y(27)) muqz=dsqrt(y(28)) c!! modif (temporary, until final conv) rescue in case tachyon RGE sf if(irge.lt.irgmax) then ! protections against NaN if(y(14).lt.0.d0) mtaurz=1.d0 if(y(15).lt.0.d0) msLz=1.d0 if(y(16).lt.0.d0) mbrz=1.d0 if(y(17).lt.0.d0) mtrz= 1.d0 if(y(18).lt.0.d0) msQz=1.d0 c if(y(24).lt.0.d0) merz=1.d0 if(y(25).lt.0.d0) melz=1.d0 if(y(26).lt.0.d0) mdrz=1.d0 if(y(27).lt.0.d0) murz=1.d0 if(y(28).lt.0.d0) muQz=1.d0 else if(y(14).lt.0.d0) errmess(1)=-1d0 if(y(15).lt.0.d0) errmess(1)=-1d0 if(y(16).lt.0.d0) errmess(1)=-1d0 if(y(17).lt.0.d0) errmess(1)=-1d0 if(y(18).lt.0.d0) errmess(1)=-1d0 c if(y(24).lt.0.d0) errmess(2)=-1d0 if(y(25).lt.0.d0) errmess(2)=-1d0 if(y(26).lt.0.d0) errmess(2)=-1d0 if(y(27).lt.0.d0) errmess(2)=-1d0 if(y(28).lt.0.d0) errmess(2)=-1d0 c if(errmess(1).eq.-1d0.or.errmess(2).eq.-1.d0) goto 801 endif c mu_mz=sgnmu0*dexp(y(23)) B_mz = y(19) m1z=sgnm1*dexp(y(20)) m2z=sgnm2*dexp(y(21)) m3z=sgnm3*dexp(y(22)) if(irge.eq.1) then mtausave = rmtau mbsave = rmb mtsave= rmtop endif c calculating all sfermion parameters at mz scale: call SU_SFBPMZ(pizz_mz,msqz,mtrz,mbrz,mslz,mtaurz,muqz,murz,mdrz, . melz,merz,alz,auz,adz,mu_mz,B_mz,tgbet0,rmtau,rmb,rmtop) if(sterr.eq.-1.d0.or.sberr.eq.-1.d0.or.stauerr.eq.-1.d0. . or.stnuerr.eq.-1.d0) then c means there is really the tachyonic sfermion mass problem at Q=MZ errmess(4)=-1.d0 if(errma2z.eq.-1.d0) then c stop/ put error flag: ma^2(mz)<0 at last iter, considered irremediable errmess(3)=errma2z endif goto 801 endif if(errma2z.eq.-1.d0) then c stop/ put error flag: ma^2(mz)<0 at last iter, considered irremediable errmess(3)=errma2z goto 801 endif CALL SU_BMSUSYCr(alphas,mb,rmtop,rmb,y(6),tgbet0,m2z . ,m3z,msqz,mtrz,mbrz,auz,adz,mu_mz, delmb) c Now susy RC to tau and top masses: msntau_mz = dsqrt(msLz**2+0.5d0*(mz**2+pizz_mz)*dcos(2*beta_z)) if(su_isNaN(msntau_mz)) msntau_mz = 1d0 ! protection CALL SU_TAUMSCR(tgbet0,mu_mz,m2z,msntau_mz, delmtau) ! changed c CALL SU_TOPMSCR(alphas,mt,mb0,rmtop,rmb,y(6),y(5),tgbet0, . m3z,msqz,mtrz,mbrz, auz,adz,mu_mz, delmtop) c c NB: SUSY RC to quark masses redefines their respective yukawas c (we assume the top, b, tau pole masses do not change, within exp.acc.) if(irge.lt.irgmax) then c redefining running mtau,mb,mtop masses and Yuk. cplgs at Z scale: c modif in mb resummations (since 2.11 version): c for t,b we have generically: M(pole) = M(run,Q) * (1 +CR_QCD(Q)+CR_SUSY(Q) ) c from which we want to extract e.g. Mb(run,MZ). c 1) NO resummation for mtop: (mt = mt_pole,delmtop = CR_QCD(mt)+CR_SUSY(mt) c i.e. delmtop contains all corrections): rmtop = mtpole*(1.d0 +delmtop) c similarly for mtau: rmtau= mtau*(1.d0 +delmtau) c 2) Now for mb: note that in eqs. below: rmb is mb(run,MZ)(QCD+SUSY); c delmb = CR_SUSY(MZ)only, as CR_QCD(MZ) is already taken into account before c Also resummation is made for mb which may be relevant for large tb c rmb = mbsave/(1.d0 +delmb) c y(4) = rmtau/vd y(5) = rmb/vd y(6) = rmtop/vu endif c=========================== c Now this will redefine Yukawas at high scale as well: mtaurun = rmtau mbrun = rmb mtrun = rmtop if(irge.lt.irgmax) then c saving some parameters: dmhu2=rmhu2 dmhd2=rmhd2 dm1=rmino1 dm2=rmino2 dm3=rmino3 dtgbeta=tgbeta dma=ma dml=ml dmh=mh dmch=mch dmc1=gmc(1) dmc2=gmc(2) dmn1=xmn(1) dmn2=xmn(2) dmn3=xmn(3) dmn4=xmn(4) dmst1=gmst(1) dmst2=gmst(2) dmsu1=gmsu(1) dmsu2=gmsu(2) dmsb1=msb(1) dmsb2=msb(2) dmsd1=gmsd(1) dmsd2=gmsd(2) dmsl1=gmsl(1) dmsl2=gmsl(2) dmse1=gmse(1) dmse2=gmse(2) dmsn1=gmsn(1) dmsntau=gmsn(3) c dMSL = msl dMTAUR = mtaur dMSQ = msq dMTR = mtr dMBR = mbr dMEL = mel dMER = mer dMUQ = muq dMUR = mur dMDR = mdr dAL = al dAU = au dAD = ad dAL1 = al1 dAU1 = au1 dAD1 = ad1 dMA = ma dMU = mu c goto 44 endif else c========== c Means that no RC are required mtcr=mt mbcr=mb mtaucr=mtau endif c last thing: calculating now the R.C to chargino, neutralino masses: if(ichoice(7).eq.2) inorc=1 CALL SU_GAUGINO(mu,m1,m2,m3,beta,a,gmc,gmn,xmn) dmc1=gmc(1) dmc2=gmc(2) dmn1=xmn(1) dmn2=xmn(2) dmn3=xmn(3) dmn4=xmn(4) c **************************************************************** c Now comes the writing in the output part. c **************************************************************** 801 continue c c additional theoretical and experimental limits checks (g-2 etc) errnogo =errmess(4)+errmess(9)+errmess(10) if(errnogo.eq.0.d0) then c 1) the Rho parameter (SU(2)_custodial breaking at loop-level): crho=0.d0 call su_delrho(mt,gmst,msb,gmsl,gmsn(3),thet,theb,thel,crho) c c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c 2) g_mu -2 SM + SUSY contributions: call su_gminus2(mel,mer,al1,mu,tgbeta,u,vv,z,dxmn, . gmc(1),gmc(2), gmuon) c 3) What follow is for interface with b-> s gamma calculation: imod_bs=2 io_bs= 1 bsdeltp=0.9d0 bsvkm=0.95d0 bsl=0.105d0 c (re)define st,sb mixing to match b->s gamma routine conventions: c = flip angles def so that m_sf_1 > m_sf_2 (bsg conventions) bsthet= (thet -pi/2)/pi bstheb= (theb -pi/2)/pi c xsuh = min(gmst(2),mgluino,gmsu(1),gmsd(1)) xsul = max(gmst(1),gmc(1)) xsvl = min(gmst(1),msb(1),gmsu(1),gmsd(1),mgluino) if(xsvl.ge.400.D0) then inlosusy =1 ihv = 1 else if(dabs(bsthet).lt.0.1d0.and.xsuh.gt.2*xsul) then inlosusy =1 ihv = 0 else inlosusy =0 ihv = 0 endif bsgchm(1)=gmc(2) bsgchm(2)=gmc(1) bsgflag=0.d0 call chargino(tgbeta,gmc(1),mu,mmm2,bsgchm,ubsg,vbsg,ierr) call matching(imod_bs,io_bs,inlosusy,ihv,mw,alphas0,mt,mch,tgbeta, . gmst(1),gmst(2),bsthet,msb(1),msb(2),bstheb,gmsd(1), . mgluino,Au,Ad,rmu,bsgchm, . ubsg,vbsg,c70,c80,c71,c81,ee,Rbox,ierr) call su_bsg(alphas0,mt,mbpole-mc0,mc0/mbpole,alfinv,mw,rmb,rmb, . bsvkm,bsl,bsdeltp,io_bs,c70,c71,c80,c81,ee,Rbox,brsg) c c 4) calculating some fine-tuning parameters for info call su_finetune(mu,tgbeta,rmhd2,rmhu2, . czmu,czbmu,ctmu,ctbmu) endif c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c saving final soft etc parameters and output masses: c special case: if(ichoice(1).eq.2) then rmhu2=y(12) rmhd2=y(13) endif if(ichoice(1).ne.2) then dmhu2=rmhu2 dmhd2=rmhd2 dm1=rmino1 dm2=rmino2 dm3=rmino3 dtgbeta=tgbeta dMSL = msl dMTAUR = mtaur dMSQ = msq dMTR = mtr dMBR = mbr dMEL = mel dMER = mer dMUQ = muq dMUR = mur dMDR = mdr dAL = al dAU = au dAD = ad dAL1 = al1 dAU1 = au1 dAD1 = ad1 dMU = mu endif c dma=ma dml=ml dmh=mh dmch=mch dmc1=gmc(1) dmc2=gmc(2) dmn1=xmn(1) dmn2=xmn(2) dmn3=xmn(3) dmn4=xmn(4) dmst1=gmst(1) dmst2=gmst(2) dmsu1=gmsu(1) dmsu2=gmsu(2) dmsb1=msb(1) dmsb2=msb(2) dmsd1=gmsd(1) dmsd2=gmsd(2) dmsl1=gmsl(1) dmsl2=gmsl(2) dmse1=gmse(1) dmse2=gmse(2) dmsn1=gmsn(1) dmsntau=gmsn(3) c if(input.ne.11) then c writing output in the SLHA format open(noutlha,file='suspect2_lha.out',status='unknown') call su_lhaout(noutlha,ichoice,errmess,imod) close(noutlha) C ************ SUSPECT OUTPUT WRITING (in SUSPECT2.out) if(errmess(1).eq.-1.d0 .or. . errmess(2).eq.-1.d0 .or. . errmess(4).eq.-1.d0 .or. . errmess(6).eq.-1.d0 .or. . errmess(9).eq.-1.d0 .or. . errmess(10).eq.-1.d0) then write(nout,'(a)')'CAUTION UNRELIABLE OUTPUT! check errmess below' endif if(ichoice(1).eq.10) then write(nout,'(a)')' SUSPECT2.5.1 OUTPUT: MSUGRA CASE' write(nout,'(a)')' ------------------------------' write(nout,'(a)') else if(ichoice(1).eq.11) then write(nout,'(a)')' SUSPECT2.5.1 OUTPUT: GMSB CASE' write(nout,'(a)')' ----------------------------' write(nout,'(a)') else if(ichoice(1).eq.12) then write(nout,'(a)')' SUSPECT2.5.1 OUTPUT: AMSB CASE' write(nout,'(a)')' ----------------------------' write(nout,'(a)') else write(nout,'(a)')' SUSPECT2.5.1 OUTPUT: pMSSM CASE' write(nout,'(a)')' -----------------------------' endif if(ichoice(1).eq.0) then write(nout,'(a)')'Spectrum calculation only at low (EWSB) energy . scale' write(nout,'(a)')' -----------------------------' endif if(ichoice(1).eq.2) then write(nout,'(a)')' Bottom-up: RGE from low (EWSB) to GUT energy . scale' write(nout,'(a)')' -----------------------------' endif c write(nout,'(a)')'Input values:' write(nout,'(a)')'-------------' if(ichoice(1).eq.10) then write(nout,578)'m_0','m_1/2','A_0','tan(beta)','sign(mu)' write(nout,102) rm0,rmhalf,A0,tgbet0,sgnmu0 write(nout,'(a)') else if(ichoice(1).eq.11) then write(nout,579)'M_mess','M_susy','nl','nq','tan(beta)','sign(mu)' write(nout,108) mgmmess,mgmsusy, nl,nq, tgbet0,sgnmu0 write(nout,'(a)') else if(ichoice(1).eq.12) then write(nout,580)'M_3/2','m_0','tan(beta)','sign(mu)' write(nout,109)m32,am0,tgbet0,sgnmu0 write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,5800)'cQ ','cuR','cdR','cL ','ceR','cHu','cHd' write(nout,1080)cq,cu,cd,cl,ce,chu,chd write(nout,'(a)') endif write(nout,581)'M_top','mb_mb','M_tau','1/alpha','sw**2(M_Z)', . 'alpha_S' write(nout,1040) mt,mbmb,mtau,alfinv,sw20,alphas0 write(nout,'(a)') if(ichoice(1).ne.0)then write(nout,582)'M_GUT','M_EWSB','E_LOW','(input or ouput scales)' if(ichoice(3).eq.0) then write(nout,105) ehigh,dsqrt(ewsb2),elow write(nout,'(a)') else if(ichoice(3).eq.1) then write(nout,105) egut,dsqrt(ewsb2),elow write(nout,'(a)') endif endif if(ichoice(1).eq.1) then write(nout,'(a)')'Input non-universal soft terms at M_GUT' write(nout,'(a)')'---------------------------------------' endif if(ichoice(1).eq.0.or.ichoice(1).eq.2) then write(nout,'(a)')'Input non-universal soft terms at M_EWSB' write(nout,'(a)')'----------------------------------------' endif if(ichoice(1).eq.0.or.ichoice(1).eq.1) then if(ichoice(6).eq.0) then write(nout,5840)'Q_EWSB',' mu ','M_A ','tan(beta)','sign(mu)' write(nout,102) qewsb,mu0,MA,tbeta,sgnmu0 else if(ichoice(6).eq.1) then write(nout,5840)'Q_EWSB','M^2_Hu','M^2_Hd','tan(beta)','sign(mu)' write(nout,102) qewsb,mhu20,mhd20,tbeta,sgnmu0 write(nout,'(a)') endif c write(nout,585)'M_1','M_2','M_3' write(nout,105) m10,m20,m30 write(nout,'(a)') c write(nout,586) 'm_eR','m_eL','m_dR','m_uR','m_qL' write(nout,102) mer0,mel0,mdr0,mur0,muq0 write(nout,'(a)') c write(nout,587)'m_tauR','m_tauL','m_bR','m_tR','m_QL' write(nout,102) mtaur0,msl0,mbr0,mtr0,msq0 write(nout,'(a)') c write(nout,588)'Atau','Abottom','Atop','Al','Ad','Au' write(nout,104) al0,ad0,au0,al10,ad10,au10 write(nout,'(a)') c endif if(ichoice(1).eq.1.or.ichoice(1).ge.10) then write(nout,'(a)') $ 'Fermion masses and gauge couplings: Q=HIGH/EWSB' write(nout,'(a)')'---------------------------------------------' write(nout,583)'M_top','M_bot','M_tau','g1','g2','g3' write(nout,104) mtgut,mbgut,mtaugut, $ sqrt(ysave(1)),sqrt(ysave(2)),sqrt(ysave(3)) write(nout,104) ytewsb*vuewsb, ybewsb*vdewsb,ytauewsb*vdewsb, . sqrt(5./3.)*g1ewsb,g2ewsb,sqrt(4*pi*alsewsb) write(nout,'(a)') else write(nout,'(a)')'Fermion masses and gauge couplings: Q=EWSB' write(nout,'(a)')'------------------------------------------' write(nout,583)'M_top','M_bot','M_tau','g1','g2','g3' write(nout,104) ytewsb*vuewsb, ybewsb*vdewsb,ytauewsb*vdewsb, . sqrt(5./3.)*g1ewsb,g2ewsb,sqrt(4*pi*alsewsb) endif c if(ichoice(1).ne.0) then write(nout,'(a)')'mu parameter and soft terms at M_EWSB:' write(nout,'(a)')'--------------------------------------' write(nout,5841)'mu','B','M^2_Hu','M^2_Hd' write(nout,1010)rmu,B,rmhu2,rmhd2 write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,585)'M_1','M_2','M_3' write(nout,105) m1,m2,m3 write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,587)'m_tauR','m_tauL','m_bR','m_tR','m_QL' write(nout,102) rmtaur,rml,rmbr,rmtr,rmq write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,586) 'm_eR','m_eL','m_dR','m_uR','m_qL' write(nout,102) rmer,rmel,rmdr,rmur,rmuq write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,588)'Atau','Abottom','Atop','Al','Ad','Au' write(nout,104) al,ad,au,al1,ad1,au1 endif if(ichoice(1).eq.2) then write(nout,'(a)')'mu parameter and soft terms at M_GUT:' write(nout,'(a)')'--------------------------------------' write(nout,5841)'mu','B','M^2_Hu','M^2_Hd' write(nout,1010) mugut,Bgut,mhu2gut,mhd2gut write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,585)'M_1','M_2','M_3' write(nout,105) m1gut,m2gut,m3gut write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,587)'m_tauR','m_tauL','m_bR','m_tR','m_QL' write(nout,102) mtaurgut,mslgut,mbrgut,mtrgut,msqgut write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,586) 'm_eR','m_eL','m_dR','m_uR','m_qL' write(nout,102) mergut,melgut,mdrgut,murgut,muqgut write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,588)'Atau','Abottom','Atop','Al','Ad','Au' write(nout,104) algut,adgut,augut,al1gut,ad1gut,au1gut endif write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,'(a)')'Mass matrices and mixing angles:' write(nout,'(a)')'--------------------------------' write(nout,596)'tan(beta)','alpha_(h,H)' write(nout,103) tbeta,alfa write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,597)'thet_tau','thet_b','thet_t' write(nout,105) thel,theb,thet write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,598)'Z(i,j)' write(nout,1015) Z(1,1),Z(1,2),Z(1,3),Z(1,4) write(nout,1015) Z(2,1),Z(2,2),Z(2,3),Z(2,4) write(nout,1015) Z(3,1),Z(3,2),Z(3,3),Z(3,4) write(nout,1015) Z(4,1),Z(4,2),Z(4,3),Z(4,4) write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,600)'U(i,j)','V(i,j)' write(nout,1015) U(1,1),U(1,2),VV(1,1),VV(1,2) write(nout,1015) U(2,1),U(2,2),VV(2,1),VV(2,2) write(nout,'(a)') c write(nout,'(a)')'Final Higgs and SUSY particle masses: ' write(nout,'(a)')'------------------------------------- ' if(ma2.gt.0.d0) then write(nout,589)'h ','H','A','H+' write(nout,111) ml, mh, ma, mch else write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,'(a)')'MA**2 <0! NO further Higgs masses calculated' endif write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,590)'chi+_1','chi+_2','chi0_1','chi0_2','chi0_3', . 'chi0_4' write(nout,104) gmc(1),gmc(2),xmn(1),xmn(2),xmn(3),xmn(4) write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,5820)'gluino' write(nout,106) mgluino write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,591)'stop_1','stop_2','sup_1','sup_2' write(nout,101) gmst(1),gmst(2),gmsu(1),gmsu(2) write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,592)'sbot_1','sbot_2','sdown_1','sdown_2' write(nout,101) msb(1),msb(2),gmsd(1),gmsd(2) write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,593)'stau_1','stau_2','snutau','selec_1','selec_2', .'snuelec' write(nout,104) gmsl(1),gmsl(2),gmsn(3),gmse(1),gmse(2),gmsn(1) write(nout,'(a)') write(nout,'(a)')'Low-energy/LEP precision parameter values:' write(nout,597)'Delta_rho','g_mu -2','Br(b->s gamma)' write(nout,105) crho,gmuon,brsg write(nout,'(a)')'Fine-tuning values for info: fine-tuned if >>1' write(nout,'(a)')'dmZ^2/mZ^2(mu^2) dmZ^2/mZ^2(B.mu) dmt/mt(mu) . dmt/mt(B.mu)' write(nout,101) czmu,czbmu,ctmu,ctbmu write(nout,'(a)') 1000 if(iknowl.ne.0) then write(nout,'(a)')'Warning/Error Flags: errmess(1)-(10):' write(nout,'(a)')'-------------------------------------' write(nout,595) (errmess(ierr),ierr=1,10) write(nout,'(a)')'---------------------------------' write(nout,'(a)')'errmess(i)= 0: Everything is fine.' write(nout,'(a)')'errmess(1)=-1: tachyon 3rd gen. sfermion from .RGE' write(nout,'(a)')'errmess(2)=-1: tachyon 1,2 gen. sfermion from .RGE' write(nout,'(a)')'errmess(3)=-1: tachyon A (maybe temporary: .see final mass) ' write(nout,'(a)')'errmess(4)=-1: tachyon 3rd gen. sfermion from .mixing' write(nout,'(a)')'errmess(5)=-1: mu unstable after many iter' write(nout,'(a)')'errmess(6)=-1: non-convergent mu from EWSB ' write(nout,'(a)')'errmess(7)=-1: EWSB maybe inconsistent .(!but RG-improved only check)' write(nout,'(a)')'errmess(8)=-1: V_eff maybe UFB or CCB .(!but RG-improved only check)' write(nout,'(a)')'errmess(9)=-1: Higgs boson masses are NaN ' write(nout,'(a)')'errmess(10)=-1: RGE problems (non-pert and/or .Landau poles)' if(errmess(1).eq.-1.d0) then write(nout,'(a)') 'Bad input: one m^2(3rd gen. sf) <0 from RGE ' write(nout,'(a)') 'maybe artefact of algorithm, see final result' endif if(errmess(2).eq.-1.d0) then write(nout,'(a)') 'Bad input: one m^2(1,2 gen. sf) <0 from RGE ' write(nout,'(a)') 'maybe artefact of algorithm, see final result' endif if(errmess(1).eq.-1.d0.or.errmess(2).eq.-1.d0) then write(nout,'(a)')' Tachyonic RGE: UNRELIABLE OUTPUT! ' goto 900 endif if(errmess(3).eq.-1.d0) then write(nout,'(a)') 'Warning: MA^2(Q) <0 at a scale MZ msntau (jlk) . -8*(.5d0)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msn1,msn1)) . -4*(.5d0)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msntau,msntau)) c pizzs=pizzsl+pizzsd+pizzsu c pizzn=0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,4 pizzn = pizzn + 1.d0/4*(Z(i,3)*Z(j,3) -Z(i,4)*Z(j,4))**2* . (dble(SU_BH(qsz,gmn(i),gmn(j))) . -2*dxmn(i)*dxmn(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsz,gmn(i),gmn(j))) ) enddo enddo c pizzc=0.d0 do i=1,2 do j=1,2 pizzc = pizzc +1.d0/4*( .( ( 2*cw2*V(i,1)*V(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*V(i,2)*V(j,2) )**2+ . ( 2*cw2*U(i,1)*U(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*U(i,2)*U(j,2) )**2 ) . *dble(SU_BH(qsz,gmc(i),gmc(j))) . +4*(2*cw2*V(i,1)*V(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*V(i,2)*V(j,2))* . (2*cw2*U(i,1)*U(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*U(i,2)*U(j,2))* . gmc(i)*gmc(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsz,gmc(i),gmc(j))) ) enddo enddo c c Sum of the susy contributions for pizz and final pizz(MZ**2) pizzsm=alph/4/pi/sw2/cw2*(pizzf+pizzb+pizzh0) pizzsusy=alph/4/pi/sw2/cw2* . (pizzhS+pizzs+pizzn+pizzc) pizz=pizzsm+pizzsusy c c---------------------------------------------------------------- qsz=eps c pizzf0 = 3*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)**2+(2*sw2/3)**2) .*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,mt,mt))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,mcq,mcq)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mup,mup))) . + 3*((-.5d0+sw2/3)**2+(-sw2/3)**2) .*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,mb,mb))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,ms,ms)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mdo,mdo))) . + ((-.5d0+sw2)**2+(-sw2)**2)*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,me,me)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mmu,mmu))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,mtau,mtau))) . + .5d0**2*3*dble(SU_BH(qsz,eps,eps)) . -12*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)*(2*sw2/3) . *(mt**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mt,mt))+mcq**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mcq,mcq)) . +mup**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mup,mup))) . -12*(-.5d0+sw2/3)*(-sw2/3) . *(mb**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mb,mb))+ms**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,ms,ms)) . +mdo**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mdo,mdo))) . -4*(-.5d0+sw2)*(-sw2)*(me**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,me,me))+mmu**2 . *dble(SU_B0(qsz,mmu,mmu))+mtau**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mtau,mtau))) c pizzb0 = -2*cw**4*(2*qsz+mw**2-mz**2*sw**4/cw**2) . *dble(SU_B0(qsz,mw,mw)) . -(8*cw**4+(cw2-sw2)**2)*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mw,mw)) c pizzh00=-dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,ml)) pizzhS0 = -dsin(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsz,ma,mh)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,ml)) ) . -dcos(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,mh)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsz,ma,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,mh)) ) . -(cw**2-sw**2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mch,mch)) . -pizzh00 c pizzsu0= -12*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dcos(thet)**2 .-(2*sw2/3)*dsin(thet)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst1,mst1)) . -12*(-(.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dsin(thet)**2 .+(2*sw2/3)*dcos(thet)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst2,mst2)) . -24*( (.5d0)*dsin(thet)*dcos(thet) )**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst1,mst2)) . -24*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msu1,msu1)) . -24*(+2*sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msu2,msu2)) c pizzsd0= -12*( (-.5d0+sw2/3)*dcos(theb)**2 .-(-sw2/3)*dsin(theb)**2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb1,msb1)) . -12*( -(-.5d0+sw2/3)*dsin(theb)**2 .+(-sw2/3)*dcos(theb)**2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb2,msb2)) . -24*((-0.5d0)*dsin(theb)*dcos(theb))**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb1,msb2)) . -24*(-.5d0+sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msd1,msd1)) . -24*(-sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msd2,msd2)) c pizzsl0=-4*( (-.5d0+sw2)*dcos(thel)**2 .- (-sw2)*dsin(thel)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta1,msta1)) . -4*( -(-.5d0+sw2)*dsin(thel)**2 . +(-sw2)*dcos(thel)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta2,msta2)) . -8*((-.5d0)*dsin(thel)*dcos(thel))**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta1,msta2)) . -8*(-.5d0+sw2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mse1,mse1)) . -8*(-sw2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mse2,mse2)) c . -12*(.5d0)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msn1,msn1)) c correction msn1-> msntau (jlk) . -8*(.5d0)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msn1,msn1)) . -4*(.5d0)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msntau,msntau)) c pizzs0=pizzsl0+pizzsd0+pizzsu0 c pizzn0=0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,4 pizzn0 = pizzn0 + 1.d0/4*(Z(i,3)*Z(j,3) -Z(i,4)*Z(j,4))**2* . (dble(SU_BH(qsz,gmn(i),gmn(j))) . -2*dxmn(i)*dxmn(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsz,gmn(i),gmn(j))) ) enddo enddo c pizzc0=0.d0 do i=1,2 do j=1,2 pizzc0 = pizzc0 +1.d0/4*( .( ( 2*cw2*V(i,1)*V(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*V(i,2)*V(j,2) )**2+ . ( 2*cw2*U(i,1)*U(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*U(i,2)*U(j,2) )**2 ) . *dble(SU_BH(qsz,gmc(i),gmc(j))) . +4*(2*cw2*V(i,1)*V(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*V(i,2)*V(j,2))* . (2*cw2*U(i,1)*U(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*U(i,2)*U(j,2))* . gmc(i)*gmc(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsz,gmc(i),gmc(j))) ) enddo enddo c c Sum of the susy contributions for pizz and final pizz(MZ**2) pizzsm0=alph/4/pi/sw2/cw2*(pizzf0+pizzb0+pizzh00) pizzsusy0=alph/4/pi/sw2/cw2* . (pizzhS0+pizzs0+pizzn0+pizzc0) pizz0=pizzsm0+pizzsusy0 c c----------------------------------------------------------------- c W boson self-energy at q**2=mw**2 and q**2=0 c----------------------------------------------------------------- qsw=mw**2 c piwwf=3.d0/2*(dble(SU_BH(qsw,mt,mb))+dble(SU_BH(qsw,mcq,ms)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsw,mup,mdo)))+0.5d0*(dble(SU_BH(qsw,me,eps)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsw,mmu,eps))+dble(SU_BH(qsw,mtau,eps))) c piwwb=-(1.d0+8*cw**2)*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mz,mw))-sw**2*( . 8*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mw,eps))+4*qsw*dble(SU_B0(qsw,mw,eps))) . -((4*qsw+mz**2+mw**2)*cw**2-mz**2*sw**4) . *dble(SU_B0(qsw,mz,mw)) c piwwh0=- dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,ml,mw)) piwwhS = -dsin(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mh,mch)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,ml,mw)) ) . -dcos(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mch)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mh,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,mh,mw)) ) . -dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ma,mch)) -piwwh0 c piwws =-2*3*( 2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msu1,msd1)) .+dcos(thet)**2*dcos(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst1,msb1)) .+dcos(thet)**2*dsin(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst1,msb2)) .+dsin(thet)**2*dcos(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst2,msb1)) .+dsin(thet)**2*dsin(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst2,msb2)) ) . -2*( 2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msn1,mse1)) c . + dcos(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msn1,msta1)) c . + dsin(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msn1,msta2)) ) c correction msn1 -> msntau (jlk) . + dcos(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msntau,msta1)) . + dsin(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msntau,msta2)) ) c piwwnc=0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,2 piwwnc= piwwnc + . ( (-Z(i,2)*V(j,1)+Z(i,4)*V(j,2)/sq2)**2+ . (-Z(i,2)*U(j,1)-Z(i,3)*U(j,2)/sq2)**2 )* . dble(SU_BH(qsw,gmn(i),gmc(j))) . + 4*(-Z(i,2)*V(j,1)+Z(i,4)*V(j,2)/sq2)* . (-Z(i,2)*U(j,1)-Z(i,3)*U(j,2)/sq2)* . dxmn(i)*gmc(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsw,gmn(i),gmc(j))) enddo enddo c c Sum of the susy contributions for piww and final piww(Mw**2) piwwsm=alph/4/pi/sw2*(piwwf+piwwb+piwwh0) piwwsusy=alph/4/pi/sw2*(piwwhS+piwws+piwwnc) piww=piwwsm+piwwsusy c c----------------------------------------------------------------- qsw=eps c piwwf0=3.d0/2*(dble(SU_BH(qsw,mt,mb))+dble(SU_BH(qsw,mcq,ms)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsw,mup,mdo)))+0.5d0*(dble(SU_BH(qsw,me,eps)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsw,mmu,eps))+dble(SU_BH(qsw,mtau,eps))) c piwwb0=-(1.d0+8*cw**2)*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mz,mw))-sw**2*( . 8*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mw,eps))+4*qsw*dble(SU_B0(qsw,mw,eps))) . -((4*qsw+mz**2+mw**2)*cw**2-mz**2*sw**4) . *dble(SU_B0(qsw,mz,mw)) c piwwh00 = -dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,ml,mw)) piwwhS0 = -dsin(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mh,mch)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,ml,mw)) ) . -dcos(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mch)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mh,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,mh,mw)) ) . -dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ma,mch)) -piwwh00 c piwws0 =-2*3*( 2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msu1,msd1)) .+dcos(thet)**2*dcos(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst1,msb1)) .+dcos(thet)**2*dsin(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst1,msb2)) .+dsin(thet)**2*dcos(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst2,msb1)) .+dsin(thet)**2*dsin(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst2,msb2)) ) . -2*( 2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msn1,mse1)) c . + dcos(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msn1,msta1)) c . + dsin(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msn1,msta2)) ) c correction msn1 -> msntau (jlk) . + dcos(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msntau,msta1)) . + dsin(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msntau,msta2)) ) c piwwnc0=0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,2 piwwnc0= piwwnc0 + . ( (-Z(i,2)*V(j,1)+Z(i,4)*V(j,2)/sq2)**2+ . (-Z(i,2)*U(j,1)-Z(i,3)*U(j,2)/sq2)**2 )* . dble(SU_BH(qsw,gmn(i),gmc(j))) . + 4*(-Z(i,2)*V(j,1)+Z(i,4)*V(j,2)/sq2)* . (-Z(i,2)*U(j,1)-Z(i,3)*U(j,2)/sq2)* . dxmn(i)*gmc(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsw,gmn(i),gmc(j))) enddo enddo c c Sum of the susy contributions for piww and final piww(0) piwwsm0=alph/4/pi/sw2*(piwwf0+piwwb0+piwwh00) piwwsusy0=alph/4/pi/sw2*(piwwhS0+piwws0+piwwnc0) piww0=piwwsm0+piwwsusy0 c mt = mtsave end c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c Here come the subroutines for the radiative corrections to c the third generation fermion masses: mb,mt and mtau. c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c The following three routines are for the evaluation of the (SUSY) radiative c corrections to the generation fermion masses with analytical expressions c from the paper of Pierce, Bagger, Matchev, Zhang, hep-ph/9606211 (PBMZ). c They will need to evaluate the one--loop real (A) and two-loop complex c (B0 and B1) Passarino-Veltman functions which are supplied: c REAL*8 FUNCTION SU_A(m) c COMPLEX*16 FUNCTION SU_B0(qsq,m1,m2) c COMPLEX*16 FUNCTION SU_B1(s,mi,mj) c (the arguments are the internal masses and the momentum transfer squared). c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_BMSUSYCR(alphas,mb,rmt,rmb,yt,tbeta,m2,mgluino, . mql,mur,mdr,at,ab,mu, delmb) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates the SUSY radiative corrections to the bottom mass including c the SUSY QCD corrections (the standard ones are calculated with RUNM) c and the dominant electroweak corrections due to the Yukawa couplings. c The input are respectively: the strong coupling constant, pole b mass, c the running top and bottom masses, the top Yukawa coupling, tan(beta), c the SU(2) gaugino mass, the gluino mass, the 3d generation squark mass c terms, the 3d generation trilinear couplings and the parameter mu. c The output delmtop is the SUSY radiative correction to the bottom mass. c These corrections are then re-summed in the main routine. c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) complex*16 SU_B0 COMMON/SU_param/gf,alph,mz,mw COMMON/SU_cpl/g12,g22,sw2 ! added to get correct sw2 COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1e,msu2e,msd1e,msd2e, . mse1e,mse2e,msn1e,msntaue, . msta1e,msta2e,msb1e,msb2e,mst1e,mst2e, . thete,thebe,thele COMMON/SU_bpmz/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2, . mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2, . thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_renscale/scale B11(x)= .5d0*(.5d0+1.d0/(1.d0-x)+dlog(x)/(1.d0-x)**2) B12(x)= .5d0*(.5d0+1.d0/(1.d0-x)+dlog(x)/(1.d0-x)**2-dlog(x)) c Fix ren. scale (used in B0, B1) which should be M_Z in m_b scalsave=scale scale= mz pi=4*datan(1.d0) b = datan(tbeta) c ct2=dcos(thet)**2 st2=dsin(thet)**2 c x1= (msb1/mgluino)**2 x2= (msb2/mgluino)**2 mm1 = max(msb1,mgluino) mm2 = max(msb2,mgluino) c if(x1.ge.1.d0) then r1= b11(x1) -dlog(mm1**2/scale**2)/2 else r1=b12(x1) -dlog(mm1**2/scale**2)/2 endif if(x2.ge.1.d0) then r2= b11(x2) -dlog(mm2**2/scale**2)/2 else r2=b12(x2) -dlog(mm2**2/scale**2)/2 endif c ginosq = -alphas/pi/3*(r1+r2 -mgluino/rmb*dsin(2*theb)* . (dble(SU_B0(mb**2,mgluino,msb1)) . -dble(SU_B0(mb**2,mgluino,msb2)) )) c cinost = -yt**2/pi**2/16*mu* tbeta/2.d0 *dsin(2*thet)/rmt * . (dble(SU_B0(mb**2,mu,mst1))-dble(SU_B0(mb**2,mu,mst2)) ) . -g22/16/pi**2 *mu*m2*tbeta/(mu**2-m2**2)* . (ct2*dble(SU_B0(mb**2,m2,mst1))+st2*dble(SU_B0(mb**2,m2,mst2)) . -ct2*dble(SU_B0(mb**2,mu,mst1)) -st2*dble(SU_B0(mb**2,mu,mst2))) c delmb= ginosq +cinost c scale=scalsave end c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_TOPMSCR(alphas,mt,mb,rmt,rmb,yt,yb,tbeta, . mgl,mql,mur,mdr,at,ab,mu, delmtop) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates the radiative corrections to the top quark mass including the c standard and SUSY QCD corrections (the standard corrections are also c calculable with RUNM) and the electroweak corrections including the c contributions of gauge bosons, Higgs bosons, charginos and neutralinos. c The input are respectively: the strong coupling constant, the pole masses, c running masses and Yukawa couplings of the top and bottom quarks, tan(beta), c the 3d generation squark mass terms and trilinear couplings and mu. c The output delmtop is the radiative correction to the top quark mass. c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) complex*16 SU_B0,SU_B1 dimension u(2,2),v(2,2),z(4,4),dxmn(4),mc(2),xmctree(2), . antr(4),bntr(4),antl(4),bntl(4),ant1(4),bnt1(4),ant2(4),bnt2(4), . actbl(2),bctbl(2),actbr(2),bctbr(2),actb1(2),bctb1(2), . actb2(2),bctb2(2) COMMON/SU_param/gf,alph,mz,mw COMMON/SU_higgsrunz/ml,mh,ma,mhp,alfa COMMON/SU_outginos/mc1,mc2,mn1,mn2,mn3,mn4,mgluino COMMON/SU_inoDR/U,V,Z,xmctree,dxmn COMMON/SU_cpl/g12,g22,sw2 COMMON/SU_bpmz/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2, . mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2, . thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_renscale/scale c c basic parameters and definitions used: pi=4*datan(1.d0) b = datan(tbeta) c sw2= 1.d0-(mw/mz)**2 sw=dsqrt(sw2) cw=dsqrt(1.d0-sw2) c e=dsqrt(4*pi*alph) c g2=e/sw g2=dsqrt(g22) e =g2*sw cbeta2=1.d0/(1.d0+tbeta**2) cbet= dsqrt(cbeta2) sbet=dsqrt(1.d0-cbeta2) sa=dsin(alfa) ca=dcos(alfa) c c Fix ren. scale (used in B0, B1): MZ here. scalsave=scale scale= mz c ct=dcos(thet) st=dsin(thet) cb=dcos(theb) sb=dsin(theb) c mc(1)=xmctree(1) mc(2)=xmctree(2) c Defining couplings: gtL= .5d0 -(2.d0/3)*sw**2 gtR= (2.d0/3)*sw**2 c c Various contributions: c dqcd = 16*pi*alphas/3* . (dble(SU_B1(mt**2,mgl,mst1))+dble(SU_B1(mt**2,mgl,mst2)) c$$$ . -mgluino/mt*dsin(2*thet)* . -mgl/mt*dsin(2*thet)* .(dble(SU_B0(mt**2,mgl,mst1))-dble(SU_B0(mt**2,mgl,mst2)))) c dyuk = yt**2/2* .(sa**2*(dble(SU_B1(mt**2,rmt,mh)) +dble(SU_B0(mt**2,rmt,mh))) + . ca**2*(dble(SU_B1(mt**2,rmt,ml)) +dble(SU_B0(mt**2,rmt,ml))) + . cbet**2*(dble(SU_B1(mt**2,rmt,ma)) -dble(SU_B0(mt**2,rmt,ma))) + . sbet**2*(dble(SU_B1(mt**2,rmt,mz)) -dble(SU_B0(mt**2,rmt,mz))) ) . +.5*( (yb**2*sbet**2+yt**2*cbet**2)*dble(SU_B1(mt**2,mb,mhp)) + . (g2**2+yb**2*cbet**2+yt**2*sbet**2)*dble(SU_B1(mt**2,mb,mw)) ) + . yb**2*cbet**2*(dble(SU_B0(mt**2,mb,mhp)) . -dble(SU_B0(mt**2,mb,mw)) ) c dgauge= -e**2*(2.d0/3)**2*(5.d0+3*dlog(mz**2/mt**2)) + . g2**2/cw**2*( (gtl**2+gtr**2)*dble(SU_B1(mt**2,mt,mz)) + . 4*gtl*gtr*dble(SU_B0(mt**2,mt,mz)) ) c sq2=dsqrt(2.d0) ytr = -4.d0/3 ytl = 1.d0/3 ybr = 2.d0/3 ybl = 1.d0/3 c ap1tL = 0.d0 bp1tL = e/cw/sq2*ytl ap1tR = e/cw/sq2*ytr bp1tR = 0.d0 ap2tL = 0.d0 bp2tL = sq2*g2*(.5d0) ap2tR = 0.d0 bp2tR = 0.d0 ap3tL = 0.d0 ap3tR = 0.d0 bp3tL = 0.d0 bp3tR = 0.d0 ap4tL = yt ap4tR = 0.d0 bp4tL = 0.d0 bp4tR = yt c do i=1,4 aNtR(i) = Z(i,1)*ap1tR +Z(i,2)*ap2tR +Z(i,3)*ap3tR +Z(i,4)*ap4tR bNtR(i) = Z(i,1)*bp1tR +Z(i,2)*bp2tR +Z(i,3)*bp3tR +Z(i,4)*bp4tR aNtL(i) = Z(i,1)*ap1tL +Z(i,2)*ap2tL +Z(i,3)*ap3tL +Z(i,4)*ap4tL bNtL(i) = Z(i,1)*bp1tL +Z(i,2)*bp2tL +Z(i,3)*bp3tL +Z(i,4)*bp4tL enddo c do i=1,4 aNt1(i) = ct*aNtL(i) +st*aNtR(i) bNt1(i) = ct*bNtL(i) +st*bNtR(i) aNt2(i) = -st*aNtL(i) +ct*aNtR(i) bNt2(i) = -st*bNtL(i) +ct*bNtR(i) enddo c aX1tbL = 0.d0 bX1tbL = g2 aX1tbR = 0.d0 bX1tbR = 0.d0 aX2tbL = -yt bX2tbL = 0.d0 aX2tbR = 0.d0 bX2tbR = -yb c do i=1,2 aCtbL(i) = V(i,1)*aX1tbL +V(i,2)*aX2tbL bCtbL(i) = U(i,1)*bX1tbL +U(i,2)*bX2tbL aCtbR(i) = V(i,1)*aX1tbR +V(i,2)*aX2tbR bCtbR(i) = U(i,1)*bX1tbR +U(i,2)*bX2tbR enddo c do i=1,2 aCtb1(i) = cb*aCtbL(i) +sb*aCtbR(i) bCtb1(i) = cb*bCtbL(i) +sb*bCtbR(i) aCtb2(i) = -sb*aCtbL(i) +cb*aCtbR(i) bCtb2(i) = -sb*bCtbL(i) +cb*bCtbR(i) enddo c dNino = 0.d0 do i=1,4 dNino = dNino + . .5*( (aNt1(i)**2+bNt1(i)**2)*dble(SU_B1(mt**2,dxmn(i),mst1)) + . 2*aNt1(i)*bNt1(i)*dxmn(i)/mt*dble(SU_B0(mt**2,dxmn(i),mst1)) ) + . .5*( (aNt2(i)**2+bNt2(i)**2)*dble(SU_B1(mt**2,dxmn(i),mst2)) + . 2*aNt2(i)*bNt2(i)*dxmn(i)/mt*dble(SU_B0(mt**2,dxmn(i),mst2)) ) enddo c mc(1)=mc1 mc(2)=mc2 dCino =0.d0 do i=1,2 dCino = dCino + . .5*( (aCtb1(i)**2+bCtb1(i)**2)*dble(SU_B1(mt**2,mc(i),msb1)) + . 2*aCtb1(i)*bCtb1(i)*mc(i)/mt*dble(SU_B0(mt**2,mc(i),msb1)) ) + . .5*( (aCtb2(i)**2+bCtb2(i)**2)*dble(SU_B1(mt**2,mc(i),msb2)) + . 2*aCtb2(i)*bCtb2(i)*mc(i)/mt*dble(SU_B0(mt**2,mc(i),msb2)) ) enddo c pure QCD correction (including logs): mtlog = dlog((rmt/mz)**2) delmt = alphas/pi*(5.d0/3 -mtlog) . +alphas**2*(0.538d0 -0.1815*mtlog +0.038*mtlog**2) c SUSY Contributions added: delmtop= -delmt +(dqcd +dyuk +dgauge +dNino +dCino)/(16*pi**2) scale=scalsave end c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_TAUMSCR(tgbeta,mu,m2,mnstau, delmtau) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates the dominant SUSY radiative corrections to the tau mass c with the contribution of charginos/stau sneutrinos without re-summation. c The input are respectively: tan(beta), the higgsino mass parameter mu, c the SU(2) gaugino mass parameter and the 3d generation sneutrino mass. c The output delmtau is the radiative correction to the tau lepton mass. c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) complex*16 SU_B0 COMMON/SU_param/gf,alph,mz,mw COMMON/SU_cpl/g12,g22,sw2 ! added to get correct sw2 COMMON/SU_renscale/scale c fix ren. scale (used in B0, B1): should be M_Z in this case scalsave=scale scale = mz mtau=1.7771d0 pi=4*datan(1.d0) c cinostau= . g22/16/pi**2 *mu*m2*tgbeta/(mu**2-m2**2)* . (dble(SU_B0(mtau**2,m2,mnstau))-dble(SU_B0(mtau**2,mu,mnstau)) ) delmtau= cinostau scale=scalsave end c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c The Passarino-Veltman one (A) and two points (B0,B1) functions c needed for the evalution of the radiative corrections (and also V_loop). c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ real*8 FUNCTION SU_A(m) implicit real*8 (a-h,m,o-z) COMMON/SU_renscale/scale if(m.ne.0.d0) then SU_A = m*m * (1.d0-dlog(m*m/scale/scale)) else SU_A = 0.d0 endif end c c***************************************************************** * the main scalar two-point function B0 c from Looptools http://www.feynarts.de/looptools/ c double complex function su_B0(p, mm1, mm2) implicit none double precision p, m1, m2, mm1, mm2 double precision mudim2, divergence, lambda2, scale double precision acc, eps double complex Ieps, onePeps, oneMeps common /su_cutoff/ mudim2, divergence, lambda2 COMMON/SU_renscale/scale parameter (acc = 1D-12) parameter (eps = 1D-20) parameter (Ieps = (0,1)*eps) parameter (onePeps = 1 + Ieps) parameter (oneMeps = 1 - Ieps) double complex fpv, xlogx external fpv, xlogx double complex x1, x2, y1, y2, r double precision minacc m1 = mm1**2 m2 = mm2**2 divergence=0.d0 lambda2=0.d0 mudim2 = scale**2 minacc = acc*(m1 + m2) * general case if(abs(p) .gt. minacc) then call roots(p, m1, m2, x1, x2, y1, y2, r) if(abs(y1) .gt. .5D0 .and. abs(y2) .gt. .5D0) then su_B0 = -log(m2/mudim2) - + fpv(1, x1, y1) - fpv(1, x2, y2) else if(abs(x1) .lt. 10 .and. abs(x2) .lt. 10) then su_B0 = 2 - log(p*oneMeps/mudim2) + + xlogx(-x1) + xlogx(-x2) - xlogx(y1) - xlogx(y2) else if(abs(x1) .gt. .5D0 .and. abs(x2) .gt. .5D0) then su_B0 = -log(m1/mudim2) - + fpv(1, y1, x1) - fpv(1, y2, x2) else c print *, "B0(", p, ",", m1, ",", m2, ") not defined" su_B0 = 999D300 endif * zero momentum else if(abs(m1 - m2) .gt. minacc) then x2 = oneMeps*m1/(m1 - m2) y2 = oneMeps*m2/(m2 - m1) if(abs(y2) .gt. .5D0) then su_B0 = -log(m2/mudim2) - fpv(1, x2, y2) else su_B0 = -log(m1/mudim2) - fpv(1, y2, x2) endif else su_B0 = -log(m2/mudim2) endif su_B0 = su_B0 + divergence end c------------------------ c auxiliary functions used by the B0,B1 two-point functions c from Looptools http://www.feynarts.de/looptools/ subroutine roots(p, m1, m2, x1, x2, y1, y2, r) implicit none double precision p, m1, m2 double complex x1, x2, y1, y2, r double precision mudim2, divergence, lambda2 common /su_cutoff/ mudim2, divergence, lambda2 double precision acc, eps double complex Ieps, onePeps, oneMeps parameter (acc = 1D-12) parameter (eps = 1D-20) parameter (Ieps = (0,1)*eps) parameter (onePeps = 1 + Ieps) parameter (oneMeps = 1 - Ieps) double precision q r = sqrt(dcmplx(p*(p - 2*(m1 + m2)) + (m1 - m2)**2)) q = p + m1 - m2 x1 = (q + r)/2D0/p x2 = (q - r)/2D0/p if(abs(x2) .gt. abs(x1)) then x1 = m1/p/x2 else if(abs(x1) .gt. abs(x2)) then x2 = m1/p/x1 endif x1 = x1 + abs(p*x1)/p*Ieps x2 = x2 - abs(p*x2)/p*Ieps q = p - m1 + m2 y2 = (q + r)/2D0/p y1 = (q - r)/2D0/p if(abs(y2) .gt. abs(y1)) then y1 = m2/p/y2 else if(abs(y1) .gt. abs(y2)) then y2 = m2/p/y1 endif y1 = y1 - abs(p*y1)/p*Ieps y2 = y2 + abs(p*y2)/p*Ieps end c************************************************************************ double complex function fpv(n, x, y) c from LoopTools http://www.feynarts.de/looptools/ implicit none integer n double complex x, y double precision mudim2, divergence, lambda2 common /su_cutoff/ mudim2, divergence, lambda2 double precision acc, eps double complex Ieps, onePeps, oneMeps parameter (acc = 1D-12) parameter (eps = 1D-20) parameter (Ieps = (0,1)*eps) parameter (onePeps = 1 + Ieps) parameter (oneMeps = 1 - Ieps) integer m double complex xm if(abs(x) .lt. 10) then if(n .eq. 0) then fpv = -log(-y/x) else if(abs(x) .lt. acc) then fpv = -1D0/n else fpv = 0 xm = 1 do m = 0, n - 1 fpv = fpv - xm/(n - m) xm = xm*x enddo fpv = fpv - xm*log(-y/x) endif else fpv = 0 xm = 1 do m = 1, 30 xm = xm/x fpv = fpv + xm/(m + n) if(abs(xm/fpv) .lt. acc**2) return enddo endif end c************************************************************************ double complex function yfpv(n, x, y) c from Looptools http://www.feynarts.de/looptools/ implicit none integer n double complex x, y double complex fpv external fpv if(abs(y) .eq. 0) then yfpv = 0 else yfpv = y*fpv(n, x, y) endif end c************************************************************************ double complex function xlogx(x) implicit none double complex x if(abs(x) .eq. 0) then xlogx = 0 else xlogx = x*log(x) endif end c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMPLEX*16 FUNCTION SU_B1(s,mi,mj) implicit real*8 (a-h,m-z) complex*16 SU_B0 COMMON/SU_renscale/scale c if(mi.eq.mj) then su_b1 = su_b0(s,mi,mj)/2 else c if(qsq.eq.0d0) then c su_B1 = (1d0-dLog(mj**2/scale**2)+ c . mi**4/(mi**2-mj**2)**2*dLog(mj**2/mi**2) c . +(mi**2+mj**2)/(mi**2-mj**2)/2)/2 c else SU_B1= ( SU_A(mj)/s-SU_A(mi)/s+(1.d0+mi**2/s-mj**2/s)* . SU_B0(s,mi,mj) )/2 c endif endif end c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMPLEX*16 FUNCTION SU_BT22(S,MI,MJ) IMPLICIT real*8 (A-H,M-Z) COMPLEX*16 su_B0 common/SU_renscale/scale c su_BT22 = 1.D0/6*( su_A(MI)/2 +su_A(MJ)/2 + c . (MI**2+MJ**2-S/2)*su_B0(S,MI,MJ) c . +(MJ**2-MI**2)/S/2*( su_A(MJ)-su_A(MI)-(MJ**2-MI**2)* c . su_B0(S,MI,MJ) ) +MI**2+MJ**2-S/3 ) c . -su_A(MI)/4 -su_A(MJ)/4 su_BT22 = S/6*( su_A(MI)/S/2 +su_A(MJ)/S/2 + . (MI**2/S+MJ**2/S-1.d0/2)*su_B0(S,MI,MJ) . +(MJ**2/S-MI**2/S)/2*( su_A(MJ)/S-su_A(MI)/S-(MJ**2/S-MI**2/S)* . su_B0(S,MI,MJ) ) +MI**2/S+MJ**2/S-1.d0/3 . -3*su_A(MI)/S/2 -3*su_A(MJ)/S/2 ) END c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMPLEX*16 FUNCTION su_BH(S,MI,MJ) IMPLICIT real*8 (A-H,M-Z) COMPLEX*16 su_B0 common/su_renscale/scale c su_BH = 4.d0/6*( su_A(MI)/2 +su_A(MJ)/2 + c . (MI**2+MJ**2-S/2)*su_B0(S,MI,MJ) c . +(MJ**2-MI**2)/S/2*( su_A(MJ)-su_A(MI)-(MJ**2-MI**2)* c . su_B0(S,MI,MJ) ) +MI**2+MJ**2-S/3 ) c . +(S-MI**2-MJ**2)*su_B0(S,MI,MJ)-su_A(MI)-su_A(MJ) su_BH = 4*S/6*( su_A(MI)/S/2 +su_A(MJ)/S/2 + . (MI**2/S+MJ**2/S-1.d0/2)*su_B0(S,MI,MJ) . +(MJ**2-MI**2)/S/2*( su_A(MJ)/S-su_A(MI)/S-(MJ**2-MI**2)/S* . su_B0(S,MI,MJ) ) +MI**2/S +MJ**2/S-1.d0/3 ) . +S*((1.d0-MI**2/S-MJ**2/S)*su_B0(S,MI,MJ)-su_A(MI)/S-su_A(MJ)/S) END c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COMPLEX*16 FUNCTION su_BF(S,MI,MJ) IMPLICIT real*8 (A-H,M-Z) COMPLEX*16 su_B0 common/su_renscale/scale su_BF = s*(su_A(mi)/s-2*su_A(mj)/s-(2.d0+2*mi**2/s-mj**2/s)* . su_B0(S,mi,mj) ) end c------------------------------------------------------ COMPLEX*16 FUNCTION su_BG(S,MI,MJ) IMPLICIT real*8 (A-H,M-Z) COMPLEX*16 su_B0 common/su_renscale/scale su_BG = s*( -su_A(mi)/s-su_A(mj)/s +(1.d0-mi**2/s-mj**2/s)* . su_B0(S,mi,mj) ) end c------------------------------------------------------ c ++++++++++++++++++++++ End of the routines for models ++++++++++++++ c c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c The following routines are for the evaluation of the chargino/neutralino c and the squark, slepton masses including the radiative corrections a la c Pierce, Bagger, Matchev, Zhang (PBMZ) hep-ph/9606211. For these R.C. one c needs the one-loop Passarino-Veltman functions discussed above. c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_GAUGINO(mu,m1,m2,m3,b,a,mc,mn,xmn) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates the chargino and neutralino masses and mixing angles (with c analytical expressions) including full one-loop radiative corrections c a la PBMZ. The input parameters at EWSB scale are: c mu,m1,m2,m3: Higgs mass parameter and gaugino mass parameters, c b = datan(tan(beta)), a = mixing angle in the Higgs sector c Output parameters are: c mc: the two chargino masses, c mn: the four neutralino masses (absolute values), c xmn: the four neutralino masses (including signs). c The mass values are ordered with increasing value. The diagonalizing c (ordered) mass matrices U,V for charginos and Z for neutralinos are c given in the common block SU_MATINO/u,v,z,... c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++c c implicit real*8(a-h,m-z) complex*16 cx(4) logical su_isNaN dimension mc(2),mn(4),mnDRbar(4),xmn(4),xmnsave(4),z(4,4),zx(4,4), . u(2,2),v(2,2),iord(4),irem(2),m(4,4),mtr(4,4),rcN(4,4),rcL(4,4), . rcR(4,4),rcS(4,4),rcC(2,2),rcCL(2,2),rcCR(2,2),rcCS(2,2), . rcCST(2,2),MMC(2,2),MMCtr(2,2) c dimension x(2,2) dimension dxmn(4) dimension ymn(4),yz(4,4),zsave(4,4),xmc(2),xmctree(2),xmcsave(2), . bu(2),bv(2),usave(2,2),vsave(2,2) COMMON/SU_param/gf,alph,mz,mw COMMON/SU_break/msl,mtaur,mq3,mu3,md3,al,au,ad, . mudum,m1dum,m2dum,m3dum COMMON/SU_break2/ml1,merdum,mq1,murdum,mdrdum COMMON/SU_mssmhpar/dum1,dum2,ma,dumu COMMON/SU_strc/irge,irgmax,ifix,isfrc,inorc COMMON/SU_inoDR/Usave,Vsave,Zsave,xmctree,mnDRbar COMMON/SU_matino/u,v,z,dxmn COMMON/run_p/pizz COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,ytop,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb common/su_msugra/m0,mhalf,A0 common/su_nonpert/inonpert c sq2=dsqrt(2d0) mzsave = mz mwsave = mw cw = 1.d0/dsqrt(1d0+(g1ewsb/g2ewsb)**2) sw = g1ewsb/g2ewsb*cw sw2=sw**2 if(su_isNaN(pizz).or.mz**2+pizz.le.0.d0) then c !!! protections added c non-pert or NaN pb, uses tree-level values temporarily: pizz = 0.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) inonpert=-1 endif rmz = dsqrt(mz**2+pizz) rmw = rmz*cw mz = rmz mw = rmw c pi=4*datan(1d0) sb=dsin(b) cb=dcos(b) tw=sw/cw c c ============== Neutralino masses and matrix elements ========== c c adding protection for the special(unrealistic) problem M1=M2: m1eqm2=0.d0 if(dabs(M1-M2).lt.1.d-4) then m1eqm2=1.d0 m1sav2=m1 m1= m1+1.d-3 endif c defining tree-level DRbar neutralino mass matrix: m(1,1) = m1 m(2,2) = m2 m(3,3) =0d0 m(4,4) = 0d0 m(1,2) = 0d0 m(2,1) = 0d0 m(1,3) = -mz*cb*sw m(3,1) = m(1,3) m(1,4) = mz*sb*sw m(4,1) = m(1,4) m(2,3) = mz*cb*cw m(3,2) = m(2,3) m(2,4) = -mz*sb*cw m(4,2) = m(2,4) m(3,4) = -mu m(4,3) = m(3,4) c c tree masses +eigenvectors, RC included only at last iteration c solving exactly the quartic neutralino eigenvalues equation: call su_inomass(m,xmn) c do 10 i=1,4 c define DRbar 'tree' eigenvectors/diagonalization matrix elements r1= m(1,1)-xmn(i) r2= m(2,2)-xmn(i) r3= m(3,3)-xmn(i) zx(i,2)= -((r3*m(1,2)*m(1,4) -m(1,3)*m(1,4)*m(2,3) -r1*r3*m(2,4) + . m(1,3)**2*m(2,4) - m(1,2)*m(1,3)*m(3,4) + r1*m(2,3)*m(3,4))/ . (r2*r3*m(1,4) - m(1,4)*m(2,3)**2 - r3*m(1,2)*m(2,4) + . m(1,3)*m(2,3)*m(2,4) - r2*m(1,3)*m(3,4) + m(1,2)*m(2,3)*m(3,4))) zx(i,3)=-((-(r2*m(1,3)*m(1,4)) +m(1,2)*m(1,4)*m(2,3)+m(1,2)*m(1,3) . *m(2,4) - r1*m(2,3)*m(2,4) + r1*r2*m(3,4) - m(1,2)**2*m(3,4))/ . (-(r2*r3*m(1,4)) + m(1,4)*m(2,3)**2 + r3*m(1,2)*m(2,4) - . m(1,3)*m(2,3)*m(2,4) + r2*m(1,3)*m(3,4) - m(1,2)*m(2,3)*m(3,4))) zx(i,4)= -((r1*r2*r3 -r3*m(1,2)**2 -r2*m(1,3)**2 +2*m(1,2)*m(1,3)* . m(2,3) - r1*m(2,3)**2)/ . (r2*r3*m(1,4) - m(1,4)*m(2,3)**2 - r3*m(1,2)*m(2,4) + . m(1,3)*m(2,3)*m(2,4) - r2*m(1,3)*m(3,4) + m(1,2)*m(2,3)*m(3,4))) c zx(i,1)=1d0/dsqrt(1d0+zx(i,2)**2+zx(i,3)**2+zx(i,4)**2) yz(i,1)=zx(i,1) yz(i,2)=zx(i,2)*zx(i,1) yz(i,3)=zx(i,3)*zx(i,1) yz(i,4)=zx(i,4)*zx(i,1) 10 continue c save last RGE iteration DRbar 'tree' values used before calling RC: do i=1,4 do j=1,4 Mtr(i,j)=M(i,j) Zsave(i,j)= yz(i,j) enddo mnDRbar(i)= xmn(i) mn(i)=dabs(xmn(i)) enddo c NB at this stage masses and matrix elmts Z(i,j) are saved as DRbar 'tree' values for later c if(inorc.eq.1) then ! neutralino mass RC calculated only at last iteration: c call full one-loop neutralino RC: do ipole=1,2 ! iterated twice to reasonably appromixate RC scale(s)=pole mass(es) do inino = 1,4 ! 4 calls, at scales close to respective (ordered) pole masses call SU_RCNINO(mn(inino)**2,mnDRbar,xmctree,b, rcL,rcR,rcS) c construct matrix rcN of neutralino RC: c nb at first step tree-level M is used to be consistent with one-loop RCN matrix elmts c defined here: do i=1,4 do j=1,4 rcN(i,j) = 0d0 ! reinitialization do k=1,4 rcN(i,j) = rcN(i,j) .-(rcR(i,k)*Mtr(k,j)+Mtr(i,k)*rcR(k,j)+Mtr(i,k)*rcL(k,j)+rcL(i,k)* . Mtr(k,j))/2 enddo rcn(i,j)= rcn(i,j)-rcS(i,j) enddo enddo c c Now adding RC to all matrix elmts: nb for real MSSM the neutralino mass matrix c remains real symmetric even when including full one-loop matrix corrections: M(1,1) = m1 +rcn(1,1) M(2,2) = m2 +rcn(2,2) M(3,3) = rcn(3,3) M(4,4) = rcn(4,4) M(1,2) = rcn(1,2) M(2,1) = M(1,2) M(1,3) = -mz*cb*sw +rcn(1,3) M(3,1) = M(1,3) M(1,4) = mz*sb*sw +rcn(1,4) M(4,1) = M(1,4) M(2,3) = mz*cb*cw +rcn(2,3) M(3,2) = M(2,3) M(2,4) = -mz*sb*cw +rcn(2,4) M(4,2) = M(2,4) M(3,4) = -mu +rcn(3,4) M(4,3) = M(3,4) c c Solving exactly the quartic neutralino eigenvalues equation, now incl. RC: call su_inomass(m,xmn) xmnsave(inino) = xmn(inino) ! saving only ino mass i evaluated at its own scale enddo ! end of loop on scale =mn(inino) ~pole masses used within RC calculations c do i=1,4 xmn(i)=xmnsave(i) mn(i)=dabs(xmn(i)) cc dxmn(i)=xmn(i) enddo c enddo ! end of iteration to approximate scale(s)=pole mass(es) c ============ Saving final neutralino pole masses (incl. RC) for output: call su_ninord(xmn,zsave,z) ! reordering masses and Z matrix elmts consistently do i=1,4 mn(i)=dabs(xmn(i)) dxmn(i)=xmn(i) enddo endif ! end of if(inorc.eq.1) calculation of RC c c =================== Chargino masses and matrix elements ============= c c first define tree-level chargino mass matrix elmts: MMC(1,1)=m2 MMC(1,2)=sq2*mw*dsin(b) MMC(2,1)=sq2*mw*dcos(b) MMC(2,2)=mu c c first stage: tree masses +eigenvectors, RC included only at last iteration delta=dabs(b-pi/4) ddd=mu*dcos(b)+m2*dsin(b) ccc=mu*dsin(b)+m2*dcos(b) if(delta.lt.1d-2) then phim=pi/4-.5d0*datan((m2-mu)/(2*mw)) phip=phim else if (dabs(ccc).lt.1d-5) then phim=0.d0 phip=datan(sq2*mw*dsin(b)/(m2+1.d-5)) else if (dabs(ddd).lt.1d-5) then phip=0.d0 phim=datan(sq2*mw*dcos(b)/(m2+1.d-5)) else rad=dsqrt((m2**2-mu**2)**2+4*mw**4*dcos(2*b)**2 . +4*mw**2*(m2**2+mu**2+2*m2*mu*dsin(2*b))) phip=datan((rad-(m2**2-mu**2+2*mw**2*dcos(2*b))) . /(2*sq2*mw*(mu*dcos(b)+m2*dsin(b)))) phim=datan((rad-(m2**2-mu**2-2*mw**2*dcos(2*b))) . /(2*sq2*mw*(mu*dsin(b)+m2*dcos(b)))) endif cp=dcos(phip) sp=dsin(phip) cm=dcos(phim) sm=dsin(phim) c my convention u(2,2)=cm u(2,1)=-sm u(1,2)=sm u(1,1)=cm v(1,1)=cp v(1,2)=sp v(2,1)=-sp v(2,2)=cp 555 continue xmc(1)=(u(1,1)*MMC(1,1)+u(1,2)*MMC(2,1))*v(1,1) . +(u(1,1)*MMC(1,2)+u(1,2)*MMC(2,2))*v(1,2) xmc(2)=(u(2,1)*MMC(1,1)+u(2,2)*MMC(2,1))*v(2,1) . +(u(2,1)*MMC(1,2)+u(2,2)*MMC(2,2))*v(2,2) if(xmc(1).lt.0.d0) then c some corrections to deal with case where MC1 and/or MC2 < 0: v(1,1)=-v(1,1) v(1,2)=-v(1,2) goto 555 endif if(xmc(2).lt.0.d0) then v(2,1)=-v(2,1) v(2,2)=-v(2,2) goto 555 endif c Some saving of DRbar 'tree' values! if(m1eqm2.eq.1.d0) m1=m1sav2 ! added for m1=m2 pbs (see above) do i=1,2 do j=1,2 xmctree(j)=xmc(j) usave(i,j)=u(i,j) vsave(i,j)=v(i,j) MMCtr(i,j)=MMC(i,j) enddo enddo c if(inorc.eq.1) then ! RC calculation done at last iteration c first tree-level MMC to be consistent with one-loop RCC matrix elmts defined here: c call full one-loop chargino RC: do ipole=1,2 ! iterated twice to reasonably appromixate RC scale(s)=pole mass(es) if(ipole.eq.1) then ! first time initialize p_scale for RC with tree masses do k=1,2 xmcsave(k)=xmc(k) enddo endif do icino = 1,2 ! 2 calls, at scales close to respective (ordered) pole masses do i=1,2 do j=1,2 u(i,j)=usave(i,j) ! make sure that DRbar matrix elmts are used within RC loops su_RCCINO v(i,j)=vsave(i,j) enddo enddo call SU_RCCINO(xmc(icino)**2,mnDRbar,xmctree,b, rcCL,rcCR,rcCS) c do i=1,2 do j=1,2 rcCST(i,j)=rcCS(j,i) enddo enddo do i=1,2 do j=1,2 rcC(i,j)=0d0 ! reinitialization do k=1,2 rcC(i,j) = rcC(i,j) .-(rcCR(i,k)*MMCtr(k,j)+MMCtr(i,k)*rcCL(k,j)) ! nb actually should be rcCR^T,rcCL^T enddo ! but these are symmetrical (for real MSSM) rcC(i,j)= rcC(i,j)-rcCST(i,j) ! note rcCST=rcCS^T, rcCS not symmetrical enddo enddo c Now construct final matrix elmts including rcC of chargino RC: MMC(1,1)=m2 +rcC(1,1) MMC(1,2)=sq2*mw*dsin(b) +rcC(1,2) MMC(2,1)=sq2*mw*dcos(b) +rcC(2,1) MMC(2,2)=mu +rcC(2,2) c then diagonalize exactly in each cases i.e. for different scales~pole masses: rad=dsqrt(((MMC(1,2)+MMC(2,1))**2 +(MMC(1,1)-MMC(2,2))**2)* . ((MMC(1,2)-MMC(2,1))**2 +(MMC(1,1)+MMC(2,2))**2)) phip=datan((rad+MMC(2,2)**2-MMC(1,1)**2+MMC(1,2)**2-MMC(2,1)**2) . /(2*(MMC(1,1)*MMC(1,2) +MMC(2,2)*MMC(2,1) ) ) ) phim=datan((rad+MMC(2,2)**2-MMC(1,1)**2-MMC(1,2)**2+MMC(2,1)**2) . /(2*(MMC(1,1)*MMC(2,1) +MMC(2,2)*MMC(1,2) ) ) ) c cp=dcos(phip) sp=dsin(phip) cm=dcos(phim) sm=dsin(phim) c my convention ! the following U,V matrix elmts' contain RC but only used for pole masses: u(1,1)=cm u(1,2)=sm u(2,1)=-sm u(2,2)=cm v(1,1)=cp v(1,2)=sp v(2,1)=-sp v(2,2)=cp 556 continue xmc(1)=(u(1,1)*MMC(1,1)+u(1,2)*MMC(2,1))*v(1,1) . +(u(1,1)*MMC(1,2)+u(1,2)*MMC(2,2))*v(1,2) xmc(2)=(u(2,1)*MMC(1,1)+u(2,2)*MMC(2,1))*v(2,1) . +(u(2,1)*MMC(1,2)+u(2,2)*MMC(2,2))*v(2,2) xmcsave(icino) = xmc(icino) ! saving only chargino mass evaluated at its own pole mass scale c if(xmc(1).lt.0.d0) then c some corrections to deal with case where BOTH MCh1,MCh2 <0: v(1,1)=-v(1,1) v(1,2)=-v(1,2) goto 556 endif if(xmc(2).lt.0.d0) then v(2,1)=-v(2,1) v(2,2)=-v(2,2) goto 556 endif enddo ! end of loop on two different ~pole mass scale used within RC enddo ! end of iteration to approximate true chargino pole masses c c restoring DRbar values of U,V for outside after all RC have been calculated: do i=1,2 do j=1,2 u(i,j)=usave(i,j) v(i,j)=vsave(i,j) enddo enddo c reordering mass eigenvalues/vectors at the very end and saving pole masses for outside: if(xmcsave(1).gt.xmcsave(2)) then mtemp=xmcsave(1) xmc(1)=xmcsave(2) xmc(2)=mtemp do j=1,2 bu(j)=u(1,j) u(1,j)=u(2,j) u(2,j)=bu(j) bv(j)=v(1,j) v(1,j)=v(2,j) v(2,j)=bv(j) enddo endif mc(1)=dabs(xmcsave(1)) mc(2)=dabs(xmcsave(2)) endif ! end of chargino mass RC if(inorc.eq.1) c mc(1)=dabs(xmc(1)) mc(2)=dabs(xmc(2)) mz = mzsave mw = mwsave return end c------------------------- subroutine su_inomass(m,xmn) c solve the 4th order eigenvalue eq. for input neutralino mass matrix elmts m(i,j): c also valid with RC included. Output: eigenvalues xmn(i), including signs. implicit real*8(a-h,m-z) complex*16 cx(4) dimension m(4,4), xmn(4) c coefficients of the eigenvalue eq. x^4+c3 x^3+c2 x^2+c1 x+c0=0: c3= -(m(1,1) + m(2,2) + m(3,3) + m(4,4)) c2 = -m(1,2)**2 - m(1,3)**2 - m(1,4)**2 - m(2,3)**2 - m(2,4)**2 . -m(3,4)**2 + m(3,3)*m(4,4) + m(2,2)*(m(3,3) + m(4,4)) . +m(1,1)*(m(2,2) + m(3,3) + m(4,4)) c1 =-2*m(1,2)*m(1,4)*m(2,4) + m(2,4)**2*m(3,3) + m(1,4)**2*(m(2,2) . + m(3,3)) - 2*m(2,3)*m(2,4)*m(3,4) + m(2,2)*m(3,4)**2 - . 2*m(1,3)*(m(1,2)*m(2,3) + m(1,4)*m(3,4)) + m(2,3)**2*m(4,4) - . m(2,2)*m(3,3)*m(4,4) + m(1,3)**2*(m(2,2) + m(4,4)) + . m(1,2)**2*(m(3,3) + m(4,4)) + . m(1,1)*(m(2,3)**2 + m(2,4)**2 - m(2,2)*m(3,3) + m(3,4)**2 - . (m(2,2) + m(3,3))*m(4,4)) c0 = m(1,4)**2*(m(2,3)**2 - m(2,2)*m(3,3)) + . 2*m(1,4)*(m(1,3)*(-(m(2,3)*m(2,4)) + m(2,2)*m(3,4)) + . m(1,2)*(m(2,4)*m(3,3) - m(2,3)*m(3,4))) + . m(1,3)**2*(m(2,4)**2 - m(2,2)*m(4,4)) + . 2*m(1,2)*m(1,3)*(-(m(2,4)*m(3,4)) + m(2,3)*m(4,4)) + . m(1,2)**2*(m(3,4)**2 - m(3,3)*m(4,4)) - . m(1,1)*(m(2,4)**2*m(3,3) - 2*m(2,3)*m(2,4)*m(3,4) . + m(2,3)**2*m(4,4) +m(2,2)*(m(3,4)**2 - m(3,3)*m(4,4))) c fourth order polynomial eq. solver: call solve4(c3,c2,c1,c0,cx) do i=1,4 xmn(i) =dble(cx(i)) enddo end c------------------------- subroutine solve4(a,b,c,d,x) c general 4th order algebraic equation solver c x^4 +a x^3 +b x^2 +c x +d =0 c output x is 4-vector of solutions c (traditional Tartaglia-Cardan-Ferrari method; coded in this form jlk) implicit real*8(a-h,k-z) complex*16 x(4),y(3),t,s,u c x->x -a/4 to give depressed form x^4 = p x^2 +q x +r: p = -b+3*a**2/8 q = -(a**3-4*a*b+8*c)/8 r = 3*a**4/256 -b*a**2/16 +a*c/4 -d c solve x^4 =(x^2+t)^2 -2t x^2 -t^2 = ..: solve for t / (x^2+t)^2= (s x+u)^2: c (3rd order eq. in t): call solve3(1d0, p/2, r, p*r/2-q**2/8, y) t=y(1) ! any of the 3 solutions would do by symmetry s = cdsqrt(2*t+p) u = q/s/2 x(1) =(s +cdsqrt(s**2-4*(t-u)))/2 -a/4 x(2) =(s -cdsqrt(s**2-4*(t-u)))/2 -a/4 x(3) =(-s +cdsqrt(s**2-4*(t+u)))/2 -a/4 x(4) =(-s -cdsqrt(s**2-4*(t+u)))/2 -a/4 end c---------------- subroutine solve3(a,b,c,d,cx) c general 3rd order algebraic equation solver c a x^3 +b x^2 +c x +d =0 c output cx is complex 3-vector of solutions c (traditional Tartaglia-Cardan method) c implicit real*8(a-h,k-z) complex*16 cx(3),disc,cxc,cphase(3) cphase(1) =dcmplx(1d0,0d0) cphase(2) = dcmplx(-1d0/2,dsqrt(3d0)/2) cphase(3) = dcmplx(-1d0/2,-dsqrt(3d0)/2) al= b**2-3*a*c bet= 2*b**3-9*a*b*c+27*a**2*d disc= (bet**2-4*al**3)*dcmplx(1d0,0d0) c nb: disc >0 => 3 distinct real roots; disc <0 => 1 real root +2 c.c.; disc =0 => 3 multiple roots cxc = ((-bet+cdSqrt(disc))/2)**(1d0/3) do i=1,3 cx(i) = (-b +cphase(i)*cxc +al/cphase(i)/cxc)/a/3 enddo end c------------------------------------------- subroutine su_ninord(xmn,yz,z) c reordering neutralino masses and corresponding Z matrix elmts implicit real*8(a-h,m-z) dimension xmn(4),mn(4),iord(4),irem(4),ymn(4),yz(4,4),z(4,4) c do i=1,4 mn(i)=dabs(xmn(i)) ymn(i)=xmn(i) enddo if(mn(3).eq.mn(4)) mn(4)=mn(4)*(1d0+1.d-8) !protection c (such a degeneracy (within d.p. accuracy) may happen for very large MU) xx0 = dmin1(mn(1),mn(2),mn(3),mn(4)) xx1 = dmax1(mn(1),mn(2),mn(3),mn(4)) idummy = 1 do i = 1,4 if(mn(i).eq.xx0)then iord(1) = i elseif(mn(i).eq.xx1)then iord(4) = i else irem(idummy) = i idummy = idummy+1 endif enddo if(mn(irem(1)).le.mn(irem(2)))then iord(2) = irem(1) iord(3) = irem(2) else iord(2) = irem(2) iord(3) = irem(1) endif c do 98 j=1,4 i=iord(j) xmn(j)=ymn(i) c do i1=1,4 z(j,i1)=yz(i,i1) enddo 98 continue end c----------------------------------- c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_RADCINO(ml1,mq1,mq3,mu3,md3,ma,yt,yb,m1,m2,mu,tb, . rcm1,rcm2,rcmu) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c !!! obsolete routine: no longer used/called, just kept for possible crosschecks c Calculates the radiative corrections to the gaugino and MU mass c parameters in approximations. c The outputs are the radiative corrections rcm1,rcm2,rcmu to m1,m2, mu c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) COMMON/SU_param/gf,alph,mz,mw COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/SU_treesfer/msbtr1,msbtr2,msttr1,msttr2 COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytauewsb,ybewsb,ytewsb,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole complex*16 SU_B1,SU_B0 c fix re. scale (used in B0, B1): if(kpole.eq.1) scale = dsqrt(msttr1*msttr2) pi=4*datan(1.d0) cw = g2ewsb/dsqrt(g1ewsb**2+g2ewsb**2) sw=dsqrt(1.d0-cw**2) b=datan(tb) ep=1.d-5 amu =dabs(mu) c alphewsb = (g2ewsb*sw)**2/(4*pi) rm1=11.d0*dble(SU_B1(m1**2,ep,mq1))+9.d0*dble(SU_B1(m1**2,ep,ml1)) .+mu/m1*dsin(2*b)*(dble(SU_B0(m1**2,amu,ma)) . -dble(SU_B0(m1**2,amu,mz))) . +dble(SU_B1(m1**2,amu,ma))+dble(SU_B1(m1**2,amu,mz)) rcm1=-alphewsb/(4.d0*pi*cw**2)*rm1 *m1 c rm2=9.d0*dble(SU_B1(m2**2,ep,mq1))+3.d0*dble(SU_B1(m2**2,ep,ml1)) .+mu/m2*dsin(2*b)*(dble(SU_B0(m2**2,amu,ma)) . -dble(SU_B0(m2**2,amu,mz))) . +dble(SU_B1(m2**2,amu,ma))+dble(SU_B1(m2**2,amu,mz)) . -4.d0*(2.d0*dble(SU_B0(m2**2,m2,mw))-dble(SU_B1(m2**2,m2,mw))) rcm2=-alphewsb/(4.d0*pi*sw**2)*rm2 *m2 c rmu1=(ybewsb**2+ytewsb**2)*dble(SU_B1(amu**2,ep,mq3)) . + ytewsb**2*dble(SU_B1(amu**2,ep,mu3)) . + ybewsb**2*dble(SU_B1(amu**2,ep,md3)) rmu2=dble(SU_B1(amu**2,m2,ma))+dble(SU_B1(amu**2,m2,mz)) . +2.d0*dble(SU_B1(amu**2,amu,mz)) . -4.d0*dble(SU_B0(amu**2,amu,mz)) rcmu=(-3.d0/(32*pi**2)*rmu1-3*alphewsb/(16*pi*sw**2)*rmu2 ) *mu end c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_RCCINO(q2,mn,mc,B, rcCL,rcCR,rcCS) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates the full one-loop radiative corrections to the chargino masses c according to PBMZ expressions. c Output are the RC matrix elements rcL,rcR,rcS(4,4) for neutralinos c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) real*8 nf complex*16 SU_B1,SU_B0 dimension u(2,2),v(2,2),z(4,4),dxmn(4),mn(4),mc(2),rcCL(2,2), . rcCR(2,2),rcCS(2,2),rcCfsfL(2,2),rcCfsfR(2,2),xmctree(2), . rcCfsfS(2,2), . rcCCzL(2,2),rcCCzR(2,2),rcCCzS(2,2),rcCCgL(2,2),rcCCgR(2,2), . rcCCgS(2,2), rcCNwL(2,2),rcCNwR(2,2),rcCNwS(2,2), . rcCCHL(2,2),rcCCHR(2,2),rcCCHS(2,2), . rccnHpL(2,2),rccnHpR(2,2),rccnHpS(2,2), . acuL(2),bcuL(2),bctL(2),acuR(2),actR(2),bcuR(2),acdL(2),acbL(2), . bcdL(2),acdR(2),bcdR(2),bcbR(2),aceL(2),bceL(2),aceR(2),bceR(2), . bctauR(2),acnue(2), . acchl(4,4),acchH(4,4),acchA(4,4),accG0(4,4), . bcchl(4,4),bcchH(4,4),bcchA(4,4),bccG0(4,4), . acnHp(2,4),acnGp(2,4),bcnHp(2,4),bcnGp(2,4) COMMON/SU_cte/nf,cpi,mz_pole,mwdum,tbetdum common/SU_runhiggsewsb/ma,ml,mh,mch,alfa cc COMMON/SU_hmass/ma,ml,mh,mch,mar cc COMMON/SU_outhiggs/dml,dmh,dmch,alfa COMMON/SU_outginos/mc1,mc2,mn1,mn2,mn3,mn4,mgluino COMMON/SU_inoDR/U,V,Z,xmctree,dxmn COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,yt,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_tbewsb/vuewsb,vdewsb COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtau,mb,mt COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2,mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2,thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole common/run_p/pizz c sq2 =dsqrt(2d0) g= g2ewsb g1= g1ewsb cw = 1.d0/dsqrt(1.d0+(g1ewsb/g2ewsb)**2) sw = g1ewsb/g2ewsb*cw c mz= dsqrt(mz_pole**2+pizz) mw=mz*cw e=g1*cw rmt= yt*vuewsb rmb=yb*vdewsb rmtau=ytau*vdewsb ct=dcos(thet) st=dsin(thet) cb=dcos(theb) sb=dsin(theb) cta=dcos(thel) sta=dsin(thel) ca=dcos(alfa) sa=dsin(alfa) cbet=dcos(B) sbet=dsin(B) zero = 1d-2 c chargino-down-sup : c distinguish 3rd from 1,2 generation for yukawa cplings, when necessary: c (! bug in bcuL, acuR, corrected from v2.5 to v2.5.1) acuL(1) =g bcuL(1) =0d0 bctL(1) =0d0 acuR(1) =0d0 actR(1) =0d0 bcuR(1) =0d0 acuL(2) =0d0 bctL(2) =-yb bcuL(2) = 0d0 ! actually Yukawa non zero but negligible for 1,2 generation actR(2) =-yt acuR(2) = 0d0 ! actually Yukawa non zero but negligible bcuR(2) =0d0 c chargino-up-sdown: acdL(1)=0.d0 acbL(1)=0.d0 bcdL(1)=g acdR(1)=0.d0 bcdR(1)=0.d0 bcbR(1)=0.d0 acbL(2)=-yt acdL(2)= 0d0 ! actually Yukawa non zero but negligible bcdL(2)=0.d0 acdR(2)=0.d0 bcbR(2)=-yb bcdR(2)= 0.d0 ! actually Yukawa non zero but negligible c chargino-lepton-sneutrino: aceL(1) =0d0 bceL(1) =g aceR(1) =0d0 bceR(1) =0d0 bctauR(1) =0d0 aceL(2) =0d0 bceL(2) =0d0 aceR(2) =0d0 bctauR(2) =-ytau bceR(2) = 0d0 ! actually Yukawa non zero but negligible c chargino-neutrino-slepton: acnue(1) =g acnue(2) =0d0 c chargino-neutralino-W (same as neutralino-chargino-W for real MSSM U*,V*=U,V): an2c1w = -g bn2c1w = -g an4c2w = g/sq2 bn3c2w = -g/sq2 c chargino-chargino-Z ac1c1z = g*cw bc1c1z = ac1c1z ac2c2z = g*(cw**2-sw**2)/cw/2 bc2c2z = ac2c2z c chargino-chargino-photon ac1c1g = e bc1c1g = ac1c1z ac2c2g = e bc2c2g = ac2c2z c chargino-chargino-H0/A0/G0 ac1c2s1 = g/sq2 ac2c1s2 = g/sq2 ac1c2p1 = g/sq2 ac2c1p2 = -g/sq2 bc1c2s1= ac1c2s1 bc2c1s2= ac2c1s2 bc1c2p1= -ac1c2p1 bc2c1p2= -ac2c1p2 do j=1,2 acchl(1,j) = -sa*U(j,2)*ac1c2s1 acchH(1,j) = ca*U(j,2)*ac1c2s1 acchA(1,j) = -sbet*U(j,2)*ac1c2p1 accG0(1,j) = cbet*U(j,2)*ac1c2p1 c bcchl(1,j) = -sa*V(j,2)*bc1c2s1 bcchH(1,j) = ca*V(j,2)*bc1c2s1 bcchA(1,j) = -sbet*V(j,2)*bc1c2p1 bccG0(1,j) = cbet*V(j,2)*bc1c2p1 c acchl(2,j) = -sa*U(j,1)*ac2c1s2 acchH(2,j) = ca*U(j,1)*ac2c1s2 acchA(2,j) = -sbet*U(j,1)*ac2c1p2 accG0(2,j) = cbet*U(j,1)*ac2c1p2 c bcchl(2,j) = -sa*V(j,1)*bc2c1s2 bcchH(2,j) = ca*V(j,1)*bc2c1s2 bcchA(2,j) = -sbet*V(j,1)*bc2c1p2 bccG0(2,j) = cbet*V(j,1)*bc2c1p2 enddo c chargino-neutralino-H+/G+ an1c2h1 = g1/sq2 bn1c2h2 = an1c2h1 an2c2h1 = g/sq2 bn2c2h2 = an2c2h1 an3c1h1 = -g bn4c1h2 = g c do j=1,4 acnHp(1,j) = cbet*Z(j,4)*bn4c1h2 acnGp(1,j) = sbet*Z(j,4)*bn4c1h2 acnHp(2,j) = cbet*(Z(j,1)*bn1c2h2+Z(j,2)*bn2c2h2) acnGp(2,j) = sbet*(Z(j,1)*bn1c2h2+Z(j,2)*bn2c2h2) c bcnHp(1,j) = -sbet*Z(j,3)*an3c1h1 bcnGp(1,j) = cbet*Z(j,3)*an3c1h1 bcnHp(2,j) = -sbet*(Z(j,1)*an1c2h1+Z(j,2)*an2c2h1) bcnGp(2,j) = cbet*(Z(j,1)*an1c2h1+Z(j,2)*an2c2h1) enddo c c do i=1,2 do j=1,2 rcCCHL(i,j)= 0d0 ! reinitializations rcCCHR(i,j)= 0d0 rcCCHS(i,j)= 0d0 rcCNHpL(i,j)= 0d0 rcCNHpR(i,j)= 0d0 rcCNHpS(i,j)= 0d0 rcCNwL(i,j)= 0d0 rcCNwR(i,j)= 0d0 rcCNwS(i,j)= 0d0 rcCCzL(i,j)= 0d0 rcCCzR(i,j)= 0d0 rcCCzS(i,j)= 0d0 rcCCgL(i,j)= 0d0 rcCCgR(i,j)= 0d0 rcCCgS(i,j)= 0d0 c fermion/sfermion contributions rcCfsfL(i,j)=(3*((ct*acuL(i)+st*actR(i))*(ct*acuL(j)+st*actR(j))* ! bottom/stop . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmb,mst1))+ . (-st*acuL(i)+ct*actR(i))*(-st*acuL(j)+ct*actR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmb,mst2))) + . 6*acuL(i)*acuL(j)* ! d,s/su_L,sc_L . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msu1)) + . 6*acuR(i)*acuR(j)* ! d,s/su_R,sc_R: actually zero from negligible yukawas . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msu2)) + ! but kept for generality . aceL(i)*aceL(j)* ! lepton/sneutrino . (dble(SU_B1(q2,rmtau,msntau)) +2*dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msn1))) + . 3*((cb*acbL(i)+sb*acdR(i))*(cb*acbL(j)+sb*acdR(j))* ! top/sbottom . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmt,msb1))+ . (-sb*acbL(i)+cb*acdR(i))*(-sb*acbL(j)+cb*acdR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmt,msb2))) + . 6*acdL(i)*acdL(j)* ! u,c/sd_L,ss_L . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msd1)) + . 6*acdR(i)*acdR(j)* ! u,c/sd_R,ss_R but zero from negligible yukawas . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msd2)) + . (cta*aceL(i)+sta*aceR(i))*(cta*aceL(j)+sta*aceR(j))* !neutrino/stau . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msta1))+ . (-sta*aceL(i)+cta*aceR(i))*(-sta*aceL(j)+cta*aceR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msta2)) + . 2*acnue(i)*acnue(j)* ! neutrino/se,smu . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,mse2)) )/2 c rcCfsfR(i,j)=(3*((ct*bctL(i)+st*bcuR(i))*(ct*bctL(j)+st*bcuR(j))* ! bottom/stop . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmb,mst1))+ . (-st*bctL(i)+ct*bcuR(i))*(-st*bctL(j)+ct*bcuR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmb,mst2))) + c ! d,s/su,sc contribution = 0 since bcuL,bcuR ~ 0 for first 2 gen. . 3*((cb*bcdL(i)+sb*bcbR(i))*(cb*bcdL(j)+sb*bcbR(j))* ! top/sbottom . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmt,msb1))+ . (-sb*bcdL(i)+cb*bcbR(i))*(-sb*bcdL(j)+cb*bcbR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmt,msb2))) + . 6*bcdL(i)*bcdL(j)* ! u,c/sd_L,ss_L . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msd1)) + . 6*bcdR(i)*bcdR(j)* ! u,c/sd_R,ss_R but zero from negligible yukawas . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msd2)) + . (cta*bceL(i)+sta*bctauR(i))* . (cta*bceL(j)+sta*bctauR(j))* !neutrino/stau . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msta1))+ . (-sta*bceL(i)+cta*bctauR(i))* . (-sta*bceL(j)+cta*bctauR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msta2)) )/2 c ! neutrino/se,smu contribution = 0 since bcnu ~ 0 for first 2 gen. c S-contribution: note no contributions from first two gen. since either a or b cplings are ~0 rcCfsfS(i,j)= 3*((ct*bctL(i)+st*bcuR(i))*(ct*acuL(j)+st*actR(j))* . rmb*dble(SU_B0(q2,rmb,mst1))+ . (-st*bctL(i)+ct*bcuR(i))*(-st*acuL(j)+ct*actR(j))* . rmb*dble(SU_B0(q2,rmb,mst2))) + . 3*((cb*bcdL(i)+sb*bcbR(i))*(cb*acbL(j)+sb*acdR(j))* . rmt*dble(SU_B0(q2,rmt,msb1))+ . (-sb*bcdL(i)+cb*bcbR(i))*(-sb*acbL(j)+cb*acdR(j))* . rmt*dble(SU_B0(q2,rmt,msb2))) c ! also no neutrino/stau nor tau/sneutrino contributions since either a or b or m_neut =0 c c chargino-H0/A0/G0 contributions do k=1,2 rcCCHL(i,j) =rcCCHL(i,j) + . (acchl(i,k)*acchl(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),ml)) + . acchH(i,k)*acchH(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mh)) + . acchA(i,k)*acchA(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mA)) + . accG0(i,k)*accG0(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mz)) )/2 c rcCCHR(i,j) =rcCCHR(i,j) + . (bCChl(i,k)*bCChl(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),ml)) + . bCChH(i,k)*bCChH(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mh)) + . bCChA(i,k)*bCChA(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mA)) + . bCCG0(i,k)*bCCG0(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mz)) )/2 c S contributions rcCCHS(i,j) =rcCCHS(i,j) + . bCChl(i,k)*aCChl(j,k)*mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),ml)) + . bCChH(i,k)*aCChH(j,k)*mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mh)) + . bCChA(i,k)*aCChA(j,k)*mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mA)) + . bCCG0(i,k)*aCCG0(j,k)*mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mz)) enddo c c chargino-H+/G+ contributions do k=1,4 rcCNHpL(i,j) =rcCNHpL(i,j) + . (acnHp(i,k)*acnHp(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mch)) + . acnGp(i,k)*acnGp(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mw)) )/2 c rcCNHpR(i,j) =rcCNHpR(i,j) + . (bcnHp(i,k)*bcnHp(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mch)) + . bcnGp(i,k)*bcnGp(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mw)) )/2 c S contributions rcCNHpS(i,j) =rcCNHpS(i,j) + . bcnHp(i,k)*acnHp(j,k)*mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mch)) + . bcnGp(i,k)*acnGp(j,k)*mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mw)) enddo c enddo enddo c neutralino-W contributions do k=1,4 rcCNwL(1,1) = rcCNwL(1,1) +(Z(k,2)*an2c1w)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mw)) rcCNwL(2,2) = rcCNwL(2,2) +(Z(k,4)*an4c2w)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mw)) rcCNwL(1,2) = rcCNwL(1,2) +(Z(k,2)*an2c1w)*(Z(k,4)*an4c2w)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mw)) rcCNwL(2,1) = rcCNwL(1,2) c rcCNwR(1,1) = rcCNwR(1,1) +(Z(k,2)*bn2c1w)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mw)) rcCNwR(2,2) = rcCNwR(2,2) +(Z(k,3)*bn3c2w)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mw)) rcCNwR(1,2) = rcCNwR(1,2) +(Z(k,2)*bn2c1w)*(Z(k,3)*bn3c2w)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mw)) rcCNwR(2,1) = rcCNwR(1,2) c c S contributions rcCNwS(1,1) = rcCNwS(1,1) +(Z(k,2)*bn2c1w)*(Z(k,2)*an2c1w)* . mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mw)) rcCNwS(2,2) = rcCNwS(2,2) +(Z(k,3)*bn3c2w)*(Z(k,4)*an4c2w)* . mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mw)) rcCNwS(1,2) = rcCNwS(1,2) +(Z(k,2)*bn2c1w)*(Z(k,4)*an4c2w)* . mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mw)) rcCNwS(2,1) = rcCNwS(2,1) +(Z(k,3)*bn3c2w)*(Z(k,2)*an2c1w)* . mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mw)) enddo c ! note the last S(i,j) is not symmetrical c c chargino-Z contributions do k=1,2 rcCCzL(1,1) = rcCCzL(1,1) +(V(k,1)*ac1c1z)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mz)) rcCCzL(2,2) = rcCCzL(2,2) +(V(k,2)*ac2c2z)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mz)) rcCCzL(1,2) = rcCCzL(1,2) +(V(k,1)*ac1c1z)*(V(k,2)*ac2c2z)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mz)) rcCCzL(2,1) = rcCCzL(1,2) c rcCCzR(1,1) = rcCCzR(1,1) +(V(k,1)*bc1c1z)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mz)) rcCCzR(2,2) = rcCCzR(2,2) +(V(k,2)*bc2c2z)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mz)) rcCCzR(1,2) = rcCCzR(1,2) +(V(k,1)*bc1c1z)*(V(k,2)*bc2c2z)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mz)) rcCCzR(2,1) = rcCCzR(1,2) c S contributions (! not symmetrical) rcCCzS(1,1) = rcCCzS(1,1) +(V(k,1)*bc1c1z)*(V(k,1)*ac1c1z)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mz)) rcCCzS(1,2) = rcCCzS(1,2) +(V(k,1)*bc1c1z)*(V(k,2)*ac2c2z)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mz)) rcCCzS(2,1) = rcCCzS(2,1) +(V(k,2)*bc2c2z)*(V(k,1)*ac1c1z)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mz)) rcCCzS(2,2) = rcCCzS(2,2) +(V(k,2)*bc2c2z)*(V(k,2)*ac2c2z)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mz)) enddo c chargino-photon contributions do k=1,2 rcCCgL(1,1) = rcCCgL(1,1) +(V(k,1)*ac1c1g)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),zero)) rcCCgL(2,2) = rcCCgL(2,2) +(V(k,2)*ac2c2g)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),zero)) rcCCgL(1,2) = rcCCgL(1,2) +(V(k,1)*ac1c1g)*(V(k,2)*ac2c2g)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),zero)) rcCCgL(2,1) = rcCCgL(1,2) c rcCCgR(1,1) = rcCCgR(1,1) +(V(k,1)*bc1c1g)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),zero)) rcCCgR(2,2) = rcCCgR(2,2) +(V(k,2)*bc2c2g)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),zero)) rcCCgR(1,2) = rcCCgR(1,2) +(V(k,1)*bc1c1g)*(V(k,2)*bc2c2g)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),zero)) rcCCgR(2,1) = rcCCgR(1,2) c S contributions ( symmetrical because all cplings =e) rcCCgS(1,1) = rcCCgS(1,1) +(V(k,1)*bc1c1g)*(V(k,1)*ac1c1g)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),zero)) rcCCgS(1,2) = rcCCgS(1,2) +(V(k,1)*bc1c1g)*(V(k,2)*ac2c2g)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),zero)) rcCCgS(2,1) = rcCCgS(2,1) +(V(k,2)*bc2c2g)*(V(k,1)*ac1c1g)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),zero)) rcCCgS(2,2) = rcCCgS(2,2) +(V(k,2)*bc2c2g)*(V(k,2)*ac2c2g)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),zero)) enddo c do i=1,2 do j=1,2 rcCL(i,j)=cpi*(rcCfsfL(i,j)+rcCCHL(i,j)+rcCNHpL(i,j)+rcCCZL(i,j)+ . rcCCgL(i,j)+ rcCNwL(i,j)) rcCR(i,j)=cpi*(rcCfsfR(i,j)+rcCCHR(i,j)+rcCNHpR(i,j)+rcCCZR(i,j)+ . rcCCgR(i,j)+ rcCNwR(i,j)) rcCS(i,j)=cpi*(rcCfsfS(i,j) -4*rcCNwS(i,j) . -4*rcCCZS(i,j) -4*rcCCgS(i,j) . +rcCNHpS(i,j)+rcCCHS(i,j)) enddo enddo end c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_RCNINO(q2,mn,mc,B, rcL,rcR,rcS) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates the full one-loop radiative corrections to the neutralino masses c according to PBMZ expressions. c Output are the RC matrix elements rcL,rcR,rcS(4,4) for neutralinos c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) real*8 nf complex*16 SU_B1,SU_B0 dimension u(2,2),v(2,2),z(4,4),dxmn(4),mn(4),mc(2),xmctree(2), . rcL(4,4), . rcR(4,4),rcS(4,4),rcNfsfL(4,4),rcNfsfR(4,4),rcNfsfS(4,4), . rcNnZL(4,4),rcNnZR(4,4),rcNnZS(4,4),rcNcWL(4,4),rcNcWR(4,4), . rcNcWS(4,4),rcnnHL(4,4),rcnnHR(4,4),rcnnHS(4,4), . rcncHpL(4,4),rcncHpR(4,4),rcncHpS(4,4), . anuL(4),bnuL(4),anuR(4),bnuR(4),andL(4),bndL(4),andR(4),bndR(4), . aneL(4),bneL(4),aneR(4),bneR(4),annu(4),bnnu(4), c . acuL(2),bcuL(2),acuR(2),bcuR(2),acdL(2),bcdL(2),acdR(2),bcdR(2), c . aceL(2),bceL(2),aceR(2),bceR(2),acnue(2),bcnue(2), . annhl(4,4),annhH(4,4),annhA(4,4),annG0(4,4), . bnnhl(4,4),bnnhH(4,4),bnnhA(4,4),bnnG0(4,4), . ancHp(4,2),ancGp(4,2),bncHp(4,2),bncGp(4,2) COMMON/SU_cte/nf,cpi,mz_pole,mwdum,tbetdum common/SU_runhiggsewsb/ma,ml,mh,mch,alfa cc COMMON/SU_hmass/ma,ml,mh,mch,mar cc COMMON/SU_outhiggs/dml,dmh,dmch,alfa COMMON/SU_outginos/mc1,mc2,mn1,mn2,mn3,mn4,mgluino COMMON/SU_inoDR/U,V,Z,xmctree,dxmn COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,yt,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_tbewsb/vuewsb,vdewsb COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtau,mb,mt COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2,mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2,thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole common/run_p/pizz c sq2 =dsqrt(2d0) g= g2ewsb g1= g1ewsb cw = 1.d0/dsqrt(1.d0+(g1ewsb/g2ewsb)**2) sw = g1ewsb/g2ewsb*cw mz= dsqrt(mz_pole**2+pizz) mw=mz*cw rmt= yt*vuewsb rmb=yb*vdewsb rmtau=ytau*vdewsb ct=dcos(thet) st=dsin(thet) cb=dcos(theb) sb=dsin(theb) cta=dcos(thel) sta=dsin(thel) ca=dcos(alfa) sa=dsin(alfa) cbet=dcos(B) sbet=dsin(B) zero = 1d-2 c c----------- neutralino couplings: c neutralino-up-sup: anuL(1) = 0d0 bnuL(1) = g1/sq2*(1.d0/3) anuR(1) = g1/sq2*(-4.d0/3) bnuR(1) = 0d0 anuL(2) = 0d0 bnuL(2) = sq2*g*(.5d0) anuR(2) = 0d0 bnuR(2) = 0d0 anuL(3) = 0d0 anuR(3) = 0d0 bnuL(3) = 0d0 bnuR(3) = 0d0 anuL(4) = yt anuR(4) = 0d0 bnuL(4) = 0d0 bnuR(4) = yt c c neutralino-down-Sdown: andL(1) = 0.d0 bndL(1) = g1/sq2*(1.d0/3) andR(1) = g1/sq2*(2.d0/3) bndR(1) = 0.d0 andL(2) = 0.d0 bndL(2) = sq2*g*(-.5d0) andR(2) = 0.d0 bndR(2) = 0.d0 andL(3) = yb andR(3) = 0.d0 bndL(3) = 0.d0 bndR(3) = yb andL(4) = 0.d0 andR(4) = 0.d0 bndL(4) = 0.d0 bndR(4) = 0.d0 c neutralino-lepton-slepton: aneL(1) = 0d0 bneL(1) = g1/sq2*(-1d0) aneR(1) = g1/sq2*(2d0) bneR(1) = 0d0 aneL(2) = 0d0 bneL(2) = sq2*g*(-.5d0) aneR(2) = 0d0 bneR(2) = 0d0 aneL(3) = ytau aneR(3) = 0d0 bneL(3) = 0d0 bneR(3) = ytau aneL(4) = 0d0 aneR(4) = 0d0 bneL(4) = 0d0 bneR(4) = 0d0 c neutralino-neutrino-sneutrino: annu(1) = 0d0 bnnu(1) = g1/sq2*(-1d0) annu(2) = 0d0 bnnu(2) = sq2*g*(.5d0) annu(3) = 0d0 bnnu(3) = 0d0 annu(4) = 0d0 bnnu(4) = 0d0 c neutralino-neutralino-Z: an3n3z = g/cw/2 bn3n3z= -g/cw/2 an4n4Z= -an3n3z bn4n4z = -bn3n3z c neutralino-chargino-W: an2c1w = -g bn2c1w = -g an4c2w = g/sq2 bn3c2w = -g/sq2 c neutralino-neutralino-H0,h0,..: an1n3s1 = -g1/2 an1n4s2 = -an1n3s1 an1n3p1 = an1n3s1 an1n4p2 = an1n3p1 bn1n3s1 = an1n3s1 bn1n4s2 = an1n4s2 bn1n3p1 = -an1n3p1 bn1n4p2 = -an1n4p2 c an2n3s1 = g/2 an2n4s2 = -an2n3s1 an2n3p1 = an2n3s1 an2n4p2 = an2n3p1 c bn2n3s1 = an2n3s1 bn2n4s2 = an2n4s2 bn2n3p1 = -an2n3p1 bn2n4p2 = -an2n4p2 c do j=1,4 annhl(1,j) = -sa*Z(j,3)*an1n3s1+ca*Z(j,4)*an1n4s2 annhH(1,j) = ca*Z(j,3)*an1n3s1+sa*Z(j,4)*an1n4s2 annhA(1,j) = -sbet*Z(j,3)*an1n3p1+cbet*Z(j,4)*an1n4p2 annG0(1,j) = cbet*Z(j,3)*an1n3p1+sbet*Z(j,4)*an1n4p2 c annhl(2,j) = -sa*Z(j,3)*an2n3s1+ca*Z(j,4)*an2n4s2 annhH(2,j) = ca*Z(j,3)*an2n3s1+sa*Z(j,4)*an2n4s2 annhA(2,j) = -sbet*Z(j,3)*an2n3p1+cbet*Z(j,4)*an2n4p2 annG0(2,j) = cbet*Z(j,3)*an2n3p1+sbet*Z(j,4)*an2n4p2 c annhl(3,j) = -sa*(Z(j,1)*an1n3s1+Z(j,2)*an2n3s1) annhH(3,j) = ca*(Z(j,1)*an1n3s1+Z(j,2)*an2n3s1) annhA(3,j) = -sbet*(Z(j,1)*an1n3p1+Z(j,2)*an2n3p1) annG0(3,j) = cbet*(Z(j,1)*an1n3p1+Z(j,2)*an2n3p1) c annhl(4,j) = ca*(Z(j,1)*an1n4s2+Z(j,2)*an2n4s2) annhH(4,j) = sa*(Z(j,1)*an1n4s2+Z(j,2)*an2n4s2) annhA(4,j) = cbet*(Z(j,1)*an1n4p2+Z(j,2)*an2n4p2) annG0(4,j) = sbet*(Z(j,1)*an1n4p2+Z(j,2)*an2n4p2) c bnnhl(1,j) = -sa*Z(j,3)*bn1n3s1+ca*Z(j,4)*bn1n4s2 bnnhH(1,j) = ca*Z(j,3)*bn1n3s1+sa*Z(j,4)*bn1n4s2 bnnhA(1,j) = -sbet*Z(j,3)*bn1n3p1+cbet*Z(j,4)*bn1n4p2 bnnG0(1,j) = cbet*Z(j,3)*bn1n3p1+sbet*Z(j,4)*bn1n4p2 c bnnhl(2,j) = -sa*Z(j,3)*bn2n3s1+ca*Z(j,4)*bn2n4s2 bnnhH(2,j) = ca*Z(j,3)*bn2n3s1+sa*Z(j,4)*bn2n4s2 bnnhA(2,j) = -sbet*Z(j,3)*bn2n3p1+cbet*Z(j,4)*bn2n4p2 bnnG0(2,j) = cbet*Z(j,3)*bn2n3p1+sbet*Z(j,4)*bn2n4p2 c bnnhl(3,j) = -sa*(Z(j,1)*bn1n3s1+Z(j,2)*bn2n3s1) bnnhH(3,j) = ca*(Z(j,1)*bn1n3s1+Z(j,2)*bn2n3s1) bnnhA(3,j) = -sbet*(Z(j,1)*bn1n3p1+Z(j,2)*bn2n3p1) bnnG0(3,j) = cbet*(Z(j,1)*bn1n3p1+Z(j,2)*bn2n3p1) c bnnhl(4,j) = ca*(Z(j,1)*bn1n4s2+Z(j,2)*bn2n4s2) bnnhH(4,j) = sa*(Z(j,1)*bn1n4s2+Z(j,2)*bn2n4s2) bnnhA(4,j) = cbet*(Z(j,1)*bn1n4p2+Z(j,2)*bn2n4p2) bnnG0(4,j) = sbet*(Z(j,1)*bn1n4p2+Z(j,2)*bn2n4p2) enddo c neutralino-chargino-H+ : an1c2h1 = g1/sq2 bn1c2h2 = an1c2h1 an2c2h1 = g/sq2 bn2c2h2 = an2c2h1 an3c1h1 = -g bn4c1h2 = g c do j=1,2 ancHp(1,j) = -sbet*U(j,2)*an1c2h1 ancGp(1,j) = cbet*U(j,2)*an1c2h1 ancHp(2,j) = -sbet*U(j,2)*an2c2h1 ancGp(2,j) = cbet*U(j,2)*an2c2h1 ancHp(3,j) = -sbet*U(j,1)*an3c1h1 ancGp(3,j) = cbet*U(j,1)*an3c1h1 ancHp(4,j) = 0d0 ancGp(4,j) = 0d0 c bncHp(1,j) = cbet*V(j,2)*bn1c2h2 bncGp(1,j) = sbet*V(j,2)*bn1c2h2 bncHp(2,j) = cbet*V(j,2)*bn2c2h2 bncGp(2,j) = sbet*V(j,2)*bn2c2h2 bncHp(3,j) = 0d0 bncGp(3,j) = 0d0 bncHp(4,j) = cbet*V(j,1)*bn4c1h2 bncGp(4,j) = sbet*V(j,1)*bn4c1h2 enddo c do i=1,4 do j=1,4 rcNnZL(i,j)= 0.d0 ! initialization for safety rcNnZR(i,j)= 0.d0 rcNnZS(i,j)= 0.d0 rcNcwL(i,j)= 0.d0 rcNcwR(i,j)= 0.d0 rcNcwS(i,j)= 0.d0 rcnnHL(i,j)= 0d0 rcnnHR(i,j)= 0d0 rcnnHS(i,j)= 0d0 rcncHpL(i,j)= 0d0 rcncHpR(i,j)= 0d0 rcncHpS(i,j)= 0d0 c fermion/sfermion contributions rcNfsfL(i,j)= 3*((ct*anuL(i)+st*anuR(i))*(ct*anuL(j)+st*anuR(j))* ! top/stop . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmt,mst1))+ . (-st*anuL(i)+ct*anuR(i))*(-st*anuL(j)+ct*anuR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmt,mst2))) + . 6*anuR(i)*anuR(j)* ! u,c/su,sc . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msu2)) + c . annu(i)*annu(j)* ! neut/sneut c . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msntau)) + c . 2*annu(i)*annu(j)* c . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msn1)) + . 3*((cb*andL(i)+sb*andR(i))*(cb*andL(j)+sb*andR(j))* ! bottom/sbottom . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmb,msb1))+ . (-sb*andL(i)+cb*andR(i))*(-sb*andL(j)+cb*andR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmb,msb2))) + . 6*andR(i)*andR(j)* ! d,s/sd,ss . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msd2)) + . (cta*aneL(i)+sta*aneR(i))*(cta*aneL(j)+sta*aneR(j))* !tau/stau . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmtau,msta1))+ . (-sta*aneL(i)+cta*aneR(i))*(-sta*aneL(j)+cta*aneR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmtau,msta2)) + . 2*aneR(i)*aneR(j)* ! e,mu/se,smu . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,mse2)) c rcNfsfR(i,j)= 3*((ct*bnuL(i)+st*bnuR(i))*(ct*bnuL(j)+st*bnuR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmt,mst1))+ . (-st*bnuL(i)+ct*bnuR(i))*(-st*bnuL(j)+ct*bnuR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmt,mst2))) + . 6*bnuL(i)*bnuL(j)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msu1)) + . bnnu(i)*bnnu(j)* ! neut/sneut . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msntau)) + . 2*bnnu(i)*bnnu(j)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msn1)) + . 3*((cb*bndL(i)+sb*bndR(i))*(cb*bndL(j)+sb*bndR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmb,msb1))+ . (-sb*bndL(i)+cb*bndR(i))*(-sb*bndL(j)+cb*bndR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmb,msb2))) + . 6*bndL(i)*bndL(j)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,msd1)) + . (cta*bneL(i)+sta*bneR(i))*(cta*bneL(j)+sta*bneR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmtau,msta1))+ . (-sta*bneL(i)+cta*bneR(i))*(-sta*bneL(j)+cta*bneR(j))* . dble(SU_B1(q2,rmtau,msta2)) + . 2*bneL(i)*bneL(j)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,zero,mse1)) c S-contribution: rcNfsfS(i,j)= 3*((ct*bnuL(i)+st*bnuR(i))*(ct*anuL(j)+st*anuR(j))* . rmt*dble(SU_B0(q2,rmt,mst1))+ . (-st*bnuL(i)+ct*bnuR(i))*(-st*anuL(j)+ct*anuR(j))* . rmt*dble(SU_B0(q2,rmt,mst2))) + . 3*((cb*bndL(i)+sb*bndR(i))*(cb*andL(j)+sb*andR(j))* . rmb*dble(SU_B0(q2,rmb,msb1))+ . (-sb*bndL(i)+cb*bndR(i))*(-sb*andL(j)+cb*andR(j))* . rmb*dble(SU_B0(q2,rmb,msb2))) + . (cta*bneL(i)+sta*bneR(i))*(cta*aneL(j)+sta*aneR(j))* . rmtau*dble(SU_B0(q2,rmtau,msta1))+ . (-sta*bneL(i)+cta*bneR(i))*(-sta*aneL(j)+cta*aneR(j))* . rmtau*dble(SU_B0(q2,rmtau,msta2)) c ! nb first two gen. S ~ a.b contributions are zero since aL and bR cplings ~ 0 c (and similarly for neut/sneut contributions) c neutralino/H0 contributions do k=1,4 rcnnHL(i,j) =rcnnHL(i,j) + . (annhl(i,k)*annhl(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),ml)) + . annhH(i,k)*annhH(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mh)) + . annhA(i,k)*annhA(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mA)) + . annG0(i,k)*annG0(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mz)) )/2 c rcnnHR(i,j) =rcnnHR(i,j) + . (bnnhl(i,k)*bnnhl(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),ml)) + . bnnhH(i,k)*bnnhH(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mh)) + . bnnhA(i,k)*bnnhA(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mA)) + . bnnG0(i,k)*bnnG0(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mz)) )/2 c S contributions rcnnHS(i,j) =rcnnHS(i,j) + . bnnhl(i,k)*annhl(j,k)*mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),ml)) + . bnnhH(i,k)*annhH(j,k)*mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mh)) + . bnnhA(i,k)*annhA(j,k)*mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mA)) + . bnnG0(i,k)*annG0(j,k)*mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mz)) enddo c chargino/H+ contributions do k=1,2 rcncHpL(i,j) =rcncHpL(i,j) + . (ancHp(i,k)*ancHp(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mch)) + . ancGp(i,k)*ancGp(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mw)) ) c rcncHpR(i,j) =rcncHpR(i,j) + . (bncHp(i,k)*bncHp(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mch)) + . bncGp(i,k)*bncGp(j,k)*dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mw)) ) c S contributions rcncHpS(i,j) =rcncHpS(i,j) + . bncHp(i,k)*ancHp(j,k)*mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mch)) + . bncGp(i,k)*ancGp(j,k)*mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mw)) enddo c enddo enddo c neutralino-Z contributions do k=1,4 rcNnZL(3,3) = rcNnZL(3,3) +(Z(k,3)*an3n3z)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mz)) rcNnZL(3,4) = rcNnZL(3,4) +(Z(k,3)*an3n3z)*(Z(k,4)*an4n4z)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mz)) rcNnZL(4,3)= rcNnZL(3,4) rcNnZL(4,4) = rcNnZL(4,4) +(Z(k,4)*an4n4z)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mz)) c rcNnZR(3,3) = rcNnZR(3,3) +(Z(k,3)*bn3n3z)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mz)) rcNnZR(3,4) = rcNnZR(3,4) +(Z(k,3)*bn3n3z)*(Z(k,4)*bn4n4z)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mz)) rcNnZR(4,3)= rcNnZR(3,4) rcNnZR(4,4) = rcNnZR(4,4) +(Z(k,4)*bn4n4z)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mn(k),mz)) c S contributions rcNnZS(3,3) = rcNnZS(3,3) +(Z(k,3)*bn3n3z)*(Z(k,3)*an3n3z)* . mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mz)) rcNnZS(3,4) = rcNnZS(3,4) +(Z(k,3)*bn3n3z)*(Z(k,4)*an4n4z)* . mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mz)) rcNnZS(4,3)= rcNnZS(4,3) +(Z(k,4)*bn4n4z)*(Z(k,3)*an3n3z)* . mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mz)) rcNnZS(4,4) = rcNnZS(4,4) +(Z(k,4)*bn4n4z)*(Z(k,4)*an4n4z)* . mn(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mn(k),mz)) enddo c chargino-W contributions do k=1,2 rcNcwL(2,2) = rcNcwL(2,2) +2*(V(k,1)*an2c1w)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mw)) rcNcwL(4,4) = rcNcwL(4,4) +2*(V(k,2)*an4c2w)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mw)) rcNcwL(2,4) = rcNcwL(2,4) +2*(V(k,1)*an2c1w)*(V(k,2)*an4c2w)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mw)) rcNcwL(4,2) = rcNcwL(2,4) c rcNcwR(2,2) = rcNcwR(2,2) +2*(U(k,1)*bn2c1w)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mw)) rcNcwR(3,3) = rcNcwR(3,3) +2*(U(k,2)*bn3c2w)**2* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mw)) rcNcwR(2,3) = rcNcwR(2,3) +2*(U(k,1)*bn2c1w)*(U(k,2)*bn3c2w)* . dble(SU_B1(q2,mc(k),mw)) rcNcwR(3,2) = rcNcwR(2,3) c S contributions rcNcwS(2,2) = rcNcwS(2,2) +(U(k,1)*bn2c1w)*(V(k,1)*an2c1w)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mw)) rcNcwS(3,2) = rcNcwS(3,2) +(U(k,2)*bn3c2w)*(V(k,1)*an2c1w)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mw)) rcNcwS(2,4) = rcNcwS(2,4) +(U(k,1)*bn2c1w)*(V(k,2)*an4c2w)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mw)) rcNcwS(3,4) = rcNcwS(3,4) +(U(k,2)*bn3c2w)*(V(k,2)*an4c2w)* . mc(k)*dble(SU_B0(q2,mc(k),mw)) c ! note the last S(i,j) are not symmetrical (only (2,2),(3,2),(2,4),(3,4) non-zero) c but will be symmetrical in the final expression which is proportional to S +S^T enddo do i=1,4 do j=1,4 rcL(i,j)=cpi*(rcNfsfL(i,j)+rcnnHL(i,j)+rcncHpL(i,j)+rcNnZL(i,j)+ . rcNcwL(i,j)) rcR(i,j)=cpi*(rcNfsfR(i,j)+rcnnHR(i,j)+rcncHpR(i,j)+rcNnZR(i,j)+ . rcNcwR(i,j)) rcS(i,j)=cpi*(2*rcNfsfS(i,j) -8*(rcNcwS(i,j)+rcNcwS(j,i))/2 ! trick to anticipate . -4*rcNnZS(i,j) +2*rcncHpS(i,j)+rcnnHS(i,j)) ! resymmetrisation via S+S^T enddo enddo end c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_SFERMION(mql,mur,mdr,mel,mer,al,at,ab,mu, . mst,msb,msl,msu,msd,mse,msn) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates the sfermion masses and mixing angles including full one-loop c radiative corrections a la PBMZ (Pierce, Bagger, Matchev, Zhang, hep-ph/9606211) c (NB MAJOR CHANGES done for ver >= 2.5) c The input parameters at EWSB scale are: c mql,mur,mdr,mel,mer,mql1,mur1,mdr1,mel1,mer1: sfermion mass terms, c al,at,ab,mu: 3d generation trilinear couplings and the parameter mu c The outputs are the sfermions masses: mst,msb,msl,msu,msd,mse,msn. c The masses are ordered such that the lightest is 1 and the heaviest is 2. c The mixing angles (! changed to DRbar TREE-LEVEL ones for version >= 2.5) c of the 3 generation sfermion are in the common block: c COMMON/SU_OUTMIX/thet,theb,thel (to be treated with care because of the c ordering of the sfermion masses, when compared to other calculations). c NB this routine also calculates sfermion masses and mixing c in a different (PBMZ) convention used in several other subroutines c (the latter are passed via common/su_bpew/..) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c implicit real*8(a-h,k-z) logical su_isNaN dimension mst(2),msb(2),msl(2),msu(2),msd(2),mse(2),msn(4) COMMON/SU_runmasses/amtau,amb,amt COMMON/SU_param/gf,alph,mz,mw c COMMON/SU_cpl/g12,g22,sw2 COMMON/SU_hmix/b,a COMMON/SU_break/msldum,mtaurdum,msqdum,mtrdum,mbrdum,aldum,audum, . addum,mudum,m1dum,m2dum,m3 COMMON/SU_break2/meldum,merdum,muqdum,murdum,mdrdum COMMON/SU_outmix/thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1bp,msu2bp,msd1bp,msd2bp, . mse1bp,mse2bp,msn1bp,msntau, . msta1bp,msta2bp,msb1bp,msb2bp,mst1bp,mst2bp, . thetbp,thebbp,thelbp COMMON/SU_errsf/sterr,sberr,stauerr,stnuerr COMMON/SU_mssmhpar/dum1,dum2,ma,dumu COMMON/SU_outginos/dmc1,dmc2,dmn1,dmn2,dmn3,dmn4,mgluino COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytauewsb,ybewsb,ytewsb,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_yuka/ytau,yb,ytop COMMON/SU_treesfer/msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2 COMMON/SU_strc/irge,irgmax,ifix,isfrc,inorc common/su_mixflip/istflip,isbflip COMMON/SU_renscale/scale integer kpole COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole common/su_nonpert/inonpert COMMON/run_p/pizz C sferr = 0.d0 mql1=muqdum mur1=murdum mdr1=mdrdum mel1=meldum mer1=merdum pi = 4*datan(1.d0) tb=dtan(b) c Redefining s^2_w at EWSB scale: cw = 1.d0/dsqrt(1.d0+(g1ewsb/g2ewsb)**2) sw = g1ewsb/g2ewsb *cw sw2ew=sw**2 sw2 =sw2ew if(su_isNaN(pizz).or.mz**2+pizz.le.0.d0) then c !!! protections added c non-pert or NaN pb, uses tree-level values temporarily: pizz = 0.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) inonpert=-1 endif rmz = dsqrt(mz**2+pizz) rmw = cw*rmz mzsave = mz mwsave = mw mz = rmz mw = rmw vd = dsqrt(2*rmz**2/(g1ewsb**2+g2ewsb**2)/(1.d0+tb**2)) vu = vd*tb rmb= ybewsb*vd rmt= ytewsb*vu rml= ytauewsb*vd c c first some reinitialization: crLLt=0.d0 crRRt=0.d0 crLRt=0.d0 c crLLu=0.d0 crRRu=0.d0 c crLLd=0.d0 crRRd=0.d0 c c crLLb=0.d0 crRRb=0.d0 crLRb=0.d0 c crLLtau=0.d0 crLLnutau=0.d0 crRRtau=0.d0 crLRtau=0.d0 c crLLe=0.d0 crRRe=0.d0 crLLsne=0.d0 c c Soft and other terms used in sfermion matrix elements should be running masses c at EWSB scale, including SUSY radiative corrections c c first two generations: no mixing included c up squarks: do ifirst=0,2 c calculating rad. corr. with 2 different momenta scales (~2 different pole masses): if(isfrc.eq.1.and.irge.ge.2.and.ifirst.ge.1) then if(ifirst.eq.1) pscaleu= msu1bp if(ifirst.eq.2) pscaleu=msu2bp CALL SU_STOPCR(pscaleu,MU,M3,0d0,0d0,Au1,Ad1, . msu1bp,msu2bp,msd1bp,msd2bp,0d0,0d0, . crLLu,crLRdum,crRRu) c !! nb first generation trilinear cplings Au1, Ad1 are irrelevant, being screened for first two c generation by Yu,Yd=0 approximation. Note also that accordingly crLR=0 thus irrelevant endif mstl2=mql1**2+(0.5d0-2.d0/3*sw2)*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crLLu mstr2=mur1**2+2.d0/3*sw2*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crRRu msu(1)=dsqrt(mstl2) msu(2)=dsqrt(mstr2) if(ifirst.eq.0) then msu1bp = msu(1) msu2bp =msu(2) endif if(ifirst.eq.1) msu1true=msu(1) if(ifirst.eq.2) msu(1)=msu1true enddo c c down squarks do ifirst=0,2 c calculating rad. corr. with 2 different momenta scales (~2 different pole masses): if(isfrc.eq.1.and.irge.ge.2.and.ifirst.ge.1) then if(ifirst.eq.1) pscaled= msd1bp if(ifirst.eq.2) pscaled=msd2bp CALL SU_SBOTCR(pscaleu,MU,M3,0d0,0d0,Au1,Ad1, . msu1bp,msu2bp,msd1bp,msd2bp,0d0,0d0, . crLLd,crLRdum,crRRd) endif msbl2=mql1**2+(-0.5d0+1.d0/3*sw2)*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crLLd msbr2=mdr1**2-1.d0/3*sw2*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crRRd msd(1)=dsqrt(msbl2) msd(2)=dsqrt(msbr2) if(ifirst.eq.0) then msd1bp = msd(1) msd2bp =msd(2) endif if(ifirst.eq.1) msd1true=msd(1) if(ifirst.eq.2) msd(1)=msd1true enddo c c sleptons do ifirst=0,2 c calculating rad. corr. with 2 different momenta scales (~2 different pole masses): if(isfrc.eq.1.and.irge.ge.2.and.ifirst.ge.1) then if(ifirst.eq.1) then pscalee= mse1bp pscalesne=msn1bp endif if(ifirst.eq.2) pscalee=mse2bp CALL SU_STAUCR(pscalee,MU, 0d0, Ae1, . mse1bp,mse2bp,msn1bp,0d0, . crLLe,crLRdum,crRRe) if(ifirst.eq.1) CALL SU_SNUTAUCR(pscalesne,MU, 0d0, Ae, . mse1bp,mse2bp,msn1bp,0d0, . crLLsne) endif msel2=mel1**2+(-0.5d0+sw2)*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crLLe mser2=mer1**2- sw2*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crRRe msnl2=mel1**2+0.5d0*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crLLsne mse(1)=dsqrt(msel2) mse(2)=dsqrt(mser2) if(msnl2.lt.0.d0) then msn(1)= 1.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) stnuerr=-1.d0 else msn(1)=dsqrt(msnl2) endif if(ifirst.eq.0) then mse1bp = mse(1) mse2bp =mse(2) msn1bp = msn(1) msn(2)=1.d+15 endif if(ifirst.eq.1) mse1true=mse(1) if(ifirst.eq.2) mse(1)=mse1true c enddo c c now the third generation sfermions: c stop masses/mixing do ifirst=0,6 istflip= 0 c calculating stop rad. corr. iterating twice with different momenta scales, c to reach close to the true pole masses: if(isfrc.eq.1.and.irge.ge.2.and.ifirst.ge.1) then if(ifirst.eq.1) pscalet= dmin1(mst1bp,mst2bp) ! in case not well-ordered if(ifirst.eq.2) pscalet= dmax1(mst1bp,mst2bp) if(ifirst.eq.3) pscalet= scale ! ESWB scale used for mixing angle if(ifirst.eq.4) pscalet= mst1true ! 'pole' mass 1 from first iteration if(ifirst.eq.5) pscalet=mst2true ! 'pole' mass 2 from first iteration if(ifirst.eq.6) pscalet= dsqrt(mst1true*mst2true) ! c CALL SU_STOPCR(pscalet,MU,M3, Ytewsb,Ybewsb,At,Ab, . mst1bp,mst2bp,msb1bp,msb2bp,thetbp,thebbp, . crLLt,crLRt,crRRt) endif c mstl2=mql**2+(0.5d0-2.d0/3*sw2ew)*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crLLt mstr2=mur**2+2.d0/3*sw2ew*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crRRt mlrt=At-mu/tb +crLRt/rmt delt=(mstl2-mstr2)**2+4*rmt**2*mlrt**2 mst12=rmt**2+0.5d0*(mstl2+mstr2-dsqrt(delt)) mst22=rmt**2+0.5d0*(mstl2+mstr2+dsqrt(delt)) if(mst12.lt.0.d0)then c tachyonic sfermion 1 mass mst(1)= 1.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) sterr=-1.d0 else mst(1)=dsqrt(mst12) endif mst(2)=dsqrt(mst22) thet= datan(2*rmt*mlrt / (mstl2-mstr2) )/2 if(ifirst.eq.1.or.ifirst.eq.4) mst1true=mst(1) if(ifirst.eq.2.or.ifirst.eq.5) mst2true=mst(2) if(ifirst.eq.6) then mst(1)=mst1true ! final pole masses and mixing angle mst(2)=mst2true thet=thettree ! note new in v2.5: 'tree' DRbar angle (more consistent) endif ct=dcos(thet) st=dsin(thet) c defining stop parameters at EWSB scale in bpmz conventions if(ifirst.eq.0) then mst1bp= dsqrt(ct**2*(rmt**2+mstl2)+st**2*(rmt**2+mstr2) . +2*ct*st*rmt*mlrt) mst2bp= dsqrt(st**2*(rmt**2+mstl2)+ct**2*(rmt**2+mstr2) . -2*ct*st*rmt*mlrt) if(su_isNaN(mst1bp)) mst1bp=1.d0 !!added protection if(su_isNaN(mst2bp)) mst2bp=1.d0 thetbp = thet endif if(mstl2.gt.mstr2) then if(ifirst.lt.6) thet = thet + pi/2 istflip = 1 endif c if(ifirst.eq.0) then c save tree-level values for other uses: mst1=mst(1) mst2=mst(2) thettree=thet endif enddo c c sbottom masses/mixing do ifirst=0,6 isbflip = 0 if(isfrc.eq.1.and.irge.ge.2.and.ifirst.ge.1) then c calculating sbottom rad. corr., iterating with 3 different momenta scales, c to reach close to the true pole masses: if(ifirst.eq.1) pscaleb= dmin1(msb1bp,msb2bp) ! in case not well-ordered if(ifirst.eq.2) pscaleb=dmax1(msb1bp,msb2bp) if(ifirst.eq.3) pscaleb= scale ! EWSB scale used for mixing angle if(ifirst.eq.4) pscaleb= msb1true ! 'pole' mass 1 from first iteration if(ifirst.eq.5) pscaleb=msb2true ! 'pole' mass 2 from first iteration if(ifirst.eq.6) pscaleb= dsqrt(msb1true*msb2true) c CALL SU_SBOTCR(pscaleb,MU,M3, Ytewsb,Ybewsb,At,Ab, . mst1bp,mst2bp,msb1bp,msb2bp,thetbp,thebbp, . crLLb,crLRb,crRRb) endif msbl2=mql**2+(-0.5d0+1.d0/3*sw2ew)*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crLLb msbr2=mdr**2-1.d0/3*sw2ew*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crRRb mlrb=Ab-mu*tb +crLRb/rmb delb=(msbl2-msbr2)**2+4*rmb**2*mlrb**2 msb12=rmb**2+0.5d0*(msbl2+msbr2-dsqrt(delb)) msb22=rmb**2+0.5d0*(msbl2+msbr2+dsqrt(delb)) if(msb12.lt.0.d0)then c tachyonic sfermion mass msb(1)=1.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) sberr=-1.d0 else msb(1)=dsqrt(msb12) endif msb(2)=dsqrt(msb22) theb= datan(2*rmb*mlrb / (msbl2-msbr2) )/2 if(ifirst.eq.1.or.ifirst.eq.4) msb1true=msb(1) if(ifirst.eq.2.or.ifirst.eq.5) msb2true=msb(2) if(ifirst.eq.6) then msb(1)=msb1true ! final pole masses msb(2)=msb2true theb=thebtree ! note new in v2.5: 'tree' DRbar angle (more consistent) endif cb=dcos(theb) sb=dsin(theb) c defining sbottom parameters at EWSB scale in bpmz conventions if(ifirst.eq.0) then msb1bp= dsqrt(cb**2*(rmb**2+msbl2)+sb**2*(rmb**2+msbr2) . +2*cb*sb*rmb*mlrb) msb2bp= dsqrt(sb**2*(rmb**2+msbl2)+cb**2*(rmb**2+msbr2) . -2*cb*sb*rmb*mlrb) if(su_isNaN(msb1bp)) msb1bp=1.d0 !!added protection if(su_isNaN(msb2bp)) msb2bp=1.d0 thebbp = theb endif if(msbl2.gt.msbr2) then if(ifirst.lt.6) theb = theb + pi/2 isbflip =1 endif c if(ifirst.eq.0) then c save tree-level values for other uses: msb1=msb(1) msb2=msb(2) thebtree=theb endif c enddo c c stau masses/mixing do ifirst=0,6 if(isfrc.eq.1.and.irge.ge.2.and.ifirst.ge.1) then c calculating stau rad. corr with 3 different momenta scales (+ 2 iterations c to be as close as possible to momenta = true pole masses): if(ifirst.eq.1) pscaletau=dmin1(msta1bp,msta2bp) ! in case not well-ordered if(ifirst.eq.2) pscaletau=dmax1(msta1bp,msta2bp) if(ifirst.eq.3) pscaletau= dmin1(msta1bp,msta2bp) if(ifirst.eq.4) pscaletau=msta1true ! 'pole' mass 1 from first iteration if(ifirst.eq.5) pscaletau=msta2true ! 'pole' mass 2 " " " if(ifirst.eq.6) pscaletau= dsqrt(msta1true*msta2true) c CALL SU_STAUCR(pscaletau,MU, Ytauewsb, Al, . msta1bp,msta2bp,msntaubp,thelbp, . crLLtau,crLRtau,crRRtau) if(ifirst.eq.1.or.ifirst.eq.4) CALL SU_SNUTAUCR(msn(3),MU, . Ytauewsb, Al,msta1bp,msta2bp,msntau,thel,crLLnutau) endif msel2=mel**2+(-0.5d0+sw2ew)*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crlltau mser2=mer**2- sw2ew*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crrrtau mlre=Al-mu*tb +crlrtau/rml msntau2=mel**2+0.5d0*mz**2*dcos(2*b) +crLLnutau dele=(msel2-mser2)**2+4*rml**2*mlre**2 mse12=rml**2+0.5d0*(msel2+mser2-dsqrt(dele)) mse22=rml**2+0.5d0*(msel2+mser2+dsqrt(dele)) if(mse12.lt.0.d0)then c tachyonic sfermion mass msl(1)=1.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) stauerr=-1.d0 else msl(1)=dsqrt(mse12) endif msl(2)=dsqrt(mse22) thel= datan(2*rml*mlre / (msel2-mser2) )/2 if(ifirst.eq.1.or.ifirst.eq.4) msta1true=msl(1) if(ifirst.eq.2.or.ifirst.eq.5) msta2true=msl(2) if(ifirst.eq.6) then msl(1)=msta1true ! final pole masses msl(2)=msta2true thel=theltree ! note new in v2.5: 'tree' DRbar angle (more consistent) endif cl=dcos(thel) sl=dsin(thel) if(msntau2.lt.0.d0) then stnuerr = -1.d0 msn(3)=1.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) goto 111 else c tau sneutrino: msn(3)=dsqrt(msntau2) endif msntau = msn(3) msn(4)=1.d+15 c nb: for convenience msn(1--4) contains: c msn_{e,mu}(1),msn_{e,mu}(2), msn_{tau}(1),msn_{tau}(2) c if(ifirst.eq.0) then msta1bp= dsqrt(cl**2*(rml**2+msel2)+sl**2*(rml**2+mser2) . +2*cl*sl*rml*mlre) msta2bp= dsqrt(sl**2*(rml**2+msel2)+cl**2*(rml**2+mser2) . -2*cl*sl*rml*mlre) msntaubp=dsqrt(msntau2) if(su_isNaN(msta1bp)) msta1bp=1.d0 !!added protection if(su_isNaN(msta2bp)) msta2bp=1.d0 thelbp = thel endif if(msel2.gt.mser2) then if(ifirst.lt.6) thel = thel + pi/2 endif if(ifirst.eq.0) then c save tree-level values for other uses: mstau1=msl(1) mstau2=msl(2) theltree=thel endif c enddo c mz=mzsave mw=mwsave 111 return end c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_SFBPMZ(pizz,mql,mur,mdr,mel,mer,mql1,mur1,mdr1, . mel1,mer1,al,at,ab,mu,B_mz,tb,rmtau,rmb,rmt) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates running sfermion masses and mixing angles at scale=MZ c in the BPMZ conventions. c implicit real*8(a-h,k-z) logical su_isNaN dimension mst(2),msb(2) COMMON/SU_param/gf,alph,mz,mw COMMON/SU_cpl/g12,g22,sw2 COMMON/SU_bpmz/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2, . mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2, . thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_higgsrunz/mlrunz,mhrunz,marunz,mchrunz,alpharunz COMMON/pietro/mApole,mCHpole COMMON/SU_strc/irge,irgmax,ifix,isfrc,inorc common/su_polemz/ipolemz common/su_errma/errma2z COMMON/SU_errsf/sterr,sberr,stauerr,stnuerr C errma2z=0.d0 b=datan(tb) cw=dsqrt(1.d0-sw2) rmz = dsqrt(mz**2+pizz) rmw = cw*rmz mzsave = mz mwsave = mw mz = rmz mw = rmw mz2 = mz**2 ma2 = mu*B_mZ/sin(b)/cos(b) ma2save=ma2 if(ma2.lt.0.d0) ma2= .1d0 ! temporary protection if(ma2save.lt.0.d0.and.irge.eq.irgmax) errma2z=-1.d0 !final ma2<0->error flag ma=dsqrt(dabs(ma2)) c marunz = ma mchrunz = sqrt(abs(ma2+mw**2)) mhht2=1.d0/2*(ma2+mz2+sqrt((ma2+mz2)**2-(2*ma*mz*cos(2d0*b))**2)) mht2=1.d0/2*(ma2+mz2-sqrt((ma2+mz2)**2-(2*ma*mz*cos(2d0*b))**2)) mhrunz=sqrt(abs(mhht2)) mlrunz=sqrt(abs(mht2)) pi = 4*datan(1d0) alpharunz =0.5*atan(tan(2*b)*(marunz**2+mz2) . /(marunz**2-mz2)) c ! simpler way of accounting for correct alpha sign convention: if(cos(2*b)*(marunz**2-mz2).gt.0d0) alpharunz=alpharunz-pi/2 c c first two generations: no mixing included c up squarks: mstl2=mql1**2+(0.5d0-2.d0/3.d0*sw2)*mz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) mstr2=mur1**2+2.d0/3.d0*sw2*mz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) msu1=dsqrt(mstl2) msu2=dsqrt(mstr2) c down squarks msbl2=mql1**2+(-0.5d0+1.d0/3.d0*sw2)*mz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) msbr2=mdr1**2-1.d0/3.d0*sw2*mz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) msd1=dsqrt(msbl2) msd2=dsqrt(msbr2) c sleptons msel2=mel1**2+(-0.5d0+sw2)*mz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) mser2=mer1**2- sw2*mz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) msnl2=mel1**2+0.5d0*mz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) mse1=dsqrt(msel2) mse2=dsqrt(mser2) msn1=dsqrt(msnl2) c stop parameters c mstl2=mql**2+(0.5d0-2.d0/3*sw2)*mz**2*dcos(2*b) mstr2=mur**2+2.d0/3*sw2*mz**2*dcos(2*b) mlrt=at-mu/tb thet= datan(2*rmt*mlrt / (mstl2-mstr2) )/2 ct=dcos(thet) st=dsin(thet) mst1= dsqrt(ct**2*(rmt**2+mstl2)+st**2*(rmt**2+mstr2) . +2*ct*st*rmt*mlrt) mst2= dsqrt(st**2*(rmt**2+mstl2)+ct**2*(rmt**2+mstr2) . -2*ct*st*rmt*mlrt) if(su_isNaN(mst1)) then !!added protection mst1=92.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) sterr=-1.d0 endif if(su_isNaN(mst2)) then mst2=92.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) sterr=-1.d0 endif c sbottom parameters: c msbl2=mql**2+(-0.5d0+1.d0/3*sw2)*mz**2*dcos(2*b) msbr2=mdr**2-1.d0/3*sw2*mz**2*dcos(2*b) mlrb=ab-mu*tb theb= datan(2*rmb*mlrb / (msbl2-msbr2) )/2 cb=dcos(theb) sb=dsin(theb) msb1= dsqrt(cb**2*(rmb**2+msbl2)+sb**2*(rmb**2+msbr2) . +2*cb*sb*rmb*mlrb) msb2= dsqrt(sb**2*(rmb**2+msbl2)+cb**2*(rmb**2+msbr2) . -2*cb*sb*rmb*mlrb) if(su_isNaN(msb1)) then !!added protection msb1=92.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) sberr=-1.d0 endif if(su_isNaN(msb2)) then msb2=92.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) sberr=-1.d0 endif c c stau parameters c msel2=mel**2+(-0.5d0+sw2)*mz**2*dcos(2*b) mser2=mer**2- sw2*mz**2*dcos(2*b) msntau2=mel**2+0.5d0*mz**2*dcos(2*b) mlre=al-mu*tb thel= datan(2*rmtau*mlre / (msel2-mser2) )/2 cl=dcos(thel) sl=dsin(thel) msta1= dsqrt(cl**2*(rmtau**2+msel2)+sl**2*(rmtau**2+mser2) . +2*cl*sl*rmtau*mlre) msta2= dsqrt(sl**2*(rmtau**2+msel2)+cl**2*(rmtau**2+mser2) . -2*cl*sl*rmtau*mlre) if(su_isNaN(msta1)) then !!added protection msta1=92.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) stauerr=-1.d0 endif if(su_isNaN(msta2)) then msta2=92.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) stauerr=-1.d0 endif c tau sneutrino: msntau=dsqrt(msntau2) c c mz=mzsave mw=mwsave end c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_SQCR(alphas,mgluino,msquark,dmsquark) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c!! NB obsolete routine, no longer called in ver >= 2.5, but kept for possible crosschecks c c Calculates the leading QCD (standard+SUSY) correction to squark masses c The input are: the strong coupling constant alphas, the gluino c and tree-level squark masses and the output is the correction to the c squark mass dmsquark). Squark mixing and Yukawa's are neglected. c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/SU_tachyrc/tachsqrc c COMMON/SU_param/gf,alpha,mz,mw COMMON/SU_treesfer/msbtr1,msbtr2,msttr1,msttr2 COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole c fix ren. scale (used in B0, B1): if(kpole.eq.1) scale = dsqrt(msttr1*msttr2) c pi=4*datan(1.d0) x=(mgluino/msquark)**2 corr2=2*alphas/pi/3*(1.d0+3*x+(x-1.d0)**2*dlog(dabs(x-1.d0)) . -x**2*dlog(x)+4*x*dlog(scale/msquark) ) if(corr2.gt.-1.d0) then corr = dsqrt(1.d0+corr2)-1.d0 dmsquark = msquark*corr else dmsquark =0.d0 tachsqrc= -1.d0 endif end c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_STOPCR(pscale,mu,M3, Yu,Yd,Au,Ad, . msu1gen,msu2gen,msd1gen,msd2gen,thetu,thetd, . crLL,crLR,crRR) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates radiative corrections to the (generation-dependent!) Up squark masses, c including full one-loop MSSM a la PBMZ. (new in v2.5) c The input at the EWSB scale are, respectively: pscale: self-energy ext momentum, c the mu parameter, the (running) gluino mass M3, Yu,Yd (generic) Yukawa cplings, c Au, Ad (generic) trilinear couplings, squark masses msu1gen...msd2gen, mixing angle thetu,thetd. c Output: the radiative corrections to LL,LR,RR entries of up squark mass matrix. c--------------------------------------------------------- c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) complex*16 SU_B0,SU_BG,SU_BF dimension gmc(2),xmctree(2),gmn(4),dxmn(4),u(2,2),v(2,2),z(4,4), . antR(4),antL(4),bntL(4),bntR(4),actL(2),actR(2),bctL(2),bctR(2), . fttLL(4),gttLL(4),fttLR(4),gttLR(4),fttRR(4),gttRR(4), . fbtLL(2),gbtLL(2),fbtLR(2),gbtLR(2),fbtRR(2),gbtRR(2) common/SU_runhiggsewsb/ma,ml,mh,mch,alfa COMMON/SU_outginos/mc1,mc2,mn1,mn2,mn3,mn4,mgluino COMMON/SU_inoDR/U,V,Z,xmctree,dxmn COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,yt,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtau,mb,mt COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2,mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2,thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_cte/xnf,cpi,mz_pole,mwdum,tbeta COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole COMMON/run_p/pizz c fix ren. scale (used in B0 functions): if(kpole.eq.1) scale = dsqrt(mst1*mst2) c if(msu1gen.eq.0.d0.or.msd1gen.eq.0.d0) goto 100 c (NB protection: means msu1gen or msd1gen undefined yet) sq2=dsqrt(2.d0) pi = 4*datan(1.d0) g=g2ewsb g1=g1ewsb alphas=alsewsb cw = 1.d0/dsqrt(1.d0+(g1ewsb/g2ewsb)**2) sw = g1ewsb/g2ewsb*cw sw2=sw**2 cw2= cw**2 cwm2 =1.d0/cw2 e=g1*cw c vd2 = 2*(mz_pole**2+pizz)/(g1ewsb**2+g2ewsb**2)/(1.d0+tbeta**2) vu2 = vd2*tbeta**2 vd= dsqrt(vd2) vu= dsqrt(vu2) mz= dsqrt(mz_pole**2+pizz) mw=mz*cw rmd = yd*vd rmu = yu*vu c zero=1.d-2 gmn(1)=dabs(dxmn(1)) gmn(2)=dabs(dxmn(2)) gmn(3)=dabs(dxmn(3)) gmn(4)=dabs(dxmn(4)) gmc(1)=xmctree(1) gmc(2)=xmctree(2) c B=datan(tbeta) cbeta2=1.d0/(1.d0+tbeta**2) cbet= dsqrt(cbeta2) sbet=dsqrt(1.d0-cbeta2) c2b =2*cbeta2-1.d0 sal=dsin(alfa) cal=dcos(alfa) s2a = 2*sal*cal c2a=dcos(2*alfa) c cu=dcos(thetu) su=dsin(thetu) cd=dcos(thetd) sd=dsin(thetd) c ct=dcos(thet) st=dsin(thet) cb=dcos(theb) sb=dsin(theb) cta=dcos(thel) sta=dsin(thel) c c----------- Higgs couplings c s2tLtL = -g*mz/cw*(.5d0 -2*sw2/3)*sbet + sq2*yu*rmu s2tRtR = -g*mz/cw*(2*sw2/3)*sbet + sq2*yu*rmu s2tLtR = yu/sq2*Au s1tLtL = g*mz/cw*(.5d0 -2*sw2/3)*cbet s1tRtR = g*mz/cw*(2*sw2/3)*cbet s1tLtR = -yu/sq2*mu c s2tLt1=cu*s2tLtL+su*s2tLtR s2tLt2=-su*s2tLtL+cu*s2tLtR s2tRt1=cu*s2tLtR+su*s2tRtR s2tRt2=-su*s2tLtR+cu*s2tRtR s1tLt1=cu*s1tLtL+su*s1tLtR s1tLt2=-su*s1tLtL+cu*s1tLtR s1tRt1=cu*s1tLtR+su*s1tRtR s1tRt2=-su*s1tLtR+cu*s1tRtR c ghtLt1= cal*s1tLt1+sal*s2tLt1 gltLt1=-sal*s1tLt1+cal*s2tLt1 ghtLt2= cal*s1tLt2+sal*s2tLt2 gltLt2=-sal*s1tLt2+cal*s2tLt2 ghtRt1= cal*s1tRt1+sal*s2tRt1 gltRt1=-sal*s1tRt1+cal*s2tRt1 ghtRt2= cal*s1tRt2+sal*s2tRt2 gltRt2=-sal*s1tRt2+cal*s2tRt2 c atLtR=-yu/sq2*(-mu*sbet-Au*cbet) gtLtR=+yu/sq2*(-mu*cbet+Au*sbet) c gatLt1=su*atLtR gatLt2=cu*atLtR gatRt1=-cu*atLtR gatRt2=su*atLtR c ggtLt1=su*gtLtR ggtLt2=cu*gtLtR ggtRt1=-cu*gtLtR ggtRt2=su*gtLtR c gctLbL = g*mw/sq2*dsin(2*b)-yu*rmu*cbet-yd*rmd*sbet gctRbR = -yu*rmd*cbet-yd*rmu*sbet gctLbR = yd*(-mu*cbet-Ad*sbet) gctRbL = yu*(-mu*sbet-Au*cbet) c ggtLbL = -g*mw/sq2*dcos(2*b)-yu*rmu*sbet+yd*rmd*cbet ggtRbR = 0.d0 ggtLbR = yd*(-mu*sbet+Ad*cbet) ggtRbL = -yu*(-mu*cbet+Au*sbet) c gctLb1=cd*gctLbL+sd*gctLbR gctLb2=-sd*gctLbL+cd*gctLbR gctRb1=cd*gctRbL+sd*gctRbR gctRb2=-sd*gctRbL+cd*gctRbR c ggtLb1=cd*ggtLbL+sd*ggtLbR ggtLb2=-sd*ggtLbL+cd*ggtLbR ggtRb1=cd*ggtRbL+sd*ggtRbR ggtRb2=-sd*ggtRbL+cd*ggtRbR c----------- neutralino/chargino couplings: c ap1tL = 0.d0 bp1tL = g1/sq2*(1.d0/3.d0) ap1tR = g1/sq2*(-4.d0/3.d0) bp1tR = 0.d0 ap2tL = 0.d0 bp2tL = sq2*g*(.5d0) ap2tR = 0.d0 bp2tR = 0.d0 ap3tL = 0.d0 ap3tR = 0.d0 bp3tL = 0.d0 bp3tR = 0.d0 ap4tL = yu ap4tR = 0.d0 bp4tL = 0.d0 bp4tR = yu c aw1tL=g bw1tL=0.d0 aw1tR=0.d0 bw1tR=0.d0 aw2tL=0.d0 bw2tL=-yd aw2tR=-yu bw2tR=0.d0 do i=1,4 aNtR(i) = Z(i,1)*ap1tR +Z(i,2)*ap2tR +Z(i,3)*ap3tR +Z(i,4)*ap4tR bNtR(i) = Z(i,1)*bp1tR +Z(i,2)*bp2tR +Z(i,3)*bp3tR +Z(i,4)*bp4tR aNtL(i) = Z(i,1)*ap1tL +Z(i,2)*ap2tL +Z(i,3)*ap3tL +Z(i,4)*ap4tL bNtL(i) = Z(i,1)*bp1tL +Z(i,2)*bp2tL +Z(i,3)*bp3tL +Z(i,4)*bp4tL enddo c do i=1,2 aCtR(i) = V(i,1)*aw1tR +V(i,2)*aw2tR bCtR(i) = U(i,1)*bw1tR +U(i,2)*bw2tR aCtL(i) = V(i,1)*aw1tL +V(i,2)*aw2tL bCtL(i) = U(i,1)*bw1tL +U(i,2)*bw2tL enddo c do i=1,4 fttLL(i) = aNtL(i)*aNtL(i) + bNtL(i)*bNtL(i) gttLL(i) = bNtL(i)*aNtL(i) + aNtL(i)*bNtL(i) fttLR(i) = aNtL(i)*aNtR(i) + bNtL(i)*bNtR(i) gttLR(i) = bNtL(i)*aNtR(i) + aNtL(i)*bNtR(i) fttRR(i) = aNtR(i)*aNtR(i) + bNtR(i)*bNtR(i) gttRR(i) = bNtR(i)*aNtR(i) + aNtR(i)*bNtR(i) enddo c do i=1,2 fbtLL(i) = aCtL(i)*aCtL(i) + bCtL(i)*bCtL(i) gbtLL(i) = bCtL(i)*aCtL(i) + aCtL(i)*bCtL(i) fbtLR(i) = aCtL(i)*aCtR(i) + bCtL(i)*bCtR(i) gbtLR(i) = bCtL(i)*aCtR(i) + aCtL(i)*bCtR(i) fbtRR(i) = aCtR(i)*aCtR(i) + bCtR(i)*bCtR(i) gbtRR(i) = bCtR(i)*aCtR(i) + aCtR(i)*bCtR(i) enddo c c-------------------- LL contribution: crLLqcd=16*pi*alphas/3*(2*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,m3,rmu)) . +cu**2*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu1gen,zero))+SU_A(msu1gen) ) . +su**2*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu2gen,zero))+SU_A(msu2gen) ) ) c crLLyuk=yu**2*(su**2*SU_A(msu1gen)+cu**2*SU_A(msu2gen) ) . +yd**2*(sd**2*SU_A(msd1gen)+cd**2*SU_A(msd2gen) ) . +0.5d0*(yu**2*sal**2-g**2*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (-dcos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(mh) . +0.5d0*(yu**2*cal**2-g**2*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (+dcos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(ml) . +0.5d0*(yu**2*sbet**2-g**2*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (-dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mz) . +0.5d0*(yu**2*cbet**2-g**2*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(ma) . +(yd**2*sbet**2+g**2*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2-.5d0)* . (-dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mch) . +(yd**2*cbet**2+g**2*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2-.5d0)* . (dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mw) . +ghtLt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msu1gen)) . +ghtLt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msu2gen)) . +gltLt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msu1gen)) . +gltLt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msu2gen)) . +ggtLt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msu1gen)) . +ggtLt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msu2gen)) . +gatLt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msu1gen)) . +gatLt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msu2gen)) . +gctLb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msd1gen)) . +gctLb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msd2gen)) . +ggtLb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msd1gen)) . +ggtLb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msd2gen)) c cyu= yu**2*(su**2*SU_A(msu1gen)+cu**2*SU_A(msu2gen) ) cyd= yd**2*(sd**2*SU_A(msd1gen)+cd**2*SU_A(msd2gen) ) cyn = 0.5d0*(yu**2*sal**2-g**2*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (-dcos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(mh) . +0.5d0*(yu**2*cal**2-g**2*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (+dcos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(ml) . +0.5d0*(yu**2*sbet**2-g**2*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (-dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mz) . +0.5d0*(yu**2*cbet**2-g**2*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(ma) cyc= (yd**2*sbet**2+g**2*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2-.5d0)* . (-dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mch) cyw= (yd**2*cbet**2+g**2*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2-.5d0)* . (dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mw) cys= ghtLt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msu1gen)) . +ghtLt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msu2gen)) . +gltLt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msu1gen)) . +gltLt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msu2gen)) . +ggtLt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msu1gen)) . +ggtLt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msu2gen)) . +gatLt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msu1gen)) . +gatLt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msu2gen)) . +gctLb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msd1gen)) . +gctLb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msd2gen)) . +ggtLb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msd1gen)) . +ggtLb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msd2gen)) c crLLgau=4*g**2/cw**2*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)**2*SU_A(mz)+2*g**2*SU_A(mw) . +(2*g1*cw/3)**2*(cu**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu1gen,zero)) . +su**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu2gen,zero)) ) . +g**2/cw**2*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)**2*( . cu**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu1gen,mz)) . +su**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu2gen,mz)) ) . +g**2/2*( cd**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd1gen,mw)) !bug corrected v2.44 jlk . +sd**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd2gen,mw)) ) . +g**2/4*(cu**2*SU_A(msu1gen)+su**2*SU_A(msu2gen) . +2*(cd**2*SU_A(msd1gen)+sd**2*SU_A(msd2gen) ) ) c crLLhyp=g**2*0.5d0*( . 3.d0*(+.5d0)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(-.5d0)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(-.5d0)*(cta**2*SU_A(msta1)+sta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(+.5d0)*SU_A(msu1)+6.d0*(-.5d0)*SU_A(msd1) . +2.d0*(-.5d0)*SU_A(mse1) . +2.d0*(.5d0)*SU_A(msn1) +(.5d0)*SU_A(msntau) ) . +g1**2/4*(1.d0/3)**2*(cu**2*SU_A(msu1gen)+su**2*SU_A(msu2gen) ) . +g1**2/4*(1.d0/3.d0)*( . 3.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(-1.d0)*(cta**2*SU_A(msta1)+sta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msu1)+6.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msd1) . +2.d0*(-1.d0)*SU_A(mse1) . +2.d0*(-1.d0)*SU_A(msn1) + (-1.d0)*SU_A(msntau) ) . +g1**2/4*(1.d0/3.d0)*( . 3.d0*(-4.d0/3.d0)*(st**2*SU_A(mst1)+ct**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(2.d0/3.d0)*(sb**2*SU_A(msb1)+cb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(2.d0)*(sta**2*SU_A(msta1)+cta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(-4.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msu2)+6.d0*(2.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msd2) . +2.d0*(2.d0)*SU_A(mse2) ) c crLLnino=0.d0 do i=1,4 crLLnino=crLLnino+ fttLL(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmu)) . -2.d0*rmu*dxmn(i)*gttLL(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmu)) enddo c crLLcino=0.d0 do i=1,2 crLLcino=crLLcino+ fbtLL(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmd)) . -2.d0*rmd*gmc(i)*gbtLL(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmd)) !bug corrected v2.44 jlk enddo c crLL=-cpi*(crLLqcd+crLLyuk+crLLgau+crLLhyp+crLLnino+crLLcino) c c-------------------- RR contribution: c crRRqcd=16*pi*alphas/3*(2*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,m3,rmu)) . +su**2*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu1gen,zero))+SU_A(msu1gen) ) . +cu**2*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu2gen,zero))+SU_A(msu2gen) ) ) c crRRyuk=yu**2*(cu**2*SU_A(msu1gen)+su**2*SU_A(msu2gen) ) . +yu**2*(cd**2*SU_A(msd1gen)+sd**2*SU_A(msd2gen) ) . +0.5d0*(yu**2*sal**2-g**2*(2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (-dcos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(mh) . +0.5d0*(yu**2*cal**2-g**2*(2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (+dcos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(ml) . +0.5d0*(yu**2*sbet**2-g**2*(2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (-dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mz) . +0.5d0*(yu**2*cbet**2-g**2*(2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(ma) . +(yu**2*cbet**2+g**2*( (2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2)* . (-dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mch) . +(yu**2*sbet**2+g**2*( (2*sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2)* . (dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mw) . +ghtRt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msu1gen)) . +ghtRt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msu2gen)) . +gltRt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msu1gen)) . +gltRt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msu2gen)) . +ggtRt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msu1gen)) . +ggtRt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msu2gen)) . +gatRt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msu1gen)) . +gatRt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msu2gen)) . +gctRb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msd1gen)) . +gctRb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msd2gen)) . +ggtRb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msd1gen)) . +ggtRb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msd2gen)) c crRRgau=4*g**2/cw**2*(2*sw2/3)**2*SU_A(mz) . +(2*g1*cw/3)**2*(su**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu1gen,zero)) . +cu**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu2gen,zero)) ) . +g**2/cw**2*(2*sw2/3)**2*( . su**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu1gen,mz)) . +cu**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu2gen,mz)) ) c crRRhyp= . g1**2/4*(-4.d0/3)**2*(su**2*SU_A(msu1gen)+cu**2*SU_A(msu2gen) ) . +g1**2/4*(-4.d0/3.d0)*( . 3.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(-1.d0)*(cta**2*SU_A(msta1)+sta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msu1)+6.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msd1) . +2.d0*(-1.d0)*SU_A(mse1) . +2.d0*(-1.d0)*SU_A(msn1) +(-1.d0)*SU_A(msntau) ) . +g1**2/4*(-4.d0/3.d0)*( !bug corrected v2.44 jlk . 3.d0*(-4.d0/3.d0)*(st**2*SU_A(mst1)+ct**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(2.d0/3.d0)*(sb**2*SU_A(msb1)+cb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(2.d0)*(sta**2*SU_A(msta1)+cta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(-4.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msu2)+6.d0*(2.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msd2) . +2.d0*(2.d0)*SU_A(mse2) ) c crRRnino=0.d0 do i=1,4 crRRnino=crRRnino+ fttRR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmu)) . -2.d0*rmu*dxmn(i)*gttRR(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmu)) enddo c crRRcino=0.d0 do i=1,2 crRRcino=crRRcino+ fbtRR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmd)) . -2.d0*rmd*gmc(i)*gbtRR(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmd)) !bug corrected v2.44 jlk enddo c crRR=-cpi*(crRRqcd+crRRyuk+crRRgau+crRRhyp+crRRnino+crRRcino) c c-------------------- LR contribution: c crLRqcd=16*pi*alphas/3*( . 4*rmu*m3*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,m3,rmu)) . +cu*su*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu1gen,zero))-SU_A(msu1gen) . -dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu2gen,zero))+SU_A(msu2gen) ) ) c crLRyuk=3*yu**2*su*cu*(SU_A(msu1gen)-SU_A(msu2gen) ) . +ghtLt1*ghtRt1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msu1gen)) . +ghtLt2*ghtRt2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msu2gen)) . +gltLt1*gltRt1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msu1gen)) . +gltLt2*gltRt2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msu2gen)) . +ggtLt1*ggtRt1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msu1gen)) . +ggtLt2*ggtRt2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msu2gen)) . +gatLt1*gatRt1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msu1gen)) . +gatLt2*gatRt2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msu2gen)) . +gctLb1*gctRb1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msd1gen)) . +gctLb2*gctRb2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msd2gen)) . +ggtLb1*ggtRb1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msd1gen)) . +ggtLb2*ggtRb2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msd2gen)) c crLRgau=(2*g1*cw/3)**2*cu*su*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu1gen,zero)) . -dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu2gen,zero)) ) . -g**2/cw**2*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)*(2*sw2/3)*su*cu*( . dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu1gen,mz)) . -dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu2gen,mz)) ) c crLRhyp=g1**2/4*(1.d0/3.d0)*(-4.d0/3.d0)*su*cu*( . SU_A(msu1gen)-SU_A(msu2gen) ) c crLRnino=0.d0 do i=1,4 crLRnino=crLRnino+ fttLR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmu)) . -2.d0*rmu*dxmn(i)*gttLR(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmu)) enddo c crLRcino=0.d0 do i=1,2 crLRcino=crLRcino+ fbtLR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmd)) . -2.d0*rmd*gmc(i)*gbtLR(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmd)) !bug corrected v2.44 jlk enddo c crLR=-cpi*(crLRqcd+crLRyuk+crLRgau+crLRhyp+crLRnino+crLRcino) c 100 continue end c c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_SBOTCR(pscale,mu,M3, Yu,Yd,Au,Ad, . msu1gen,msu2gen,msd1gen,msd2gen,thetu,thetd, . crLL,crLR,crRR) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates full one-loop radiative corrections (generically) to generic down squarks c masses, similarly to stops in routine SU_STOPCR, a la PBMZ. (new in v2.5) c The input at the EWSB scale are, respectively: pscale: self-energy ext momentum, c the mu parameter, the (running) gluino mass M3, Yu,Yd (generic) Yukawa cplings, c Au, Ad (generic) trilinear couplings, squark masses msu1gen...msd2gen, mixing angle thetu,thetd. c Output: the radiative corrections to LL,LR,RR entries of Down squark mass matrix. c--------------------------------------------------------- c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) complex*16 SU_B0,SU_BG,SU_BF dimension gmc(2),xmctree(2),gmn(4),dxmn(4),u(2,2),v(2,2),z(4,4), . anbR(4),anbL(4),bnbL(4),bnbR(4),acbL(2),acbR(2),bcbL(2),bcbR(2), . fbbLL(4),gbbLL(4),fbbLR(4),gbbLR(4),fbbRR(4),gbbRR(4), . ftbLL(2),gtbLL(2),ftbLR(2),gtbLR(2),ftbRR(2),gtbRR(2) common/SU_runhiggsewsb/ma,ml,mh,mch,alfa COMMON/SU_outginos/mc1,mc2,mn1,mn2,mn3,mn4,mgluino COMMON/SU_inoDR/U,V,Z,xmctree,dxmn COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,yt,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtau,mb,mt COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2,mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2,thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_cte/xnf,cpi,mz_pole,mwdum,tbeta COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole COMMON/run_p/pizz COMMON/SU_strc/irge,irgmax,ifix,isfrc,inorc c fix ren. scale (used in B0 functions): if(kpole.eq.1) scale = dsqrt(mst1*mst2) c if(msu1gen.eq.0.d0.or.msd1gen.eq.0.d0) goto 100 c (NB protection: means msu1gen or msd1gen undefined yet) sq2=dsqrt(2.d0) pi = 4*datan(1.d0) g=g2ewsb g1=g1ewsb alphas=alsewsb cw = 1.d0/dsqrt(1.d0+(g1ewsb/g2ewsb)**2) sw = g1ewsb/g2ewsb*cw sw2=sw**2 cw2= cw**2 cwm2 =1.d0/cw2 e=g1*cw c vd2 = 2*(mz_pole**2+pizz)/(g1ewsb**2+g2ewsb**2)/(1.d0+tbeta**2) vu2 = vd2*tbeta**2 vd= dsqrt(vd2) vu= dsqrt(vu2) mz= dsqrt(mz_pole**2+pizz) mw=mz*cw rmd = yd*vd rmu = yu*vu c zero=1.d-2 gmn(1)=dabs(dxmn(1)) gmn(2)=dabs(dxmn(2)) gmn(3)=dabs(dxmn(3)) gmn(4)=dabs(dxmn(4)) gmc(1)=xmctree(1) gmc(2)=xmctree(2) c B=datan(tbeta) cbeta2=1.d0/(1.d0+tbeta**2) cbet= dsqrt(cbeta2) sbet=dsqrt(1.d0-cbeta2) c2b =2*cbeta2-1.d0 sal=dsin(alfa) cal=dcos(alfa) s2a = 2*sal*cal c2a=dcos(2*alfa) c cu=dcos(thetu) su=dsin(thetu) cd=dcos(thetd) sd=dsin(thetd) c ct=dcos(thet) st=dsin(thet) cb=dcos(theb) sb=dsin(theb) cta=dcos(thel) sta=dsin(thel) c c----------- Higgs couplings c s2bLbL = -g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*cbet + sq2*yd*rmd s2bRbR = -g*mz/cw*(-sw2/3)*cbet + sq2*yd*rmd s2bLbR = yd/sq2*Ad s1bLbL = g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*sbet s1bRbR = g*mz/cw*(-sw2/3)*sbet s1bLbR = -yd/sq2*mu c s2bLb1=cd*s2bLbL+sd*s2bLbR s2bLb2=-sd*s2bLbL+cd*s2bLbR s2bRb1=cd*s2bLbR+sd*s2bRbR s2bRb2=-sd*s2bLbR+cd*s2bRbR s1bLb1=cd*s1bLbL+sd*s1bLbR s1bLb2=-sd*s1bLbL+cd*s1bLbR s1bRb1=cd*s1bLbR+sd*s1bRbR s1bRb2=-sd*s1bLbR+cd*s1bRbR c ghbLb1= cal*s1bLb1+sal*s2bLb1 glbLb1=-sal*s1bLb1+cal*s2bLb1 ghbLb2= cal*s1bLb2+sal*s2bLb2 glbLb2=-sal*s1bLb2+cal*s2bLb2 ghbRb1= cal*s1bRb1+sal*s2bRb1 glbRb1=-sal*s1bRb1+cal*s2bRb1 ghbRb2= cal*s1bRb2+sal*s2bRb2 glbRb2=-sal*s1bRb2+cal*s2bRb2 c abLbR=-yd/sq2*(-mu*cbet-Ad*sbet) gbLbR=+yd/sq2*(-mu*sbet+Ad*cbet) c gabLb1=sd*abLbR gabLb2=cd*abLbR gabRb1=-cd*abLbR gabRb2=sd*abLbR c ggbLb1=sd*gbLbR ggbLb2=cd*gbLbR ggbRb1=-cd*gbLbR ggbRb2=sd*gbLbR c gcbLtL = g*mw/sq2*dsin(2*b)-yd*rmd*sbet-yu*rmu*cbet gcbRtR = -yd*rmu*sbet-yu*rmd*cbet gcbLtR = yu*(-mu*sbet-Au*cbet) gcbRtL = yd*(-mu*cbet-Ad*sbet) c ggbLtL = -g*mw/sq2*dcos(2*b)+yd*rmd*cbet-yu*rmu*sbet ggbRtR = 0.d0 ggbLtR = -yu*(-mu*cbet+Au*sbet) ggbRtL = yd*(-mu*sbet+Ad*cbet) c gcbLt1=cu*gcbLtL+su*gcbLtR gcbLt2=-su*gcbLtL+cu*gcbLtR gcbRt1=cu*gcbRtL+su*gcbRtR gcbRt2=-su*gcbRtL+cu*gcbRtR c ggbLt1=cu*ggbLtL+su*ggbLtR ggbLt2=-su*ggbLtL+cu*ggbLtR ggbRt1=cu*ggbRtL+su*ggbRtR ggbRt2=-su*ggbRtL+cu*ggbRtR c----------- neutralino/chargino couplings: c ap1bL = 0.d0 bp1bL = g1/sq2*(1.d0/3) ap1bR = g1/sq2*(2.d0/3) bp1bR = 0.d0 ap2bL = 0.d0 bp2bL = sq2*g*(-.5d0) ap2bR = 0.d0 bp2bR = 0.d0 ap3bL = yd ap3bR = 0.d0 bp3bL = 0.d0 bp3bR = yd ap4bL = 0.d0 ap4bR = 0.d0 bp4bL = 0.d0 bp4bR = 0.d0 c aw1bL=0.d0 bw1bL=g aw1bR=0.d0 bw1bR=0.d0 aw2bL=-yu bw2bL=0.d0 aw2bR=0.d0 bw2bR=-yd do i=1,4 aNbR(i) = Z(i,1)*ap1bR +Z(i,2)*ap2bR +Z(i,3)*ap3bR +Z(i,4)*ap4bR bNbR(i) = Z(i,1)*bp1bR +Z(i,2)*bp2bR +Z(i,3)*bp3bR +Z(i,4)*bp4bR aNbL(i) = Z(i,1)*ap1bL +Z(i,2)*ap2bL +Z(i,3)*ap3bL +Z(i,4)*ap4bL bNbL(i) = Z(i,1)*bp1bL +Z(i,2)*bp2bL +Z(i,3)*bp3bL +Z(i,4)*bp4bL enddo c do i=1,2 aCbR(i) = V(i,1)*aw1bR +V(i,2)*aw2bR bCbR(i) = U(i,1)*bw1bR +U(i,2)*bw2bR aCbL(i) = V(i,1)*aw1bL +V(i,2)*aw2bL bCbL(i) = U(i,1)*bw1bL +U(i,2)*bw2bL enddo c do i=1,4 fbbLL(i) = aNbL(i)*aNbL(i) + bNbL(i)*bNbL(i) gbbLL(i) = bNbL(i)*aNbL(i) + aNbL(i)*bNbL(i) fbbLR(i) = aNbL(i)*aNbR(i) + bNbL(i)*bNbR(i) gbbLR(i) = bNbL(i)*aNbR(i) + aNbL(i)*bNbR(i) fbbRR(i) = aNbR(i)*aNbR(i) + bNbR(i)*bNbR(i) gbbRR(i) = bNbR(i)*aNbR(i) + aNbR(i)*bNbR(i) enddo c do i=1,2 ftbLL(i) = aCbL(i)*aCbL(i) + bCbL(i)*bCbL(i) gtbLL(i) = bCbL(i)*aCbL(i) + aCbL(i)*bCbL(i) ftbLR(i) = aCbL(i)*aCbR(i) + bCbL(i)*bCbR(i) gtbLR(i) = bCbL(i)*aCbR(i) + aCbL(i)*bCbR(i) ftbRR(i) = aCbR(i)*aCbR(i) + bCbR(i)*bCbR(i) gtbRR(i) = bCbR(i)*aCbR(i) + aCbR(i)*bCbR(i) enddo c c-------------------- LL contribution: crLLqcd=16*pi*alphas/3*(2*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,m3,rmd)) . +cd**2*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd1gen,zero))+SU_A(msd1gen) ) . +sd**2*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd2gen,zero))+SU_A(msd2gen) ) ) c crLLyuk=yd**2*(sd**2*SU_A(msd1gen)+cd**2*SU_A(msd2gen) ) . +yu**2*(su**2*SU_A(msu1gen)+cu**2*SU_A(msu2gen) ) . +0.5d0*(yd**2*sal**2-g**2*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (-dcos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(mh) . +0.5d0*(yd**2*cal**2-g**2*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (dcos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(ml) . +0.5d0*(yd**2*cbet**2-g**2*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mz) . +0.5d0*(yd**2*sbet**2-g**2*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (-dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(ma) . +(yu**2*cbet**2+g**2*( (-.5d0 +sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2+.5d0)* . (dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mch) . +(yu**2*sbet**2+g**2*( (-.5d0 +sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2+.5d0)* . (-dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mw) . +ghbLb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msd1gen)) . +ghbLb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msd2gen)) . +glbLb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msd1gen)) . +glbLb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msd2gen)) . +ggbLb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msd1gen)) . +ggbLb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msd2gen)) . +gabLb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msd1gen)) . +gabLb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msd2gen)) . +gcbLt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msu1gen)) . +gcbLt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msu2gen)) . +ggbLt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msu1gen)) . +ggbLt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msu2gen)) c crLLgau=4*g**2/cw**2*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)**2*SU_A(mz)+2*g**2*SU_A(mw) . +(-g1*cw/3)**2*(cd**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd1gen,zero)) . +sd**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd2gen,zero)) ) . +g**2/cw**2*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)**2*( . cd**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd1gen,mz)) . +sd**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd2gen,mz)) ) . +g**2/2*( cu**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu1gen,mw)) . +su**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msu2gen,mw)) ) . +g**2/4*(cd**2*SU_A(msd1gen)+sd**2*SU_A(msd2gen) . +2*(cu**2*SU_A(msu1gen)+su**2*SU_A(msu2gen) ) ) c crLLhyp=g**2*(-0.5d0)*( . 3.d0*(+.5d0)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(-.5d0)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(-.5d0)*(cta**2*SU_A(msta1)+sta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(+.5d0)*SU_A(msu1)+6.d0*(-.5d0)*SU_A(msd1) . +2.d0*(-.5d0)*SU_A(mse1) . +2.d0*(.5d0)*SU_A(msn1) +(.5d0)*SU_A(msntau) ) . +g1**2/4*(1.d0/3)**2*(cd**2*SU_A(msd1gen)+sd**2*SU_A(msd2gen) ) . +g1**2/4*(1.d0/3.d0)*( . 3.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(-1.d0)*(cta**2*SU_A(msta1)+sta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msu1)+6.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msd1) . +2.d0*(-1.d0)*SU_A(mse1) . +2.d0*(-1.d0)*SU_A(msn1) + (-1.d0)*SU_A(msntau) ) . +g1**2/4*(1.d0/3.d0)*( . 3.d0*(-4.d0/3.d0)*(st**2*SU_A(mst1)+ct**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(2.d0/3.d0)*(sb**2*SU_A(msb1)+cb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(2.d0)*(sta**2*SU_A(msta1)+cta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(-4.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msu2)+6.d0*(2.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msd2) . +2.d0*(2.d0)*SU_A(mse2) ) c crLLnino=0.d0 do i=1,4 crLLnino=crLLnino+ fbbLL(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmd)) . -2.d0*rmd*dxmn(i)*gbbLL(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmd)) enddo c crLLcino=0.d0 do i=1,2 crLLcino=crLLcino+ ftbLL(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmu)) . -2.d0*rmu*gmc(i)*gtbLL(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmu)) enddo cc crLL=-cpi*(crLLqcd+crLLyuk+crLLgau+crLLhyp+crLLnino+crLLcino) c c-------------------- RR contribution: c crRRqcd=16*pi*alphas/3*(2*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,m3,rmd)) . +sd**2*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd1gen,zero))+SU_A(msd1gen) ) . +cd**2*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd2gen,zero))+SU_A(msd2gen) ) ) c crRRyuk=yd**2*(cd**2*SU_A(msd1gen)+sd**2*SU_A(msd2gen) ) . +yd**2*(cu**2*SU_A(msu1gen)+su**2*SU_A(msu2gen) ) . +0.5d0*(yd**2*sal**2-g**2*(-sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (-dcos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(mh) . +0.5d0*(yd**2*cal**2-g**2*(-sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (dcos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(ml) . +0.5d0*(yd**2*cbet**2-g**2*(-sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mz) . +0.5d0*(yd**2*sbet**2-g**2*(-sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2* . (-dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(ma) . +(yd**2*sbet**2+g**2*( (-sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2)* . (dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mch) . +(yd**2*cbet**2+g**2*( (-sw2/3)/2.d0/cw**2)* . (-dcos(2*b)) )*SU_A(mw) . +ghbRb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msd1gen)) . +ghbRb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msd2gen)) . +glbRb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msd1gen)) . +glbRb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msd2gen)) . +ggbRb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msd1gen)) . +ggbRb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msd2gen)) . +gabRb1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msd1gen)) . +gabRb2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msd2gen)) . +gcbRt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msu1gen)) . +gcbRt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msu2gen)) . +ggbRt1**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msu1gen)) . +ggbRt2**2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msu2gen)) c crRRgau=4*g**2/cw**2*(-sw2/3)**2*SU_A(mz) . +(-g1*cw/3)**2*(sd**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd1gen,zero)) . +cd**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd2gen,zero)) ) . +g**2/cw**2*(-sw2/3)**2*( . sd**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd1gen,mz)) . +cd**2*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd2gen,mz)) ) c crRRhyp= . g1**2/4*(2.d0/3)**2*(sd**2*SU_A(msd1gen)+cd**2*SU_A(msd2gen) ) . +g1**2/4*(2.d0/3)*( . 3*(1.d0/3)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3*(1.d0/3)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(-1.d0)*(cta**2*SU_A(msta1)+sta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6*(1.d0/3)*SU_A(msu1)+6*(1.d0/3)*SU_A(msd1) . +2*(-1.d0)*SU_A(mse1) . +2*(-1.d0)*SU_A(msn1) +(-1.d0)*SU_A(msntau) ) . +g1**2/4*(2.d0/3)*( . 3*(-4.d0/3)*(st**2*SU_A(mst1)+ct**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3*(2.d0/3)*(sb**2*SU_A(msb1)+cb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(2)*(sta**2*SU_A(msta1)+cta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6*(-4.d0/3)*SU_A(msu2)+6*(2.d0/3)*SU_A(msd2) . +2*(2.d0)*SU_A(mse2) ) c crRRnino=0.d0 do i=1,4 crRRnino=crRRnino+ fbbRR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmd)) . -2*rmd*dxmn(i)*gbbRR(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmd)) enddo c crRRcino=0.d0 do i=1,2 crRRcino=crRRcino+ ftbRR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmu)) . -2*rmu*gmc(i)*gtbRR(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmu)) enddo c crRR=-cpi*(crRRqcd+crRRyuk+crRRgau+crRRhyp+crRRnino+crRRcino) c-------------------- LR contribution: c crLRqcd=16*pi*alphas/3*( . 4*rmd*m3*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,m3,rmd)) . +cd*sd*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd1gen,zero))-SU_A(msd1gen) . -dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd2gen,zero))+SU_A(msd2gen) ) ) c crLRyuk=3*yd**2*sd*cd*(SU_A(msd1gen)-SU_A(msd2gen) ) . +ghbLb1*ghbRb1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msd1gen)) . +ghbLb2*ghbRb2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msd2gen)) . +glbLb1*glbRb1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msd1gen)) . +glbLb2*glbRb2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msd2gen)) . +ggbLb1*ggbRb1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msd1gen)) . +ggbLb2*ggbRb2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,msd2gen)) . +gabLb1*gabRb1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msd1gen)) . +gabLb2*gabRb2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,msd2gen)) . +gcbLt1*gcbRt1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msu1gen)) . +gcbLt2*gcbRt2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msu2gen)) . +ggbLt1*ggbRt1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msu1gen)) . +ggbLt2*ggbRt2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msu2gen)) c crLRgau=(-g1*cw/3)**2*cd*sd*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd1gen,zero)) . -dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd2gen,zero)) ) . -g**2/cw**2*(-.5d0+sw2/3)*(-sw2/3)*sd*cd*( . dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd1gen,mz)) . -dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msd2gen,mz)) ) c crLRhyp=g1**2/4*(1.d0/3)*(2.d0/3)*sd*cd*( . SU_A(msd1gen)-SU_A(msd2gen) ) c crLRnino=0.d0 do i=1,4 crLRnino=crLRnino+ fbbLR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmd)) . -2.d0*rmd*dxmn(i)*gbbLR(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmn(i),rmd)) enddo c crLRcino=0.d0 do i=1,2 crLRcino=crLRcino+ ftbLR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmu)) . -2*rmu*gmc(i)*gtbLR(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmc(i),rmu)) enddo c crLR=-cpi*(crLRqcd+crLRyuk+crLRgau+crLRhyp+crLRnino+crLRcino) c 100 continue end c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_STAUCR(pscale,mu, Ye, Ae, . mse1gen,mse2gen,msngen,thete, . crLL,crLR,crRR) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates full one-loop radiative corrections (generically) to Slepton masses, c similarly to squarks above in routines SU_STOPCR, SU_SBOTCR, a la PBMZ. (new in v2.5) c The input at the EWSB scale are, respectively: pscale: self-energy ext momentum, c the mu parameter, Ye (generic) Yukawa cplings, Ae (generic) trilinear couplings, c slepton/sneutrino masses mse1gen...msngen, mixing angle thete. c Output: the radiative corrections to LL,LR,RR entries of the slepton mass matrix. c--------------------------------------------------------- c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) complex*16 SU_B0,SU_BG,SU_BF dimension gmc(2),xmctree(2),gmn(4),dxmn(4),u(2,2),v(2,2),z(4,4), . antauR(4),antauL(4),bntauL(4),bntauR(4),actauL(2),actauR(2), . bctauL(2),bctauR(2), . ftautauLL(4),gtautauLL(4),ftautauLR(4),gtautauLR(4), . ftautauRR(4),gtautauRR(4), . fnutauLL(2),gnutauLL(2),fnutauLR(2),gnutauLR(2),fnutauRR(2), . gnutauRR(2) common/SU_runhiggsewsb/ma,ml,mh,mch,alfa COMMON/SU_outginos/mc1,mc2,mn1,mn2,mn3,mn4,mgluino COMMON/SU_inoDR/U,V,Z,xmctree,dxmn COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,yt,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtau,mb,mt COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2,mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2,thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_cte/xnf,cpi,mz_pole,mwdum,tbeta COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole COMMON/run_p/pizz COMMON/SU_strc/irge,irgmax,ifix,isfrc,inorc c fix ren. scale (used in B0 functions): if(kpole.eq.1) scale = dsqrt(mst1*mst2) c if(msngen.eq.0.d0.or.mse1gen.eq.0.d0) goto 100 c (NB protection: means msngen or mse1gen undefined yet) sq2=dsqrt(2.d0) pi = 4*datan(1.d0) g=g2ewsb g1=g1ewsb alphas=alsewsb cw = 1.d0/dsqrt(1.d0+(g1ewsb/g2ewsb)**2) sw = g1ewsb/g2ewsb*cw sw2=sw**2 cw2= cw**2 cwm2 =1.d0/cw2 e=g1*cw c vd2 = 2*(mz_pole**2+pizz)/(g1ewsb**2+g2ewsb**2)/(1.d0+tbeta**2) vu2 = vd2*tbeta**2 vd= dsqrt(vd2) vu= dsqrt(vu2) mz= dsqrt(mz_pole**2+pizz) mw=mz*cw rme = Ye*vd c zero=1.d-2 gmn(1)=dabs(dxmn(1)) gmn(2)=dabs(dxmn(2)) gmn(3)=dabs(dxmn(3)) gmn(4)=dabs(dxmn(4)) gmc(1)=xmctree(1) gmc(2)=xmctree(2) c B=datan(tbeta) cbeta2=1.d0/(1.d0+tbeta**2) cbet= dsqrt(cbeta2) sbet=dsqrt(1.d0-cbeta2) c2b =2*cbeta2-1.d0 sal=dsin(alfa) cal=dcos(alfa) s2a = 2*sal*cal c2a=dcos(2*alfa) c ce=dcos(thete) se=dsin(thete) c ct=dcos(thet) st=dsin(thet) cb=dcos(theb) sb=dsin(theb) cta=dcos(thel) sta=dsin(thel) c c----------- Higgs couplings c s2tauLtauL = -g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2)*cbet + sq2*ye*rme s2tauRtauR = -g*mz/cw*(-sw2)*cbet + sq2*ye*rme s2tauLtauR = ye/sq2*Ae s1tauLtauL = g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2)*sbet s1tauRtauR = g*mz/cw*(-sw2)*sbet s1tauLtauR = -ye/sq2*mu s2tauLtau1=ce*s2tauLtauL+se*s2tauLtauR s2tauLtau2=-se*s2tauLtauL+ce*s2tauLtauR s2tauRtau1=ce*s2tauLtauR+se*s2tauRtauR s2tauRtau2=-se*s2tauLtauR+ce*s2tauRtauR s1tauLtau1=ce*s1tauLtauL+se*s1tauLtauR s1tauLtau2=-se*s1tauLtauL+ce*s1tauLtauR s1tauRtau1=ce*s1tauLtauR+se*s1tauRtauR s1tauRtau2=-se*s1tauLtauR+ce*s1tauRtauR ghtauLtau1= cal*s1tauLtau1+sal*s2tauLtau1 gltauLtau1=-sal*s1tauLtau1+cal*s2tauLtau1 ghtauLtau2= cal*s1tauLtau2+sal*s2tauLtau2 gltauLtau2=-sal*s1tauLtau2+cal*s2tauLtau2 ghtauRtau1= cal*s1tauRtau1+sal*s2tauRtau1 gltauRtau1=-sal*s1tauRtau1+cal*s2tauRtau1 ghtauRtau2= cal*s1tauRtau2+sal*s2tauRtau2 gltauRtau2=-sal*s1tauRtau2+cal*s2tauRtau2 atauLtauR=-ye/sq2*(-mu*cbet-Ae*sbet) gtauLtauR=+ye/sq2*(-mu*sbet+Ae*cbet) gatauLtau1=se*atauLtauR gatauLtau2=ce*atauLtauR gatauRtau1=-ce*atauLtauR gatauRtau2=se*atauLtauR ggtauLtau1=se*gtauLtauR ggtauLtau2=ce*gtauLtauR ggtauRtau1=-ce*gtauLtauR ggtauRtau2=se*gtauLtauR gctauLnutau = g*mw/sq2*sin(2*B)-ye*rme*sbet gctauRnutau = ye*(-mu*cbet-Ae*sbet) ggtauLnutau = -g*mw/sq2*cos(2*B)+ye*rme*cbet ggtauRnutau = ye*(-mu*sbet+Ae*cbet) c----------- neutralino/chargino couplings: c ap1tauL = 0d0 bp1tauL = g1/sq2*(-1d0) ap1tauR = g1/sq2*(2d0) bp1tauR = 0d0 ap2tauL = 0d0 bp2tauL = sq2*g*(-.5d0) ap2tauR = 0d0 bp2tauR = 0d0 ap3tauL = ye ap3tauR = 0d0 bp3tauL = 0d0 bp3tauR = ye ap4tauL = 0d0 ap4tauR = 0d0 bp4tauL = 0d0 bp4tauR = 0d0 aw1tauL=0d0 bw1tauL=g aw1tauR=0d0 bw1tauR=0d0 aw2tauL=0d0 bw2tauL=0d0 aw2tauR=0d0 bw2tauR=-ye do i=1,4 aNtauR(i) = Z(i,1)*ap1tauR +Z(i,2)*ap2tauR +Z(i,3)*ap3tauR . +Z(i,4)*ap4tauR bNtauR(i) = Z(i,1)*bp1tauR +Z(i,2)*bp2tauR +Z(i,3)*bp3tauR . +Z(i,4)*bp4tauR aNtauL(i) = Z(i,1)*ap1tauL +Z(i,2)*ap2tauL +Z(i,3)*ap3tauL . +Z(i,4)*ap4tauL bNtauL(i) = Z(i,1)*bp1tauL +Z(i,2)*bp2tauL +Z(i,3)*bp3tauL . +Z(i,4)*bp4tauL enddo c do i=1,2 aCtauR(i) = V(i,1)*aw1tauR +V(i,2)*aw2tauR bCtauR(i) = U(i,1)*bw1tauR +U(i,2)*bw2tauR aCtauL(i) = V(i,1)*aw1tauL +V(i,2)*aw2tauL bCtauL(i) = U(i,1)*bw1tauL +U(i,2)*bw2tauL enddo c do i=1,4 ftautauLL(i) = aNtauL(i)*aNtauL(i) + bNtauL(i)*bNtauL(i) gtautauLL(i) = bNtauL(i)*aNtauL(i) + aNtauL(i)*bNtauL(i) ftautauLR(i) = aNtauL(i)*aNtauR(i) + bNtauL(i)*bNtauR(i) gtautauLR(i) = bNtauL(i)*aNtauR(i) + aNtauL(i)*bNtauR(i) ftautauRR(i) = aNtauR(i)*aNtauR(i) + bNtauR(i)*bNtauR(i) gtautauRR(i) = bNtauR(i)*aNtauR(i) + aNtauR(i)*bNtauR(i) enddo c do i=1,2 fnutauLL(i) = aCtauL(i)*aCtauL(i) + bCtauL(i)*bCtauL(i) gnutauLL(i) = bCtauL(i)*aCtauL(i) + aCtauL(i)*bCtauL(i) fnutauLR(i) = aCtauL(i)*aCtauR(i) + bCtauL(i)*bCtauR(i) gnutauLR(i) = bCtauL(i)*aCtauR(i) + aCtauL(i)*bCtauR(i) fnutauRR(i) = aCtauR(i)*aCtauR(i) + bCtauR(i)*bCtauR(i) gnutauRR(i) = bCtauR(i)*aCtauR(i) + aCtauR(i)*bCtauR(i) enddo c c-------------------- LL contribution: c crLLyuk=Ye*Ye*(se*se*SU_A(mse1gen)+ce*ce*SU_A(mse2gen) ) . +0.5d0*(Ye*Ye*sal*sal-g*g*(-.5d0 +sw2)/2d0/cw2* . (-cos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(mh) . +0.5d0*(Ye*Ye*cal*cal-g*g*(-.5d0 +sw2)/2d0/cw2* . (cos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(ml) . +0.5d0*(Ye*Ye*cbet*cbet-g*g*(-.5d0 +sw2)/2d0/cw2* . (cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(mz) . +0.5d0*(Ye*Ye*sbet*sbet-g*g*(-.5d0 +sw2)/2d0/cw2* . (-cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(ma) . +( g*g*( (-.5d0 +sw2)/2d0/cw2 +.5d0)* . (cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(mch) . +( g*g*( (-.5d0 +sw2)/2d0/cw2 +.5d0)* . (-cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(mw) . +ghtauLtau1*ghtauLtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,mse1gen)) . +ghtauLtau2*ghtauLtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,mse2gen)) . +gltauLtau1*gltauLtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,mse1gen)) . +gltauLtau2*gltauLtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,mse2gen)) . +ggtauLtau1*ggtauLtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,mse1gen)) . +ggtauLtau2*ggtauLtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,mse2gen)) . +gatauLtau1*gatauLtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,mse1gen)) . +gatauLtau2*gatauLtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,mse2gen)) . +gctauLnutau*gctauLnutau*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msngen)) . +ggtauLnutau*ggtauLnutau*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msngen)) c crLLgau=4*g*g/cw2*(-.5d0+sw2)*(-.5d0+sw2)*SU_A(mz)+2*g*g*SU_A(mw) .+(-g1*cw)*(-g1*cw)*(ce*ce*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse1gen,zero)) . +se*se*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse2gen,zero)) ) . +g*g/cw2*(-.5d0+sw2)*(-.5d0+sw2)*( . ce*ce*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse1gen,mz)) . +se*se*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse2gen,mz)) ) . +g**2/2*( dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msngen,mw)) ) . +g*g/4*(ce*ce*SU_A(mse1gen)+se*se*SU_A(mse2gen) . +2*SU_A(msngen) ) crLLhyp = g*g*(-0.5d0)*( . 3.d0*(+.5d0)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(-.5d0)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(-.5d0)*(cta*cta*SU_A(msta1)+sta*sta*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(+.5d0)*SU_A(msu1)+6.d0*(-.5d0)*SU_A(msd1) . +(-.5d0)*2*SU_A(mSe1) . +(.5d0)*2*SU_A(mSn1) . +(.5d0)*SU_A(msntau) ) . +g1*g1/4*(-1d0)*(-1d0)*(ce*ce*SU_A(mse1gen)+se*se*SU_A(mse2gen) ) . +g1*g1/4*(-1d0)*((-1d0)*(cta*cta*SU_A(msta1)+sta*sta*SU_A(msta2)) . +3.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +6.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msu1)+6.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msd1) . + (-1d0)*2*SU_A(mSe1) . + (-1d0)*2*SU_A(mSn1) . + (-1d0)*SU_A(msntau) ) . +g1*g1/4*(-1d0)*((2d0)*(sta*sta*SU_A(msta1)+cta*cta*SU_A(msta2)) . +3.d0*(-4.d0/3.d0)*(st**2*SU_A(mst1)+ct**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(2.d0/3.d0)*(sb**2*SU_A(msb1)+cb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +6.d0*(-4.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msu2)+6.d0*(2.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msd2) . +(2d0)*2*SU_A(mSe2) ) c crLLnino=0.d0 do i=1,4 crLLnino=crLLnino+ftautauLL(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmn(i),rme)) . -2*rme*dxmn(i)*gtautauLL(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmn(i),rme)) enddo c crLLcino=0.d0 do i=1,2 crLLcino=crLLcino+ fnutauLL(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmc(i),zero)) enddo cc crLL=-cpi*(crLLyuk+crLLgau+crLLhyp+crLLnino+crLLcino) c c-------------------- RR contribution: c c crRRyuk=Ye*Ye*(ce*ce*SU_A(mse1gen)+se*se*SU_A(mse2gen) ) . +0.5d0*(Ye*Ye*sal*sal-g*g*(-sw2)/2d0/cw2* . (-cos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(mh) . +0.5d0*(Ye*Ye*cal*cal-g*g*(-sw2)/2d0/cw2* . (+cos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(ml) . +0.5d0*(Ye*Ye*cbet*cbet-g*g*(-sw2)/2d0/cw2* . (cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(mz) . +0.5d0*(Ye*Ye*sbet*sbet-g*g*(-sw2)/2d0/cw2* . (-cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(ma) . +(Ye*Ye*sbet*sbet+g*g*( (-sw2)/2d0/cw2)* . (cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(mch) . +(Ye*Ye*cbet*cbet+g*g*( (-sw2)/2d0/cw2)* . (-cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(mw) . +ghtauRtau1*ghtauRtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,mse1gen)) . +ghtauRtau2*ghtauRtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,mse2gen)) . +gltauRtau1*gltauRtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,mse1gen)) . +gltauRtau2*gltauRtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,mse2gen)) . +ggtauRtau1*ggtauRtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,mse1gen)) . +ggtauRtau2*ggtauRtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,mse2gen)) . +gatauRtau1*gatauRtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,mse1gen)) . +gatauRtau2*gatauRtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,mse2gen)) . +gctauRnutau*gctauRnutau*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msngen)) . +ggtauRnutau*ggtauRnutau*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msngen)) c crRRgau=4*g*g/cw2*(-sw2)*(-sw2)*SU_A(mz) . +(-g1*cw)*(-g1*cw)*(se*se*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse1gen,zero)) . +ce*ce*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse2gen,zero)) ) . +g*g/cw2*(-sw2)*(-sw2)*( . se*se*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse1gen,mz)) . +ce*ce*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse2gen,mz)) ) c crRRhyp= . g1*g1/4*(2d0)*(2d0)*(se*se*SU_A(mse1gen)+ce*ce*SU_A(mse2gen) ) . +g1*g1/4*(2d0)*((-1d0)*(cta*cta*SU_A(msta1)+sta*sta*SU_A(msta2) ) . +3*(1.d0/3)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3*(1.d0/3)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +6*(1.d0/3)*SU_A(msu1)+6*(1.d0/3)*SU_A(msd1) . +(-1d0)*2*SU_A(mSe1) . +(-1d0)*2*SU_A(mSn1) . +(-1d0)*SU_A(msntau) ) . +g1*g1/4*(2d0)*((2d0)*(sta*sta*SU_A(msta1)+cta*cta*SU_A(msta2) ) . +3*(-4.d0/3)*(st**2*SU_A(mst1)+ct**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3*(2.d0/3)*(sb**2*SU_A(msb1)+cb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +6*(-4.d0/3)*SU_A(msu2)+6*(2.d0/3)*SU_A(msd2) . +(2d0)*2*SU_A(mSe2) ) c crRRnino=0.d0 do i=1,4 crRRnino=crRRnino+ftautauRR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmn(i),rme)) . -2*rme*dxmn(i)*gtautauRR(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmn(i),rme)) enddo c crRRcino=0.d0 do i=1,2 crRRcino=crRRcino+ fnutauRR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmc(i),zero)) enddo c crRR=-cpi*(crRRyuk+crRRgau+crRRhyp+crRRnino+crRRcino) c-------------------- LR contribution: c crLRyuk= Ye*Ye*se*ce*(SU_A(mse1gen)-SU_A(mse2gen) ) . +ghtauLtau1*ghtauRtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,mse1gen)) . +ghtauLtau2*ghtauRtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,mse2gen)) . +gltauLtau1*gltauRtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,mse1gen)) . +gltauLtau2*gltauRtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,mse2gen)) . +ggtauLtau1*ggtauRtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,mse1gen)) . +ggtauLtau2*ggtauRtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mz,mse2gen)) . +gatauLtau1*gatauRtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,mse1gen)) . +gatauLtau2*gatauRtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ma,mse2gen)) . +gctauLnutau*gctauRnutau*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,msngen)) . +ggtauLnutau*ggtauRnutau*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,msngen)) c crLRgau=(-g1*cw)**2*ce*se*(dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse1gen,zero)) . -dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse2gen,zero)) ) . -g*g/cw2*(-.5d0+sw2)*(-sw2)*se*ce*( . dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse1gen,mz)) . -dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse2gen,mz)) ) c crLRhyp=g1*g1/4*(-1d0)*(2d0)*se*ce*( . SU_A(mse1gen)-SU_A(mse2gen) ) c crLRnino=0.d0 do i=1,4 crLRnino=crLRnino+ftautauLR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmn(i),rme)) . -2*rme*dxmn(i)*gtautauLR(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmn(i),rme)) enddo c crLRcino=0.d0 do i=1,2 crLRcino=crLRcino+ fnutauLR(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmc(i),zero)) enddo c crLR=-cpi*(crLRyuk+crLRgau+crLRhyp+crLRnino+crLRcino) c 100 continue end c++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_SNUTAUCR(pscale,mu, Ye, Ae, . mse1gen,mse2gen,msngen,thete, . crLL) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates full one-loop radiative corrections generically to sneutrino mass, c similarly to sleptons, a la PBMZ. (new in v2.5) c The input at the EWSB scale are, respectively: pscale: self-energy ext momentum, c the mu parameter, Ye (generic) Yukawa cplings, Ae (generic) trilinear couplings, c slepton/sneutrino masses mse1gen...msngen, mixing angle thete. c Output: the R.C. to the sneutrino_L mass^2. c--------------------------------------------------------- c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) complex*16 SU_B0,SU_BG,SU_BF dimension gmc(2),xmctree(2),gmn(4),dxmn(4),u(2,2),v(2,2),z(4,4), . bnnutauL(2),acnutauL(2),bcnutauL(2), . fnutauLL(2),ftaunutauLL(2),gtaunutauLL(2) common/SU_runhiggsewsb/ma,ml,mh,mch,alfa COMMON/SU_outginos/mc1,mc2,mn1,mn2,mn3,mn4,mgluino COMMON/SU_inoDR/U,V,Z,xmctree,dxmn COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,yt,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtau,mb,mt COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2,mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2,thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_cte/xnf,cpi,mz_pole,mwdum,tbeta COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole COMMON/run_p/pizz COMMON/SU_strc/irge,irgmax,ifix,isfrc,inorc c fix ren. scale (used in B0 functions): if(kpole.eq.1) scale = dsqrt(mst1*mst2) c if(msngen.eq.0.d0.or.mse1gen.eq.0.d0) goto 100 c (NB protection: means msngen or mse1gen undefined yet) sq2=dsqrt(2.d0) pi = 4*datan(1.d0) g=g2ewsb g1=g1ewsb alphas=alsewsb cw = 1.d0/dsqrt(1.d0+(g1ewsb/g2ewsb)**2) sw = g1ewsb/g2ewsb*cw sw2=sw**2 cw2= cw**2 cwm2 =1.d0/cw2 e=g1*cw c vd2 = 2*(mz_pole**2+pizz)/(g1ewsb**2+g2ewsb**2)/(1.d0+tbeta**2) vu2 = vd2*tbeta**2 vd= dsqrt(vd2) vu= dsqrt(vu2) mz= dsqrt(mz_pole**2+pizz) mw=mz*cw rme = Ye*vd c zero=1.d-2 gmn(1)=dabs(dxmn(1)) gmn(2)=dabs(dxmn(2)) gmn(3)=dabs(dxmn(3)) gmn(4)=dabs(dxmn(4)) gmc(1)=xmctree(1) gmc(2)=xmctree(2) c B=datan(tbeta) cbeta2=1.d0/(1.d0+tbeta**2) cbet= dsqrt(cbeta2) sbet=dsqrt(1.d0-cbeta2) c2b =2*cbeta2-1.d0 sal=dsin(alfa) cal=dcos(alfa) s2a = 2*sal*cal c2a=dcos(2*alfa) c ce=dcos(thete) se=dsin(thete) c ct=dcos(thet) st=dsin(thet) cb=dcos(theb) sb=dsin(theb) cta=dcos(thel) sta=dsin(thel) c c----------- Higgs couplings c s2nutauLnutauL = -g*mz/cw*(.5d0)*sbet s1nutauLnutauL = g*mz/cw*(.5d0)*cbet ghnutauL= cal*s1nutauLnutauL+sal*s2nutauLnutauL glnutauL=-sal*s1nutauLnutauL+cal*s2nutauLnutauL gcnutauLtauL = g*mw/sq2*sin(2*B) -Ye*rme*sbet gcnutauLtauR = Ye*(-mu*cbet-Ae*sbet) ggnutauLtauL = -g*mw/sq2*cos(2*B)+Ye*rme*cbet ggnutauLtauR = Ye*(-mu*sbet+Ae*cbet) gcnutauLtau1=ce*gcnutauLtauL+se*gcnutauLtauR gcnutauLtau2=-se*gcnutauLtauL+ce*gcnutauLtauR ggnutauLtau1=ce*ggnutauLtauL+se*ggnutauLtauR ggnutauLtau2=-se*ggnutauLtauL+ce*ggnutauLtauR c c----------- neutralino/chargino couplings: c ap1nutauL = 0d0 bp1nutauL = g1/sq2*(-1d0) ap2nutauL = 0d0 bp2nutauL = sq2*g*(.5d0) ap3nutauL = 0d0 bp3nutauL = 0d0 ap4nutauL = 0d0 bp4nutauL = 0d0 aw1nutauL=g bw1nutauL=0d0 aw2nutauL=0d0 bw2nutauL=-Ye do i=1,2 bNnutauL(i) = Z(i,1)*bp1nutauL +Z(i,2)*bp2nutauL enddo c do i=1,2 aCnutauL(i) = V(i,1)*aw1nutauL +V(i,2)*aw2nutauL bCnutauL(i) = U(i,1)*bw1nutauL +U(i,2)*bw2nutauL enddo c do i=1,2 fnutauLL(i) = bNnutauL(i)*bNnutauL(i) enddo c do i=1,2 ftaunutauLL(i) = aCnutauL(i)*aCnutauL(i) +bCnutauL(i)*bCnutauL(i) gtaunutauLL(i) = bCnutauL(i)*aCnutauL(i) +aCnutauL(i)*bCnutauL(i) enddo c c-------------------- LL contribution: c crLLyuk= . Ye*Ye*(se*se*SU_A(mse1gen)+ce*ce*SU_A(mse2gen) ) . +0.5d0*( -g*g*(.5d0)/2.d0/cw2* . (-cos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(mh) . +0.5d0*( -g*g*(.5d0)/2.d0/cw2* . (+cos(2*alfa)) )*SU_A(ml) . +0.5d0*( -g*g*(.5d0)/2.d0/cw2* . (-cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(mz) . +0.5d0*( -g*g*(.5d0)/2.d0/cw2* . (cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(ma) . +(Ye*Ye*sbet*sbet+g*g*( (.5d0)/2.d0/cw2-.5d0)* . (-cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(mch) . +(Ye*Ye*cbet*cbet+g*g*( (.5d0)/2.d0/cw2-.5d0)* . (cos(2*B)) )*SU_A(mw) . +ghnutauL*ghnutauL*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mh,msngen)) . +glnutauL*glnutauL*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,ml,msngen)) . +gcnutauLtau1*gcnutauLtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,mse1gen)) . +gcnutauLtau2*gcnutauLtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mch,mse2gen)) . +ggnutauLtau1*ggnutauLtau1*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,mse1gen)) . +ggnutauLtau2*ggnutauLtau2*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,mw,mse2gen)) c crLLgau=4*g*g/cw2*(.5d0)*(.5d0)*SU_A(mz)+2*g*g*SU_A(mw) . +g*g/cw2*(.5d0)*(.5d0)* dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,msngen,mz)) . +g*g/2*( ce*ce*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse1gen,mw)) . +se*se*dble(SU_BF(pscale**2,mse2gen,mw)) ) . +g*g/4*(SU_A(msngen) . +2*(ce*ce*SU_A(mse1gen)+se*se*SU_A(mse2gen) ) ) crLLhyp=g*g*0.5d0*( . 3.d0*(+.5d0)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(-.5d0)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(-.5d0)*(cta*cta*SU_A(msta1)+sta*sta*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(+.5d0)*SU_A(msu1)+6.d0*(-.5d0)*SU_A(msd1) . +(-.5d0)*2*SU_A(mSe1) . +(.5d0)*2*SU_A(mSn1) . +(.5d0)*2*SU_A(msntau) ) . +g1*g1/4*(-1.d0)*(-1.d0)*(SU_A(msngen) ) . +g1*g1/4*(-1.d0)*( . 3.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(-1.d0)*(cta*cta*SU_A(msta1)+sta*sta*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msu1)+6.d0*(1.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msd1) . + (-1.d0)*2*SU_A(mSe1) . + (-1.d0)*2*SU_A(mSn1) . + (-1.d0)*SU_A(msntau) ) . +g1*g1/4*(-1.d0)*( . 3.d0*(-4.d0/3.d0)*(st**2*SU_A(mst1)+ct**2*SU_A(mst2) ) . +3.d0*(2.d0/3.d0)*(sb**2*SU_A(msb1)+cb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) . +(2.d0)*(sta**2*SU_A(msta1)+cta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) . +6.d0*(-4.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msu2)+6.d0*(2.d0/3.d0)*SU_A(msd2) . +2.d0*(2.d0)*SU_A(mse2) ) c crLLnino=0.d0 do i=1,2 crLLnino=crLLnino+fnutauLL(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmn(i),zero)) enddo c crLLcino=0.d0 do i=1,2 crLLcino= . crLLcino+ftaunutauLL(i)*dble(SU_BG(pscale**2,gmc(i),rme)) .-2*rme*gmc(i)*gtaunutauLL(i)*dble(SU_B0(pscale**2,gmc(i),rme)) enddo cc crLL=-cpi*(crLLyuk+crLLgau+crLLhyp+crLLnino+crLLcino) c 100 continue end c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_GINOCR(alphas,m3, mb,mt, delgino) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates the full one-loop radiative correction to the gluino mass, delgino. c The input parameters at EWSB scale are: c alphas,m3: the strong coupling constant and the SU(3) gaugino mass, c msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2: the squark masses. c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) complex*16 SU_B1,SU_B0 COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/SU_param/gf,alpha,mz,mw COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2, . mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2, . thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole c if(kpole.eq.1) scale = dsqrt(mst1*mst2) pi=4*datan(1.d0) mu=.005d0 md=.015d0 ms=.19d0 mc=1.42d0 msc1=msu1 msc2=msu2 mss1=msd1 mss2=msd2 c do iter=1,2 ! iterating twice to approximately obtain pole mass if(iter.eq.1) then M3save=M3 else M3= dabs(m3)/(1.d0 -delgino/dabs(m3)) endif sumB1= . dble(SU_B1(M3**2,mu,msu1))+ dble(SU_B1(M3**2,mu,msu2) ) . +dble(SU_B1(M3**2,md,msd1) )+dble(SU_B1(M3**2,md,msd2) ) . +dble(SU_B1(M3**2,ms,mss1) )+dble(SU_B1(M3**2,ms,mss2) ) . +dble(SU_B1(M3**2,mc,msc1) )+dble(SU_B1(M3**2,mc,msc2) ) . +dble(SU_B1(M3**2,mb,msb1) )+dble(SU_B1(M3**2,mb,msb2) ) . +dble(SU_B1(M3**2,mt,mst1) )+dble(SU_B1(M3**2,mt,mst2) ) c sumB0= mb*dsin(2*theb)* . (dble(SU_B0(M3**2,mb,msb1))-dble(SU_B0(M3**2,mb,msb2)) ) . +mt*dsin(2*thet)* . (dble(SU_B0(M3**2,mt,mst1))-dble(SU_B0(M3**2,mt,mst2)) ) c delgino =3*alphas/pi/4*M3*(5.d0-3*dlog(M3**2/scale**2)) . -alphas/pi/4*M3*sumB1 . -alphas/pi/4*sumB0 enddo M3=M3save end c c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c +++++++ End of the routines for gaugino, sfermion masses ++++++++++++ c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c The following routine is for the evaluation of the Higgs boson masses: cc ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_SUSYCP(TGBET) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Calculates the MSSM Higgs bosons masses and the angle alpha including c radiative corrections for a given input value of the parameter tan(beta). c The other input parameters (soft-SUSY breaking parameters, sparticle c masses and mixing angles, SM parameters, are called via common blocks. c It returns the masses of the pole masses of the CP-odd (ama), lighter c CP-even (aml), heavier CP-even (amh), charged Higgs boson (amch) as well as c the running CP-odd (amar) Higgs masses, which are given in the block: c common/su_HMASS/ama,aml,amh,amch,amar. c It gives also the couplings of the angle beta at the EWSB scale, the mixing c alpha and the Higgs boson couplings to standard particles in: c COMMON/COUP_hcoup/gat,gab,glt,glb,ght,ghb,glvv,ghvv,b,a c It returns also the couplings of the Higgs bosons to sfermions c COMMON/SU_cplhsf/gcen,gctb,glee,gltt,glbb,ghee,ghtt,ghbb c . gatt,gabb,gaee c and the Higgs couplings to charginos and neutralinos: c COMMON/SU_cplhino/ac1,ac2,ac3,an1,an2,an3,acnl,acnr c For the radiative correction of Higgs masses, there is imodel=0 c option where the calculation is made in an approximation based on c Heinemeyer, Hollik, Weiglein (hep-ph/0002213), which is fast c BUT approximate, or c ichoice(10)(=imodel)=1: Full one-loop Higgs masses a la PBMZ c =2: Full one-loop PBMZ + two-loop BDSZ corrections c implicit double precision (a-h,m,o-z) double precision la1,la2,la3,la4,la5,la6,la7,la3t complex*16 F0_HDEC logical su_isNaN dimension mst(2),gltt(2,2),ghtt(2,2), . msb(2),glbb(2,2),ghbb(2,2), . msl(2),glee(2,2),ghee(2,2), . gctb(2,2),gcen(2,2) dimension dxmn(4),z(4,4),uu(2,2),vv(2,2), . qqn(4,4),ssn(4,4),ssc(2,2),qqc(2,2),ac1(2,2),ac2(2,2), . ac3(2,2),an1(4,4),an2(4,4),an3(4,4),acnl(2,4),acnr(2,4) COMMON/SU_hflag/imodel COMMON/SU_fmasses/amtau,amb,amt COMMON/SU_hmass/ama,aml,amh,amch,amar COMMON/SU_break/amel,amer,amsq,amur,amdr,al,au,ad,amu,am1,am2,am3 COMMON/SU_mssmhpar/mhu2,mhd2,madum,mudum COMMON/SU_param/gf,alph,amz,amw COMMON/SU_cplhsf/gcen,gctb,glee,gltt,glbb,ghee,ghtt,ghbb, . gatt,gabb,gaee COMMON/SU_matino/uu,vv,z,dxmn COMMON/SU_cplhino/ac1,ac2,ac3,an1,an2,an3,acnl,acnr COMMON/SU_hcoup/tbdum,alfa,xgat,xgab,xglt,xglb,xght,xghb, . xghvv,xglvv c Commons needed for the full one+two--loop calculation COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2,mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2,thett,thetb,thetl COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,yt,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_tbewsb/vuewsb,vdewsb c c Commons needed for interface with routines (from HDECAY3.0): COMMON/HSELF_HDEC/LA1,LA2,LA3,LA4,LA5,LA6,LA7 COMMON/HMASSR_HDEC/AMLR,AMHR COMMON/COUP_HDEC/GAT,GAB,GLT,GLB,GHT,GHB,GZAH,GZAL, . GHHH,GLLL,GHLL,GLHH,GHAA,GLAA,GLVV,GHVV, . GLPM,GHPM,B,A common/su_MAinput/piaa,tadba,DMA,kMAflag COMMON/SU_strc/irge,irgmax,ifix,isfrc,inorc c commons added COMMON/pietro/mApole,mCHpole COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/run_p/pizzp COMMON/runhiggs/ama0,aml0,amh0,amch0 COMMON/SU_runhiggsewsb/marunp,mlrunp,mhrunp,mchrunp,alfarunp common/su_savemar/madr2save common/su_runmavev/madr2,vev2 common/su_runewsb/rmz,rmw,sw2,tbeta c c Some definitions: pi=4*datan(1.d0) v=1.d0/dsqrt(dsqrt(2.d0)*gf) tbeta=vuewsb/vdewsb bet=datan(tbeta) if(b.eq.0.d0) b=bet sb = dsin(bet) cb = dcos(bet) amar = ama marsave=ama c nb at this stage ama is in fact running MA mt=runm(amt,6) mb=runm(amt,5) als=alphas(amt,2) sw2 = g1ewsb**2/(g1ewsb**2+g2ewsb**2) c C ================= Calculate the masses in an approximation ======= c (based on Heinemeyer, Hollik, Weiglein hep-ph/0002213 ) c==================================================================== if(imodel.eq.0) then vev2=2.d0*(vuewsb**2+vdewsb**2) madr2= marsave**2 endif amglu=am3 ams2=dsqrt(amsq**2*amur**2+mt**2*(amsq**2+amur**2)+mt**4) xlam=1.d0/8.d0-sw2/3.d0+4*sw2**2/9.d0 xt=au-amu/tbeta xr=mt**2/ams2 xfac=gf*dsqrt(2.d0)/pi**2 s11=xfac*amz**4*xlam*cb**2*dlog(xr) s12=-xfac*amz**2/tbeta*(-3*mt**2/8.d0+amz**2*xlam*sb**2) . *dlog(xr) s22one=xfac*mt**4/8.d0/sb**2*( . -2*amz**2/mt**2+11*amz**4/10.d0/mt**4 . +(12.d0-6*amz**2/mt**2*sb**2+8*amz**4/mt**4 . *xlam*sb**4)*dlog(xr) . +xt**2/ams2*(-12.d0+4.d0*amz**2/mt**2+6.d0*xr) . +xt**4/ams2**2*(1.d0-4*xr+3*xr**2) . +xt**6/ams2**3*(3*xr/5.d0-12*xr**2/5.d0+2*xr**3) . +xt**8/ams2**4*(3*xr**2/7.d0-12*xr**3/7.d0+3*xr**4/2.d0) ) s22qcd=xfac*als/pi*mt**4/sb**2*(4.d0+3*dlog(xr)**2 . +2*dlog(xr)-6*xt/dsqrt(ams2)-xt**2/ams2*(3*dlog(xr)+8.d0) . +17*xt**4/12.d0/ams2**2 ) s22ew=-9*xfac**2/32.d0/sb**2*mt**6*(dlog(xr)**2 c ! next term changes sign (-2*xt**2/ams2->+2 xt..) wrt ref.: corrected: . +2*xt**2/ams2*dlog(xr)+xt**4/6.d0/ams2**2*dlog(xr)) s22=s22one+s22qcd+s22ew xm11=ama**2*sb**2+amz**2*cb**2-s11 xm12=-(ama**2+amz**2)*sb*cb-s12 xm22=ama**2*cb**2+amz**2*sb**2-s22 xml2=0.5d0*(xm11+xm22-dsqrt((xm11-xm22)**2+4*xm12**2)) xmh2=0.5d0*(xm11+xm22+dsqrt((xm11-xm22)**2+4*xm12**2)) amlr=dsqrt(xml2) amhr=dsqrt(xmh2) ama=amar a=datan(xm12/(amz**2*cb**2+ama**2*sb**2-s11-aml**2)) c sa=dsin(a) ca=dcos(a) if(ca.eq.0)then a = pi/2 else a=datan(sa/ca) endif if(ca.lt.0d0)then if(sa.lt.0d0)then a = a-pi else a = a+pi endif endif sa=dsin(a) ca=dcos(a) c ===================================================================== C===== Now calculate the Higgs boson coupling to sfermions and gauginos: C ===================================================================== sbma = sb*ca-cb*sa cbma = cb*ca+sb*sa sbpa = sb*ca+cb*sa cbpa = cb*ca-sb*sa mstl2=amsq**2+(0.5d0-2.d0/3.d0*sw2)*amz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) mstr2=amur**2+2.d0/3.d0*sw2*amz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) mlrt=au-amu/tgbet delt=(mstl2-mstr2)**2+4*mt**2*mlrt**2 mst12=mt**2+0.5d0*(mstl2+mstr2-dsqrt(delt)) mst22=mt**2+0.5d0*(mstl2+mstr2+dsqrt(delt)) if(mst12.lt.0.d0.and.imodel.eq.0)goto 111 mst(1)=dsqrt(mst12) mst(2)=dsqrt(mst22) if(mstl2.eq.mstr2) then thet = pi/4 else thet=0.5d0*datan(2.d0*mt*mlrt / (mstl2-mstr2) ) if(mstl2.gt.mstr2) thet = thet + pi/2 endif cst= dcos(thet) sst= dsin(thet) c===== sbottom masses msbl2=amsq**2+(-0.5d0+1.d0/3.d0*sw2)*amz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) msbr2=amdr**2-1.d0/3.d0*sw2*amz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) mlrb=ad-amu*tgbet delb=(msbl2-msbr2)**2+4*mb**2*mlrb**2 msb12=mb**2+0.5d0*(msbl2+msbr2-dsqrt(delb)) msb22=mb**2+0.5d0*(msbl2+msbr2+dsqrt(delb)) if(msb12.lt.0.d0.and.imodel.eq.0)goto 111 msb(1)=dsqrt(msb12) msb(2)=dsqrt(msb22) if(msbl2.eq.msbr2) then theb = pi/4 else theb=0.5d0*datan(2.d0*mb*mlrb / (msbl2-msbr2) ) if(msbl2.gt.msbr2) theb = theb + pi/2 endif csb= dcos(theb) ssb= dsin(theb) c===== stau masses msel2=amel**2+(-0.5d0+sw2)*amz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) mser2=amer**2- sw2*amz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) msn2=amel**2+0.5d0*amz**2*dcos(2.d0*b) mlre=al-amu*tgbet dele=(msel2-mser2)**2+4*amtau**2*mlre**2 mse12=amtau**2+0.5d0*(msel2+mser2-dsqrt(dele)) mse22=amtau**2+0.5d0*(msel2+mser2+dsqrt(dele)) if(mse12.lt.0.d0.and.imodel.eq.0)goto 111 msl(1)=dsqrt(mse12) msl(2)=dsqrt(mse22) msn =dsqrt(msn2) if(msel2.eq.mser2) then thel = pi/4 else thel=0.5d0*datan(2.d0*amtau*mlre / (msel2-mser2) ) if(msel2.gt.mser2) thel = thel + pi/2 endif csl= dcos(thel) ssl= dsin(thel) c===== light higgs couplings to sfermions glt=ca/sb glb=-sa/cb gltt(1,1)=-sbpa*(0.5d0*cst**2-2.d0/3.d0*sw2*dcos(2*thet) ) . +mt**2/amz**2*glt + mt*sst*cst/amz**2*(au*glt+amu*ght) gltt(2,2)=-sbpa*(0.5d0*sst**2+2.d0/3.d0*sw2*dcos(2*thet) ) . +mt**2/amz**2*glt - mt*sst*cst/amz**2*(au*glt+amu*ght) gltt(1,2)=-2*sbpa*sst*cst*(2.d0/3.d0*sw2-0.25d0) . + mt*dcos(2*thet)/2.d0/amz**2*(au*glt+amu*ght) gltt(2,1)=-2*sbpa*sst*cst*(2.d0/3.d0*sw2-0.25d0) . + mt*dcos(2*thet)/2.d0/amz**2*(au*glt+amu*ght) glbb(1,1)=-sbpa*(-0.5d0*csb**2+1.d0/3.d0*sw2*dcos(2*theb)) . +mb**2/amz**2*glb + mb*ssb*csb/amz**2*(ad*glb-amu*ghb) glbb(2,2)=-sbpa*(-0.5d0*ssb**2-1.d0/3.d0*sw2*dcos(2*theb)) . +mb**2/amz**2*glb - mb*ssb*csb/amz**2*(ad*glb-amu*ghb) glbb(1,2)=-2*sbpa*ssb*csb*(-1.d0/3.d0*sw2+0.25d0) . + mb*dcos(2*theb)/2.d0/amz**2*(ad*glb-amu*ghb) glbb(2,1)=-2*sbpa*ssb*csb*(-1.d0/3.d0*sw2+0.25d0) . + mb*dcos(2*theb)/2.d0/amz**2*(ad*glb-amu*ghb) glee(1,1)=-sbpa*(-0.5d0*csl**2+sw2*dcos(2*thel)) . +amtau**2/amz**2*glb+amtau*ssl*csl/amz**2*(al*glb-amu*ghb) glee(2,2)=-sbpa*(-0.5d0*ssl**2-sw2*dcos(2*thel)) . +amtau**2/amz**2*glb-amtau*ssl*csl/amz**2*(al*glb-amu*ghb) glee(1,2)=-2*sbpa*ssl*csl*(-sw2+0.25d0) . + amtau*dcos(2*thel)/2.d0/amz**2*(al*glb-amu*ghb) glee(2,1)=-2*sbpa*ssl*csl*(-sw2+0.25d0) . + amtau*dcos(2*thel)/2.d0/amz**2*(al*glb-amu*ghb) c===== heavy higgs couplings to sfermions ght=sa/sb ghb=ca/cb ghtt(1,1)=cbpa*(0.5d0*cst**2-2.d0/3.d0*sw2*dcos(2*thet)) . +mt**2/amz**2*ght + mt*sst*cst/amz**2*(au*ght-amu*glt) ghtt(2,2)=cbpa*(0.5d0*sst**2+2.d0/3.d0*sw2*dcos(2*thet)) . +mt**2/amz**2*ght - mt*sst*cst/amz**2*(au*ght-amu*glt) ghtt(1,2)=2*cbpa*sst*cst*(2.d0/3.d0*sw2-0.25d0) . +mt*dcos(2*thet)/2.d0/amz**2*(au*ght-amu*glt) ghtt(2,1)=2*cbpa*sst*cst*(2.d0/3.d0*sw2-0.25d0) . + mt*dcos(2*thet)/2.d0/amz**2*(au*ght-amu*glt) ghbb(1,1)=cbpa*(-0.5d0*csb**2+1.d0/3.d0*sw2*dcos(2*theb)) . +mb**2/amz**2*ghb + mb*ssb*csb/amz**2*(ad*ghb+amu*glb) ghbb(2,2)=cbpa*(-0.5d0*ssb**2-1.d0/3.d0*sw2*dcos(2*theb)) . + mb**2/amz**2*ghb - mb*ssb*csb/amz**2*(ad*ghb+amu*glb) ghbb(1,2)=2*cbpa*ssb*csb*(-1.d0/3.d0*sw2+0.25d0) . + mb*dcos(2*theb)/2.d0/amz**2*(ad*ghb+amu*glb) ghbb(2,1)=2*cbpa*ssb*csb*(-1.d0/3.d0*sw2+0.25d0) . + mb*dcos(2*theb)/2.d0/amz**2*(ad*ghb+amu*glb) ghee(1,1)=cbpa*(-0.5d0*csl**2+sw2*dcos(2*thel)) . +amtau**2/amz**2*ghb+amtau*ssl*csl/amz**2*(al*ghb+amu*glb) ghee(2,2)=cbpa*(-0.5d0*ssb**2-sw2*dcos(2*thel)) . + amtau**2/amz**2*ghb-amtau*ssl*csl/amz**2*(al*ghb+amu*glb) ghee(1,2)=2*cbpa*ssl*csl*(-sw2+0.25d0) . + amtau*dcos(2*thel)/2.d0/amz**2*(al*ghb+amu*glb) ghee(2,1)=2*cbpa*ssl*csl*(-sw2+0.25d0) . + amtau*dcos(2*thel)/2.d0/amz**2*(al*ghb+amu*glb) c===== pseudoscalar higgs couplings to sfermions gat=1.d0/tgbet gab=tgbet gatt=-mt/2.d0/amz**2*(amu+au*gat) gabb=-mb/2.d0/amz**2*(amu+ad*gab) gaee=-amtau/2.d0/amz**2*(amu+al*gab) c===== charged higgs couplings sfermions cll3=(amw**2*dsin(2*b)-mt**2*gat-mb**2*gab)/dsqrt(2.d0)/amw**2 crr3=-mt*mb*(gat+gab)/dsqrt(2.d0)/amw**2 clr3=-mb*(amu+ad*gab)/dsqrt(2.d0)/amw**2 crl3=-mt*(amu+au*gat)/dsqrt(2.d0)/amw**2 gctb(1,1)=+cst*csb*cll3+sst*ssb*crr3+cst*ssb*clr3+sst*csb*crl3 gctb(1,2)=-cst*ssb*cll3+sst*csb*crr3+cst*csb*clr3-sst*ssb*crl3 gctb(2,1)=-sst*csb*cll3+cst*ssb*crr3-sst*ssb*clr3+cst*csb*crl3 gctb(2,2)=+sst*ssb*cll3+cst*csb*crr3-sst*csb*clr3-cst*ssb*crl3 cll1=(amw**2*dsin(2*b)-amtau**2*gab)/dsqrt(2.d0)/amw**2 clr1=-amtau*(amu+al*gab)/dsqrt(2.d0)/amw**2 gcen(1,1)=csl*cll1+ssl*clr1 gcen(1,2)=-ssl*cll1+csl*clr1 gcen(2,1)=0.d0 gcen(2,2)=0.d0 c===== neutral higgs couplings to neutralinos tanw=dsqrt(sw2)/dsqrt(1.d0-sw2) do 11 i=1,4 do 11 j=1,4 qqn(i,j)=1.d0/2.d0*(z(i,3)*(z(j,2)-tanw*z(j,1))+z(j,3)* . (z(i,2)-tanw*z(i,1))) ssn(i,j)=1.d0/2.d0*(z(i,4)*(z(j,2)-tanw*z(j,1))+z(j,4)* . (z(i,2)-tanw*z(i,1))) 11 continue do 21 i=1,4 do 21 j=1,4 an1(i,j)= qqn(i,j)*dcos(a)-ssn(i,j)*dsin(a) an2(i,j)=-qqn(i,j)*dsin(a)-ssn(i,j)*dcos(a) an3(i,j)= qqn(i,j)*dsin(bet)-ssn(i,j)*dcos(bet) 21 continue c===== neutral higgs couplings to charginos do 12 i=1,2 do 12 j=1,2 qqc(i,j)=dsqrt(1.d0/2.d0)*uu(j,2)*vv(i,1) ssc(i,j)=dsqrt(1.d0/2.d0)*uu(j,1)*vv(i,2) 12 continue do 22 i=1,2 do 22 j=1,2 ac1(i,j)= qqc(i,j)*dcos(a)+ssc(i,j)*dsin(a) ac2(i,j)=-qqc(i,j)*dsin(a)+ssc(i,j)*dcos(a) ac3(i,j)= qqc(i,j)*dsin(bet)+ssc(i,j)*dcos(bet) 22 continue c===== charged higgs couplings to charginos-neutralinos do 13 i=1,2 do 13 j=1,4 acnl(i,j)=dcos(bet)*(z(j,4)*vv(i,1)+(z(j,2)+z(j,1)*tanw) . *vv(i,2)/dsqrt(2.d0)) acnr(i,j)=dsin(bet)*(z(j,3)*uu(i,1)-(z(j,2)+z(j,1)*tanw) . *uu(i,2)/dsqrt(2.d0)) 13 continue c if(imodel.ge.1)then C ============ gluino and heaviest chargino mass needed for subh ====== amchi2=am2**2+amu**2+2.d0*amw**2+dsqrt((am2**2-amu**2)**2 . +4.d0*amw**4*dcos(2.d0*bet)**2+4.d0*amw**2* . (am2**2+amu**2+2.d0*amu*am2*dsin(2.d0*bet) ) ) amchi=dsqrt(0.5d0*amchi2) amglu=am3 c c--use Carena et al. for some things not included in the Higgs routine: CALL SUBH_HDEC(ama,tgbet,amsq,amur,amdr,amt,au,ad,amu,amchi, . amlr,amhr,amchr,sa,ca,tanba,amglu) c- Now call the routine for the full one-loop or 2-loop calculation: c======================================================================= q2 = scale**2 c tbeta = vuewsb/vdewsb if(su_isNaN(pizzp).or.amz**2+pizzp.le.0.d0) then c !!! protections added c non-pert or NaN pb, uses tree-level values temporarily: pizzp = 0.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) inonpert=-1 endif rmz=dsqrt(amz**2+pizzp) rmw= rmz*dsqrt(1d0-sw2) ama = marsave if(kmaflag.eq.0.and.irge.ge.2) then if(madr2save.gt.0.d0) ama =dsqrt(madr2save) amar=ama endif c amdelta=(ama**2+rmz**2)**2-4.d0*ama**2*rmz**2*dcos(2.d0*bet)**2 aml0=dsqrt(0.5d0*(ama**2+rmz**2-dsqrt(amdelta))) amh0=dsqrt(0.5d0*(ama**2+rmz**2+dsqrt(amdelta))) amch0=dsqrt(ama**2+rmw**2) c defining running higgs masses here for common (added): marunp = ama mlrunp = aml0 mhrunp = amh0 mchrunp = amch0 alfarunp =0.5*atan(tan(2d0*bet)*(ama**2+rmz**2)/(ama**2-rmz**2)) if(cos(2d0*bet)*(ama**2-rmz**2).gt.0) $ alfarunp = alfarunp - pi/2d0 c if(aml.eq.0.d0) then aml=aml0 mlpole = aml0 endif if(amh.eq.0.d0) then amh=amh0 mhpole = amh0 endif if(amch.eq.0.d0) then amch=amch0 mchpole = amch0 endif amlight=aml amheavy=amh aml = aml0 amh = amh0 amch = amch0 ama0 = ama cccccccccccccccccccccccc CALL SU_HLOOP(q2,amlight,amu,Au,Ad,Al, . pis1s1l,pis1s2l,pis2s2l,piaa,picc,pizz,piww,tad1,tad2) CALL SU_HLOOP(q2,amheavy,amu,Au,Ad,Al, . pis1s1h,pis1s2h,pis2s2h,piaa,picc,pizz,piww,tad1,tad2) c vd2 = 2*(amz**2+pizz)/(g1ewsb**2+g2ewsb**2)/(1.d0+tbeta**2) vu2 = vd2*tbeta**2 vev2=2.d0*(vu2+vd2) rmlDR = ytau*dsqrt(vd2) rmbDR = yb*dsqrt(vd2) rmtDR = yt*dsqrt(vu2) gstrong=dsqrt(4.d0*pi*alsewsb) sxt=dsin(thett) cxt=dcos(thett) sxb=dsin(thetb) cxb=dcos(thetb) cxl=dcos(thetl) sxl=dsin(thetl) pizzp = pizz c ihdr=0.d0 c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% two--loop alphas corrections (P. Slavich) 1 if(imodel.ge.2) then call SU_DSZHiggs(rmtDR**2,am3,mst1**2,mst2**2,sxt,cxt,scale**2, . -amu,tbeta,vev2,gstrong,0,S11s,S22s,S12s) c call SU_DSZHiggs(rmbDR**2,am3,msb1**2,msb2**2,sxb,cxb,scale**2, . -amu,1.d0/tbeta,vev2,gstrong,0,S22b,S11b,S12b) call SU_DSZodd(rmtDR**2,am3,mst1**2,mst2**2,sxt,cxt,scale**2, . -amu,tbeta,vev2,gstrong,P2s) c call SU_DSZodd(rmbDR**2,am3,msb1**2,msb2**2,sxb,cxb,scale**2, . -amu,1.d0/tbeta,vev2,gstrong,P2b) c c%%%%%%%% two-loop electroweak corrections (P. Slavich routines) c call SU_DDSHiggs(rmtDR**2,rmbDR**2,amar**2,mst1**2,mst2**2, . msb1**2,msb2**2,sxt,cxt,sxb,cxb,scale**2,-amu,tbeta,vev2, . S11w,S12w,S22w) c call SU_DDSodd(rmtDR**2,rmbDR**2,amar**2,mst1**2,mst2**2, . msb1**2,msb2**2,sxt,cxt,sxb,cxb,scale**2,-amu,tbeta,vev2,P2w) c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Now add the tau-lepton contributions. call SU_taubot(rmlDR**2,rmbDR**2,msta1**2,msta2**2,msb1**2, . msb2**2,sxl,cxl,sxb,cxb,scale**2,-amu,tbeta,vev2, . S11bl,S12bl,S22bl) call SU_taubotodd(rmlDR**2,rmbDR**2,msta1**2,msta2**2,msb1**2, . msb2**2,sxl,cxl,sxb,cxb,scale**2,-amu,tbeta,vev2, P2bl) call SU_tausqHiggs(rmlDR**2,amar**2,msntau**2,msta1**2,msta2**2, . sxl,cxl,scale**2,-amu,tbeta,vev2,0, $ S11l,S22l,S12l) call SU_tausqodd(rmlDR**2,amar**2,msntau**2,msta1**2,msta2**2, . sxl,cxl,scale**2,-amu,tbeta,vev2,P2l) c%%%%%%%%%%% 2-loop tadpole corrections (P. slavich routines) call SU_ewsb2loop(rmtDR**2,am3,mst1**2,mst2**2,sxt,cxt, . scale**2,-amu,tbeta,vev2,gstrong,tad1st,tad2st) call SU_ewsb2loop(rmbDR**2,am3,msb1**2,msb2**2,sxb,cxb, . scale**2,-amu,1.d0/tbeta,vev2,gstrong,tad2sb,tad1sb) call SU_DDStad(rmtDR**2,rmbDR**2,amar**2,mst1**2,mst2**2, . msb1**2,msb2**2,sxt,cxt,sxb,cxb,scale**2,-amu,tbeta,vev2, . tad1w,tad2w) call SU_taubottad(rmlDR**2,rmbDR**2,msta1**2,msta2**2,msb1**2, . msb2**2,sxl,cxl,sxb,cxb,scale**2,-amu,tbeta,vev2, $ tad1bl,tad2bl) call SU_tausqtad(rmlDR**2,amar**2,msntau**2,msta1**2,msta2**2, . sxl,cxl,scale**2,-amu,tbeta,vev2, $ tad1l,tad2l) else c full one-loop Higgs calculation but neglecting any two-loops S11s = 0.d0 S12s= 0.d0 S22s=0.d0 S11b = 0.d0 S12b= 0.d0 S22b=0.d0 P2s=0.d0 P2b=0.d0 S11w = 0.d0 S12w= 0.d0 S22w=0.d0 P2w =0.d0 S11bl = 0.d0 S12bl= 0.d0 S22bl=0.d0 P2bl=0.d0 S11l = 0.d0 S12l= 0.d0 S22l=0.d0 P2l=0.d0 c endif c add two-loop tadpoles in running mA: if(imodel.ge.2) tad1loop= tad1st+tad1sb+tad1w+tad1l+tad1bl dVdvd2=-tad1 if(imodel.ge.2) dVdvd2=dVdvd2+tad1loop if(imodel.ge.2) tad2loop=tad2st+tad2sb+tad2w+tad2l+tad2bl dVdvu2=-tad2 if(imodel.ge.2) dVdvu2=dVdvu2+tad2loop mz2dr=amz**2+pizz madr2=(mhu2+dVdvu2 -mhd2-dVdvd2)/dcos(2*bet)-mz2dr DMA=P2s+P2w+P2b+P2l+P2bl if(kmaflag.eq.0) then !! then ama is really MA pole input ama=marsave madr2 =ama**2 +piaa -sb**2*tad1-cb**2*tad2 -DMA madr2save=madr2 endif c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% mL11loop = mz2dr*cb**2+madr2*sb**2-pis1s1l+tad1+ . S11s+S11w+S11b+S11l+S11bl+DMA*sb**2 mL22loop = mz2dr*sb**2+madr2*cb**2-pis2s2l+tad2+ . S22s+S22w+S22b+S22l+S22bl+DMA*cb**2 mL12loop = -(mz2dr+madr2)*sb*cb-pis1s2l+ . S12s+S12w+S12b+S12l+S12bl-DMA*sb*cb mH11loop = mz2dr*cb**2+madr2*sb**2-pis1s1h+tad1+ . S11s+S11w+S11b+S11l+S11bl+DMA*sb**2 mH22loop = mz2dr*sb**2+madr2*cb**2-pis2s2h+tad2+ . S22s+S22w+S22b+S22l+S22bl+DMA*cb**2 mH12loop = -(mz2dr+madr2)*sb*cb-pis1s2h+ . S12s+S12w+S12b+S12l+S12bl-DMA*sb*cb mLcr2=0.5d0*(mL11loop+mL22loop-dsqrt((mL11loop-mL22loop)**2 . +4*mL12loop**2) ) mHcr2=0.5d0*(mH11loop+mH22loop+dsqrt((mH11loop-mH22loop)**2 . +4*mH12loop**2) ) c if(mLcr2.ge.0.d0) then mLpole=dsqrt(mLcr2) else mLpole=aml0 if(irge.eq.irgmax.and.ifix.ge.3) mlpole=dsqrt(mlcr2) endif if(mHcr2.ge.0.d0) then mHpole=dsqrt(mHcr2) else mHpole=amh0 if(irge.eq.irgmax.and.ifix.ge.3) mhpole=dsqrt(mhcr2) endif mH2dum=0.5d0*(mL11loop+mL22loop+dsqrt((mL11loop-mL22loop)**2 . +4*mL12loop**2) ) s2alfa=2.d0*mL12loop/(mH2dum-mLpole**2) c2alfa= (mL11loop-mL22loop)/(mH2dum-mLpole**2) t2alfa=s2alfa/c2alfa c next is to have correct alpha angle convention: if(c2alfa.gt.0.d0) then a=0.5d0*datan(t2alfa) endif if(c2alfa.lt.0.d0) then if(s2alfa.lt.0.d0) then a=0.5d0*datan(t2alfa)-pi/2 else a=0.5d0*datan(t2alfa)+pi/2 endif endif c tadba=sb**2*tad1+cb**2*tad2 mAcr2 =madr2-piaa+tadba+DMA mCHcr2=macr2+amw**2+piaa-picc+piww if(macr2.ge.0.d0) then mApole = dsqrt(mAcr2) else mApole = amA if(irge.eq.irgmax.and.ifix.ge.3) mapole=dsqrt(macr2) endif if(mCHcr2.ge.0.d0) then mCHpole = dsqrt(mCHcr2) else mCHpole = amch0 if(irge.eq.irgmax.and.ifix.ge.3) mchpole=dsqrt(mchcr2) endif c========= end of the full calculation endif c la3t=la3+la4+la5 ama2=amar**2 aml2=amlr**2 amh2=amhr**2 amp2=amchr**2 c ========== higgs couplings sbma = sb*ca-cb*sa cbma = cb*ca+sb*sa sbpa = sb*ca+cb*sa cbpa = cb*ca-sb*sa s2a = 2*sa*ca c2a = ca**2-sa**2 s2b = 2*sb*cb c2b = cb**2-sb**2 glzz = 1.d0/v/2*aml2*sbma ghzz = 1.d0/v/2*amh2*cbma glww = 2*glzz ghww = 2*ghzz glaz = 1.d0/v*(aml2-ama2)*cbma ghaz = -1.d0/v*(amh2-ama2)*sbma glpw = -1.d0/v*(amp2-aml2)*cbma glmw = glpw ghpw = 1.d0/v*(amp2-amh2)*sbma ghmw = ghpw gapw = 1.d0/v*(amp2-ama2) gamw = -gapw ghhh = v/2*(la1*ca**3*cb + la2*sa**3*sb + la3t*sa*ca*sbpa . + la6*ca**2*(3*sa*cb+ca*sb) + la7*sa**2*(3*ca*sb+sa*cb)) glll = -v/2*(la1*sa**3*cb - la2*ca**3*sb + la3t*sa*ca*cbpa . - la6*sa**2*(3*ca*cb-sa*sb) + la7*ca**2*(3*sa*sb-ca*cb)) glhh = -3*v/2*(la1*ca**2*cb*sa - la2*sa**2*sb*ca . + la3t*(sa**3*cb-ca**3*sb+2*sbma/3) . - la6*ca*(cb*c2a-sa*sbpa) - la7*sa*(c2a*sb+ca*sbpa)) ghll = 3*v/2*(la1*sa**2*cb*ca + la2*ca**2*sb*sa . + la3t*(sa**3*sb+ca**3*cb-2*cbma/3) . - la6*sa*(cb*c2a+ca*cbpa) + la7*ca*(c2a*sb+sa*cbpa)) glaa = -v/2*(la1*sb**2*cb*sa - la2*cb**2*sb*ca . - la3t*(sb**3*ca-cb**3*sa) + 2*la5*sbma . - la6*sb*(cb*sbpa+sa*c2b) - la7*cb*(c2b*ca-sb*sbpa)) ghaa = v/2*(la1*sb**2*cb*ca + la2*cb**2*sb*sa . + la3t*(sb**3*sa+cb**3*ca) - 2*la5*cbma . - la6*sb*(cb*cbpa+ca*c2b) + la7*cb*(sb*cbpa+sa*c2b)) glpm = 2*glaa + v*(la5 - la4)*sbma ghpm = 2*ghaa + v*(la5 - la4)*cbma glzz = 2*glzz ghzz = 2*ghzz glll = 6*glll ghhh = 6*ghhh glhh = 2*glhh ghll = 2*ghll glaa = 2*glaa ghaa = 2*ghaa xnorm = amz**2/v glll = glll/xnorm ghll = ghll/xnorm glhh = glhh/xnorm ghhh = ghhh/xnorm ghaa = ghaa/xnorm glaa = glaa/xnorm glpm = glpm/xnorm ghpm = ghpm/xnorm gat=1.d0/tgbet gab=tgbet glt=ca/sb glb=-sa/cb ght=sa/sb ghb=ca/cb gzal=-cbma gzah=sbma glvv=sbma ghvv=cbma b=bet c C Higgs couplings needed in SUSPECT: alfa = a xgat = gat xgab = gab xglt = glt xglb = glb xght = ght xghb = ghb xghvv= ghvv xglvv= glvv C =============================================================== C ========== Pole Higgs masses (but at one-loop) c if(imodel.eq.1.or.imodel.eq.0)then c ! affects only pure 1-loop Higgs mass choice: if(imodel.eq.0) then xdlt=gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*glt**2*(-2.d0*mt**2+0.5d0*aml2) . *dble(F0_hdec(mt,mt,aml2)) . *3*mt**2 xdlb=gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*glb**2*(-2.d0*mb**2+0.5d0*aml2) . *dble(F0_hdec(mb,mb,aml2)) . *3*mb**2 . +gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*glb**2*(0.5d0*aml2) . *dlog(mb**2/mt**2) . *3*mb**2 xdht=gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*ght**2*(-2.d0*mt**2+0.5d0*amh2) . *dble(F0_hdec(mt,mt,amh2)) . *3*mt**2 xdhb=gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*ghb**2*(-2.d0*mb**2+0.5d0*amh2) . *dble(F0_hdec(mb,mb,amh2)) . *3*mb**2 . +gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*ghb**2*(0.5d0*amh2) . *dlog(mb**2/mt**2) . *3*mb**2 xdat=gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*gat**2*(-0.5d0*ama2) . *dble(F0_hdec(mt,mt,ama2)) . *3*mt**2 xdab=gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*gab**2*(-0.5d0*ama2) . *dble(F0_hdec(mb,mb,ama2)) . *3*mb**2 . +gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*gab**2*(-0.5d0*ama2) . *dlog(mb**2/mt**2) . *3*mb**2 xdlst=0.d0 xdlsb=0.d0 xdhst=0.d0 xdhsb=0.d0 do 311 i=1,2 do 311 j=1,2 xdlst=xdlst+gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*gltt(i,j)**2* . dble(F0_hdec(mst(i),mst(j),aml2)) . *3*amz**4 xdlsb=xdlsb+gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*glbb(i,j)**2* . dble(F0_hdec(msb(i),msb(j),aml2)) . *3*amz**4 xdhst=xdhst+gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*ghtt(i,j)**2* . dble(F0_hdec(mst(i),mst(j),amh2)) . *3*amz**4 xdhsb=xdhsb+gf/(2.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*ghbb(i,j)**2* . dble(F0_hdec(msb(i),msb(j),amh2)) . *3*amz**4 311 continue xdast=gf/(1.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*gatt**2* . dble(F0_hdec(mst(1),mst(2),ama2)) . *3*amz**4 xdasb=gf/(1.d0*dsqrt(2.d0)*pi**2)*gabb**2* . dble(F0_hdec(msb(1),msb(2),ama2)) . *3*amz**4 aml=dsqrt(aml2+xdlt+xdlb+xdlst+xdlsb) amh=dsqrt(amh2+xdht+xdhb+xdhst+xdhsb) ama=dsqrt(ama2+xdat+xdab+xdast+xdasb) amch=dsqrt(ama**2+amw**2) else aml=mlpole amh=mhpole ama=mapole amch=mchpole alfa=a endif return 111 return end c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_HLOOP(q2,mhiggs,MU,AT,AB,AL, . pis1s1,pis1s2,pis2s2,piaa,picc,pizz,piww,tad1,tad2) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c The main subroutine for the EWSB and calculates the tadpole corrections to c the Higgs mass terms squared. The inputs are: c q2: the scale at which EWSB is supposed to happen, c MU: the higgsino parameter mu ar EWSB scale c AT,AB,AL: the third generation trilinear couplings at EWSB scale c MQL,MUR,MDR,MEL,MER,MQL1,MUR1,MDR1,MEL1,MER1: the soft parameters at EWSB c Other important input parameters, such as the Higgs, chargino, neutralino c masses and couplings as well as SM parameters are called via commons. c The output are dVdvd2, dVdvu2, which are (up to some appropriate overall c constants) the derivatives of the full one-loop scalar potential including c the contributions of all SM and SUSY particles a la PBMZ (hep-ph/9606211). c The consistency of the EWSB mechanism is performed by the main program c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) real*8 nf complex*16 SU_B0,SU_BH,SU_BT22,SU_BG,SU_BF logical su_isNaN dimension u(2,2),v(2,2),z(4,4),dxmn(4),gmn(4),gmc(2),xmctree(2) COMMON/SU_cte/nf,cpi,mz,mw,tbetdum COMMON/SU_hmass/ma,ml,mh,mch,mar COMMON/SU_outhiggs/dml,dmh,dmch,alfa COMMON/SU_outginos/mc1,mc2,mn1,mn2,mn3,mn4,mgluino COMMON/SU_inoDR/U,V,Z,xmctree,dxmn COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,yt,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_tbewsb/vuewsb,vdewsb COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtau,mb,mt COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2,mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2,thet,theb,thel COMMON/pietro/mApole,mCHpole COMMON/run_p/pizzp COMMON/SU_strc/irge,irgmax,ifix,isfrc,inorc common/su_nonpert/inonpert c basic parameters and definitions used: sq2=dsqrt(2d0) pi = 4*datan(1d0) scale= dsqrt(q2) g=g2ewsb g1=g1ewsb c defining s^2_w at EWSB scale: cw = 1d0/dsqrt(1d0+(g1ewsb/g2ewsb)**2) sw = g1ewsb/g2ewsb*cw sw2=sw**2 cw2= cw**2 cwm2 =1d0/cw2 c defining other parameters for the Higgs mass calculation alph= (g*sw)**2/(4*pi) tbeta = vuewsb/vdewsb B=datan(tbeta) beta=B mup=1.d-2 mdo=1.d-2 me=0.5d-3 mmu=0.106d0 ms=0.190d0 mcq=1.42d0 eps=1.d-5 eps0=eps**2 c gmn(1)=dabs(dxmn(1)) gmn(2)=dabs(dxmn(2)) gmn(3)=dabs(dxmn(3)) gmn(4)=dabs(dxmn(4)) gmc(1)=xmctree(1) gmc(2)=xmctree(2) c ct=dcos(thet) st=dsin(thet) cb=dcos(theb) sb=dsin(theb) cta=dcos(thel) sta=dsin(thel) c cbeta2=1d0/(1d0+tbeta**2) cbet= dsqrt(cbeta2) sbet=dsqrt(1d0-cbeta2) c2b =2*cbeta2-1d0 c if(su_isNaN(pizzp).or.mz**2+pizzp.le.0d0) then !!added protection pizzp=0d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) inonpert=-1 endif c alfasave = alfa ! (alfa running) alfa =0.5*atan(tan(2d0*b)*(mar**2+mz**2+pizzp) . /(mar**2-mz**2-pizzp)) c ! take into account correct alpha sign convention: if(cos(2d0*b)*(mar**2-mz**2-pizzp).gt.0.d0) alfa = alfa-pi/2 sal=dsin(alfa) cal=dcos(alfa) s2a = 2*sal*cal s2al=s2a c compute running masses vd2 = 2*(mz**2+pizzp)/(g1ewsb**2+g2ewsb**2)/(1d0+tbeta**2) rmz= dsqrt(mz**2+pizzp) vu2 = vd2*tbeta**2 vd= dsqrt(vd2) vu= dsqrt(vu2) rmt=yt*vu rmb=yb*vd rmtau=ytau*vd rmw=rmz*cw c use running masses everywhere mzsave = mz mwsave = mw mtsave = mt mbsave = mb mtausave = mtau mz = rmz mw = rmw mt = rmt mb = rmb mtau = rmtau c----------------------------------------------------------------- c Z boson self-energy at q**2=mz**2 and q**2=0 c----------------------------------------------------------------- qsz=mzsave**2 c c pizzf = 3*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)**2+(2*sw2/3)**2) .*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,mt,mt))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,mcq,mcq)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mup,mup))) . + 3*((-.5d0+sw2/3)**2+(-sw2/3)**2) .*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,mb,mb))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,ms,ms)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mdo,mdo))) . + ((-.5d0+sw2)**2+(-sw2)**2)*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,me,me)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mmu,mmu))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,mtau,mtau))) . + .5d0**2*3*dble(SU_BH(qsz,eps0,eps0)) . -12*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)*(2*sw2/3) . *(mt**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mt,mt))+mcq**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mcq,mcq)) . +mup**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mup,mup))) . -12*(-.5d0+sw2/3)*(-sw2/3) . *(mb**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mb,mb))+ms**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,ms,ms)) . +mdo**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mdo,mdo))) . -4*(-.5d0+sw2)*(-sw2)*(me**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,me,me))+mmu**2 . *dble(SU_B0(qsz,mmu,mmu))+mtau**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mtau,mtau))) c pizzb = -2*cw2**2*(2*qsz+mw**2-mz**2*sw2**2/cw2) . *dble(SU_B0(qsz,mw,mw)) . -(8*cw2**2+(cw2-sw2)**2)*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mw,mw)) c pizzh0=-dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,ml)) pizzhS = -dsin(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsz,ma,mh)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,ml)) ) . -dcos(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,mh)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsz,ma,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,mh)) ) . -(cw2-sw2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mch,mch)) . -pizzh0 c pizzsu= -12*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dcos(thet)**2 .-(2*sw2/3)*dsin(thet)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst1,mst1)) . -12*(-(.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dsin(thet)**2 .+(2*sw2/3)*dcos(thet)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst2,mst2)) . -24*( (.5d0)*dsin(thet)*dcos(thet) )**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst1,mst2)) . -24*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msu1,msu1)) . -24*(+2*sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msu2,msu2)) c pizzsd= -12*( (-.5d0+sw2/3)*dcos(theb)**2 .-(-sw2/3)*dsin(theb)**2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb1,msb1)) . -12*( -(-.5d0+sw2/3)*dsin(theb)**2 .+(-sw2/3)*dcos(theb)**2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb2,msb2)) . -24*((-0.5d0)*dsin(theb)*dcos(theb))**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb1,msb2)) . -24*(-.5d0+sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msd1,msd1)) . -24*(-sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msd2,msd2)) c pizzsl=-4*( (-.5d0+sw2)*dcos(thel)**2 .- (-sw2)*dsin(thel)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta1,msta1)) . -4*( -(-.5d0+sw2)*dsin(thel)**2 . +(-sw2)*dcos(thel)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta2,msta2)) . -8*((-.5d0)*dsin(thel)*dcos(thel))**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta1,msta2)) . -8*(-.5d0+sw2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mse1,mse1)) . -8*(-sw2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mse2,mse2)) . -8*(.5d0)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msn1,msn1)) . -4*(.5d0)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msntau,msntau)) c pizzs=pizzsl+pizzsd+pizzsu c pizzn=0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,4 pizzn = pizzn + 1.d0/4*(Z(i,3)*Z(j,3) -Z(i,4)*Z(j,4))**2* . (dble(SU_BH(qsz,gmn(i),gmn(j))) . -2*dxmn(i)*dxmn(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsz,gmn(i),gmn(j))) ) enddo enddo c pizzc=0.d0 do i=1,2 do j=1,2 pizzc = pizzc +1.d0/4*( .( ( 2*cw2*V(i,1)*V(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*V(i,2)*V(j,2) )**2+ . ( 2*cw2*U(i,1)*U(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*U(i,2)*U(j,2) )**2 ) . *dble(SU_BH(qsz,gmc(i),gmc(j))) . +4*(2*cw2*V(i,1)*V(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*V(i,2)*V(j,2))* . (2*cw2*U(i,1)*U(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*U(i,2)*U(j,2))* . gmc(i)*gmc(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsz,gmc(i),gmc(j))) ) enddo enddo c c Sum of the susy contributions for pizz and final pizz(MZ**2) pizzsm=alph/4.d0/pi/sw2/cw2*(pizzf+pizzb+pizzh0) pizzsusy=alph/4.d0/pi/sw2/cw2* . (pizzhS+pizzs+pizzn+pizzc) pizz=pizzsm+pizzsusy c---------------------------------------------------------------- qsz=eps c pizzf0 = 3*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)**2+(2*sw2/3)**2) .*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,mt,mt))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,mcq,mcq)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mup,mup))) . + 3*((-.5d0+sw2/3)**2+(-sw2/3)**2) .*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,mb,mb))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,ms,ms)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mdo,mdo))) . + ((-.5d0+sw2)**2+(-sw2)**2)*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,me,me)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mmu,mmu))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,mtau,mtau))) . + .5d0**2*3*dble(SU_BH(qsz,eps,eps)) . -12*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)*(2*sw2/3) . *(mt**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mt,mt))+mcq**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mcq,mcq)) . +mup**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mup,mup))) . -12*(-.5d0+sw2/3)*(-sw2/3) . *(mb**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mb,mb))+ms**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,ms,ms)) . +mdo**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mdo,mdo))) . -4*(-.5d0+sw2)*(-sw2)*(me**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,me,me))+mmu**2 . *dble(SU_B0(qsz,mmu,mmu))+mtau**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mtau,mtau))) c pizzb0 = -2*cw2**2*(2*qsz+mw**2-mz**2*sw2**2/cw2) . *dble(SU_B0(qsz,mw,mw)) . -(8*cw2**2+(cw2-sw2)**2)*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mw,mw)) c pizzh00=-dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,ml)) pizzhS0 = -dsin(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsz,ma,mh)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,ml)) ) . -dcos(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,mh)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsz,ma,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,mh)) ) . -(cw2-sw2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mch,mch)) . -pizzh00 c pizzsu0= -12*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dcos(thet)**2 .-(2*sw2/3)*dsin(thet)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst1,mst1)) . -12*(-(.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dsin(thet)**2 .+(2*sw2/3)*dcos(thet)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst2,mst2)) . -24*( (.5d0)*dsin(thet)*dcos(thet) )**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst1,mst2)) . -24*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msu1,msu1)) . -24*(+2*sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msu2,msu2)) c pizzsd0= -12*( (-.5d0+sw2/3)*dcos(theb)**2 .-(-sw2/3)*dsin(theb)**2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb1,msb1)) . -12*( -(-.5d0+sw2/3)*dsin(theb)**2 .+(-sw2/3)*dcos(theb)**2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb2,msb2)) . -24*((-0.5d0)*dsin(theb)*dcos(theb))**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb1,msb2)) . -24*(-.5d0+sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msd1,msd1)) . -24*(-sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msd2,msd2)) c pizzsl0=-4*( (-.5d0+sw2)*dcos(thel)**2 .- (-sw2)*dsin(thel)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta1,msta1)) . -4*( -(-.5d0+sw2)*dsin(thel)**2 . +(-sw2)*dcos(thel)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta2,msta2)) . -8*((-.5d0)*dsin(thel)*dcos(thel))**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta1,msta2)) . -8*(-.5d0+sw2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mse1,mse1)) . -8*(-sw2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mse2,mse2)) . -8*(.5d0)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msn1,msn1)) . -4*(.5d0)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msntau,msntau)) c pizzs0=pizzsl0+pizzsd0+pizzsu0 c pizzn0=0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,4 pizzn0 = pizzn0 + 1.d0/4*(Z(i,3)*Z(j,3) -Z(i,4)*Z(j,4))**2* . (dble(SU_BH(qsz,gmn(i),gmn(j))) . -2*dxmn(i)*dxmn(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsz,gmn(i),gmn(j))) ) enddo enddo c pizzc0=0.d0 do i=1,2 do j=1,2 pizzc0 = pizzc0 +1.d0/4*( .( ( 2*cw2*V(i,1)*V(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*V(i,2)*V(j,2) )**2+ . ( 2*cw2*U(i,1)*U(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*U(i,2)*U(j,2) )**2 ) . *dble(SU_BH(qsz,gmc(i),gmc(j))) . +4*(2*cw2*V(i,1)*V(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*V(i,2)*V(j,2))* . (2*cw2*U(i,1)*U(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*U(i,2)*U(j,2))* . gmc(i)*gmc(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsz,gmc(i),gmc(j))) ) enddo enddo c c Sum of the susy contributions for pizz and final pizz(MZ**2) pizzsm0=alph/4.d0/pi/sw2/cw2*(pizzf0+pizzb0+pizzh00) pizzsusy0=alph/4.d0/pi/sw2/cw2* . (pizzhS0+pizzs0+pizzn0+pizzc0) pizz0=pizzsm0+pizzsusy0 c c----------------------------------------------------------------- c W boson self-energy at q**2=mw**2 and q**2=0 c----------------------------------------------------------------- qsw=mwsave**2 c piwwf=3.d0/2*(dble(SU_BH(qsw,mt,mb))+dble(SU_BH(qsw,mcq,ms)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsw,mup,mdo)))+0.5d0*(dble(SU_BH(qsw,me,eps)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsw,mmu,eps))+dble(SU_BH(qsw,mtau,eps))) c piwwb=-(1.d0+8*cw2)*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mz,mw))-sw2*( . 8*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mw,eps))+4*qsw*dble(SU_B0(qsw,mw,eps))) . -((4*qsw+mz**2+mw**2)*cw2-mz**2*sw2**2) . *dble(SU_B0(qsw,mz,mw)) c piwwh0=- dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,ml,mw)) piwwhS = -dsin(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mh,mch)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,ml,mw)) ) . -dcos(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mch)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mh,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,mh,mw)) ) . -dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ma,mch)) -piwwh0 c piwws =-2*3*( 2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msu1,msd1)) .+dcos(thet)**2*dcos(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst1,msb1)) .+dcos(thet)**2*dsin(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst1,msb2)) .+dsin(thet)**2*dcos(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst2,msb1)) .+dsin(thet)**2*dsin(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst2,msb2)) ) . -2*( 2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msn1,mse1)) . + dcos(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msntau,msta1)) . + dsin(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msntau,msta2)) ) c piwwnc=0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,2 piwwnc= piwwnc + . ( (-Z(i,2)*V(j,1)+Z(i,4)*V(j,2)/sq2)**2+ . (-Z(i,2)*U(j,1)-Z(i,3)*U(j,2)/sq2)**2 )* . dble(SU_BH(qsw,gmn(i),gmc(j))) . + 4*(-Z(i,2)*V(j,1)+Z(i,4)*V(j,2)/sq2)* . (-Z(i,2)*U(j,1)-Z(i,3)*U(j,2)/sq2)* . dxmn(i)*gmc(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsw,gmn(i),gmc(j))) enddo enddo c c Sum of the susy contributions for piww and final piww(Mw**2) piwwsm=alph/4.d0/pi/sw2*(piwwf+piwwb+piwwh0) piwwsusy=alph/4.d0/pi/sw2*(piwwhS+piwws+piwwnc) piww=piwwsm+piwwsusy c c----------------------------------------------------------------- qsw=eps c piwwf0=3.d0/2*(dble(SU_BH(qsw,mt,mb))+dble(SU_BH(qsw,mcq,ms)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsw,mup,mdo)))+0.5d0*(dble(SU_BH(qsw,me,eps)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsw,mmu,eps))+dble(SU_BH(qsw,mtau,eps))) c piwwb0=-(1.d0+8*cw2)*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mz,mw))-sw2*( . 8*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mw,eps))+4*qsw*dble(SU_B0(qsw,mw,eps))) . -((4*qsw+mz**2+mw**2)*cw2-mz**2*sw2**2) . *dble(SU_B0(qsw,mz,mw)) c piwwh00=- dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,ml,mw)) piwwhS0 = -dsin(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mh,mch)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,ml,mw)) ) . -dcos(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ml,mch)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mh,mw))-mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qsw,mh,mw)) ) . -dble(SU_BT22(qsw,ma,mch)) -piwwh00 c piwws0 =-2*3*( 2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msu1,msd1)) .+dcos(thet)**2*dcos(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst1,msb1)) .+dcos(thet)**2*dsin(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst1,msb2)) .+dsin(thet)**2*dcos(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst2,msb1)) .+dsin(thet)**2*dsin(theb)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,mst2,msb2)) ) . -2*( 2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msn1,mse1)) . + dcos(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msntau,msta1)) . + dsin(thel)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsw,msntau,msta2)) ) c piwwnc0=0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,2 piwwnc0= piwwnc0 + . ( (-Z(i,2)*V(j,1)+Z(i,4)*V(j,2)/sq2)**2+ . (-Z(i,2)*U(j,1)-Z(i,3)*U(j,2)/sq2)**2 )* . dble(SU_BH(qsw,gmn(i),gmc(j))) . + 4*(-Z(i,2)*V(j,1)+Z(i,4)*V(j,2)/sq2)* . (-Z(i,2)*U(j,1)-Z(i,3)*U(j,2)/sq2)* . dxmn(i)*gmc(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsw,gmn(i),gmc(j))) enddo enddo c c Sum of the susy contributions for piww and final piww(0) piwwsm0=alph/4.d0/pi/sw2*(piwwf0+piwwb0+piwwh00) piwwsusy0=alph/4.d0/pi/sw2*(piwwhS0+piwws0+piwwnc0) piww0=piwwsm0+piwwsusy0 c c%%%%%% (Re)define vu,vd and running masses because pizz changed: c thus (re)defining mtau,mb,mt running masses at ewsb scale: mz = mzsave mw = mwsave vd2 = 2*(mz**2+pizz)/(g1ewsb**2+g2ewsb**2)/(1d0+tbeta**2) vu2 = vd2*tbeta**2 vd= dsqrt(vd2) vu= dsqrt(vu2) rmt=yt*vu rmb=yb*vd rmtau=ytau*vd rmz = dsqrt(mz**2+pizz) rmw = rmz*cw mzsave = mz mwsave = mw mz = rmz mw = rmw cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc s1bLbL = g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*cbet +sq2*yb*rmb s1bRbR = g*mz/cw*(-sw2/3)*cbet +sq2*yb*rmb s1bLbR = yb/sq2*Ab s2bLbL = -g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*sbet s2bRbR = -g*mz/cw*(-sw2/3)*sbet s2bLbR = -yb/sq2*mu c gs1d1d1 = g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*cbet gs1d2d2 = g*mz/cw*(-sw2/3)*cbet gs2d1d1 = -g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*sbet gs2d2d2 = -g*mz/cw*(-sw2/3)*sbet c s1tauLL = g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2)*cbet +sq2*ytau*rmtau s1tauRR = g*mz/cw*(-sw2)*cbet +sq2*ytau*rmtau s1tauLR = ytau/sq2*Al s2tauLL = -g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2)*sbet s2tauRR = -g*mz/cw*(-sw2)*sbet s2tauLR = -ytau/sq2*mu c gs1e1e1 = g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2)*cbet gs1e2e2 = g*mz/cw*(-sw2)*cbet gs2e1e1 = -g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2)*sbet gs2e2e2 = -g*mz/cw*(-sw2)*sbet c s2tLtL = -g*mz/cw*(.5d0 -2*sw2/3)*sbet +sq2*yt*rmt s2tRtR = -g*mz/cw*(2*sw2/3)*sbet +sq2*yt*rmt s2tLtR = yt/sq2*At s1tLtL = g*mz/cw*(.5d0 -2*sw2/3)*cbet s1tRtR = g*mz/cw*(2*sw2/3)*cbet s1tLtR = -yt/sq2*mu c gs2u1u1 = -g*mz/cw*(.5d0 -2*sw2/3)*sbet gs2u2u2 = -g*mz/cw*(2*sw2/3)*sbet gs1u1u1 = g*mz/cw*(.5d0 -2*sw2/3)*cbet gs1u2u2 = g*mz/cw*(2*sw2/3)*cbet c gs2n1n1 = -g*mz/cw*(.5d0 )*sbet gs1n1n1 = g*mz/cw*(.5d0 )*cbet c gs1b1b1 = cb**2*s1bLbL +2*cb*sb*s1bLbR +sb**2*s1bRbR gs1b2b2 = sb**2*s1bLbL -2*cb*sb*s1bLbR +cb**2*s1bRbR gs1b1b2 = sb*cb*(s1bRbR-s1bLbL) +(cb**2-sb**2)*s1bLbR c gs2b1b1 = cb**2*s2bLbL +2*cb*sb*s2bLbR +sb**2*s2bRbR gs2b2b2 = sb**2*s2bLbL -2*cb*sb*s2bLbR +cb**2*s2bRbR gs2b1b2 = sb*cb*(s2bRbR-s2bLbL) +(cb**2-sb**2)*s2bLbR c gs1t1t1 = ct**2*s1tLtL +2*ct*st*s1tLtR +st**2*s1tRtR gs1t2t2 = st**2*s1tLtL -2*ct*st*s1tLtR +ct**2*s1tRtR gs1t1t2 = st*ct*(s1tRtR-s1tLtL) +(ct**2-st**2)*s1tLtR c gs2t1t1 = ct**2*s2tLtL +2*ct*st*s2tLtR +st**2*s2tRtR gs2t2t2 = st**2*s2tLtL -2*ct*st*s2tLtR +ct**2*s2tRtR gs2t1t2 = st*ct*(s2tRtR-s2tLtL) +(ct**2-st**2)*s2tLtR c gs1tau11 = cta**2*s1tauLL +2*cta*sta*s1tauLR +sta**2*s1tauRR gs1tau22 = sta**2*s1tauLL -2*cta*sta*s1tauLR +cta**2*s1tauRR gs1tau12 = sta*cta*(s1tauRR-s1tauLL) +(cta**2-sta**2)*s1tauLR c gs2tau11 = cta**2*s2tauLL +2*cta*sta*s2tauLR +sta**2*s2tauRR gs2tau22 = sta**2*s2tauLL -2*cta*sta*s2tauLR +cta**2*s2tauRR gs2tau12 = sta*cta*(s2tauRR-s2tauLL) +(cta**2-sta**2)*s2tauLR c gat1t2=-yt/sq2*(-mu*sbet-At*cbet) gab1b2=-yb/sq2*(-mu*cbet-Ab*sbet) gatau12=-ytau/sq2*(-mu*cbet-Al*sbet) c gctLbL = g*mw/sq2*dsin(2*b)-yt*rmt*cbet-yb*rmb*sbet gctRbR = -yt*rmb*cbet-yb*rmt*sbet gctLbR = yb*(-mu*cbet-Ab*sbet) gctRbL = yt*(-mu*sbet-At*cbet) gct1b1 = ct*(cb*gctLbL +sb*gctLbR) +st*(cb*gctRbL +sb*gctRbR) gct1b2 = ct*(-sb*gctLbL +cb*gctLbR) +st*(-sb*gctRbL+cb*gctRbR) gct2b1 = -st*(cb*gctLbL +sb*gctLbR) +ct*(cb*gctRbL +sb*gctRbR) gct2b2 = -st*(-sb*gctLbL +cb*gctLbR) +ct*(-sb*gctRbL+cb*gctRbR) c gctauLL = g*mw/sq2*dsin(2*b)-ytau*rmtau*sbet gctauLR = ytau*(-mu*cbet-AL*sbet) gctau11 = cta*gctauLL +sta*gctauLR gctau12 = -sta*gctauLL +cta*gctauLR gceLL = g*mw/sq2*dsin(2*b) c------------------------------------------------------------------ c pis1s1 c------------------------------------------------------------------- qs1 = mhiggs**2 c pis1s1f=3*yb**2*((qs1-4*rmb**2)*dble(SU_B0(qs1,rmb,rmb)) . -2*SU_A(rmb)) .+ytau**2*((qs1-4*rmtau**2)*dble(SU_B0(qs1,rmtau,rmtau)) . -2*SU_A(rmtau)) c pis1s1s=3*yb**2*(SU_A(msb1)+SU_A(msb2))+ . ytau**2*(SU_A(msta1)+SU_A(msta2)) . + g**2/(2*cw**2)*( . 3*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) . +2*SU_A(msu1) )+ . 3*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) . +2*SU_A(msd1) )+ . 3*(2*sw2/3)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst2)+st**2*SU_A(mst1) . +2*SU_A(msu2) )+ . 3*( -sw2/3)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb2)+sb**2*SU_A(msb1) . +2*SU_A(msd2) ) + . 2*(.5d0)*SU_A(msn1) + (0.5d0)*SU_A(msntau) + . (-.5d0 +sw2)*(cta**2*SU_A(msta1)+sta**2*SU_A(msta2) . +2*SU_A(mse1) )+ . (-sw2)*(cta**2*SU_A(msta2)+sta**2*SU_A(msta1) . +2*SU_A(mse2) ) ) + . 3*(gs1t1t1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mst1,mst1))+ . gs1t2t2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mst2,mst2)) + . 2*gs1t1t2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mst1,mst2)) ) + . 3*(gs1b1b1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msb1,msb1))+ . gs1b2b2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msb2,msb2)) + . 2*gs1b1b2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msb1,msb2)) ) + . 3*2*(gs1u1u1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msu1,msu1))+ . gs1u2u2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msu2,msu2)) ) + . 3*2*(gs1d1d1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msd1,msd1))+ . gs1d2d2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msd2,msd2)) ) + . gs1tau11**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msta1,msta1))+ . gs1tau22**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msta2,msta2)) + . 2*gs1tau12**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msta1,msta2)) + . 2*gs1n1n1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msn1,msn1)) + . 1*gs1n1n1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msntau,msntau)) + . 2*gs1e1e1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mse1,mse1))+ . 2*gs1e2e2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mse2,mse2)) ms=0.d0 pis1s1v = g**2/4* (sbet**2*(2*dble(SU_BF(qs1,mch,mw))+ . dble(SU_BF(qs1,mA,mz))/cw**2 ) + . cbet**2*(2*dble(SU_BF(qs1,mw,mw))+dble(SU_BF(qs1,mz,mz))/cw**2 )+ . 7*cbet**2*(2*mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mw,mw))+mz**2/cw**2* . dble(SU_B0(qs1,mz,mz)) ) +4*(2*SU_A(mw) +SU_A(mz)/cw**2) ) c pis1s1h3 = g**2*mz**2/(4*cw**2)/2*( . (cbet*(3*cal**2-sal**2)-sbet*s2al)**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MH,MH)) + . (-2*cbet*s2al-sbet*dcos(2*alfa))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MH,ml)) + . (-2*cbet*s2al-sbet*dcos(2*alfa))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,ml,MH)) + . (cbet*(3*sal**2-cal**2)+sbet*s2al)**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,ml,ml)) + . (cbet*dcos(2*b))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mz,mz)) + . (cbet*dsin(2*b))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mz,MA)) + . (cbet*dsin(2*b))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MA,mz)) + . (cbet*dcos(2*b))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MA,MA)) + . 2*( (cbet*dcos(2*b))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mw,mw)) + . (-cbet*dsin(2*b)+cw**2*sbet)**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mw,mch))+ . (-cbet*dsin(2*b)+cw**2*sbet)**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mch,mw)) + . (-cbet*dcos(2*b)+2*cw**2*cbet)**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mch,mch)) ) ) c pis1s1h4 = g**2/(4*cw**2)/2*( (3*cal**2-sal**2)*SU_A(MH) + . (3*sal**2-cal**2)*SU_A(ml) + dcos(2*b)*SU_A(mw) . -dcos(2*b)*SU_A(MA) + 2*( (cw**2 +sw2*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(mw)+ . (cw**2 -sw2*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(mch))) c pis1s1b=pis1s1v+pis1s1h3+pis1s1h4 c pis1s1Nino =0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,4 pis1s1Nino = pis1s1Nino + .5d0/4.d0*2.d0*( . ( - ( Z(i,1)*Z(j,3) + Z(j,1)*Z(i,3) ) *g1 + . ( Z(i,2)*Z(j,3) + Z(j,2)*Z(i,3) ) *g )**2 * . (dble(SU_BG(qs1,gmn(i),gmn(j))) - . 2*dxmn(i)*dxmn(j)*dble(SU_B0(qs1,gmn(i),gmn(j))) ) ) enddo enddo c pis1s1Cino =0.d0 do i=1,2 do j=1,2 pis1s1Cino = pis1s1Cino +g**2/2 *( . ((V(i,1)*U(j,2))**2 +(U(i,2)*V(j,1))**2)* . dble(SU_BG(qs1,gmc(i),gmc(j))) . -4*V(i,1)*U(j,2)*U(i,2)*V(j,1)*gmc(i)*gmc(j)* . dble(SU_B0(qs1,gmc(i),gmc(j))) ) enddo enddo c ------ Sum everything: pis1s1= 1.d0/(16*pi**2)* . (pis1s1f+pis1s1s+pis1s1b+pis1s1Nino+pis1s1Cino) c c----------------------------------------------------------------- c pis2s2 c----------------------------------------------------------------- c pis2s2f =3*yt**2*((qs1-4*rmt**2)*dble(SU_B0(qs1,rmt,rmt)) . -2*SU_A(rmt)) c pis2s2s = 3*yt**2*( SU_A(mst1)+SU_A(mst2) ) - g**2/(2*cw**2)*( . 3*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) . +2*SU_A(msu1) )+ . 3*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) . +2*SU_A(msd1) )+ . 3*(+2*sw2/3)*(ct**2*SU_A(mst2)+st**2*SU_A(mst1) . +2*SU_A(msu2) )+ . 3*(-sw2/3)*(cb**2*SU_A(msb2)+sb**2*SU_A(msb1) . +2*SU_A(msd2) ) + . 2*(.5d0)*SU_A(msn1) + 1*(.5d0)*SU_A(msntau)+ . (-.5d0 +sw2)*(cta**2*SU_A(msta1)+sta**2*SU_A(msta2) . +2*SU_A(mse1) )+ . (-sw2)*(cta**2*SU_A(msta2)+sta**2*SU_A(msta1) . +2*SU_A(mse2) ) ) + . 3*(gs2t1t1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mst1,mst1))+ . gs2t2t2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mst2,mst2)) + . 2*gs2t1t2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mst1,mst2)) ) + . 3*(gs2b1b1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msb1,msb1))+ . gs2b2b2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msb2,msb2)) + . 2*gs2b1b2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msb1,msb2)) ) + . 3*2*(gs2u1u1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msu1,msu1))+ . gs2u2u2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msu2,msu2)) ) + . 3*2*(gs2d1d1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msd1,msd1))+ . gs2d2d2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msd2,msd2)) ) + . gs2tau11**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msta1,msta1))+ . gs2tau22**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msta2,msta2)) + . 2*gs2tau12**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msta1,msta2)) + . 2*gs2n1n1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msn1,msn1)) + . 1*gs2n1n1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msntau,msntau)) + . 2*gs2e1e1**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mse1,mse1))+ . 2*gs2e2e2**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mse2,mse2)) c pis2s2v = g**2/4* ( . cbet**2*(2*dble(SU_BF(qs1,mch,mw))+dble(SU_BF(qs1,mA,mz))/cw**2)+ . sbet**2*(2*dble(SU_BF(qs1,mw,mw)) +dble(SU_BF(qs1,mz,mz))/cw**2)+ . 7*sbet**2*( 2*mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mw,mw))+mz**2/cw**2* . dble(SU_B0(qs1,mz,mz)) ) + 4*(2*SU_A(mw) +SU_A(mz)/cw**2) ) c pis2s2h3 = g**2*mz**2/(4*cw**2)/2*( . (sbet*(3*sal**2-cal**2) -cbet*s2al)**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MH,MH)) + . (2*sbet*s2al-cbet*dcos(2*alfa))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MH,ml)) + . (2*sbet*s2al-cbet*dcos(2*alfa))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,ml,MH)) + . (sbet*(3*cal**2-sal**2)+cbet*s2al)**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,ml,ml)) + . (sbet*dcos(2*b))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mz,mz)) + . (sbet*dsin(2*b))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mz,MA)) + . (sbet*dsin(2*b))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MA,mz)) + . (sbet*dcos(2*b))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MA,MA)) + . 2*( (-sbet*dcos(2*b))**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mw,mw)) + . (sbet*dsin(2*b)-cw**2*cbet)**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mw,mch))+ . (sbet*dsin(2*b)-cw**2*cbet)**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mch,mw)) + . (sbet*dcos(2*b)+2*cw**2*sbet)**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mch,mch)) ) ) c pis2s2h4 = g**2/(4*cw**2)/2*( . (3*sal**2-cal**2)*SU_A(MH) + . (3*cal**2-sal**2)*SU_A(ml) - . dcos(2*b)*SU_A(mz) +dcos(2*b)*SU_A(MA) + . 2*( (cw**2 -sw2*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(mw) + . (cw**2 +sw2*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(mch) ) ) c pis2s2b=pis2s2v+pis2s2h3+pis2s2h4 c pis2s2Nino =0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,4 pis2s2Nino = pis2s2Nino + .5d0/4*2*( . ( ( Z(i,1)*Z(j,4) + Z(j,1)*Z(i,4) )*g1 - . ( Z(i,2)*Z(j,4) + Z(j,2)*Z(i,4) ) *g)**2 * . (dble(SU_BG(qs1,gmn(i),gmn(j))) - . 2*dxmn(i)*dxmn(j)*dble(SU_B0(qs1,gmn(i),gmn(j))) ) ) enddo enddo c pis2s2Cino =0.d0 do i=1,2 do j=1,2 pis2s2Cino = pis2s2Cino +g**2/2 *( .((V(i,2)*U(j,1))**2+(U(i,1)*V(j,2))**2)* . dble(SU_BG(qs1,gmc(i),gmc(j))) . -4*V(i,2)*U(j,1)*U(i,1)*V(j,2)*gmc(i)*gmc(j)* . dble(SU_B0(qs1,gmc(i),gmc(j))) ) enddo enddo c c ------ Sum everything: pis2s2=1.d0/(16*pi**2)* . (pis2s2f+pis2s2s+pis2s2b+pis2s2Nino+pis2s2Cino) c c---------------------------------------------------------------- c pis1s2 c------------------------------------------------------------------ c pis1s2s = . 3*(gs1t1t1*gs2t1t1*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mst1,mst1))+ . gs1t2t2*gs2t2t2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mst2,mst2)) + . 2*gs1t1t2*gs2t1t2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mst1,mst2)) ) + . 3*(gs1b1b1*gs2b1b1*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msb1,msb1))+ . gs1b2b2*gs2b2b2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msb2,msb2)) + . 2*gs1b1b2*gs2b1b2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msb1,msb2)) ) + . 3*2*(gs1u1u1*gs2u1u1*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msu1,msu1))+ . gs1u2u2*gs2u2u2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msu2,msu2)) ) + . 3*2*(gs1d1d1*gs2d1d1*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msd1,msd1))+ . gs1d2d2*gs2d2d2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msd2,msd2)) ) + . gs1tau11*gs2tau11*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msta1,msta1))+ . gs1tau22*gs2tau22*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msta2,msta2)) + . 2*gs1tau12*gs2tau12*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msta1,msta2)) + . 2*gs1n1n1*gs2n1n1*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msn1,msn1)) + . 1*gs1n1n1*gs2n1n1*dble(SU_B0(qs1,msntau,msntau)) + . 2*gs1e1e1*gs2e1e1*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mse1,mse1))+ . 2*gs1e2e2*gs2e2e2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mse2,mse2)) c pis1s2v = g**2/4* sbet*cbet*(2*dble(SU_BF(qs1,mw,mw)) - . 2*dble(SU_BF(qs1,mch,mw)) + . (dble(SU_BF(qs1,mz,mz)) -dble(SU_BF(qs1,MA,mz)))/cw**2 + . 7*(2*mw**2*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mw,mw))+mz**2/cw**2* . dble(SU_B0(qs1,mz,mz)) ) ) c pis1s2h3 = g**2*mz**2/(4*cw**2)/2*( . (cbet*(3*cal**2-sal**2)-sbet*s2al)* . (sbet*(3*sal**2-cal**2)-cbet*s2al)*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MH,MH)) + . (-2*cbet*s2al-sbet*dcos(2*alfa))* . (2*sbet*s2al-cbet*dcos(2*alfa))*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MH,ml)) + . (-2*cbet*s2al-sbet*dcos(2*alfa))* . (2*sbet*s2al-cbet*dcos(2*alfa))*dble(SU_B0(qs1,ml,MH)) + . (cbet*(3*sal**2-cal**2)+sbet*s2al)* . (sbet*(3*cal**2-sal**2)+cbet*s2al)*dble(SU_B0(qs1,ml,ml)) + . (cbet*dcos(2*b))*(-sbet*dcos(2*b))*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mz,mz)) + . (-cbet*dsin(2*b))*(sbet*dsin(2*b))*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mz,MA)) + . (-cbet*dsin(2*b))*(sbet*dsin(2*b))*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MA,mz)) + . (-cbet*dcos(2*b))*(sbet*dcos(2*b))*dble(SU_B0(qs1,MA,MA)) + . 2*( (cbet*dcos(2*b))*(-sbet*dcos(2*b))*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mw,mw))+ . (-cbet*dsin(2*b)+cw**2*sbet)* . (sbet*dsin(2*b)-cw**2*cbet)*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mw,mch))+ . (-cbet*dsin(2*b)+cw**2*sbet)* . (sbet*dsin(2*b)-cw**2*cbet)*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mch,mw))+ . (-cbet*dcos(2*b)+2*cw**2*cbet)* . (sbet*dcos(2*b)+2*cw**2*sbet)*dble(SU_B0(qs1,mch,mch)) ) ) c pis1s2h4 = g**2/(4*cw**2)/2*(-s2al*SU_A(MH) + s2al*SU_A(ml) . -2*cw**2*dsin(2*b)*SU_A(mw)+2*cw**2*dsin(2*b)*SU_A(Mch) ) c pis1s2b=pis1s2v+pis1s2h3+pis1s2h4 c pis1s2Nino =0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,4 pis1s2Nino = pis1s2Nino + .5d0/4*2*( . ( - ( Z(i,1)*Z(j,3) + Z(j,1)*Z(i,3) )*g1 + . ( Z(i,2)*Z(j,3) + Z(j,2)*Z(i,3) )*g )* . ( ( Z(i,1)*Z(j,4) + Z(j,1)*Z(i,4) )*g1 - . ( Z(i,2)*Z(j,4) + Z(j,2)*Z(i,4) )*g )* . (dble(SU_BG(qs1,gmn(i),gmn(j))) - . 2*dxmn(i)*dxmn(j)*dble(SU_B0(qs1,gmn(i),gmn(j))) ) ) enddo enddo c pis1s2Cino =0.d0 do i=1,2 do j=1,2 pis1s2Cino = pis1s2Cino +g**2/2 *( .( V(i,1)*U(j,2)*V(i,2)*U(j,1)+ . U(i,1)*V(j,2)*U(i,2)*V(j,1) )*dble(SU_BG(qs1,gmc(i),gmc(j))) . -2*( V(i,1)*U(j,2)*U(i,1)*V(j,2) . + V(i,2)*U(j,1)*U(i,2)*V(j,1) )*gmc(i)*gmc(j)* . dble(SU_B0(qs1,gmc(i),gmc(j))) ) enddo enddo c c ------ Sum everything: pis1s2=1.d0/(16*pi**2)* . (pis1s2s+pis1s2b+pis1s2Nino+pis1s2Cino) c c----------------------------------------------------------------- c piAA c----------------------------------------------------------------- if(mApole.eq.0d0) then qsa= ma**2 else qsa=mApole**2 endif c piaaf=cbet**2*3*yt**2*(qsa*dble(SU_B0(qsa,rmt,rmt)) . -2*SU_A(rmt))+ . sbet**2*3*yb**2*(qsa*dble(SU_B0(qsa,rmb,rmb)) . -2*SU_A(rmb))+ . sbet**2*ytau**2*(qsa*dble(SU_B0(qsa,rmtau,rmtau)) . -2*SU_A(rmtau)) c piaastop = 3*2*gat1t2**2*dble(SU_B0(qsa,mst1,mst2)) + . 3*(yt**2*cbet**2-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(0.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))* . (ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) + . 3*(yt**2*cbet**2-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(2*sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))* . (st**2*SU_A(mst1)+ct**2*SU_A(mst2) ) c piaasup = . 6*(-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(0.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(msu1)+ . 6*(-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(2*sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(msu2) c piaasbot= 3*2*gab1b2**2*dble(SU_B0(qsa,msb1,msb2)) + . 3*(yb**2*sbet**2 -g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(-0.5d0+sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))* . (cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) + . 3*(yb**2*sbet**2 -g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(-sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))* . (sb**2*SU_A(msb1)+cb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) c piaasdo= . 6*(-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(-0.5d0+sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(msd1)+ . 6*(-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(-sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(msd2) c piaastau= 2*gatau12**2*dble(SU_B0(qsa,msta1,msta2))+ . (ytau**2*sbet**2 -g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(-0.5d0+sw2)*dcos(2*b))* . (cta**2*SU_A(msta1)+sta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) + . (ytau**2*sbet**2 -g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(-sw2)*dcos(2*b))* . (sta**2*SU_A(msta1)+cta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) c piaaslep= . 2*(-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(-0.5d0+sw2)*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(mse1)+ . 2*(-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(-sw2)*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(mse2) c piaasneu= . 2*(-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(0.5d0)*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(msn1)+ . 1*(-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(0.5d0)*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(msntau) c piaas=piaastop+piaasbot+piaastau+piaasup+piaasdo+piaaslep . +piaasneu c piaav = g**2/4* (2*dble(SU_BF(qsa,mch,mw))+ . dsin(alfa-beta)**2*dble(SU_BF(qsa,MH,mz))/cw2+ . dcos(alfa-beta)**2*dble(SU_BF(qsa,ml,mz))/cw2 ) . +g**2*mw**2/2*dble(SU_B0(qsa,mw,mch)) . +g**2*(2*SU_A(mw)+SU_A(mz)/cw2) c piaah=g**2/(4*cw2)/2*( . (3*dsin(2*beta)**2-1.d0)*SU_A(Mz)+3*dcos(2*beta)**2*SU_A(ma)+ . dcos(2*b)*dcos(2*alfa)*(SU_A(ml) -SU_A(MH)) + . 2*((cw2*(1d0+dsin(2*beta)**2)-sw2*dcos(2*beta)**2)*SU_A(mw) . +dcos(2*beta)**2*SU_A(mch) ) ) . +g**2*mz**2/(4*cw2)/2*( .(cal*(-dcos(2*b)*cbet)+sal*dcos(2*b)*sbet)**2* . dble(SU_B0(qsa,ma,MH))+ .(cal*(-dcos(2*b)*cbet)+sal*dcos(2*b)*sbet)**2* . dble(SU_B0(qsa,MH,ma))+ .(sal*(dcos(2*b)*cbet)+cal*dcos(2*b)*sbet)**2* . dble(SU_B0(qsa,ma,ml))+ .(sal*(dcos(2*b)*cbet)+cal*dcos(2*b)*sbet)**2* . dble(SU_B0(qsa,ml,ma))+ .(cal*(-dsin(2*b)*cbet)+sal*dsin(2*b)*sbet)**2* . dble(SU_B0(qsa,mz,mh))+ .(cal*(-dsin(2*b)*cbet)+sal*dsin(2*b)*sbet)**2* . dble(SU_B0(qsa,mh,mz))+ .(sal*(dsin(2*b)*cbet)+cal*dsin(2*b)*sbet)**2* . dble(SU_B0(qsa,mz,ml))+ .(sal*(dsin(2*b)*cbet)+cal*dsin(2*b)*sbet)**2* . dble(SU_B0(qsa,ml,mz)) ) c piaab=piaav+piaah c piaaNino =0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,4 piaaNino = piaaNino + .5d0/4*2*( . sbet*g1*( Z(i,1)*Z(j,3) +Z(i,3)*Z(j,1) ) . - sbet*g* ( Z(i,2)*Z(j,3) +Z(i,3)*Z(j,2) ) . - cbet*g1*( Z(i,1)*Z(j,4) +Z(i,4)*Z(j,1) ) . + cbet*g* ( Z(i,2)*Z(j,4) +Z(i,4)*Z(j,2) ) )**2* . ( dble(SU_BG(qsa,gmn(i),gmn(j))) + . 2*dxmn(i)*dxmn(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsa,gmn(i),gmn(j))) ) enddo enddo c piaaCino =0.d0 do i=1,2 do j=1,2 piaaCino = piaaCino +g**2/2 *( . ( (-sbet*V(i,1)*U(j,2)-cbet*V(i,2)*U(j,1))**2+ . ( sbet*U(i,2)*V(j,1)+cbet*U(i,1)*V(j,2))**2)* . dble(SU_BG(qsa,gmc(i),gmc(j))) . - 4.d0*(-sbet*V(i,1)*U(j,2)-cbet*V(i,2)*U(j,1))* . ( sbet*U(i,2)*V(j,1)+cbet*U(i,1)*V(j,2))* . gmc(i)*gmc(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsa,gmc(i),gmc(j))) ) enddo enddo c c ------ Sum everything: piaa= 1.d0/(16*pi**2)*(piaaf+piaas+piaab+piaaNino+piaaCino) c c------------------------------------------------------------------ c piH+H- c------------------------------------------------------------------ if(mCHpole.eq.0d0) then qsc= mch**2 else qsc=mCHpole**2 endif c piccf = 3*(yt**2*cbet**2 +yb**2*sbet**2)*dble(SU_BG(qsc,rmt,rmb)) . -2*yt*yb*rmt*rmb*dsin(2*b)*dble(SU_B0(qsc,rmt,rmb)) + . ytau**2*sbet**2*dble(SU_BG(qsc,eps,rmtau)) c piccs= . 3*gct1b1**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,mst1,msb1)) + . 3*gct1b2**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,mst1,msb2)) + . 3*gct2b1**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,mst2,msb1)) + . 3*gct2b2**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,mst2,msb2)) + c . gctau11**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,msn1,msta1)) + c . gctau12**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,msn1,msta2)) + c correction msn1 -> msntau: . gctau11**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,msntau,msta1)) + . gctau12**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,msntau,msta2)) + . gceLL**2*(6*dble(SU_B0(qsc,msu1,msd1)) . +2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,msn1,mse1)))+ . 3*(yb**2*sbet**2-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(0.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dcos(2*b)+ . g**2/2*dcos(2*b))*(ct**2*SU_A(mst1)+st**2*SU_A(mst2) ) + . 3*(yt**2*cbet**2-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(2*sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))* . (st**2*SU_A(mst1)+ct**2*SU_A(mst2) ) + . 6*(-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(0.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dcos(2*b)+g**2/2* . dcos(2*b))*SU_A(msu1)+ . 6*(-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(2*sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(msu2) + . (-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(0.5d0)*dcos(2*b)+g**2/2*dcos(2*b))* . 2*SU_A(msn1) . + (ytau**2*sbet**2-g**2/cw2*0.5d0*(0.5d0)*dcos(2*b) . + g**2/2*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(msntau) + . 3*(yt**2*cbet**2 +g**2/cw2*(-0.5d0)*(-0.5d0+sw2/3)*dcos(2*b)- . g**2/2*dcos(2*b))*(cb**2*SU_A(msb1)+sb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) + . 3*(yb**2*sbet**2 +g**2/cw2*(-0.5d0)*(-sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))* . (sb**2*SU_A(msb1)+cb**2*SU_A(msb2) ) + . 6*(g**2/cw2*(-0.5d0)*(-0.5d0+sw2/3)*dcos(2*b) -g**2/2* . dcos(2*b))*SU_A(msd1)+ . 6*( g**2/cw2*(-0.5d0)*(-sw2/3)*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(msd2) + . (ytau**2*cbet**2 +g**2/cw2*(-0.5d0)*(-0.5d0+sw2)*dcos(2*b)- . g**2/2*dcos(2*b))*(cta**2*SU_A(msta1)+sta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) + . (ytau**2*sbet**2 +g**2/cw2*(-0.5d0)*(-sw2)*dcos(2*b))* . (sta**2*SU_A(msta1)+cta**2*SU_A(msta2) ) + . 2*( g**2/cw2*(-0.5d0)*(-0.5d0+sw2)*dcos(2*b) -g**2/2* . dcos(2*b))*SU_A(mse1) + . 2*( g**2/cw2*(-0.5d0)*(-sw2)*dcos(2*b))*SU_A(mse2) c piccv = g**2/4*(dsin(alfa-b)**2*dble(SU_BF(qsc,MH,mw)) + . dcos(alfa-b)**2*dble(SU_BF(qsc,ml,mw))+dble(SU_BF(qsc,MA,mw)) . +(cw2-sw2)**2/cw2 *dble(SU_BF(qsc,mch,mz)) ) . +4*pi*alph* dble(SU_BF(qsc,mch,eps))+2*g**2*SU_A(mw)+ . g**2*(cw2-sw2)**2/cw2 *SU_A(mz) + . g**2*mw**2/4* dble(SU_B0(qsc,mw,ma)) c picch4= g**2/(4*cw2)/2*( . (cw2*(1.d0+dsin(2*b)**2) -sw2*dcos(2*b)**2)*SU_A(mz) + . dcos(2*b)**2*SU_A(mA) + . (cw2*(1.d0+dsin(2*b)*dsin(2*alfa)) . -sw2*dcos(2*b)*dcos(2*alfa))*SU_A(MH) + . (cw2*(1.d0-dsin(2*b)*dsin(2*alfa)) . +sw2*dcos(2*b)*dcos(2*alfa))*SU_A(ml) ) + . g**2/(4*cw2)* ( . (2*dsin(2*b)**2-1.d0)*SU_A(mw) +2*dcos(2*b)**2*SU_A(mch) ) c picch3= g**2*mz**2/(4*cw2)/2 *( .(cal*(-dsin(2*b)*cbet+cw2*sbet)+ . sal*(dsin(2*b)*sbet-cw2*cbet))**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,MH,mw)) + .(-sal*(-dsin(2*b)*cbet+cw2*sbet)+ . cal*(dsin(2*b)*sbet-cw2*cbet))**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,ml,mw)) + .(cal*(-dcos(2*b)*cbet+2*cw2*cbet)+ . sal*(dcos(2*b)*sbet+2*cw2*sbet))**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,MH,mch)) + .(-sal*(-dcos(2*b)*cbet+2*cw2*cbet)+ . cal*(dcos(2*b)*sbet+2*cw2*sbet))**2*dble(SU_B0(qsc,ml,mch)) ) c --> add the H+AG- term not present in PBMZ: . + g**2*mw**2/4.d0*dble(SU_B0(qsc,ma,mw)) c piccb=piccv+picch3+picch4 c piccino =0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,2 piccino = piccino + g**2/2*( ( .(-sbet*(Z(i,1)*U(j,2)*sw/cw+Z(i,2)*U(j,2)-sq2*Z(i,3)*U(j,1)))**2+ .(cbet*(Z(i,1)*V(j,2)*sw/cw+Z(i,2)*V(j,2)+sq2*Z(i,4)*V(j,1)))**2)* . dble(SU_BG(qsc,gmc(j),gmn(i))) - . 4*(-sbet*(Z(i,1)*U(j,2)*sw/cw+Z(i,2)*U(j,2)-sq2*Z(i,3)*U(j,1)))* . (cbet*(Z(i,1)*V(j,2)*sw/cw+Z(i,2)*V(j,2)+sq2*Z(i,4)*V(j,1)))* . gmc(j)*dxmn(i)*dble(SU_B0(qsc,gmc(j),gmn(i)) ) ) enddo enddo c piccino =0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,2 fcoeff = g**2/2* .((-sbet*(Z(i,1)*U(j,2)*sw/cw+Z(i,2)*U(j,2)-sq2*Z(i,3)*U(j,1)))**2 .+(cbet*(Z(i,1)*V(j,2)*sw/cw+Z(i,2)*V(j,2)+sq2*Z(i,4)*V(j,1)))**2) gcoeff = g**2* . (-sbet*(Z(i,1)*U(j,2)*sw/cw+Z(i,2)*U(j,2)-sq2*Z(i,3)*U(j,1)))* . (cbet*(Z(i,1)*V(j,2)*sw/cw+Z(i,2)*V(j,2)+sq2*Z(i,4)*V(j,1))) piccino = piccino + fcoeff* dble(SU_BG(qsc,gmc(j),gmn(i))) . - 2*gcoeff*gmc(j)*dxmn(i)*dble(SU_B0(qsc,gmc(j),gmn(i))) enddo enddo c c ------ Sum everything: picc= 1.d0/(16*pi**2)*(piccf+piccs+piccb+piccino) c c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c Tadpoles t1/v1 and t2/v2 c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c dt1v1f = -6*yb**2*SU_A(rmb) . -2*ytau**2*SU_A(rmtau) c dt1v1s= . g/2.d0/mw/cbet*(3*gs1t1t1*SU_A(mst1)+3*gs1t2t2*SU_A(mst2) . +3*gs1b1b1*SU_A(msb1)+3*gs1b2b2*SU_A(msb2) . +gs1tau11*SU_A(msta1)+gs1tau22*SU_A(msta2) . +6*gs1u1u1*SU_A(msu1)+6*gs1u2u2*SU_A(msu2) . +6*gs1d1d1*SU_A(msd1)+6*gs1d2d2*SU_A(msd2) . +2*gs1e1e1*SU_A(mse1)+2*gs1e2e2*SU_A(mse2) . +2*gs1n1n1*SU_A(msn1)+gs1n1n1*SU_A(msntau) ) c dt1v1h=-g**2*dcos(2*b)/(8*cw2)*(SU_A(ma)+2*SU_A(mch)) . +g**2/2*SU_A(mch) . +g**2/(8*cw**2)*(3*sal**2-cal**2+s2al*tbeta)*SU_A(ml) . +g**2/(8*cw**2)*(3*cal**2-sal**2-s2al*tbeta)*SU_A(mh) dt1v1v= . +3*g**2/4.d0*(2*SU_A(mw)+SU_A(mz)/cw2) . +g**2*dcos(2*b)/(8*cw2)*(2*SU_A(mw)+SU_A(mz)) dt1v1b=dt1v1h+dt1v1v c dt1v1nino = 0.d0 do i=1,4 dt1v1nino = dt1v1nino - g**2/mw/cbet*dxmn(i)* . Z(i,3)*( Z(i,2)-Z(i,1)*sw/cw )*SU_A(gmn(i)) enddo c dt1v1cino = 0.d0 do j=1,2 dt1v1cino = dt1v1cino - g**2*sq2/mw/cbet*gmc(j)* . V(j,1)*U(j,2)*SU_A(gmc(j)) enddo c--sum tad1=(dt1v1f+dt1v1s+dt1v1b+dt1v1nino+dt1v1cino)/(16*pi**2) dVdvd2=-tad1 c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c dt2v2f = -6*yt**2*SU_A(rmt) c dt2v2s= . g/2.d0/mw/sbet*(3*gs2t1t1*SU_A(mst1)+3*gs2t2t2*SU_A(mst2) . +3*gs2b1b1*SU_A(msb1)+3*gs2b2b2*SU_A(msb2) . +gs2tau11*SU_A(msta1)+gs2tau22*SU_A(msta2) . +6*gs2u1u1*SU_A(msu1)+6*gs2u2u2*SU_A(msu2) . +6*gs2d1d1*SU_A(msd1)+6*gs2d2d2*SU_A(msd2) . +2*gs2e1e1*SU_A(mse1)+2*gs2e2e2*SU_A(mse2) . +2*gs2n1n1*SU_A(msn1)+ gs2n1n1*SU_A(msntau) ) c dt2v2b=g**2*dcos(2*b)/(8*cw2)*(SU_A(ma)+2*SU_A(mch)) . +g**2/2*SU_A(mch) . +g**2/(8*cw2)*(3*cal**2-sal**2+s2al/tbeta)*SU_A(ml) . +g**2/(8*cw2)*(3*sal**2-cal**2-s2al/tbeta)*SU_A(mh) . +3*g**2/4.d0*(2*SU_A(mw)+SU_A(mz)/cw**2) . -g**2*dcos(2*b)/(8*cw2)*(2*SU_A(mw)+SU_A(mz)) c dt2v2nino = 0.d0 do i=1,4 dt2v2nino = dt2v2nino + g**2/mw/sbet*dxmn(i)* . Z(i,4)*( Z(i,2)-Z(i,1)*sw/cw)*SU_A(gmn(i)) enddo c dt2v2cino = 0.d0 do j=1,2 dt2v2cino = dt2v2cino - g**2*sq2/mw/sbet*gmc(j)* . V(j,2)*U(j,1)*SU_A(gmc(j)) enddo c--sum tad2=(dt2v2f+dt2v2s+dt2v2b+dt2v2nino+dt2v2cino)/(16*pi**2) dVdvu2=-tad2 c mz = mzsave mw = mwsave mt = mtsave mb = mbsave mtau = mtausave alfa = alfasave end c c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cc ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c The following routine is for the one loop effective scalar potential c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_VLOOP2(q2,MU,AT,AB,AL,dVdvd2,dVdvu2,pizz) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c The main subroutine for the EWSB and calculates the tadpole corrections to c the Higgs mass terms squared. The input are: c q2: the scale at which EWSB is supposed to happen, c MU: the higgsino parameter mu ar EWSB scale c AT,AB,AL: the third generation trilinear couplings at EWSB scale c Ytau, Yt, Yb: the Yukawa couplings (at EWSB scale) c msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2,..,thet,theb,thel: masses and mixing of c tau,b,top,.. etc sfermions at EWSB scale (input via common/su_bpew/..) c Other important input parameters, such as the Higgs, chargino, neutralino c masses and couplings as well as SM parameters are called via commons. c The output are dVdvd2, dVdvu2, which are (up to some appropriate overall c constants) the derivatives of the full one-loop scalar potential including c the contributions of all SM and SUSY particles a la PBMZ (hep-ph/9606211). c Another output is pizz which allow to calculated the RC to MZ**2. c The consistency of the EWSB mechanism is performed by the main program c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) real*8 nf complex*16 su_b0, su_bh, su_bt22 logical su_isNaN dimension u(2,2),v(2,2),z(4,4),dxmn(4),gmn(4),gmc(2),xmctree(2) COMMON/SU_cte/nf,cpi,zm,wm,tbeta COMMON/SU_outhiggs/dml,dmh,dmch,alfa COMMON/SU_outginos/mc1,mc2,mn1,mn2,mn3,mn4,mgluino COMMON/SU_inoDR/U,V,Z,xmctree,dxmn COMMON/SU_hflag/imodel COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,yt,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_bpew/msu1,msu2,msd1,msd2,mse1,mse2,msn1,msntau, . msta1,msta2,msb1,msb2,mst1,mst2,thet,theb,thel COMMON/SU_break/ameldum,amerdum,amsq,amurdum,amdrdum, . aldum,audum,addum,amudum,am1dum,am2dum,am3 COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtau,mbpole,mtpole COMMON/SU_renscale/scale COMMON/runhiggs/ma,ml,mh,mch COMMON/SU_strc/irge,irgmax,ifix,isfrc,inorc common/su_nonpert/inonpert c pi = 4*datan(1.d0) scale= dsqrt(q2) c basic parameters and definitions used: g=g2ewsb gstrong=dsqrt(4.d0*pi*alsewsb) mz=zm mw=wm c defining s^2_w at EWSB scale: cw = 1.d0/dsqrt(1.d0+(g1ewsb/g2ewsb)**2) sw = g1ewsb/g2ewsb *cw sw2=sw**2 cw2= cw**2 cwm2 =1.d0/cw2 alph = (g*sw)**2/(4*pi) c defining mtau,mb,mt running masses at ewsb scale: if(su_isNaN(pizz).or.mz**2+pizz.le.0.d0) then !!added protection pizz=0.d0 if(irge.eq.irgmax) inonpert=-1 endif vd2 = 2*(mz**2+pizz)/(g1ewsb**2+g2ewsb**2)/(1.d0+tbeta**2) rmz= dsqrt(mz**2+pizz) ! (use RUNNING MW,MZ) vu2 = vd2*tbeta**2 vev2=2.d0*(vu2+vd2) vd= dsqrt(vd2) vu= dsqrt(vu2) rmtau = ytau*vd rmb = yb*vd rmt = yt*vu rmw = rmz*cw mzsave = mz mwsave = mw mz = rmz mw = rmw c ct=dcos(thet) st=dsin(thet) cb=dcos(theb) sb=dsin(theb) cta=dcos(thel) sta=dsin(thel) c beta= datan(tbeta) cbeta2=1.d0/(1.d0+tbeta**2) cbet= dsqrt(cbeta2) sbet=dsqrt(1.d0-cbeta2) c2b =2*cbeta2-1.d0 c alfasave = alfa ! alfa running alfa =0.5*atan(tan(2d0*beta)*(ma**2+mz**2) . /(ma**2-mz**2)) if(cos(2d0*beta)*(ma**2-mz**2).gt.0) alfa = alfa - pi/2d0 c sal=dsin(alfa) cal=dcos(alfa) s2a = 2*sal*cal tm= rmt bm= rmb taum= rmtau c ! yt, yb, ytau at ewsb scale are taken from COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/.. gmn(1)=dabs(dxmn(1)) gmn(2)=dabs(dxmn(2)) gmn(3)=dabs(dxmn(3)) gmn(4)=dabs(dxmn(4)) gmc(1)=xmctree(1) gmc(2)=xmctree(2) c relevant Sfermion couplings contributions: sq2=dsqrt(2.d0) c s1bLbL = g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*cbet +sq2*yb*bm s1bRbR = g*mz/cw*(-sw2/3)*cbet +sq2*yb*bm s1bLbR = yb/sq2*Ab s2bLbL = -g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*sbet s2bRbR = -g*mz/cw*(-sw2/3)*sbet s2bLbR = -yb/sq2*mu c gs1d1d1 = g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*cbet gs1d2d2 = g*mz/cw*(-sw2/3)*cbet gs2d1d1 = -g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2/3)*sbet gs2d2d2 = -g*mz/cw*(-sw2/3)*sbet c s1tauLL = g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2)*cbet +sq2*ytau*taum s1tauRR = g*mz/cw*(-sw2)*cbet +sq2*ytau*taum s1tauLR = ytau/sq2*AL s2tauLL = -g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2)*sbet s2tauRR = -g*mz/cw*(-sw2)*sbet s2tauLR = -ytau/sq2*mu c gs1e1e1 = g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2)*cbet gs1e2e2 = g*mz/cw*(-sw2)*cbet gs2e1e1 = -g*mz/cw*(-.5d0 +sw2)*sbet gs2e2e2 = -g*mz/cw*(-sw2)*sbet c s2tLtL = -g*mz/cw*(.5d0 -2*sw2/3)*sbet +sq2*yt*tm s2tRtR = -g*mz/cw*(2*sw2/3)*sbet +sq2*yt*tm s2tLtR = yt/sq2*AT s1tLtL = g*mz/cw*(.5d0 -2*sw2/3)*cbet s1tRtR = g*mz/cw*(2*sw2/3)*cbet s1tLtR = -yt/sq2*mu c gs2u1u1 = -g*mz/cw*(.5d0 -2*sw2/3)*sbet gs2u2u2 = -g*mz/cw*(2*sw2/3)*sbet gs1u1u1 = g*mz/cw*(.5d0 -2*sw2/3)*cbet gs1u2u2 = g*mz/cw*(2*sw2/3)*cbet c gs2n1n1 = -g*mz/cw*(.5d0 )*sbet gs1n1n1 = g*mz/cw*(.5d0 )*cbet c gs1b1b1 = cb**2*s1bLbL +2*cb*sb*s1bLbR +sb**2*s1bRbR gs1b2b2 = sb**2*s1bLbL -2*cb*sb*s1bLbR +cb**2*s1bRbR gs2b1b1 = cb**2*s2bLbL +2*cb*sb*s2bLbR +sb**2*s2bRbR gs2b2b2 = sb**2*s2bLbL -2*cb*sb*s2bLbR +cb**2*s2bRbR c gs1t1t1 = ct**2*s1tLtL +2*ct*st*s1tLtR +st**2*s1tRtR gs1t2t2 = st**2*s1tLtL -2*ct*st*s1tLtR +ct**2*s1tRtR gs2t1t1 = ct**2*s2tLtL +2*ct*st*s2tLtR +st**2*s2tRtR gs2t2t2 = st**2*s2tLtL -2*ct*st*s2tLtR +ct**2*s2tRtR c gs1tau11 = cta**2*s1tauLL +2*cta*sta*s1tauLR +sta**2*s1tauRR gs1tau22 = sta**2*s1tauLL -2*cta*sta*s1tauLR +cta**2*s1tauRR gs2tau11 = cta**2*s2tauLL +2*cta*sta*s2tauLR +sta**2*s2tauRR gs2tau22 = sta**2*s2tauLL -2*cta*sta*s2tauLR +cta**2*s2tauRR c c down fermion contributions: confd= -2*ytau*rmtau/vd*SU_A(rmtau) . -2*3*yb*rmb/vd*SU_A(rmb) c up fermion contributions: confu = -2*3*yt*rmt/vu*SU_A(rmt) c vd sfermion contributions: dvdsf= 1d0/sq2/vd*(3*gs1t1t1*SU_A(mst1)+3*gs1t2t2*SU_A(mst2) + . 3*gs1b1b1*SU_A(msb1)+3*gs1b2b2*SU_A(msb2) + . gs1tau11*SU_A(msta1)+ gs1tau22*SU_A(msta2) + . 2*( 3*gs1u1u1*SU_A(msu1)+3*gs1u2u2*SU_A(msu2) + . 3*gs1d1d1*SU_A(msd1)+3*gs1d2d2*SU_A(msd2) + . gs1e1e1*SU_A(mse1)+ gs1e2e2*SU_A(mse2) ) + . 2*gs1n1n1*SU_A(msn1) +gs1n1n1*SU_A(msntau) ) c vu sfermion contributions: dvusf= 1d0/sq2/vu*(3*gs2t1t1*SU_A(mst1)+3*gs2t2t2*SU_A(mst2) + . 3*gs2b1b1*SU_A(msb1)+3*gs2b2b2*SU_A(msb2) + . gs2tau11*SU_A(msta1)+ gs2tau22*SU_A(msta2) + . 2*( 3*gs2u1u1*SU_A(msu1)+3*gs2u2u2*SU_A(msu2) + . 3*gs2d1d1*SU_A(msd1)+3*gs2d2d2*SU_A(msd2) + . gs2e1e1*SU_A(mse1)+ gs2e2e2*SU_A(mse2) ) + . 2*gs2n1n1*SU_A(msn1) +gs2n1n1*SU_A(msntau) ) c vd Higgs contributions: dvdH = -g**2*c2b/cw**2/8*(SU_A(ma)+2*SU_A(mch))+g**2/2*SU_A(mch) . + g**2/cw**2/8*(3*sal**2-cal**2+s2a*tbeta)*SU_A(ml) . + g**2/cw**2/8*(3*cal**2-sal**2-s2a*tbeta)*SU_A(mh) c vd gauge contributions: dvdWZ = 3*g**2/4*(2*SU_A(mw)+SU_A(mz)/cw**2) . +g**2*c2b/cw**2/8*(2*SU_A(mw) +SU_A(mz) ) c vd gaugino contributions: dvdino=0d0 do i=1,4 dvdino = dvdino -g**2/mw/cbet* . dxmn(i)*Z(i,3)*(Z(i,2)-Z(i,1)*sw/cw)*SU_A(gmn(i)) enddo dvdino=dvdino . -dsqrt(2d0)*g**2/mw/cbet*(gmc(1)*V(1,1)*U(1,2)*SU_A(gmc(1)) . +gmc(2)*V(2,1)*U(2,2)*SU_A(gmc(2)) ) c c vu Higgs contributions: dvuH = g**2*c2b/cw**2/8*(SU_A(ma)+2*SU_A(mch))+g**2/2*SU_A(mch) . + g**2/cw**2/8*(3*cal**2-sal**2+s2a/tbeta)*SU_A(ml) . + g**2/cw**2/8*(3*sal**2-cal**2-s2a/tbeta)*SU_A(mh) c vu gauge contributions: dvuWZ = 3*g**2/4*(2*SU_A(mw)+SU_A(mz)/cw**2) . -g**2*c2b/cw**2/8*(2*SU_A(mw) +SU_A(mz) ) c vu gaugino contributions: dvuino=0d0 do i=1,4 dvuino = dvuino +g**2/mw/sbet* . dxmn(i)*Z(i,4)*(Z(i,2)-Z(i,1)*sw/cw)*SU_A(gmn(i)) enddo dvuino= dvuino . -dsqrt(2d0)*g**2/mw/sbet*(gmc(1)*V(1,2)*U(1,1)*SU_A(gmc(1)) . +gmc(2)*V(2,2)*U(2,1)*SU_A(gmc(2)) ) c c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c 2-loop tadpole parts: if(imodel.ge.2) then c ! 1-loop versus 2-loop possible choice: call SU_ewsb2loop(rmt**2,am3,mst1**2,mst2**2,st,ct, . scale**2,-mu,tbeta,vev2,gstrong,tad1st,tad2st) call SU_ewsb2loop(rmb**2,am3,msb1**2,msb2**2,sb,cb, . scale**2,-mu,1.d0/tbeta,vev2,gstrong,tad2sb,tad1sb) call SU_DDStad(rmt**2,rmb**2,ma**2,mst1**2,mst2**2, . msb1**2,msb2**2,st,ct,sb,cb,scale**2,-mu,tbeta,vev2, . tad1w,tad2w) call SU_taubottad(rmtau**2,rmb**2,msta1**2,msta2**2,msb1**2, . msb2**2,sta,cta,sb,cb,scale**2,-mu,tbeta,vev2, $ tad1bl,tad2bl) call SU_tausqtad(rmtau**2,ma**2,msntau**2,msta1**2,msta2**2, . sta,cta,scale**2,-mu,tbeta,vev2, $ tad1l,tad2l) else tad1st=0.d0 tad2st=0.d0 tad1sb=0.d0 tad2sb=0.d0 tad1w=0.d0 tad2w=0.d0 tad1bl=0.d0 tad2bl=0.d0 tad1l=0.d0 tad2l=0.d0 endif c c final contributions including 2-loop corrections: tad1 = -cpi*(confd + dvdsf +dvdH +dvdWZ +dvdino) tad1loop= tad1st+tad1sb+tad1w+tad1l+tad1bl dVdvd2=tad1+tad1loop tad2 = -cpi*(confu + dvusf +dvuH +dvuWZ +dvuino) tad2loop=tad2st+tad2sb+tad2w+tad2l+tad2bl dVdvu2=tad2+tad2loop c c----------------------------------------------------------------- c Z boson self-energy at q**2=mz**2 c----------------------------------------------------------------- qsz=mzsave**2 mup=1.d-2 mdo=1.d-2 me=0.5d-3 mmu=0.106d0 ms=0.190d0 mcq=1.42d0 mt =rmt mb =rmb eps=1.d-2 eps0=eps**2 c pizzf = 3*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)**2+(2*sw2/3)**2) .*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,mt,mt))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,mcq,mcq)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mup,mup))) . + 3*((-.5d0+sw2/3)**2+(-sw2/3)**2) .*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,mb,mb))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,ms,ms)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mdo,mdo))) . + ((-.5d0+sw2)**2+(-sw2)**2)*(dble(SU_BH(qsz,me,me)) . +dble(SU_BH(qsz,mmu,mmu))+dble(SU_BH(qsz,mtau,mtau))) . + .5d0**2*3*dble(SU_BH(qsz,eps,eps)) . -12*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)*(2*sw2/3) . *(mt**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mt,mt))+mcq**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mcq,mcq)) . +mup**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mup,mup))) . -12*(-.5d0+sw2/3)*(-sw2/3) . *(mb**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mb,mb))+ms**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,ms,ms)) . +mdo**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mdo,mdo))) . -4*(-.5d0+sw2)*(-sw2)*(me**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,me,me))+mmu**2 . *dble(SU_B0(qsz,mmu,mmu))+mtau**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mtau,mtau))) c pizzb = -2*cw**4*(2*qsz+mw**2-mz**2*sw**4/cw**2) . *dble(SU_B0(qsz,mw,mw)) . -(8*cw**4+(cw2-sw2)**2)*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mw,mw)) c pizzh0=-dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,ml)) pizzhS = -dsin(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsz,ma,mh)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,ml)) ) . -dcos(beta-alfa)**2*(dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mz,mh)) . + dble(SU_BT22(qsz,ma,ml))-mz**2*dble(SU_B0(qsz,mz,mh)) ) . -(cw**2-sw**2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mch,mch)) . -pizzh0 c pizzsu= -12*( (.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dcos(thet)**2 .-(2*sw2/3)*dsin(thet)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst1,mst1)) . -12*(-(.5d0-2*sw2/3)*dsin(thet)**2 .+(2*sw2/3)*dcos(thet)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst2,mst2)) . -24*( (.5d0)*dsin(thet)*dcos(thet) )**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mst1,mst2)) . -24*(.5d0-2*sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msu1,msu1)) . -24*(+2*sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msu2,msu2)) c pizzsd= -12*( (-.5d0+sw2/3)*dcos(theb)**2 .-(-sw2/3)*dsin(theb)**2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb1,msb1)) . -12*( -(-.5d0+sw2/3)*dsin(theb)**2 .+(-sw2/3)*dcos(theb)**2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb2,msb2)) . -24*((-0.5d0)*dsin(theb)*dcos(theb))**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msb1,msb2)) . -24*(-.5d0+sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msd1,msd1)) . -24*(-sw2/3)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msd2,msd2)) c pizzsl=-4*( (-.5d0+sw2)*dcos(thel)**2 .- (-sw2)*dsin(thel)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta1,msta1)) . -4*( -(-.5d0+sw2)*dsin(thel)**2 . +(-sw2)*dcos(thel)**2 )**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta2,msta2)) . -8*((-.5d0)*dsin(thel)*dcos(thel))**2 . *dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msta1,msta2)) . -8*(-.5d0+sw2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mse1,mse1)) . -8*(-sw2)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,mse2,mse2)) . -8*(.5d0)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msn1,msn1)) . -4*(.5d0)**2*dble(SU_BT22(qsz,msntau,msntau)) c pizzs=pizzsl+pizzsd+pizzsu c pizzn=0.d0 do i=1,4 do j=1,4 pizzn = pizzn + 1.d0/4*(Z(i,3)*Z(j,3) -Z(i,4)*Z(j,4))**2* . (dble(SU_BH(qsz,gmn(i),gmn(j))) . -2*dxmn(i)*dxmn(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsz,gmn(i),gmn(j))) ) enddo enddo c pizzc=0.d0 do i=1,2 do j=1,2 pizzc = pizzc +1.d0/4*( .( ( 2*cw2*V(i,1)*V(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*V(i,2)*V(j,2) )**2+ . ( 2*cw2*U(i,1)*U(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*U(i,2)*U(j,2) )**2 ) . *dble(SU_BH(qsz,gmc(i),gmc(j))) . +4*(2*cw2*V(i,1)*V(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*V(i,2)*V(j,2))* . (2*cw2*U(i,1)*U(j,1)+(cw2-sw2)*U(i,2)*U(j,2))* . gmc(i)*gmc(j)*dble(SU_B0(qsz,gmc(i),gmc(j))) ) enddo enddo c c Sum of the susy contributions for pizz and final pizz(MZ**2) pizzsm=alph/4.d0/pi/sw2/cw2*(pizzf+pizzb+pizzh0) pizzsusy=alph/4.d0/pi/sw2/cw2* . (pizzhS+pizzs+pizzn+pizzc) pizz=pizzsm+pizzsusy c mz = mzsave mw = mwsave alfa = alfasave end c +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c ++++++++++++++ End of the routines for the effective potential ++++++++ c c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c The following routines are for the RGE evolution of the parameters c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_ODEINT(ystart,nvar,x1,x2,eps,h1,hmin,nok,nbad, . SU_DERIVS,SU_RKQC) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c This is the main subroutine (from Numerical Recipes) integrating c (coupled) Ordinary Differential Equation c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) parameter (maxstp=100000,nmax=31,two=2.d0,zero=0.d0,tiny=1.d-30) COMMON/ode_PATH/kmax,kount,dxsav,xp(200),yp(31,200) dimension ystart(nvar),yscal(nmax),y(nmax),dydx(nmax) COMMON/SU_good/iflop external SU_DERIVS, SU_RKQC x=x1 h=dsign(h1,x2-x1) nok=0 nbad=0 kount=0 do 11 i=1,nvar y(i)=ystart(i) 11 continue xsav=x-dxsav*two do 16 nstp=1,maxstp CALL SU_DERIVS(x,y,dydx) do 12 i=1,nvar yscal(i)=dabs(y(i))+dabs(h*dydx(i))+tiny 12 continue if(kmax.gt.0)then if(dabs(x-xsav).gt.dabs(dxsav)) then if(kount.lt.kmax-1)then kount=kount+1 xp(kount)=x do 13 i=1,nvar yp(i,kount)=y(i) 13 continue xsav=x endif endif endif if((x+h-x2)*(x+h-x1).gt.zero) h=x2-x c new modif to speed up RGE integration in the safe zone far from GUT : if(x.lt.dlog(1d14)) then CALL SU_RKQC(y,dydx,nvar,x,h,eps,yscal,hdid,hnext,su_derivs) else CALL SU_RKQC(y,dydx,nvar,x,h1,eps,yscal,hdid,hnext,su_derivs) endif if(hdid.eq.h)then nok=nok+1 else nbad=nbad+1 endif if((x-x2)*(x2-x1).ge.zero)then do 14 i=1,nvar ystart(i)=y(i) 14 continue if(kmax.ne.0)then kount=kount+1 xp(kount)=x do 15 i=1,nvar yp(i,kount)=y(i) 15 continue endif return endif c if(dabs(hnext).lt.hmin) pause 'stepsize smaller than minimum.' iflop=0 if(dabs(hnext).lt.hmin) then c write(*,'(a)') 'stepsize smaller than minimum.' iflop=1 endif h=hnext 16 continue iflop=1 return end c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_RKQC(y,dydx,n,x,htry,eps,yscal,hdid,hnext,SU_DERIVS) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Fourth order Runge--Kutta numerical algorithms solving differential c equations by Numerical Recipes. Needed by the SU_ODEINT above. c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) parameter (nmax=31,fcor=.066666666666666667d0, * one=1.d0,safety=0.9d0,errcon=6.d-6) COMMON/SU_good/iflop external SU_DERIVS dimension y(n),dydx(n),yscal(n),ytemp(nmax),ysav(nmax),dysav(nmax) pgrow=-0.20d0 pshrnk=-0.25d0 xsav=x do 11 i=1,n ysav(i)=y(i) dysav(i)=dydx(i) 11 continue h=htry 1 hh= h/2 CALL SU_RK4(ysav,dysav,n,xsav,hh,ytemp,su_derivs) x=xsav+hh CALL SU_DERIVS(x,ytemp,dydx) CALL SU_RK4(ytemp,dydx,n,x,hh,y,su_derivs) x=xsav+h if(x.eq.xsav) then c pause 'stepsize not significant in rkqc.' c write(*,'(a)') 'stepsize not significant in rkqc.' iflop =1 return endif CALL SU_RK4(ysav,dysav,n,xsav,h,ytemp,su_derivs) errmax=0.d0 do 12 i=1,n ytemp(i)=y(i)-ytemp(i) errmax=max(errmax,abs(ytemp(i)/yscal(i))) 12 continue errmax=errmax/eps if(errmax.gt.one) then h=safety*h*(errmax**pshrnk) goto 1 else hdid=h if(errmax.gt.errcon)then hnext=safety*h*(errmax**pgrow) else hnext=4*h endif endif do 13 i=1,n y(i)=y(i)+ytemp(i)*fcor 13 continue return end c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_RK4(y,dydx,n,x,h,yout,SU_DERIVS) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Fourth order Runge--Kutta numerical algorithms solving differential c equations by Numerical Recipes. Needed by the routines above for the RGEs. c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ implicit real*8(a-h,o-z) parameter (nmax=31) dimension y(n),dydx(n),yout(n),yt(nmax),dyt(nmax),dym(nmax) hh=h/2 h6=h/6 xh=x+hh do 11 i=1,n yt(i)=y(i)+hh*dydx(i) 11 continue CALL SU_DERIVS(xh,yt,dyt) do 12 i=1,n yt(i)=y(i)+hh*dyt(i) 12 continue CALL SU_DERIVS(xh,yt,dym) do 13 i=1,n yt(i)=y(i)+h*dym(i) dym(i)=dyt(i)+dym(i) 13 continue CALL SU_DERIVS(x+h,yt,dyt) do 14 i=1,n yout(i)=y(i)+h6*(dydx(i)+dyt(i)+2*dym(i)) 14 continue return end c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Following are the main routine for the RGE evolution of parameter between c low and high energy scales. It returns a set of n mass and coupling c parameters "y" at a specified scale exp(x2) when given at an initial c scale exp(x2). Its uses the beta functions in the subroutine SU_DERIVS c and solves the coupled differential equations with the SU_RKQC c Runge-Kutta subroutine. Thus y(n) is a vector containing all the n RG c evolving parameters at various possible scales depending on evolution c stages. The parameters are c y(1) = g1^2 U(1) gauge coupling squared c y(2) = g2^2 SU(2)_L gauge coupling squared c y(3) = g3^2 SU(3) gauge coupling squared c y(4) = Y_tau tau lepton Yukawa coupling c y(5) = Y_b bottom quark Yukawa coupling c y(6) = Y_top top quark Yukawa coupling c y(7) = Ln(vu) logarithm of the vev vu c y(8) = Ln(vd) logarithm of the vev vd c y(9) = A_tau trilinear coupling for stau c y(10)= A_b trilinear coupling for sbottom c y(11)= A_top trilinear coupling for stop c y(12)= (m_phi_u)^2 scalar phi_u mass term squared c y(13)= (m_phi_d)^2 scalar phi_d mass term squared c y(14)= mtaur^2 right-handed stau mass term squared c y(15)= msl^2 left-handed stau mass term squared c y(16)= mbr^2 right-handed sbottom mass term squared c y(17)= mtr^2 right-handed stop mass term squared c y(18)= msq^2 left-handed stop mass term squared c y(19)= B the (dimensionful) bilinear parameter B c y(20)= Ln(|M1|) logarithm of the bino mass term c y(21)= Ln(|M2|) logarithm of the wino mass term c y(22)= Ln(|M3|) logarithm of the gluino mass term c y(23)= Ln(|mu|) logarithm of the |mu| parameter c y(24)= mer^2 right-handed selectron (smuon) mass term squared c y(25)= mel^2 left-handed selectron (smuon) mass term squared c y(26)= mdr^2 right-handed sdown (sstrange) mass term squared c y(27)= mur^2 right-handed sup (scharm) mass term squared c y(28)= muq^2 left-handed sup (scharm) mass term squared c y(29)= A_l trilinear coupling for selectron (smuon) c y(30)= A_d trilinear coupling for sdown (sstrange) c y(21)= A_u trilinear coupling for sup (scharm). c Note that the number of running parameters consist of the 22 parameters c of the phenomenological MSSM; + the 3 gauge and the 3 Yukawa couplings, c +3 parameters (vu, vd, B) which are in fact dependent of others. cc ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c SUBROUTINE SU_DERIV1(x,y,dydx) c SUBROUTINE SU_DERIV2(x,y,dydx) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c These are the derivatives of the RG running parameters y(xN), i.e the beta c functions beta(y)=d(y)/dln(Q). The analytic expressions of the functions c are taken from (up to some sign conventions which have been changed): c Castano, Ramond, Piard in Phys. Rev. D49 (1994) 4882, c Barger, Berger, Ohmann in Phys.Rev. D49 (1994) 4908. c DERIV1 : includes only 1-loop RGE with full MSSM threshold. c DERIV2 : includes 2-loop RGE for gauge, Yukawa cpls, gaugino masses, m_Hu,d c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_DERIV1(x,y,dydx) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) parameter (n=31) dimension y(n),dydx(n),ygut(n),yewsb(n) COMMON/SU_cte/nf,cpi,zm,wm,tbeta COMMON/SU_sthresh/rmtop,susym,egut COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtaudum,mbdum,mtop COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole COMMON/SU_stegut/ifirst,jfirst,ygut COMMON/SU_gunif/kunif COMMON/SU_sgnm123/sgnm1,sgnm2,sgnm3 COMMON/SU_mssmsqua/msq,mtr,mbr,muq,mur,mdr COMMON/SU_treesfer/msbtr1,msbtr2,msttr1,msttr2 COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,yt,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_tbewsb/vuewsb,vdewsb common/su_allewsb/yewsb COMMON/SU_renscale/scale real*8 nu,nd,ne,nn,nsq,n1sq,nsu,n1su,nsd,n1sd,nsl,n1sl,nse,n1se, . nhino,nh,nbino,nwino,ngino,nf,nhl,nhlino,nhh,nhhino data nn/3.d0/,nd/3.d0/,ne/3.d0/ pi=4*datan(1.d0) Q = dexp(x) c g1, g2 gauge unif.: if(kunif.ne.0.and.h1.gt.0.d0.and.Q.gt.1.d15) then if(y(1).ge.y(2)) then if(ifirst.eq.0) then egut=Q c freeze out the gauge +Yukawa+vu,vd couplings after that do ii=1,31 ygut(ii)=y(ii) enddo endif ifirst=1 endif endif c simple (unique scale) threshold in beta functions: st1= 1.d0 ! (full MSSM RGEs) st2=1.d0 nu=2.d0 +st1 nsq=3*st2 n1sq=st2 nsu=3*st2 n1su=st2 nsd=3*st2 n1sd=st2 nsl=3*st2 n1sl=st2 nse=3*st2 n1se=st2 nhino=2.d0*st2 nbino=st2 nwino=st2 ngino=st2 nh=1.d0+st2 nhl=st2 nhh=st2 nhlino=st2 nhhino=st2 c c coefficient of the beta functions for gauge couplings b10 = 2.d0/5*(17*nu/12+5*nd/12+5*ne/4+nn/4) . +nsq/30 . +4*nsu/15+nsd/15+nsl/10+nse/5 . +nhino/5 +nh/10 b20 = -22.d0/3+(nu+nd)/2+(ne+nn)/6 . +nsq/2 + nsl/6 + nhino/3 . +nh/6 +4*nwino/3 b30 = 2*(nu+nd)/3 +nsq/3+nsu/6+nsd/6+2*ngino -11.d0 c c - gauge coupling beta functions (nb the variables are g^2): c -y(1)--y(3): g1^2,g2^2,g3^2. dydx(1) = 2*cpi*b10*y(1)*y(1) dydx(2) = 2*cpi*b20*y(2)*y(2) dydx(3) = 2*cpi*b30*y(3)*y(3) c - Yukawa coupling beta function (only Ytau,Yb,Ytop included): c -y(4)--y(6): Ytau,Yb,Ytop ytau2 =y(4)*y(4) yb2 = y(5)*y(5) ytop2 = y(6)*y(6) tbet=dexp(y(7)-y(8)) cb2=1.d0/(1.d0+tbet*tbet) sb2=1.d0-cb2 c Ytaubeta = 3*y(4)*ytau2 . +(3*yb2+ytau2)*y(4) . +(-3.d0/5*y(1)*(15.d0/4+3.d0/4- . (1.d0/4+1.d0 +1.d0/4)) . -y(2)*(9.d0/4+9.d0/4-3.d0*(2)/4))*y(4) Ybbeta = 3*y(5)*yb2 + . y(5)*ytop2+(3*yb2+ytau2)*y(5) . +(-3.d0/5*y(1)*(5.d0/12+3.d0/4- . (1.d0/36+1.d0/9+1.d0/4)) . -y(2)*(9.d0/4+9.d0/4-3*(2.d0)/4) . -y(3)*(8.d0-4.d0*(2)/3))*y(5) Ytbeta =3*y(6)*ytop2 + . y(6)*yb2+3*y(6)*ytop2 .+(-3.d0/5*y(1)*(17.d0/12+3.d0/4- . (1.d0/36 +4.d0/9 +1.d0/4)) . -y(2)*(9.d0/4+9.d0/4-3.d0*(2)/4) . -y(3)*(8.d0-4.d0*(2)/3))*y(6) c dydx(4) = cpi*y(4)*(4*ytau2 +3*yb2-9*y(1)/5.d0-3*y(2)) dydx(5) = cpi*y(5)*(6*yb2 +ytau2 +ytop2 . -7*y(1)/15. -3*y(2) -16*y(3)/3.) dydx(6) = cpi*y(6)*(6*ytop2 +yb2 . -13*y(1)/15.d0 -3*y(2) -16*y(3)/3.d0) c - Higgs vev beta functions: c - y(7), y(8) = Ln(vu), Ln(vd) dydx(7) = cpi*(3.d0/4*(y(1)/5 +y(2)) -3*ytop2) dydx(8) = cpi*(3.d0/4*(y(1)/5 +y(2)) -3*yb2-ytau2) c - soft susy-breaking terms beta functions: c - y(9)--y(11) : Atau, Ab, Atop dydx(9) =cpi*(8*ytau2*y(9) +6*yb2*y(10) . +6*(3*y(1)*sgnM1*dexp(y(20))/5 +sgnM2*y(2)*dexp(y(21)))) dydx(10) =cpi*(12*y(10)*yb2 +2*y(9)*ytau2+2*y(11)*ytop2 . +14*y(1)/15*sgnM1*dexp(y(20))+6*y(2)*sgnM2*dexp(y(21)) . +32*y(3)/3*sgnM3*dexp(y(22))) dydx(11) =cpi*(12*y(11)*ytop2 +2*y(10)*yb2 . +26*y(1)/15*sgnM1*dexp(y(20))+6*y(2)*sgnM2*dexp(y(21)) . +32*y(3)/3*sgnM3*dexp(y(22))) c - y(12)--y(13) : m^2(phi_u), m^2(phi_d) trym2 = y(18)-2*y(17)+y(16)-y(15)+y(14)+y(12)-y(13) . +2*(y(28)-2*y(27)+y(26)-y(25)+y(24)) dydx(12) =2*cpi*(3*ytop2*(y(12)+y(18)+y(17)+y(11)*y(11)) . +3.d0/10*y(1)*trym2 -3*y(1)/5*dexp(2*y(20)) . -3*y(2)*dexp(2*y(21))) dydx(13) = 2*cpi*(ytau2*(y(13)+y(15)+y(14)+y(9)*y(9)) . +3*yb2*(y(13)+y(18)+y(16)+y(10)*y(10)) . -3.d0/10*y(1)*trym2 -3*y(1)/5*dexp(2*y(20)) . -3*y(2)*dexp(2*y(21))) c - (1-loop) y(14)--y(19) : m^2_tau, m^2_L, m^2_b, m^2_top, m^2_Q, B dydx(14) = 2*cpi*(2*ytau2*(y(13)+y(14)+y(15)+y(9)*y(9)) . +3*y(1)/5*trym2 -12*y(1)/5*dexp(2*y(20))) dydx(15) = 2*cpi*(ytau2*(y(13)+y(15)+y(14)+y(9)*y(9)) . -3*y(1)/10*trym2 -3*y(1)/5*dexp(2*y(20)) . -3*y(2)*dexp(2*y(21))) dydx(16) = 2*cpi*(2*yb2*(y(13)+y(16)+y(18)+y(10)*y(10)) . +y(1)/5*trym2-4*y(1)/15*dexp(2*y(20)) . -16*y(3)/3*dexp(2*y(22))) dydx(17) =2*cpi*(2*ytop2*(y(12)+y(17)+y(18)+y(11)*y(11)) . -2*y(1)/5*trym2 -16*y(1)/15*dexp(2*y(20)) . -16*y(3)/3*dexp(2*y(22))) dydx(18) =2*cpi*(ytop2*(y(12)+y(17)+y(18)+y(11)*y(11)) . +yb2*(y(13)+y(18)+y(16)+y(10)*y(10)) . +y(1)/10*trym2 -y(1)/15*dexp(2*y(20))-3*y(2)*dexp(2*y(21)) . -16*y(3)/3*dexp(2*y(22))) dydx(19) = 2*cpi*(3*y(11)*ytop2 +3*y(10)*yb2 +y(9)*ytau2 . +3*y(1)/5*sgnM1*dexp(y(20)) +3*y(2)*sgnM2*dexp(y(21))) c - Gauginos masses beta functions: c - y(20)--y(22) : Ln (M1,M2,M3) dydx(20) = -2*cpi*(-3.d0/5-nf)*y(1) dydx(21) = -2*cpi*(5.d0-nf)*y(2) dydx(22) = -2*cpi*(9.d0-nf)*y(3) c - the mu parameter: c - y(23) = Ln mu dydx(23) = cpi*(3*ytop2 +3*yb2+ytau2 -3*y(1)/5-3*y(2)) c - y(24)--y(28) : 1st and 2d gen. sfermion mass^2 terms: c m^2_er, m^2_eL, m^2_dr, m^2_ur, m^2_uL dydx(24) = 2*cpi*(3*y(1)/5*trym2 -12*y(1)/5*dexp(2*y(20))) dydx(25) = 2*cpi*(-3*y(1)/10*trym2 -3*y(1)/5*dexp(2*y(20)) . -3*y(2)*dexp(2*y(21))) dydx(26) = 2*cpi*( . y(1)/5*trym2-4*y(1)/15*dexp(2*y(20))-16*y(3)/3 . *dexp(2*y(22))) dydx(27) =2*cpi*( . -2*y(1)/5*trym2 -16*y(1)/15*dexp(2*y(20)) . -16*y(3)/3*dexp(2*y(22))) dydx(28) =2*cpi*( . y(1)/10*trym2 -y(1)/15*dexp(2*y(20))-3*y(2)*dexp(2*y(21)) . -16*y(3)/3*dexp(2*y(22))) c - y(29)--y(31) : Ae (Anu), Ad (As), Au (Ac) dydx(29) =cpi*(2*ytau2*y(9) +6*yb2*y(10) . +6*(3*y(1)*sgnM1*dexp(y(20))/5 +sgnM2*y(2)*dexp(y(21)))) dydx(30) =cpi*(2*ytau2*y(9) +6*yb2*y(10) . +14*y(1)/15*sgnM1*dexp(y(20))+6*y(2)*sgnM2*dexp(y(21)) . +32*y(3)/3*sgnM3*dexp(y(22))) dydx(31) =cpi*(6*ytop2*y(11) . +26*y(1)/15*sgnM1*dexp(y(20))+6*y(2)*sgnM2*dexp(y(21)) . +32*y(3)/3*sgnM3*dexp(y(22))) c end c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SUBROUTINE SU_DERIV2(x,y,dydx) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c -main reference for two-loop MSSM RGE: c S.P. Martin and M.T. Vaughn, hep-ph/9311340, Phys.Rev. D50 (1994) 2282 implicit real*8(a-h,m,n,o-z) integer*2 n parameter (n=31) dimension y(n),dydx(n),ygut(n),yewsb(n) COMMON/SU_cte/nf,cpi,zm,wm,tbeta COMMON/SU_sthresh/rmtop,susym,egut COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtaudum,mbdum,mtop COMMON/SU_stepwi/wistep,h1,kpole COMMON/SU_stegut/ifirst,jfirst,ygut COMMON/SU_gunif/kunif COMMON/SU_sgnm123/sgnm1,sgnm2,sgnm3 COMMON/SU_mssmsqua/msq,mtr,mbr,muq,mur,mdr COMMON/SU_treesfer/msbtr1,msbtr2,msttr1,msttr2 COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytau,yb,yt,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_tbewsb/vuewsb,vdewsb common/su_allewsb/yewsb COMMON/SU_renscale/scale data nn/3.d0/,nd/3.d0/,ne/3.d0/ c pi=4*datan(1.d0) Q = dexp(x) c g1, g2 gauge unif.: if(kunif.ne.0.and.h1.gt.0.d0.and.Q.gt.1.d15) then if(y(1).ge.y(2)) then if(ifirst.eq.0) then egut=Q c freeze out the gauge +Yukawa+vu,vd couplings at GUT scale: do ii=1,31 ygut(ii)=y(ii) enddo endif ifirst= 1 endif endif st1=1.d0 ! (full MSSM RGEs) st2=1.d0 nu=2.d0 +st1 nsq=3*st2 n1sq=st2 nsu=3*st2 n1su=st2 nsd=3*st2 n1sd=st2 nsl=3*st2 n1sl=st2 nse=3*st2 n1se=st2 nhino=2.d0*st2 nbino=st2 nwino=st2 ngino=st2 nh=1.d0+st2 nhl=st2 nhh=st2 nhlino=st2 nhhino=st2 c b10 = 2.d0/5*(17*nu/12+5*nd/12+5*ne/4+nn/4) . +nsq/30 . +4*nsu/15+nsd/15+nsl/10+nse/5 . +nhino/5 +nh/10 b20 = -22.d0/3+(nu+nd)/2+(ne+nn)/6 . +nsq/2 + nsl/6 + nhino/3 . +nh/6 +4*nwino/3 b30 = 2*(nu+nd)/3 +nsq/3+nsu/6+nsd/6+2*ngino -11.d0 c - 2-loop gauge coupling beta functions (nb the variables are g^2): c -y(1)--y(3): g1^2,g2^2,g3^2. ytau2 =y(4)*y(4) yb2 = y(5)*y(5) ytop2 = y(6)*y(6) mm1 = sgnM1*dexp(y(20)) mm2 = sgnM2*dexp(y(21)) mm3 = sgnM3*dexp(y(22)) c dydx(1) = 2*cpi*b10*y(1)*y(1) . +2*cpi*cpi*y(1)*y(1)*((19*nf/15+9.d0/25)*y(1) . +(3*nf/5+9.d0/5) . *y(2)+44*nf/15*y(3)-26*ytop2/5-14*yb2/5-18*ytau2/5) dydx(2) = 2*cpi*b20*y(2)*y(2) . +2*cpi*cpi*y(2)*y(2)*((nf/5+3.d0/5)*y(1) . +(7*nf-17.d0)*y(2) . +4*nf*y(3) -6*ytop2 -6*yb2-2*ytau2 ) dydx(3) = 2*cpi*b30*y(3)*y(3) . +2*cpi*cpi*y(3)*y(3)*(11*nf/30*y(1)+3*nf/2*y(2) . +(34*nf/3-54.d0) . *y(3) -4*ytop2 -4*yb2 ) c - 2-loop Yukawa coupling beta function (only Ytau,Yb,Ytop included): c -y(4)--y(6): Ytau,Yb,Ytop c tbet=dexp(y(7)-y(8)) cb2=1.d0/(1.d0+tbet*tbet) sb2=1.d0-cb2 c Ytaubeta = 3*y(4)*ytau2 . +(3*yb2+ytau2)*y(4) . +(-3.d0/5*y(1)*(15.d0/4+3.d0/4- . (1.d0/4+1.d0 +1.d0/4)) . -y(2)*(9.d0/4+9.d0/4-3.d0*(2)/4))*y(4) Ybbeta = 3*y(5)*yb2 + . y(5)*ytop2+(3*yb2+ytau2)*y(5) . +(-3.d0/5*y(1)*(5.d0/12+3.d0/4- . (1.d0/36+1.d0/9+1.d0/4)) . -y(2)*(9.d0/4+9.d0/4-3*(2.d0)/4) . -y(3)*(8.d0-4.d0*(2)/3))*y(5) Ytbeta =3*y(6)*ytop2 + . y(6)*yb2+3*y(6)*ytop2 .+(-3.d0/5*y(1)*(17.d0/12+3.d0/4- . (1.d0/36 +4.d0/9 +1.d0/4)) . -y(2)*(9.d0/4+9.d0/4-3.d0*(2)/4) . -y(3)*(8.d0-4.d0*(2)/3))*y(6) c dydx(4) =cpi*(Ytaubeta . +cpi*y(4)*(-10*ytau2*ytau2-9*yb2*yb2 -9*yb2*ytau2-3*yb2*ytop2 . +(6*y(2)+6*y(1)/5)*ytau2 +(-2*y(1)/5+16*y(3))*yb2 . +(9*nf/5+27.d0/10)*y(1)*y(1)+(3*nf-21.d0/2)*y(2)*y(2) . +9*y(1)*y(2)/5 ) ) dydx(5) = cpi*(Ybbeta . +cpi*y(5)*(-22*yb2*yb2-5*ytop2*ytop2-5*yb2*ytop2-3*yb2*ytau2 . -3*ytau2*ytau2 . +4*y(1)/5*ytop2+(2*y(1)/5+6*y(2)+16*y(3))*yb2 . +6*y(1)/5*ytau2 . +(7*nf/15+7.d0/18)*y(1)*y(1)+(3*nf-21.d0/2)*y(2)*y(2) . +(16*nf/3-304.d0/9)*y(3)*y(3)+y(1)*y(2)+8*y(1)*y(3)/9 . +8*y(2)*y(3) ) ) dydx(6) = cpi*(Ytbeta . +cpi*y(6)*(-22*ytop2*ytop2-5*yb2*yb2-5*yb2*ytop2-yb2*ytau2 . +(6*y(1)/5+6*y(2)+16*y(3))*ytop2+2*y(1)/5*yb2 . +(13*nf/15+403.d0/450)*y(1)*y(1)+(3*nf-21.d0/2) . *y(2)*y(2) . +(16*nf/3-304.d0/9)*y(3)*y(3) +y(1)*y(2)+136.d0/45 . *y(1)*y(3) . +8*y(2)*y(3) ) ) c - (2-loop) Higgs vev beta functions: c - y(7), y(8) = Ln vu, Ln vd dydx(7) = cpi*(3.d0/4*(y(1)/5 +y(2)) -3*ytop2) . +cpi*cpi*(9*ytop2*ytop2/4+9*ytop2*yb2/4 . -(19*y(1)/10+9*y(2)/2+20*y(3))*ytop2 . -(279.d0/800+1803*nf/3200)*y(1)*y(1) . -(207.d0/32+357*nf/128)*y(2)*y(2) . -(27.d0/80+9*nf/160)*y(1)*y(2)) dydx(8) = cpi*(3.d0/4*(y(1)/5 +y(2)) -3*yb2-ytau2) . +cpi*cpi*(9*yb2*yb2/4+9*yb2*ytop2/4+3*ytau2*ytau2/4 . -(2*y(1)/5+9*y(2)/2+20*y(3))*yb2 . -(9*y(1)/5+3*y(2)/2)*ytau2 . -(279.d0/800+1803*nf/3200)*y(1)*y(1) . -(207.d0/32+357*nf/128)*y(2)*y(2) . -(27.d0/80+9*nf/160)*y(1)*y(2)) c - (2-loop) soft susy-breaking terms beta functions: c - y(9)--y(11) : Atau, Ab, Atop dhtau1loop = y(9)*(3*yb2+6*ytau2-3*y(2) -9*y(1)/5) . +6*y(10)*yb2 +6*y(9)*ytau2+6*mM2*y(2) . +18*y(1)/5*mM1 dhtau2loop = y(9)*(-9*yb2*yb2-3*yb2*ytop2-14*ytau2*ytau2 . -15*yb2*ytau2 +(16*y(3)-2*y(1)/5)*yb2 +6*y(1)/5*ytau2 . +(12*y(2)-6*y(1)/5)*ytau2 . +15*y(2)*y(2)/2 +9*y(2)*y(1)/5 +27*y(1)*y(1)/2 ) . -6*(6*y(10)*yb2*yb2 +(y(10)+y(11))*yb2*ytop2) . -36*y(9)*ytau2*ytau2 -yb2*ytau2*(12*y(9)+18*y(10)) . +(32*y(3)-4*y(1)/5)*yb2*y(10) +12*y(1)/5*ytau2*y(9) . +(6*y(2)+6*y(1)/5)*ytau2*y(9) . -(32*y(3)*mm3-4*y(1)/5*mm1)*yb2 -12*y(1)/5*mm1*ytau2 . -12*y(2)*mm2*ytau2 . -30*y(2)*y(2)*mm2 -18*y(2)*y(1)/5*(mm1+mm2) -54*y(1)*y(1)*mm1 dydx(9) =cpi*dhtau1loop +cpi*cpi*dhtau2loop -y(9)/y(4)*dydx(4) dhb1loop= y(10)*(8*yb2+ytau2+ytop2 -16*y(3)/3-3*y(2)-7*y(1)/15) . +10*y(10)*yb2 +2*y(9)*ytau2 +2*y(11)*ytop2 . +14*y(1)/15*mM1+6*y(2)*mM2 . +32*y(3)/3*mM3 dhb2loop= y(10)*(-30*yb2*yb2 -5*ytop2*ytop2 -7*yb2*ytop2 . -5*yb2*ytau2 -3*ytau2*ytau2 . +(16*y(3)-2*y(1)/5)*yb2 +6*y(1)/5*ytau2 . +4*y(1)/5*ytop2 +(12*y(2)+6*y(1)/5)*yb2 . -16*y(3)*y(3)/9 +8*y(3)*y(2)/9 +15*y(2)*y(2)/2 +y(1)*y(2) . +287*y(1)*y(1)/90 ) . -80*y(10)*yb2*yb2 -20*y(11)*ytop2*ytop2 . -(8*y(10)+10*y(11))*yb2*ytop2 . -12*y(9)*ytau2*ytau2 -yb2*ytau2*(6*y(9)+4*y(10)) . +(32*y(3)-4*y(1)/5)*yb2*y(10) +12*y(1)/5*ytau2*y(9) . +8*y(1)/5*y(11)*ytop2 +(6*y(2)+6*y(1)/5)*yb2*y(10) . -(32*y(3)*mm3-4*y(1)/5*mm1)*yb2 -12*y(1)/5*mm1*ytau2 . -(12*y(2)*mm2+8*y(1)/5*mm1)*yb2 -8*y(1)/5*mm1*ytop2 . +64*y(3)*y(3)/9*mm3 -16*y(3)*y(2)*(mm3+mm2) . -16*y(3)*y(1)/9*(mm3+mm1) . -30*y(2)*y(2)*mm2 -2*y(2)*y(1)*(mm1+mm2) -574*y(1)*y(1)/45*mm1 dydx(10) =cpi*dhb1loop +cpi*cpi*dhb2loop -y(10)/y(5)*dydx(5) dht1loop= y(11)*(8*ytop2+yb2 -16*y(3)/3-3*y(2)-13*y(1)/15) . +10*y(11)*ytop2 +2*y(10)*yb2 . +26*y(1)/15*mM1+6*y(2)*mM2 . +32*y(3)/3*mM3 dht2loop= y(11)*(-5*yb2*yb2 -30*ytop2*ytop2 -7*yb2*ytop2 . -yb2*ytau2 . +(16*y(3)+4*y(1)/5)*ytop2 +12*y(2)*ytop2 +2*y(1)/5*yb2 . -16*y(3)*y(3)/9 +8*y(3)*y(2) +15*y(2)*y(2)/2 +136*y(3)*y(1)/45 . + y(2)*y(1) +2743*y(1)*y(1)/450 ) . -80*y(11)*ytop2*ytop2 -20*y(10)*yb2*yb2 . -(8*y(11)+10*y(10))*yb2*ytop2 . -2*yb2*ytau2*(y(9)+y(10)) . +(32*y(3)+8*y(1)/5)*ytop2*y(11) +4*y(1)/5*yb2*y(10) . +(6*y(2)+6*y(1)/5)*ytop2*y(11) . -(32*y(3)*mm3+8*y(1)/5*mm1)*ytop2 -4*y(1)/5*mm1*yb2 . -(12*y(2)*mm2+4*y(1)/5*mm1)*ytop2 . +64*y(3)*y(3)/9*mm3 -16*y(3)*y(2)*(mm3+mm2) . -272*y(3)*y(1)/45*(mm3+mm1) . -30*y(2)*y(2)*mm2 -2*y(2)*y(1)*(mm1+mm2) -5486*y(1)*y(1)/225*mm1 dydx(11) =cpi*dht1loop +cpi*cpi*dht2loop -y(11)/y(6)*dydx(6) c - (1-loop) y(12)--y(13) : m^2(phi_u), m^2(phi_d) trym2 = y(18)-2*y(17)+y(16)-y(15)+y(14)+y(12)-y(13) . +2*(y(28)-2*y(27)+y(26)-y(25)+y(24)) dydx(12) =2*cpi*(3*ytop2*(y(12)+y(18)+y(17)+y(11)*y(11)) . +3.d0/10*y(1)*trym2 -3*y(1)/5*mm1**2 . -3*y(2)*mm2**2) c dydx(13) = 2*cpi*(ytau2*(y(13)+y(15)+y(14)+y(9)*y(9)) . +3*yb2*(y(13)+y(18)+y(16)+y(10)*y(10)) . -3.d0/10*y(1)*trym2 -3*y(1)/5*mm1**2 . -3*y(2)*mm2**2) c two-loop part sumt = y(12)+y(18)+y(17)+y(11)*y(11) sumb = y(13)+y(18)+y(16)+y(10)*y(10) sumtau = y(13)+y(15)+y(14)+y(9)*y(9) trmQ = 2*y(28)+y(18) trmU = 2*y(27)+y(17) trmD = 2*y(26)+y(16) trmL = 2*y(25)+y(15) trmE = 2*y(24)+y(14) curlySp = -ytop2*(3*y(12)+y(18) -4*y(17)) $ +yb2*(3*y(13)-y(18)-2*y(16)) $ +ytau2*(y(13)+y(15)-2*y(14)) $ +(1.5*y(2)+0.3*y(1))*(y(12)-y(13)-trmL) $ +(8.d0/3*y(3)+1.5*y(2)+1.d0/30*y(1))*trmQ $ -(16.d0/3*y(3)+16.d0/15*y(1))*trmU $ +(8.d0/3*y(3)+2.d0/15*y(1))*trmD + 1.2*y(1)*trmE sig1 = y(1)/5*(3*(y(12)+y(13))+trmQ+3*trmL+8*trmU $ + 2*trmD+6*trmE) sig2 = y(2)*(y(12)+y(13)+3*trmQ+trmL) sig3 = y(3)*(2*trmQ +trmU+trmD) c dydx(12) = dydx(12)+cpi**2* $ (-6d0*(6*ytop2**2*(sumt+y(11)*y(11)) $ +(sumt+sumb+2*y(11)*y(10))*ytop2*yb2) $ +32*y(3)*ytop2*(sumt+2d0*mm3**2-2*y(11)*mm3) $ +1.6*y(1)*ytop2*(sumt+2d0*mm1**2-2*y(11)*mm1) $ +1.2*y(1)*curlySp+33*y(2)**2*mm2**2 $ +3.6*y(1)*y(2)*(mm2**2+mm1**2+mm2*mm1) $ +621.d0/25*y(1)**2*mm1**2+3*y(2)*sig2+0.6*y(1)*sig1) dydx(13) = dydx(13)+cpi**2* $ (-6d0*(6*yb2**2*(sumb+y(10)*y(10)) $ +(sumt+sumb+2d0*y(11)*y(10))*ytop2*yb2 $ +2*(sumtau+y(9)*y(9))*ytau2**2) $ +32*y(3)*yb2*(sumb+2*mm3**2-2*y(10)*mm3) $ -0.8*y(1)*yb2*(sumb+2*mm1**2-2*y(10)*mm1) $ +2.4*y(1)*ytau2*(sumtau+2d0*mm1**2-2*y(9)*mm1) $ -1.2*y(1)*curlySp+33*y(2)**2*mm2**2 $ +3.6*y(1)*y(2)*(mm2**2+mm1**2+mm2*mm1) $ +621.d0/25*y(1)**2*mm1**2+3*y(2)*sig2+0.6*y(1)*sig1) c - (2-loop) y(14)--y(19) : m^2_tau, m^2_L, m^2_b, m^2_top, m^2_Q, B c dydx(14) = 2*cpi*(2*ytau2*(y(13)+y(14)+y(15)+y(9)*y(9)) . +3*y(1)/5*trym2 -12*y(1)/5*mm1**2) dydx(14) = dydx(14) +cpi**2* . (-16*ytau2**2*(sumtau+y(9)*y(9)) . -ytau2*yb2*(12*(sumtau+sumb)+8*y(9)*y(10)) . +2*sumtau*ytau2*(6*y(2)-6*y(1)/5) . +12*y(2)*ytau2*(2*mm2**2-2*y(9)*mm2) . -12*y(1)/5*ytau2*(2*mm1**2-2*y(9)*mm1) . +12*y(1)/5*curlySp +2808d0/25*y(1)**2*mm1**2 . +12*y(1)/5*sig1) dydx(15) = 2*cpi*(ytau2*(y(13)+y(15)+y(14)+y(9)*y(9)) . -3*y(1)/10*trym2 -3*y(1)/5*mm1**2 . -3*y(2)*mm2**2) dydx(15) = dydx(15) +cpi**2* . (-12*ytau2**2*(sumtau+y(9)*y(9)) . -6*ytau2*yb2*(sumtau+sumb+2*y(9)*y(10)) . + 6*y(1)/5*ytau2*(2*sumtau-4*mm1*y(9)+4*mm1**2) . -6*y(1)/5*curlySp +33*y(2)**2*mm2**2 . +18*y(1)*y(2)/5*(mm2**2+mm1**2+mm1*mm2) . +621d0/25*y(1)**2*mm1**2 . +3*y(1)/5*sig1 +3*y(2)*sig2) dydx(16) = 2*cpi*(2*yb2*(y(13)+y(16)+y(18)+y(10)*y(10)) . +y(1)/5*trym2-4*y(1)/15*mm1**2 . -16*y(3)/3*mm3**2) dydx(16) = dydx(16) +cpi**2* . (-32*yb2**2*(sumb+y(10)*y(10)) . -4*ytop2*yb2*(sumt+sumb+2*y(11)*y(10)) . -4*ytau2*yb2*(sumtau+sumb+2*y(9)*y(10)) . +2*(6*y(2)+2*y(1)/5)*yb2*sumb . +12*y(2)*yb2*(2*mm2**2-2*y(10)*mm2) . +4*y(1)/5*yb2*(2*mm1**2-2*y(10)*mm1) . +4*y(1)/5*curlySp -128*y(3)**2/3*mm3**2 . +128*y(1)*y(3)/45*(mm3**2+mm1**2+mm1*mm3) . +808d0/75*y(1)**2*mm1**2 . +4*y(1)/15*sig1 +16*y(3)/3*sig3) dydx(17) =2*cpi*(2*ytop2*(y(12)+y(17)+y(18)+y(11)*y(11)) . -2*y(1)/5*trym2 -16*y(1)/15*mm1**2 . -16*y(3)/3*mm3**2) dydx(17) = dydx(17) +cpi**2* . (-32*ytop2**2*(sumt+y(11)*y(11)) . -4*ytop2*yb2*(sumt+sumb+2*y(11)*y(10)) . +2*(6*y(2)-2*y(1)/5)*ytop2*sumt . +12*y(2)*ytop2*(2*mm2**2-2*y(11)*mm2) . -4*y(1)/5*ytop2*(2*mm1**2-2*y(11)*mm1) . -8*y(1)/5*curlySp -128*y(3)**2/3*mm3**2 . +512*y(1)*y(3)/45*(mm3**2+mm1**2+mm1*mm3) . +3424d0/75*y(1)**2*mm1**2 . +16*y(1)/15*sig1 +16*y(3)/3*sig3) dydx(18) =2*cpi*(ytop2*(y(12)+y(17)+y(18)+y(11)*y(11)) . +yb2*(y(13)+y(18)+y(16)+y(10)*y(10)) . +y(1)/10*trym2 -y(1)/15*mm1**2 -3*y(2)*mm2**2 . -16*y(3)/3*mm3**2 ) dydx(18) = dydx(18) +cpi**2* . (-20*ytop2**2*(sumt+y(11)*y(11)) . -20*yb2**2*(sumb+y(10)*y(10)) . -2*ytau2*yb2*(sumtau+sumb+y(9)*y(10)) . +2*y(1)/5*(4*ytop2*(sumt-2*mm1*y(11)+2*mm1**2) . +2*yb2*(sumb-2*mm1*y(10)+2*mm1**2) ) . +2*y(1)/5*curlySp -128*y(3)**2/3*mm3**2 . +32*y(2)*y(3)*(mm3**2+mm2**2+mm2*mm3) . +32*y(1)*y(3)/45*(mm3**2+mm1**2+mm1*mm3) . +33*y(2)**2*mm2**2 . +2*y(1)*y(2)/5*(mm2**2+mm1**2+mm1*mm2) . +199*y(1)**2/75*mm1**2 . +y(1)/15*sig1 +16*y(3)/3*sig3 +3*y(2)*sig2) dydx(19) = 2*cpi*(3*y(11)*ytop2 +3*y(10)*yb2 +y(9)*ytau2 . +3*y(1)/5*mM1 +3*y(2)*mM2) c betB2 = . -12*(3*y(11)*ytop2**2+3*y(10)*yb2**2+y(11)*yb2*ytop2+ . y(10)*ytop2*yb2 +y(9)*ytau2**2) . +(32*y(3)+8*y(1)/5)*y(11)*ytop2+(32*y(3)-4*y(1)/5)*y(10)*yb2 . +12*y(1)/5*y(9)*ytau2 . -(32*y(3)*mm3+8*y(1)*mm1/5)*ytop2 . -(32*y(3)*mm3-4*y(1)*mm1/5)*yb2 -12*y(1)/5*mm1*ytau2 . -30*y(2)**2*mm2 -18*y(1)*y(2)/5*(mm1+mm2)-414*y(1)**2/25*mm1 c dydx(19)= dydx(19) +cpi**2*betB2 c c - Gauginos masses beta functions (includes two-loop): c - y(20)--y(22) : Ln (M1,M2,M3) dydx(20) = -2*cpi*(-3.d0/5-nf)*y(1) . +2*cpi*cpi*y(1)*((19*nf/15+9.d0/25)*y(1)*(1.d0+1.d0) . +(3*nf/5+9.d0/5)*y(2)*(1.d0+Mm2/Mm1) . +44*nf/15*y(3)*(1.d0+Mm3/Mm1) . -26*ytop2*(1.d0-y(11)/mm1)/5 . -14*yb2*(1.d0-y(10)/mm1)/5 . -18*ytau2*(1.d0-y(9)/mm1)/5) dydx(21) = -2*cpi*(5.d0-nf)*y(2) . +2*cpi*cpi*y(2)*((nf/5+3.d0/5)*y(1)*(1.d0+mm1/mm2) . +(7*nf-17.d0)*y(2)*(1.d0+1.d0) . +4*nf*y(3)*(1.d0+mm3/mm2) . -6*ytop2*(1.d0-y(11)/mm2) . -6*yb2*(1.d0 -y(10)/mm2) . -2*ytau2*(1.d0 -y(9)/mm2) ) dydx(22) = -2*cpi*(9.d0-nf)*y(3) . +2*cpi*cpi*y(3)*(11*nf/30*y(1)*(1.d0+mm1/mm3) . +3*nf/2*y(2)*(1.d0+mm2/mm3) . +(34*nf/3-54.d0)*y(3)*(1.d0+1.d0) . -4*ytop2*(1.d0 -y(11)/mm3) . -4*yb2*(1.d0 -y(10)/mm3) ) c - the mu parameter: c - y(23) = Ln mu dydx(23) = cpi*(3*ytop2 +3*yb2+ytau2 -3*y(1)/5-3*y(2)) c two-loop part dydx(23) = dydx(23)+ cpi**2*( $ -3*(3*ytop2**2+3*yb2**2+2*ytop2*yb2+ytau2**2) $ +(16*y(3)+4.d0/5.*y(1))*ytop2 $ +(16*y(3)-2.d0/5.*y(1))*yb2+6.d0/5.*y(1)*ytau2 $ +7.5*y(2)**2+1.8*y(1)*y(2)+207.d0/50.*y(1)**2) c - (2-loop) y(24)--y(28) : 1st and 2d gen. sfermion mass^2 terms: c m^2_er, m^2_eL, m^2_dr, m^2_ur, m^2_uL dydx(24) = 2*cpi*(3*y(1)/5*trym2 -12*y(1)/5*mm1**2) dydx(24) = dydx(24) +cpi**2* . (12*y(1)/5*curlySp +2808d0/25*y(1)**2*mm1**2 . +12*y(1)/5*sig1) dydx(25) = 2*cpi*(-3*y(1)/10*trym2 -3*y(1)/5*mm1**2 . -3*y(2)*mm2**2) dydx(25) = dydx(25) +cpi**2* . (-6*y(1)/5*curlySp +33*y(2)**2*mm2**2 . +18*y(1)*y(2)/5*(mm2**2+mm1**2+mm1*mm2) . +621d0/25*y(1)**2*mm1**2 . +3*y(1)/5*sig1 +3*y(2)*sig2) dydx(26) = 2*cpi*( . y(1)/5*trym2-4*y(1)/15*mm1**2 -16*y(3)/3*mm3**2 ) dydx(26) = dydx(26) +cpi**2* . (4*y(1)/5*curlySp -128*y(3)**2/3*mm3**2 . +128*y(1)*y(3)/45*(mm3**2+mm1**2+mm1*mm3) . +808d0/75*y(1)**2*mm1**2 . +4*y(1)/15*sig1 +16*y(3)/3*sig3) dydx(27) =2*cpi*( . -2*y(1)/5*trym2 -16*y(1)/15*mm1**2 -16*y(3)/3*mm3**2) dydx(27) = dydx(27) +cpi**2* . (-8*y(1)/5*curlySp -128*y(3)**2/3*mm3**2 . +512*y(1)*y(3)/45*(mm3**2+mm1**2+mm1*mm3) . +3424d0/75*y(1)**2*mm1**2 . +16*y(1)/15*sig1 +16*y(3)/3*sig3) dydx(28) =2*cpi*( . y(1)/10*trym2 -y(1)/15*mm1**2 -3*y(2)*mm2**2 . -16*y(3)/3*mm3**2 ) dydx(28) = dydx(28) +cpi**2* . (2*y(1)/5*curlySp -128*y(3)**2/3*mm3**2 . +32*y(2)*y(3)*(mm3**2+mm2**2+mm2*mm3) . +32*y(1)*y(3)/45*(mm3**2+mm1**2+mm1*mm3) . +33*y(2)**2*mm2**2 . +2*y(1)*y(2)/5*(mm2**2+mm1**2+mm1*mm2) . +199*y(1)**2/75*mm1**2 . +y(1)/15*sig1 +16*y(3)/3*sig3 +3*y(2)*sig2) c - (2-loop) y(29)--y(31) : Ae (Anu), Ad (As), Au (Ac) dhe1loop = y(29)*(ytau2 +3*yb2 -3*y(2) -9*y(1)/5) . +6*y(10)*yb2 +2*y(9)*ytau2 +6*mM2*y(2) . +18*y(1)/5*mM1 dhe2loop = y(29)*(-9*yb2*yb2-3*yb2*ytop2-3*ytau2*ytau2 . +(16*y(3)-2*y(1)/5)*yb2 +6*y(1)/5*ytau2 . +15*y(2)*y(2)/2 +9*y(2)*y(1)/5 +27*y(1)*y(1)/2 ) . -6*(6*y(10)*yb2*yb2 +(y(10)+y(11))*yb2*ytop2) . -12*y(9)*ytau2*ytau2 . +(32*y(3)-4*y(1)/5)*yb2*y(10) +12*y(1)/5*ytau2*y(9) . -(32*y(3)*mm3-4*y(1)/5*mm1)*yb2 -12*y(1)/5*mm1*ytau2 . -30*y(2)*y(2)*mm2 -18*y(2)*y(1)/5*(mm1+mm2) -54*y(1)*y(1)*mm1 dyovery4 = cpi*( ytau2 +3*yb2 -9*y(1)/5 -3*y(2)) . +cpi**2*( . -3*ytau2*ytau2-9*yb2*yb2 -3*yb2*ytop2 . +6*y(1)/5*ytau2 +(-2*y(1)/5+16*y(3))*yb2 . +(9*nf/5+27.d0/10)*y(1)*y(1)+(3*nf-21.d0/2)*y(2)*y(2) . +9*y(1)*y(2)/5 ) dydx(29) =cpi*dhe1loop +cpi*cpi*dhe2loop -y(29)*dyovery4 dhd1loop= y(30)*(3*yb2+ytau2-16*y(3)/3-3*y(2)-7*y(1)/15) . +6*y(10)*yb2 +2*y(9)*ytau2 . +14*y(1)/15*mM1+6*y(2)*mM2 . +32*y(3)/3*mM3 dhd2loop= y(30)*(-9*yb2*yb2 -3*yb2*ytop2 . -3*ytau2*ytau2 . +(16*y(3)-2*y(1)/5)*yb2 +6*y(1)/5*ytau2 . -16*y(3)*y(3)/9 +8*y(3)*y(2)/9 +15*y(2)*y(2)/2 +y(1)*y(2) . +287*y(1)*y(1)/90 ) . -36*y(10)*yb2*yb2 -6*(y(10)+y(11))*yb2*ytop2 . -12*y(9)*ytau2*ytau2 . +(32*y(3)-4*y(1)/5)*yb2*y(10) +12*y(1)/5*ytau2*y(9) . -(32*y(3)*mm3-4*y(1)/5*mm1)*yb2 -12*y(1)/5*mm1*ytau2 . +64*y(3)*y(3)/9*mm3 -16*y(3)*y(2)*(mm3+mm2) . -16*y(3)*y(1)/9*(mm3+mm1) . -30*y(2)*y(2)*mm2 -2*y(2)*y(1)*(mm1+mm2) -574*y(1)*y(1)/45*mm1 dyovery5 = cpi*( 3*yb2+ytau2 . -7*y(1)/15 -3*y(2) -16*y(3)/3) . +cpi**2*( -9*yb2*yb2 -3*yb2*ytop2 -3*ytau2*ytau2 . +(-2*y(1)/5+16*y(3))*yb2 +6*y(1)/5*ytau2 . +(7*nf/15+7.d0/18)*y(1)*y(1)+(3*nf-21.d0/2)*y(2)*y(2) . +(16*nf/3-304.d0/9)*y(3)*y(3)+y(1)*y(2)+8*y(1)*y(3)/9 . +8*y(2)*y(3) ) dydx(30) =cpi*dhd1loop +cpi*cpi*dhd2loop -y(30)*dyovery5 dhu1loop= y(31)*(3*ytop2 -16*y(3)/3-3*y(2)-13*y(1)/15) . +6*y(11)*ytop2 . +26*y(1)/15*mM1 +6*y(2)*mM2 +32*y(3)/3*mM3 dhu2loop= y(31)*( -9*ytop2*ytop2 -3*yb2*ytop2 . +(16*y(3)+4*y(1)/5)*ytop2 . -16*y(3)*y(3)/9 +8*y(3)*y(2) +15*y(2)*y(2)/2 +136*y(3)*y(1)/45 . + y(2)*y(1) +2743*y(1)*y(1)/450 ) . -36*y(11)*ytop2*ytop2 . -6*(y(11)+y(10))*yb2*ytop2 . +(32*y(3)+8*y(1)/5)*ytop2*y(11) . -(32*y(3)*mm3+8*y(1)/5*mm1)*ytop2 . +64*y(3)*y(3)/9*mm3 -16*y(3)*y(2)*(mm3+mm2) . -272*y(3)*y(1)/45*(mm3+mm1) . -30*y(2)*y(2)*mm2 -2*y(2)*y(1)*(mm1+mm2) -5486*y(1)*y(1)/225*mm1 dyovery6 = cpi*( 3*ytop2 . -13*y(1)/15 -3*y(2) -16*y(3)/3) . +cpi**2*( -9*ytop2*ytop2-3*yb2*ytop2 . +(4*y(1)/5 +16*y(3))*ytop2 . + (13*nf/15+403.d0/450)*y(1)*y(1)+(3*nf-21.d0/2) . *y(2)*y(2) . +(16*nf/3-304.d0/9)*y(3)*y(3) +y(1)*y(2)+136.d0/45 . *y(1)*y(3) . +8*y(2)*y(3) ) dydx(31) =cpi*dhu1loop +cpi*cpi*dhu2loop -y(31)*dyovery6 c end c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c ++++++++++++++ End of the routines for the RG evolution ++++++++ c c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% c c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c These routines are for the QCD running of quark masses and couplings. c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c SUBROUTINE ALSINI(ACC) c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c Subroutine for initialization in the evaluation of the strong coupling c constant alpha_s. It needs the two iteration functions to determine the c (improved) values of QCD scale Lambda for a given number of quark flavor c and masses, loop order, etc..: c DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION XITER(Q,XLB1,NF1,XLB,NF2,ACC) c DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION XITLA(NO,ALP,ACC) c There are also two important functions for the calculation of the c running of the QCD coupling at scale Q and perturbative order N: c DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION ALPHAS(Q,N) c and the running of the quark masses at scale Q and with NF quark flavors: c DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION RUNM(Q,NF) c These routines are borrowed from the program HDECAY version 2.2 c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C ************************* FUNCTION RUNM *************************** DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION RUNM(Q,NF) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,m,O-Z) PARAMETER (NN=6) PARAMETER (ZETA3 = 1.202056903159594D0) DIMENSION AM(NN),YMSB(NN) COMMON/SU_ALS/XLAMBDA,AMCA,AMBA,AMTA,N0A COMMON/SU_fmasses/AMTAU,AMB,AMT COMMON/SU_RUN/XMSB,XMHAT,XKFAC COMMON/SU_QCDFLAG/NNLO,IDRflag common/su_mbmb/mbmb,imbmb SAVE ISTRANGE B0(NF)=(33.D0-2.D0*NF)/12D0 B1(NF) = (102D0-38D0/3D0*NF)/16D0 B2(NF) = (2857D0/2D0-5033D0/18D0*NF+325D0/54D0*NF**2)/64D0 G0(NF) = 1D0 G1(NF) = (202D0/3D0-20D0/9D0*NF)/16D0 G2(NF) = (1249D0-(2216D0/27D0+160D0/3D0*ZETA3)*NF . - 140D0/81D0*NF**2)/64D0 C1(NF) = G1(NF)/B0(NF) - B1(NF)*G0(NF)/B0(NF)**2 C2(NF) = ((G1(NF)/B0(NF) - B1(NF)*G0(NF)/B0(NF)**2)**2 . + G2(NF)/B0(NF) + B1(NF)**2*G0(NF)/B0(NF)**3 . - B1(NF)*G1(NF)/B0(NF)**2 - B2(NF)*G0(NF)/B0(NF)**2)/2D0 TRAN(X,XK)=1D0+coeff1*alphas(X,2)/PI+XK*(alphas(X,2)/PI)**2 . +coeff3*(alphas(x,2)/pi)**3 c 3-loop coeff3 in M_pole/M_running relation added 10/12/03 CQ(X,NF)=(2D0*B0(NF)*X)**(G0(NF)/B0(NF)) . *(1D0+C1(NF)*X+C2(NF)*X**2) DATA ISTRANGE/0/ nnlo =1 c (always use NNLO now) C Define the light quark masses AMC=1.42D0 AMSB=0.19d0 c AMC=AMCA AMS=AMSB c PI=4D0*DATAN(1D0) ACC = 1.D-8 if(idrflag.ne.1) then coeff1 = 4D0/3D0 else coeff1 = 5D0/3D0 endif if(nnlo.eq.0) then coeff3=0.d0 else coeff3=101.45424d0 endif AM(1) = 0.d0 AM(2) = 0.d0 C-------------------------------------------- IMSBAR = 0 IF(IMSBAR.EQ.1)THEN IF(ISTRANGE.EQ.0)THEN C--STRANGE POLE MASS FROM MSBAR-MASS AT 1 GEV AMSD = XLAMBDA AMSU = 1.D8 123 AMS = (AMSU+AMSD)/2 AM(3) = AMS XMSB = AMS/CQ(alphas(AMS,2)/PI,3) . *CQ(alphas(1.D0,2)/PI,3)/TRAN(AMS,0.D0) DD = (XMSB-AMSB)/AMSB IF(DABS(DD).GE.ACC)THEN IF(DD.LE.0.D0)THEN AMSD = AM(3) ELSE AMSU = AM(3) ENDIF GOTO 123 ENDIF ISTRANGE=1 ENDIF AM(3) = AMSB ELSE AMS=AMSB AM(3) = AMS ENDIF C-------------------------------------------- c-!! modifs jlk: to determine (perturbatively, at an order consistent c with the pert. level used in RUNM) Mb(pole) from mb(mb)_MSbar input: c mbmb= mb(mb)_MSbar ; MBpole determined iteratively to acc. d-8 if(imbmb.eq.0) then c imbmb is just a counter because this calculation is only needed once do i=1,20 if(i.eq.1) then mbsave=0.d0 MBpole=mbmb endif if(nnlo.eq.0) then xkb=0.d0 else xkb= 16.11d0 -1.04d0*(4.d0-(amsb+amc)/MBpole) endif if(i.ge.3) then amba=mbpole call alsini(1.d-8) endif mbMBpole=mbmb*CQ(alphas(MBpole,2)/pi,4)/CQ(alphas(mbmb,2)/pi,4) c mbMBpole is mb(MBpole) MBpole= mbMBpole*tran(MBpole,xkb) c tran(Q,xk) is the usual pert. relation between Mpole and mrun(Mpole), c see its def. above if(dabs(1.d0-mbsave/MBpole).lt.1.d-8) goto 2 mbsave=MBpole enddo 2 AMB=MBpole imbmb=1 endif c rest of calculation follows as before: c--- AM(3) = AMSB AM(4) = AMC AM(5) = AMB AM(6) = AMT XK = 16.11D0 DO 1 I=1,NF-1 XK = XK - 1.04D0*(1.D0-AM(I)/AM(NF)) 1 CONTINUE IF(NF.GE.4)THEN XMSB = AM(NF)/TRAN(AM(NF),0D0) XMHAT = XMSB/CQ(alphas(AM(NF),2)/PI,NF) ELSE XMSB = 0.d0 XMHAT = 0.d0 ENDIF YMSB(3) = AMSB IF(NF.EQ.3)THEN YMSB(4) = YMSB(3)*CQ(alphas(AM(4),2)/PI,3)/ . CQ(alphas(1.D0,2)/PI,3) YMSB(5) = YMSB(4)*CQ(alphas(AM(5),2)/PI,4)/ . CQ(alphas(AM(4),2)/PI,4) YMSB(6) = YMSB(5)*CQ(alphas(AM(6),2)/PI,5)/ . CQ(alphas(AM(5),2)/PI,5) ELSEIF(NF.EQ.4)THEN YMSB(4) = XMSB YMSB(5) = YMSB(4)*CQ(alphas(AM(5),2)/PI,4)/ . CQ(alphas(AM(4),2)/PI,4) YMSB(6) = YMSB(5)*CQ(alphas(AM(6),2)/PI,5)/ . CQ(alphas(AM(5),2)/PI,5) ELSEIF(NF.EQ.5)THEN YMSB(5) = XMSB YMSB(4) = YMSB(5)*CQ(alphas(AM(4),2)/PI,4)/ . CQ(alphas(AM(5),2)/PI,4) YMSB(6) = YMSB(5)*CQ(alphas(AM(6),2)/PI,5)/ . CQ(alphas(AM(5),2)/PI,5) ELSEIF(NF.EQ.6)THEN YMSB(6) = XMSB YMSB(5) = YMSB(6)*CQ(alphas(AM(5),2)/PI,5)/ . CQ(alphas(AM(6),2)/PI,5) YMSB(4) = YMSB(5)*CQ(alphas(AM(4),2)/PI,4)/ . CQ(alphas(AM(5),2)/PI,4) ENDIF IF(Q.LT.AMC)THEN N0=3 Q0 = 1.D0 ELSEIF(Q.LE.AMB)THEN N0=4 Q0 = AMC ELSEIF(Q.LE.AMT)THEN N0=5 Q0 = AMB ELSE N0=6 Q0 = AMT ENDIF IF(NNLO.EQ.1.AND.NF.GT.3)THEN XKFAC = TRAN(AM(NF),0D0)/TRAN(AM(NF),XK) ELSE XKFAC = 1.D0 ENDIF runm = YMSB(N0)*CQ(alphas(Q,2)/PI,N0)/ . CQ(alphas(Q0,2)/PI,N0) . * XKFAC RETURN END C ************************* FUNCTION ALPHAS *************************** DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION ALPHAS(Q,N) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION XLB(6) COMMON/SU_ALSLAM/XLB1(6),XLB2(6) COMMON/SU_ALS/XLAMBDA,AMC,AMB,AMT,N0 B0(NF)=33.D0-2.D0*NF B1(NF)=6.D0*(153.D0-19.D0*NF)/B0(NF)**2 ALS1(NF,X)=12.D0*PI/(B0(NF)*DLOG(X**2/XLB(NF)**2)) ALS2(NF,X)=12.D0*PI/(B0(NF)*DLOG(X**2/XLB(NF)**2)) . *(1.D0-B1(NF)*DLOG(DLOG(X**2/XLB(NF)**2)) . /DLOG(X**2/XLB(NF)**2)) c PI=4.D0*DATAN(1.D0) IF(N.EQ.1)THEN DO 1 I=1,6 XLB(I)=XLB1(I) 1 CONTINUE ELSE DO 2 I=1,6 XLB(I)=XLB2(I) 2 CONTINUE ENDIF IF(Q.LT.AMC)THEN NF=3 ELSEIF(Q.LE.AMB)THEN NF=4 ELSEIF(Q.LE.AMT)THEN NF=5 ELSE NF=6 ENDIF IF(N.EQ.1)THEN alphas=ALS1(NF,Q) ELSE alphas=ALS2(NF,Q) ENDIF RETURN END C ************************* FUNCTION ALSINI *************************** SUBROUTINE ALSINI(ACC) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION XLB(6) COMMON/SU_ALSLAM/XLB1(6),XLB2(6) COMMON/SU_ALS/XLAMBDA,AMC,AMB,AMT,N0 PI=4.D0*DATAN(1.D0) XLB1(1)=0.D0 XLB1(2)=0.D0 XLB2(1)=0.D0 XLB2(2)=0.D0 IF(N0.EQ.3)THEN XLB(3)=XLAMBDA XLB(4)=XLB(3)*(XLB(3)/AMC)**(2.D0/25.D0) XLB(5)=XLB(4)*(XLB(4)/AMB)**(2.D0/23.D0) XLB(6)=XLB(5)*(XLB(5)/AMT)**(2.D0/21.D0) ELSEIF(N0.EQ.4)THEN XLB(4)=XLAMBDA XLB(5)=XLB(4)*(XLB(4)/AMB)**(2.D0/23.D0) XLB(3)=XLB(4)*(XLB(4)/AMC)**(-2.D0/27.D0) XLB(6)=XLB(5)*(XLB(5)/AMT)**(2.D0/21.D0) ELSEIF(N0.EQ.5)THEN XLB(5)=XLAMBDA XLB(4)=XLB(5)*(XLB(5)/AMB)**(-2.D0/25.D0) XLB(3)=XLB(4)*(XLB(4)/AMC)**(-2.D0/27.D0) XLB(6)=XLB(5)*(XLB(5)/AMT)**(2.D0/21.D0) ELSEIF(N0.EQ.6)THEN XLB(6)=XLAMBDA XLB(5)=XLB(6)*(XLB(6)/AMT)**(-2.D0/23.D0) XLB(4)=XLB(5)*(XLB(5)/AMB)**(-2.D0/25.D0) XLB(3)=XLB(4)*(XLB(4)/AMC)**(-2.D0/27.D0) ENDIF DO 1 I=1,6 XLB1(I)=XLB(I) 1 CONTINUE IF(N0.EQ.3)THEN XLB(3)=XLAMBDA XLB(4)=XLB(3)*(XLB(3)/AMC)**(2.D0/25.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMC/XLB(3)))**(-107.D0/1875.D0) XLB(4)=XITER(AMC,XLB(3),3,XLB(4),4,ACC) XLB(5)=XLB(4)*(XLB(4)/AMB)**(2.D0/23.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMB/XLB(4)))**(-963.D0/13225.D0) XLB(5)=XITER(AMB,XLB(4),4,XLB(5),5,ACC) XLB(6)=XLB(5)*(XLB(5)/AMT)**(2.D0/21.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMT/XLB(5)))**(-321.D0/3381.D0) XLB(6)=XITER(AMT,XLB(5),5,XLB(6),6,ACC) ELSEIF(N0.EQ.4)THEN XLB(4)=XLAMBDA XLB(5)=XLB(4)*(XLB(4)/AMB)**(2.D0/23.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMB/XLB(4)))**(-963.D0/13225.D0) XLB(5)=XITER(AMB,XLB(4),4,XLB(5),5,ACC) XLB(3)=XLB(4)*(XLB(4)/AMC)**(-2.D0/27.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMC/XLB(4)))**(107.D0/2025.D0) XLB(3)=XITER(AMC,XLB(4),4,XLB(3),3,ACC) XLB(6)=XLB(5)*(XLB(5)/AMT)**(2.D0/21.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMT/XLB(5)))**(-321.D0/3381.D0) XLB(6)=XITER(AMT,XLB(5),5,XLB(6),6,ACC) ELSEIF(N0.EQ.5)THEN XLB(5)=XLAMBDA XLB(4)=XLB(5)*(XLB(5)/AMB)**(-2.D0/25.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMB/XLB(5)))**(963.D0/14375.D0) XLB(4)=XITER(AMB,XLB(5),5,XLB(4),4,ACC) XLB(3)=XLB(4)*(XLB(4)/AMC)**(-2.D0/27.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMC/XLB(4)))**(107.D0/2025.D0) XLB(3)=XITER(AMC,XLB(4),4,XLB(3),3,ACC) XLB(6)=XLB(5)*(XLB(5)/AMT)**(2.D0/21.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMT/XLB(5)))**(-321.D0/3381.D0) XLB(6)=XITER(AMT,XLB(5),5,XLB(6),6,ACC) ELSEIF(N0.EQ.6)THEN XLB(6)=XLAMBDA XLB(5)=XLB(6)*(XLB(6)/AMT)**(-2.D0/23.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMT/XLB(6)))**(321.D0/3703.D0) XLB(5)=XITER(AMT,XLB(6),6,XLB(5),5,ACC) XLB(4)=XLB(5)*(XLB(5)/AMB)**(-2.D0/25.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMB/XLB(5)))**(963.D0/14375.D0) XLB(4)=XITER(AMB,XLB(5),5,XLB(4),4,ACC) XLB(3)=XLB(4)*(XLB(4)/AMC)**(-2.D0/27.D0) . *(2.D0*DLOG(AMC/XLB(4)))**(107.D0/2025.D0) XLB(3)=XITER(AMC,XLB(4),4,XLB(3),3,ACC) ENDIF DO 2 I=1,6 XLB2(I)=XLB(I) 2 CONTINUE RETURN END C ************************* FUNCTION XITER *************************** DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION XITER(Q,XLB1,NF1,XLB,NF2,ACC) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) B0(NF)=33.D0-2.D0*NF B1(NF)=6.D0*(153.D0-19.D0*NF)/B0(NF)**2 ALS2(NF,X,XLB)=12.D0*PI/(B0(NF)*DLOG(X**2/XLB**2)) . *(1.D0-B1(NF)*DLOG(DLOG(X**2/XLB**2)) . /DLOG(X**2/XLB**2)) AA(NF)=12D0*PI/B0(NF) BB(NF)=B1(NF)/AA(NF) XIT(A,B,X)=A/2*(1.D0+DSQRT(1D0-4*B*DLOG(X))) PI=4*DATAN(1.D0) XLB2=XLB II=0 1 II=II+1 X=DLOG(Q**2/XLB2**2) ALP=ALS2(NF1,Q,XLB1) A=AA(NF2)/ALP B=BB(NF2)*ALP XX=XIT(A,B,X) XLB2=Q*DEXP(-XX/2) Y1=ALS2(NF1,Q,XLB1) Y2=ALS2(NF2,Q,XLB2) DY=DABS(Y2-Y1)/Y1 IF(DY.GE.ACC) GOTO 1 XITER=XLB2 RETURN END C ************************* FUNCTION XITLA *************************** DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION XITLA(NO,ALP,ACC) C--ITERATION ROUTINE TO DETERMINE IMPROVED LAMBDA'S IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION (A-H,O-Z) COMMON/SU_PARAM/GF,alph,AMZ,AMW B0(NF)=33.D0-2.D0*NF B1(NF)=6.D0*(153.D0-19.D0*NF)/B0(NF)**2 ALS2(NF,X,XLB)=12.D0*PI/(B0(NF)*DLOG(X**2/XLB**2)) . *(1.D0-B1(NF)*DLOG(DLOG(X**2/XLB**2)) . /DLOG(X**2/XLB**2)) AA(NF)=12D0*PI/B0(NF) BB(NF)=B1(NF)/AA(NF) XIT(A,B,X)=A/2.D0*(1D0+DSQRT(1D0-4*B*DLOG(X))) PI=4*DATAN(1.D0) NF=5 Q=AMZ XLB=Q*DEXP(-AA(NF)/ALP/2.D0) IF(NO.EQ.1)GOTO 111 II=0 1 II=II+1 X=DLOG(Q**2/XLB**2) A=AA(NF)/ALP B=BB(NF)*ALP XX=XIT(A,B,X) XLB=Q*DEXP(-XX/2.D0) Y1=ALP Y2=ALS2(NF,Q,XLB) DY=DABS(Y2-Y1)/Y1 IF(DY.GE.ACC) GOTO 1 111 XITLA=XLB RETURN END c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ c ++++++++++++++ End of the routines for the QCD running ++++++++++++++++ c ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ subroutine su_gminus2(mel,mer,Amu,mu,tb,u,v,z,mn,mc1,mc2,gmuon) c------------------------------------------------------------------ c Calculates leading (chargino and neutralino loops) SUSY contributions c to g_mu -2 c INPUT: MEL,MER, AL: relevant soft terms (i.e. 2d generation muon sector); c MU, tb=tan(beta); c U,V,Z, mn, mc1,mc2: chargino and neutralino masses and mixing matrices. c OUPTUT: gmuon, is a_mu = g_mu -2 in standard units c------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) dimension u(2,2),v(2,2),z(4,4),mc(2),mn(4),msl(2),sl(2),sr(2), . xcl(2),xcr(2),xnl(4,2),xnr(4,2),anl(4,2),acl(2) COMMON/su_PARAM/GF,ALPH,MZ,MW c fgm2a(x) =-(1.d0-6*x+3*x**2+2*x**3-6*x**2*dlog(x)) . /(1.d0-x)**4/6 c fgm2b(x) = (1.d0-x**2+2*x*dlog(x))/(1.d0-x)**3 c fgm2c(x) =(1.d0+1.5*x-3*x**2+0.5d0*x**3+3*x*dlog(x)) . /(1.d0-x)**4/3 c fgm2d(x) =-3*(1.d0-4.d0/3*x+x**2/3+2.d0/3*dlog(x)) . /(1.d0-x)**3 c ml=0.105658357d0 mc(1)=mc1 mc(2)=mc2 b=datan(tb) cw=mw/mz sw=dsqrt(1.d0-cw**2) sw2=sw**2 pi = 4*datan(1.d0) C C calculation of the slepton masses and mixing dt = dcos(2.d0*b)*mz*mz MSEL2 = MEL**2 + (-0.5D0+SW2)*dt MSER2 = MER**2 - SW2*dt MSNL2 = MEL**2 + 0.5D0*dt MLRE = Amu - MU*TB DELE = (MSEL2-MSER2)**2 + 4.d0*(ML*MLRE)**2 MSE12 = ML**2 + 0.5D0*( MSEL2 + MSER2 + DSQRT(DELE) ) MSE22 = ML**2 + 0.5D0*( MSEL2 + MSER2 - DSQRT(DELE) ) MSN = DSQRT(MSNL2) THEL = 0.5D0 * DATAN( 2.D0*ML*MLRE/(MSEL2-MSER2) ) CCL = DCOS(THEL) SSL = DSIN(THEL) c def. of mass eingenvalues in terms of angle: msl(1)= dsqrt(ccl**2*(ml**2+msel2)+ssl**2*(ml**2+mser2) . +2*ccl*ssl*ml*mlre) msl(2)= dsqrt(ssl**2*(ml**2+msel2)+ccl**2*(ml**2+mser2) . -2*ccl*ssl*ml*mlre) C Calculation of the chargino and neutralino couplings rt2 = dsqrt(2.d0) yuk = ml / ( rt2 * mw * sw * dcos(b) ) xcl(1) = yuk*u(1,2) xcl(2) = yuk*u(2,2) xcr(1) = -v(1,1)/sw xcr(2) = -v(2,1)/sw c c i.e. for small mixing angle, slepton_1 should be mostly slepton_L do ii = 1,4 xnr(ii,1) = yuk*z(ii,3)*ccl + rt2/cw*z(ii,1)*ssl xnr(ii,2) = -yuk*z(ii,3)*ssl + rt2/cw*z(ii,1)*ccl gau = ( z(ii,1)/cw + z(ii,2)/sw ) / rt2 xnl(ii,1) = -yuk*z(ii,3)*ssl + gau*ccl xnl(ii,2) = -yuk*z(ii,3)*ccl - gau*ssl enddo do 13 i=1,4 do 13 j=1,2 anl(i,j)=ml/msl(j)**2*(xnl(i,j)*xnl(i,j)+xnr(i,j)*xnr(i,j)) . *fgm2a(mn(i)**2/msl(j)**2) . +mn(i)/msl(j)**2*xnl(i,j)*xnr(i,j)*fgm2b(mn(i)**2/msl(j)**2) 13 continue anltot=anl(1,1)+anl(2,1)+anl(3,1)+anl(4,1) . +anl(1,2)+anl(2,2)+anl(3,2)+anl(4,2) do 12 i=1,2 acl(i)=ml/msn**2*(xcl(i)**2+xcr(i)**2)*fgm2c(mc(i)**2/msn**2) . +mc(i)/msn**2*xcl(i)*xcr(i)*fgm2d(mc(i)**2/msn**2) 12 continue acltot=acl(1)+acl(2) gmuon = ml/4.d0/pi/137.d0 * (anltot+acltot) C *** Include leading-log 2-loop QED correction *** MSUSY = .2D0*( MSL(1) + MSL(2) + MSN + mc(1) + mc(2) ) GMUON = GMUON * ( 1.D0 - 4.D0/(PI*137.D0)*DLOG(MSUSY/ML) ) return end c-------------------------------------------------- subroutine su_delrho(mt,gmst,gmsb,gmstau,msn,thetat,thetab,thel, . drho) c-------------------------------------------------- c calculates leading one-loop SUSY delta_rho contributions of 3rd gen c sfermions (plus leading two-loop QCD contributions) c INPUT: MT, gmst(2), gmsb(2),gmstau(2),msn: top,stop,sbottom, c stau, stau neutrino masses and stop, sbottom, stau mixing angles c OUTPUT: drho = rho-1 c-------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) dimension gmst(2),gmsb(2),gmstau(2) common/SU_PARAM/GF,alph,mz,mw su_fr(x,y) = x+y-2*x*y/(x-y)*dlog(x/y) c pi = 4*datan(1.d0) ct=dcos(thetat) st=dsin(thetat) cb=dcos(thetab) sb=dsin(thetab) ctau =dcos(thel) stau =dsin(thel) cta2=ctau**2 sta2=stau**2 ct2=ct**2 st2=st**2 cb2=cb**2 sb2=sb**2 mt1=gmst(1)**2 mt2=gmst(2)**2 mb1=gmsb(1)**2 mb2=gmsb(2)**2 mta1=gmstau(1)**2 mta2=gmstau(2)**2 c drhotb= (ct2*(cb2*su_fr(mt1,mb1)+sb2*su_fr(mt1,mb2)) + . st2*(cb2*su_fr(mt2,mb1)+sb2*su_fr(mt2,mb2)) - . ct2*st2*su_fr(mt1,mt2)-cb2*sb2*su_fr(mb1,mb2)) drhotau= -cta2*sta2*su_fr(mta1,mta2)+cta2*su_fr(mta1,msn**2) + . sta2*su_fr(mta2,msn**2) drho = 3*drhotb*(1.d0 +2*0.12/3/pi*(1.d0+pi**2/3))+drhotau drho = GF/(8* pi**2* dsqrt(2.d0))*drho end c----------------------------------------------------- subroutine su_finetune(mu,tb,mhd2,mhu2, . czmu,czbmu,ctmu,ctbmu) c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c Calculates the degree of fine-tuning in a given model c (at the moment with respect to MZ and Mtop only). c input: mu,tbeta, mHd^2, mHu^2 (at the EWSB scale) c output: czmu,czbmu,ctmu,ctbmu are (dimensionless) measures of c the degree of fine-tuning on MU and B*MU with respect to MZ and Mtop, c respectively. The larger those numbers (>>1), the more it is "fine-tuned" c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit real*8(a-h,m,o-z) COMMON/su_PARAM/GF,ALPH,MZ,MW c czmu = 2*mu**2/mz**2*(1.d0 + (tb**2+1.d0)/(tb**2-1.d0)**2* . 4*tb**2*(mhd2-mhu2)/((mhd2-mhu2)*(tb**2+1.d0)- . mz**2*(tb**2-1.d0)) ) c czbmu = 4*tb**2*(tb**2+1.d0)/(tb**2-1.d0)**3*(mhd2-mhu2)/mz**2 c ctmu = czmu/2 +2*mu**2/(mhd2+ mhu2+2*mu**2)/(tb**2-1.d0) c ctbmu = czbmu/2 +1.d0/(1.d0-tb**2) end c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c c ------ This and the following subroutines read in the spectrum ----- c c ------ file given in the SUSY Les Houches Accord format ----- c c ------ hep-ph/0311123. ----- c c ------ Thanks to Tilman Plehn for the first version which has ----- c c ------ been expanded and changed here. ----- c c ------Modified and adapted for SuSpect ver >=2.3 by J-L Kneur ------c c ------Updated for ver 2.4 (JLK) to correct some mismatch between c ------ SLHA and SuSpect for model choice input conventions c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine SU_read_leshouches(input,ninlha,ichoice,imod) implicit double precision (a-h,m,o-z) double precision minval(1:20),extval(0:60),smval(1:20), . massval(1:50),nmixval(4,4),umixval(2,2),vmixval(2,2), . stopmixval(2,2),sbotmixval(2,2),staumixval(2,2), . hmixval(1:10),gaugeval(1:3),msoftval(1:30), . auval(3,3),adval(3,3),aeval(3,3),yuval(3,3), . ydval(3,3),yeval(3,3) double precision nl,nq integer ichoice(1:11),check(1:24),check_final,imod(1:2) character line1*6,line2*100, . spinfo1*100,spinfo2*100,modselval*100,mincom(1:20)*20, . extcom(0:60)*20 logical done COMMON/SU_leshouches1/spinfo1,spinfo2,modselval,mincom,extcom COMMON/SU_leshouches2/minval,extval,smval,massval,nmixval,umixval, . vmixval,stopmixval,sbotmixval,staumixval, . hmixval,gaugeval,msoftval,auval,adval, . aeval,yuval,ydval,yeval,alphaval,Qvalhmix, . Qvalgauge,Qvalmsoft,Qvalau,Qvalad,Qvalae, . Qvalyu,Qvalyd,Qvalye COMMON/SU_SMPAR/alfinv,sw2,alphas,mt,mb,mc,mtau COMMON/SU_param/gf,alpha,mz,mw COMMON/SU_RGSCAL/qewsb,ehigh,elow COMMON/SU_MSSMHPAR/mhu2,mhd2,ma,mu COMMON/SU_MSSMGPAR/m1,m2,m3 COMMON/SU_MSSMSLEP/msl,mtaur,mel,mer COMMON/SU_MSSMSQUA/msq,mtr,mbr,muq,mur,mdr COMMON/SU_ATRI3/atau,at,ab COMMON/SU_ATRI12/al,au,ad COMMON/SU_MSUGRA/m0,mhalf,a0 COMMON/SU_RADEWSB/sgnmu0,tgbeta COMMON/SU_GMSB/mgmmess,mgmsusy,nl,nq COMMON/SU_AMSB/m32,am0,cq,cu,cd,cl,ce,chu,chd common/SU_slha_warn/smin_warn,extpar_warn,muma_warn,algo_warn c if(input.eq.2) then c = case where the slha format input file suspect2_lha.in is actually read: unlikely = -123456789d0 ! will be used for protection see later smin_warn=0d0 extpar_warn=0d0 muma_warn=0d0 c what follows is in case specific SuSpect block SU_ALGO undefined in file: c then take defaut values of these algorithm control parameters algo_warn=-1d0 ichoice(2)= 21 ! 2-loop RGE by defaut ichoice(3)=1 ! GUT gauge coupling unif. request by defaut ichoice(4)=2 ! RGE accuracy high by defaut ichoice(5)=1 ! radiative EWSB by defaut ichoice(6)=1 ! Mhu,Mhd input by defaut ichoice(7)=2 ! rad. corr. for all sparticles by defaut ichoice(8)=1 ! EWSB scale =sqrt(mst1*mst2) by defaut ichoice(9)=2 ! final spectrum accuracy high by defaut ichoice(10)=2 ! 2-loop rad. corr. to Higgs masses by defaut ichoice(11)=0 ! higher order Higgs scheme: DRbar masses in loops do ism=1,7 smval(ism)=unlikely !protection against undefined input enddo c -- start from the beginning of the file suspect_slha.in -- rewind(ninlha) c -- initialization of the check array -- do i1=1,24,1 check(i1) = 0 end do c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c do i=1,10000,1 c -- check if routine can be left -- check_final = 1 do i1=1,24,1 check_final = check_final*check(i1) end do if(check_final.eq.1) then return endif c -- read in new line -- line1=' ' read(ninlha,'(a6,a100)',end=9900,err=9900) line1,line2 c -- rewrite line1(1:6) and line2(1:20) to upper case -- do j1=1,6,1 if(line1(j1:j1).ne.'#') then do j2=97,122,1 if(line1(j1:j1).eq.char(j2)) line1(j1:j1)=char(j2-32) end do endif end do do j1=1,20,1 if(line2(j1:j1).ne.'#') then do j2=97,122,1 if(line2(j1:j1).eq.char(j2)) line2(j1:j1)=char(j2-32) end do endif end do c -- looks for blocks and reads them in one after the other -- if(line1(1:1).eq.'B') then c -- look for Block MODSEL -- if(line2(1:6).eq.'MODSEL') then call SU_READ_MODSEL(ninlha,modselval,imod,done) c translate SLHA model choice imode values into SUSpect model ichoice values: if(imod(2).eq.0) ichoice(1)=0 ! general MSSM at low scale if(imod(2).eq.1) ichoice(1)=10 ! mSUGRA if(imod(2).eq.2) ichoice(1)=11 ! GMSB if(imod(2).eq.3) ichoice(1)=12 ! AMSB if(imod(2).eq.10) ichoice(1)=1 ! general MSSM at high scale if(imod(2).eq.-1) ichoice(1)=2 ! EWSB input and bottom-up RGE if (done) then check(21) = 1 goto 1111 else print*,'SU_read_leshouches: problem in MODSEL' endif c -- look for Block SU_ALGO --(SuSpect algorithm control parameters) elseif(line2(1:7).eq.'SU_ALGO') then call SU_READ_SU_ALGO(ninlha,ichoice,done) if (done) then check(22) = 1 algo_warn=0d0 goto 1111 else algo_warn=-1d0 c case where specific SuSpect bloc SU_ALGO undefined: take defaut values endif c -- look for Block SMINPUTS -- elseif(line2(1:8).eq.'SMINPUTS') then call SU_READ_SMINPUTS(ninlha,smval,done) u=unlikely if(smval(1).ne.u) alfinv = smval(1) if(smval(1).eq.u.or.smval(1).eq.0d0) alfinv= 127.934d0 c this and following similar def. are protection againt undefined values if(smval(2).ne.u) gf = smval(2) if(smval(2).eq.u.or.smval(2).eq.0d0) gf = 1.16639d-5 if(smval(3).ne.u) alphas = smval(3) if(smval(3).eq.u.or.smval(3).eq.0d0) alphas = .1172d0 c if(smval(4).ne.u) mz = smval(4) if(smval(4).eq.u.or.smval(4).eq.0d0) mz = 91.187d0 if(smval(5).ne.u) mb = smval(5) ! mb is mb(mb)_MSbar input if(smval(5).eq.u.or.smval(5).eq.0d0) mb = 4.25d0 if(smval(6).ne.u) mt = smval(6) if(smval(6).eq.u.or.smval(6).eq.0d0) mt = 175d0 if(smval(7).ne.u) mtau = smval(7) if(smval(7).eq.u.or.smval(7).eq.0d0) mtau = 1.777d0 do ism=1,7 if(smval(ism).eq.u) smin_warn=-1d0 enddo c if (done) then check(1) = 1 goto 1111 else smin_warn=-1d0 alfinv = 127.934d0 gf = 1.16639d-5 alphas = .1172d0 mz = 91.187d0 mb = 4.25d0 mt = 175d0 mtau = 1.777d0 c --then create Block SMINPUTS -- smval(1)= alfinv smval(2)= gf smval(3)= alphas smval(4)= mz smval(5)= mb smval(6)= mt smval(7)= mtau endif c -- look for Block MINPAR -- elseif(line2(1:6).eq.'MINPAR') then call SU_READ_MINPAR(ninlha,minval,mincom,done) if(ichoice(1).eq.10) then c minimal SUGRA models with full universality: if non-universality, values c are supersed by block EXTPAR below m0 = minval(1) c mhd2= m0**2 mhu2= m0**2 MSL = m0 MTAUR = m0 MSQ = m0 MTR = m0 MBR = m0 c MEL = m0 MER = m0 MUQ = m0 MUR = m0 MDR = m0 c mhalf = minval(2) c m1=mhalf m2=m1 m3=m1 c A0 = minval(5) c At=A0 Ab=A0 Atau=A0 c Au=A0 Ad=A0 Al=A0 c tgbeta = minval(3) sgnmu0 = minval(4) elseif(ichoice(1).eq.11) then c GMSB models mgmmess = minval(2) mgmsusy = minval(1) tgbeta = minval(3) sgnmu0 = minval(4) if(minval(5).eq.unlikely) minval(5)=1d0 if(minval(6).eq.unlikely) minval(6)=1d0 nl = minval(5) nq = minval(6) c elseif(ichoice(1).eq.12) then c AMSB models m32 = minval(2) am0 = minval(1) tgbeta = minval(3) sgnmu0 = minval(4) do ii=5,11 if(minval(ii).eq.unlikely) minval(ii)=1d0 enddo cq = minval(5) cu = minval(6) cd = minval(7) cl = minval(8) ce = minval(9) chu = minval(10) chd = minval(11) endif c added 21/05/08 (jlk): read tbeta(mZ) from MINPAR even if modsel-0 or -1: if(imod(2).le.0.and.minval(3).ne.u) tgbeta=minval(3) if (done) then check(2) = 1 goto 1111 else print*,'SU_read_leshouches: problem in MINPAR' endif c -- look for Block EXTPAR -- elseif(line2(1:6).eq.'EXTPAR') then call SU_READ_EXTPAR(ninlha,extval,extcom,done) if(ichoice(8).eq.0.and.extval(0).ne.unlikely) Qewsb = extval(0) c! essai if(ichoice(1).eq.2) ehigh = extval(10) if(extval(10).ne.unlikely) ehigh = extval(10) c special case (new) to adapt non-universal SUGRA to former SuSpect: u=unlikely c what follows is to avoid soft terms values with silly input. I didn't find c a more astute way. if(extval(1).ne.u) m1=extval(1) if(extval(2).ne.u) m2=extval(2) if(extval(3).ne.u) m3=extval(3) c if(extval(11).ne.u) At=extval(11) if(extval(12).ne.u) Ab=extval(12) if(extval(13).ne.u) Atau=extval(13) c if(extval(14).ne.u) Au=extval(14) if(extval(15).ne.u) Ad=extval(15) if(extval(16).ne.u) Al=extval(16) c if(extval(21).ne.u) mhd2 = extval(21) if(extval(22).ne.u) mhu2 = extval(22) if(extval(23).ne.u) then mu = extval(23) if(mu.ne.0d0) then sgnmu0 = mu/dsqrt(mu) else sgnmu0 = minval(4)! modif to define sgn(mu) if MU not input in EXTPAR endif endif if(extval(24).ne.u) madr2 = extval(24) ! running DRbar m^2_A if(extval(25).ne.u) tgbeta = extval(25) if(extval(26).ne.u) ma = extval(26) ! pole A mass if(extval(23).ne.u.and.extval(26).ne.u) then ichoice(6)=0 else ichoice(6)=1 endif c i.e impose MA,MU input algorithm in this case if user didn't specify c and impose Mhu,Mhd input otherwise if(extval(23).ne.u.and.extval(22).ne.u) mamu_warn=-1d0 c if(extval(33).ne.u) MSL = extval(33) if(extval(36).ne.u) MTAUR = extval(36) if(extval(43).ne.u) MSQ = extval(43) if(extval(46).ne.u) MTR = extval(46) if(extval(49).ne.u) MBR = extval(49) c if(extval(31).ne.u) MEL = extval(31) if(extval(34).ne.u) MER = extval(34) if(extval(41).ne.u) MUQ = extval(41) if(extval(44).ne.u) MUR = extval(44) if(extval(47).ne.u) MDR = extval(47) c if (done) then check(23) = 1 goto 1111 else print*,'SU_read_leshouches: problem in EXTPAR' endif c -- continue if the Block is not interesting -- else goto 1111 endif c -- continue if it is not a Block statement -- else goto 1111 endif c -- maximum number of lines exhausted -- 1111 continue end do c 9900 print*,'SU_read_leshouches: end of file' 9900 continue return c else c --Case when no SLHA input file is read, but still prepare output in c SLHA format if needed: c --create Block MODSEL -- imod(1) = 1 if(ichoice(1).eq.0) imod(2) = 0 if(ichoice(1).eq.10) imod(2) = 1 if(ichoice(1).eq.11) imod(2) = 2 if(ichoice(1).eq.12) imod(2) = 3 if(ichoice(1).eq.1) imod(2) = 10 if(ichoice(1).eq.2) imod(2) = 11 c if(imod(2).eq.0) modselval = 'general MSSM low scale' if(imod(2).eq.1) modselval = 'SUGRA' if(imod(2).eq.2) modselval = 'GMSB' if(imod(2).eq.3) modselval = 'AMSB' if(imod(2).eq.10) modselval = 'general MSSM High scale' if(imod(2).eq.11) modselval = 'general MSSM low scale' c --create Block SMINPUTS -- smval(1)= alfinv smval(2)= gf smval(3)= alphas smval(4)= mz smval(5)= mb smval(6)= mt smval(7)= mtau c c create Block MINPAR -- if(ichoice(1).eq.10) then c mSUGRA models minval(1) = m0 minval(2) = mhalf minval(5) = A0 minval(3) = tgbeta minval(4) = sgnmu0 c mincom(1) = 'm0' mincom(2) = 'm1%2' mincom(5) = 'A0' mincom(3) = 'tanbeta' mincom(4) = 'sign(mu)' elseif(ichoice(1).eq.11) then c GMSB models minval(2) = mgmmess minval(1) = mgmsusy minval(3) = tgbeta minval(4) = sgnmu0 minval(5) = nl minval(6) = nq c mincom(2) = 'Lambda_mess' mincom(1) = 'Lambda_susy' mincom(3) = 'tanbeta' mincom(4) = 'sign(mu)' mincom(5) = 'Nl_mes' mincom(6) = 'Nq_mes' elseif(ichoice(1).eq.12) then c AMSB models minval(2) = m32 minval(1) = am0 minval(3) = tgbeta minval(4) = sgnmu0 minval(5) = cq minval(6) = cu minval(7) = cd minval(8) = cl minval(9) = ce minval(10) = chu minval(11) = chd c mincom(2) = 'M_3%2' mincom(1) = 'm0' mincom(3) = 'tanbeta' mincom(4) = 'sgn(mu)' mincom(5) = 'cQ' mincom(6) = 'cuR' mincom(7) = 'cdR' mincom(8) = 'cL' mincom(9) = 'ceR' mincom(10) = 'cHu' mincom(11) = 'cHd' endif c -- create Block EXTPAR -- c a trick to jump over undefined parameters in subsequent writings: unlikely = -123456789D0 do i=0,60,1 extval(i) = unlikely end do if(ichoice(8).eq.0) then extval(0) = Qewsb endif extcom(0) = 'EWSB_scale' c!essai if(ichoice(1).eq.2) then if(ehigh.ne.0d0) then extval(10) = ehigh if(ichoice(1).eq.2) then extcom(10) = 'RGE final scale' else extcom(10) = 'RGE initial scale' endif endif c extval(1) = m1 extval(2) = m2 extval(3) = m3 c extval(11) = At extval(12) = Ab extval(13) = Atau c extval(14) = Au extval(15) = Ad extval(16) = Al c extval(21) = mhd2 extval(22) = mhu2 extval(23) = mu extval(24) = madr2 extval(25) = tgbeta extval(26) = ma c extval(33) = MSL extval(36) = MTAUR extval(43) = MSQ extval(46) = MTR extval(49) = MBR c extval(31) = MEL extval(34) = MER extval(41) = MUQ extval(44) = MUR extval(47) = MDR c extcom(1) = 'M1' extcom(2) = 'M2' extcom(3) = 'M3' c extcom(11) = 'A_t' extcom(12) = 'A_b' extcom(13) = 'A_tau' c extcom(14) = 'A_u' extcom(15) = 'A_d' extcom(16) = 'A_e' c extcom(21) = 'M^2_Hd' extcom(22) = 'M^2_Hu' extcom(23) = 'MU(EWSB scale)' extcom(24) = 'M^2_A(run,EWSB)' extcom(25) = 'tanbeta' extcom(26) = 'M_A(pole)' c extcom(33) = 'M_tau_L' extcom(36) = 'M_tau_R' extcom(43) = 'M_Q_L' extcom(46) = 'M_t_R' extcom(49) = 'M_b_R' c extcom(31) = 'M_e_L' extcom(34) = 'M_e_R' extcom(41) = 'M-qu_L' extcom(44) = 'M_u_R' extcom(47) = 'M_u_R' c endif end c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine SU_READ_MODSEL(ninlha,modselval,imod,done) implicit double precision (a-h,m,o-z) integer imod(1:2) character line1*1,line2*1,line3*100,modselval*100 logical done done=.false. modselval = ' ' do i=1,200,1 read(ninlha,'(a1)',end=9900) line1 c -- decide what it is and read the line if anything of interest -- if (line1.eq.' ') then backspace ninlha read(ninlha,*) idum1,idum2 ! removed: ,line2,line3 if(idum1.eq.1) then imod(1) = idum1 imod(2) = idum2 c modselval = line3 if(imod(2).eq.0) modselval = 'general MSSM low scale' if(imod(2).eq.1) modselval = 'SUGRA' if(imod(2).eq.2) modselval = 'GMSB' if(imod(2).eq.3) modselval = 'AMSB' if(imod(2).eq.-1) modselval = 'bottom-up MSSM' endif elseif(line1.eq.'#') then go to 1111 elseif(line1.eq.'b'.or.line1.eq.'B'.or.line1.eq.'d'.or.line1.eq ..'D') then backspace ninlha done =.true. return endif 1111 continue end do 9900 print*,'SU_read_leshouches: end of file' done = .true. end c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine SU_READ_SU_ALGO(ninlha,ichoice,done) implicit double precision (a-h,m,o-z) integer ichoice(1:11) character line1*1 logical done done=.false. do i=1,200,1 read(ninlha,'(a1)',end=9900) line1 c -- decide what it is and read the line if anything of interest -- if (line1.eq.' ') then backspace ninlha read(ninlha,*) idum,val c -- The different suspect options ichoice(2)-ichoice(11) if(idum.eq.2) then ichoice(2) = val c -- elseif(idum.eq.3) then ichoice(3) = val elseif(idum.eq.4) then ichoice(4) = val elseif(idum.eq.6) then ichoice(6) = val elseif(idum.eq.7) then ichoice(7) = val elseif(idum.eq.8) then ichoice(8) = val elseif(idum.eq.9) then ichoice(9) = val elseif(idum.eq.10) then ichoice(10) = val elseif(idum.eq.11) then ichoice(11) = val endif elseif(line1.eq.'#') then go to 1111 elseif(line1.eq.'b'.or.line1.eq.'B'.or.line1.eq.'d'.or.line1.eq ..'D') then backspace ninlha done =.true. return endif 1111 continue end do 9900 print*,'SU_read_leshouches: end of file' done = .true. end c--------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine SU_READ_SMINPUTS(ninlha,smval,done) implicit double precision (a-h,m,o-z) double precision smval(20) character line1*1 logical done done=.false. do i=1,20,1 smval(i) = 0.D0 end do do i=1,200,1 read(ninlha,'(a1)',end=9900) line1 c -- decide what it is and read the line if anything of interest -- if (line1.eq.' ') then backspace ninlha read(ninlha,*) idum,val c -- inverse EM coupling at the Z pole in the MS_bar scheme (with -- c -- five active flavours) -- if(idum.eq.1) then smval(1) = val c -- G_F, Fermi constant (in units of GeV^-2) elseif(idum.eq.2) then smval(2) = val c -- Strong coupling at the Z pole in the MS_bar scheme (with five -- c -- active flavours) -- elseif(idum.eq.3) then smval(3) = val c -- M_Z, pole mass -- elseif(idum.eq.4) then smval(4) = val c -- mb(mb)^MS_bar. b quark running mass in the MS_bar scheme -- elseif(idum.eq.5) then smval(5) = val c -- mt, pole mass -- elseif(idum.eq.6) then smval(6) = val c -- mtau, pole mass -- elseif(idum.eq.7) then smval(7) = val endif elseif(line1.eq.'#') then go to 1111 elseif(line1.eq.'b'.or.line1.eq.'B'.or.line1.eq.'d'.or.line1.eq ..'D') then backspace ninlha done =.true. return endif 1111 continue end do 9900 print*,'SU_read_leshouches: end of file' done = .true. end c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine SU_READ_MINPAR(ninlha,minval,mincom,done) implicit double precision (a-h,m,o-z) double precision minval(20) character line1*1,line2*1,line3*20,mincom(1:20)*20 logical done done= .false. unlikely=-123456789d0 do i=1,20,1 minval(i) = unlikely end do do i=1,20,1 mincom(i) = ' ' end do do i=1,200,1 read(ninlha,'(a1)',end=9900) line1 c -- decide what it is and read the line if anything of interest -- if (line1.eq.' ') then backspace ninlha c!jlk read(ninlha,*) idum,val,line2,line3 read(ninlha,*) idum,val do ii=1,11,1 if(idum.eq.ii) then minval(ii) = val c mincom(ii) = line3 endif end do c -- i=3: value for tanbeta(MZ) -- elseif(line1.eq.'#') then goto 1111 elseif(line1.eq.'b'.or.line1.eq.'B'.or.line1.eq.'d'.or.line1.eq ..'D') then backspace ninlha done = .true. return endif 1111 continue end do 9900 print*,'SU_read_leshouches: end of file' done = .true. end c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine SU_READ_EXTPAR(ninlha,extval,extcom,done) implicit double precision (a-h,m,o-z) dimension extval(0:60) character line1*1,line2*1,line3*20,extcom(0:60)*20 logical done done=.false. c a trick to jump over undefined parameters: unlikely = -123456789D0 do i=0,60,1 extval(i) = unlikely end do do i=0,60,1 extcom(i) = ' ' end do do i=1,200,1 read(ninlha,'(a1)',end=9900) line1 c -- decide what it is and read the line if anything of interest -- if (line1.eq.' ') then backspace ninlha c!jlk read(ninlha,*) idum,val,line2,line3 read(ninlha,*) idum,val c -- The general MSSM model parameters according to SLHA nomenclature: do ii=0,60,1 if(idum.eq.ii) then extval(ii) = val c!jlk extcom(ii) = line3 endif enddo c -- elseif(line1.eq.'#') then go to 1111 elseif(line1.eq.'b'.or.line1.eq.'B'.or.line1.eq.'d'.or.line1.eq ..'D') then backspace ninlha done =.true. return endif 1111 continue end do 9900 print*,'SU_read_leshouches: end of file' done = .true. end c -------------------------------------------------------------------- c subroutine SU_READ_SPINFO(ninlha,spinfo1,spinfo2,done) implicit double precision (a-h,m,o-z) character line1*1,line2*100,spinfo1*100,spinfo2*100 logical done done= .false. spinfo1 = ' ' spinfo2 = ' ' do i=1,200,1 read(ninlha,'(a1)',end=9900) line1 c -- decide what it is and read the line if anything of interest -- if (line1.eq.' ') then backspace ninlha read(ninlha,'(1x,i5,3x,a100)') idum,line2 c -- the name of the spectrum calculator -- if(idum.eq.1) then spinfo1 = line2 c -- the version number of the spectrum calculator -- elseif(idum.eq.2) then spinfo2 = line2 endif elseif(line1.eq.'#') then goto 1111 elseif(line1.eq.'b'.or.line1.eq.'B'.or.line1.eq.'d'.or.line1.eq ..'D') then backspace ninlha done = .true. return endif 1111 continue end do 9900 print*,'SU_read_leshouches: end of file' done = .true. end c-------------------------------------------------------------------------- c%% routine for writing SuSpect ver >= 2.3 output in SLHA form c released J-L Kneur 06/12/2004 c--thanks to Margarete Muhlleitner for adapting simply from her writing -- c----------------------------------------------------- subroutine su_lhaout(nout,ichoice,errmess,imod) implicit real*8 (a-h,m,o-z) real*8 nl,nq double precision minval(1:20),extval(0:60),smval(1:20), . massval(1:50), . nmixval(4,4),umixval(2,2),vmixval(2,2),stopmixval(2,2), . sbotmixval(2,2),staumixval(2,2),hmixval(1:10), . gaugeval(1:3),msoftval(1:30),auval(3,3),adval(3,3), . aeval(3,3),yuval(3,3),ydval(3,3),yeval(3,3) integer nx1t,ny1t,nnlo,imod(1:2) character spinfo1*100,spinfo2*100,modselval*100,mincom(1:20)*20, . extcom(0:60)*20 dimension ichoice(11),errmess(10) dimension amneut(4),xmneut(4),amchar(2) dimension uu(2,2),vv(2,2),zz(4,4),zp(4,4) COMMON/SU_strc/irge,irgmax,ifix,isfrc,inorc COMMON/SU_SMPAR/dalfinv,dsw2,dalphas,dmt,dmb,dmc,dmtau COMMON/SU_RGSCAL/qewsb,ehigh,elow COMMON/SU_MSSMHPAR/mhu2,mhd2,dma,dmu COMMON/SU_MSSMGPAR/dm1,dm2,dm3 COMMON/SU_MSSMSLEP/dmsl,dmtaur,dmel,dmer COMMON/SU_MSSMSQUA/dmsq,dmtr,dmbr,dmuq,dmur,dmdr COMMON/SU_ATRI3/dal,dau,dad COMMON/SU_ATRI12/dal1,dau1,dad1 COMMON/SU_MSUGRA/m0,mhalf,a0 COMMON/SU_RADEWSB/sgnmu0,tgbeta COMMON/SU_GMSB/mgmmess,mgmsusy,nl,nq COMMON/SU_AMSB/m32,am0,cq,cu,cd,cl,ce,chu,chd COMMON/SU_matino/uu,vv,zz,xmneut COMMON/SU_outhiggs/aml,amh,amch,alfa c light, heavy, charged Higgs masses, neutral (h,H) mix angle alpha COMMON/SU_outginos/dmc1,dmc2,dmn1,dmn2,dmn3,dmn4,mgluino c charginos 1,2 masses, neutralinos 1-4 masses, gluino mass COMMON/SU_outsqu/dmst1,dmst2,dmsu1,dmsu2 c stop 1,2 and sup 1,2 = scharm 1,2 masses COMMON/SU_outsqd/dmsb1,dmsb2,dmsd1,dmsd2 c sbottom 1,2 and sdown 1,2 = sstrange 1,2 masses COMMON/SU_outslep/dmsl1,dmsl2,dmse1,dmse2,dmsn1,dmsntau c stau 1,2 ; selectron (=smuon) 1,2; sneut_e,mu, sneut_tau masses COMMON/SU_outmix/thet,theb,thel c stop, sbottom, stau mixing angles COMMON/SU_param/gf,alpha,mz,mw COMMON/SU_fmasses/mtau,mbpole,mtpole COMMON/SU_yukaewsb/ytauewsb,ybewsb,ytewsb,alsewsb,g2ewsb,g1ewsb COMMON/SU_tbewsb/vuewsb,vdewsb COMMON/SU_renscale/scale common/SU_ftune/czmu,czbmu,ctmu,ctbmu c low-energy contrained parameter values: rho-1, g_mu-2, Br(b->s gamma): COMMON/SU_lowen/crho,gmuon,brsg common/su_runmavev/madr2,vev2 c -------------- common block given by SD_read_leshouches ------------ c COMMON/SU_leshouches1/spinfo1,spinfo2,modselval,mincom,extcom COMMON/SU_leshouches2/minval,extval,smval,massval,nmixval,umixval, . vmixval,stopmixval,sbotmixval,staumixval, . hmixval,gaugeval,msoftval,auval,adval, . aeval,yuval,ydval,yeval,alphaval,Qvalhmix, . Qvalgauge,Qvalmsoft,Qvalau,Qvalad,Qvalae, . Qvalyu,Qvalyd,Qvalye common/SU_slha_warn/smin_warn,extpar_warn,muma_warn,algo_warn pi=4*datan(1.d0) c completing input/output in slha variables: smval(2)=gf smval(4)=mz c PDG values: id =1 idb=-1 iu =2 iub=-2 is =3 isb=-3 ic =4 icb=-4 ib =5 ibb=-5 it =6 itb=-6 ie =11 ine =12 imu =13 inmu =14 itau =15 intau=16 ihl=25 ihh=35 iha=36 ihc=37 igl=21 iga=22 iz =23 iwc=24 isdl=1000001 isdr=2000001 isul=1000002 isur=2000002 issl=1000003 issr=2000003 iscl=1000004 iscr=2000004 isb1=1000005 isb2=2000005 ist1=1000006 ist2=2000006 iglo=1000021 in1 =1000022 in2 =1000023 in3 =1000025 in4 =1000035 ic1 =1000024 ic2 =1000037 intau1=1000016 intau2=2000016 inel =1000012 iner =2000012 inmul =1000014 inmur =2000014 isell =1000011 iselr =2000011 ismul =1000013 ismur =2000013 istau1=1000015 istau2=2000015 igrav =1000039 c hardcoding input names of block MINPAR and EXTPAR for some platforms c compatibility (and to eventually avoid input file typing confusion): c added 02/06/2008 jlk mincom(3) = ' tanbeta(mZ)' mincom(4) = ' sign(mu)' if(imod(2).eq.1) then c input for sugra models mincom(1) = ' m0' mincom(2) = ' m_1/2' mincom(5) = ' A0' else if(imod(2).eq.2) then c input for GMSB models: mincom(1) = ' Lambda_susy' mincom(2) = ' Lambda_mess' mincom(5) = ' Nl_mes' mincom(6) = ' Nq_mes' else if(imod(2).eq.3) then c input for AMSB models: mincom(1) = ' m0' mincom(2) = ' M_3/2 gravino' mincom(5) = ' cQ coeff m0 Q_L' mincom(6) = ' cuR coeff m0 u_R' mincom(7) = ' cdR coeff m0 d_R' mincom(8) = ' cL coeff m0 L' mincom(9) = ' ceR coeff m0 e_R' mincom(10) = ' cHu coeff m0 Hu' mincom(11) = ' cHd coeff m0 Hd' endif c def. of EXTPAR names: extcom(0) = ' EWSB scale' extcom(10) = ' GUT scale' extcom(23) = ' mu(EWSB)' extcom(24) = ' m^2_A_run(EWSB)' extcom(25) = ' tanbeta(in)' extcom(26) = ' MA_pole' extcom(1) = ' M_1' extcom(2) = ' M_2' extcom(3) = ' M_3' extcom(21) = ' M^2_Hd' extcom(22) = ' M^2_Hu' extcom(31) = ' M_eL' extcom(32) = ' M_muL' extcom(33) = ' M_tauL' extcom(34) = ' M_eR' extcom(35) = ' M_muR' extcom(36) = ' M_tauR' extcom(41) = ' M_q1L' extcom(42) = ' M_q2L' extcom(43) = ' M_q3L' extcom(44) = ' M_uR' extcom(45) = ' M_cR' extcom(46) = ' M_tR' extcom(47) = ' M_dR' extcom(48) = ' M_sR' extcom(49) = ' M_bR' extcom(11) = ' A_t' extcom(12) = ' A_b' extcom(13) = ' A_tau' extcom(14) = ' A_u' extcom(15) = ' A_d' extcom(16) = ' A_e' write(nout,105) write(nout,50) " ==================== .=" write(nout,50) " | SuSpect 2.5.1 OUTPUT . |" write(nout,50) " ==================== .=" write(nout,105) write(nout,105) write(nout,50)' -------------------------------------- .---------------' write(nout,50)' | SUSY Les Houches Accord - MSSM Spec .trum |' write(nout,50)' | . |' write(nout,50)' | SuSpect 2.5.1 . |' write(nout,50)' | . |' write(nout,50)' | Authors: A.Djouadi, J.-L. Kneur and . G. Moultaka |' write(nout,50)' | Ref.: hep-ph/0211331 . |' write(nout,50)' | . |' write(nout,50)' -------------------------------------- .---------------' write(nout,105) c -------------------------------------------- c c Information about the RGE + spectrum program c c -------------------------------------------- c write(nout,105) write(nout,51) 'SPINFO','Spectrum Program information' write(nout,61) 1,'SuSpect # RGE +Spectrum calculator' write(nout,61) 2,'2.5.1 # version number' c c The SuSpect warning/error flag section c warnerr=0.d0 do ii=1,10 if(errmess(ii).eq.-1.d0) warnerr=1d0 enddo if(irgmax.eq.50) warnerr=1d0 if(warnerr.eq.0d0) then write(nout,'(a)')'# nothing to signal: output a priori reliable' else write(nout,'(a)')'# Caution: warning or error message follows ' endif if(errmess(1).eq.-1.d0) then write(nout,61) 4,'Bad input: one m^2(3rd gen. sf) <0 from RGE ' endif if(errmess(2).eq.-1.d0) then write(nout,61) 4,'Bad input: one m^2(1,2 gen. sf) <0 from RGE ' endif if(errmess(3).eq.-1.d0) then write(nout,61) 3,'Warning: MA^2(Q) <0 at a scale MZ s gamma)' c The main fine-tuning parameter values for info: c write(nout,105) write(nout,51) 'SU_FINETUNE','Fine-tuning info: fine-tuned if >>1' write(nout,52) 1,czmu,'delta mZ^2/mZ^2 (mu^2)' write(nout,52) 2,czbmu,'delta mZ^2/mZ^2 (B.mu)' write(nout,52) 3,ctmu,'delta mt/mt (mu^2)' write(nout,52) 4,ctbmu,'delta mt/mt (B.mu)' c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c c The neutralino mixing matrix N and the chargino mixing matrices U,V c c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c write(nout,105) write(nout,51) 'NMIX','Neutralino Mixing Matrix' write(nout,53) 1,1,zz(1,1),'N_11' write(nout,53) 1,2,zz(1,2),'N_12' write(nout,53) 1,3,zz(1,3),'N_13' write(nout,53) 1,4,zz(1,4),'N_14' write(nout,53) 2,1,zz(2,1),'N_21' write(nout,53) 2,2,zz(2,2),'N_22' write(nout,53) 2,3,zz(2,3),'N_23' write(nout,53) 2,4,zz(2,4),'N_24' write(nout,53) 3,1,zz(3,1),'N_31' write(nout,53) 3,2,zz(3,2),'N_32' write(nout,53) 3,3,zz(3,3),'N_33' write(nout,53) 3,4,zz(3,4),'N_34' write(nout,53) 4,1,zz(4,1),'N_41' write(nout,53) 4,2,zz(4,2),'N_42' write(nout,53) 4,3,zz(4,3),'N_43' write(nout,53) 4,4,zz(4,4),'N_44' write(nout,105) write(nout,51) 'UMIX','Chargino Mixing Matrix U' write(nout,53) 1,1,uu(1,1),'U_11' write(nout,53) 1,2,uu(1,2),'U_12' write(nout,53) 2,1,uu(2,1),'U_21' write(nout,53) 2,2,uu(2,2),'U_22' write(nout,105) write(nout,51) 'VMIX','Chargino Mixing Matrix V' write(nout,53) 1,1,vv(1,1),'V_11' write(nout,53) 1,2,vv(1,2),'V_12' write(nout,53) 2,1,vv(2,1),'V_21' write(nout,53) 2,2,vv(2,2),'V_22' c ------------------------------------------ c c The stop, sbottom and stau mixing matrices c c ------------------------------------------ c write(nout,105) write(nout,51) 'STOPMIX','Stop Mixing Matrix' write(nout,53) 1,1,dcos(thet),'cos(theta_t)' write(nout,53) 1,2,dsin(thet),'sin(theta_t)' write(nout,53) 2,1,-dsin(thet),'-sin(theta_t)' write(nout,53) 2,2,dcos(thet),'cos(theta_t)' write(nout,105) write(nout,51) 'SBOTMIX','Sbottom Mixing Matrix' write(nout,53) 1,1,dcos(theb),'cos(theta_b)' write(nout,53) 1,2,dsin(theb),'sin(theta_b)' write(nout,53) 2,1,-dsin(theb),'-sin(theta_b)' write(nout,53) 2,2,dcos(theb),'cos(theta_b)' write(nout,105) write(nout,51) 'STAUMIX','Stau Mixing Matrix' write(nout,53) 1,1,dcos(thel),'cos(theta_tau)' write(nout,53) 1,2,dsin(thel),'sin(theta_tau)' write(nout,53) 2,1,-dsin(thel),'-sin(theta_tau)' write(nout,53) 2,2,dcos(thel),'cos(theta_tau)' c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c c The angle alpha in the Higgs sector and the Higgs mixing parameters c c ------------------------------------------------------------------- c write(nout,105) write(nout,51) 'ALPHA','Higgs mixing' write(nout,60) alfa,'Mixing angle in the neutral Higgs boson secto .r' write(nout,105) write(nout,54) 'HMIX Q=',scale,'DRbar Higgs Parameters' write(nout,55) 1,dmu,'mu(Q)' write(nout,55) 2,vuewsb/vdewsb,'tanbeta(Q)' write(nout,55) 3,dsqrt(vev2),'vev(Q)' write(nout,55) 4,madr2,'MA^2(Q)' c ------------------- c c The gauge couplings c c ------------------- c write(nout,105) write(nout,54) 'GAUGE Q=',scale,'The gauge couplings' write(nout,55) 1,g1ewsb,'gprime(Q) DRbar' write(nout,55) 2,g2ewsb,'g(Q) DRbar' write(nout,55) 3,dsqrt(4*pi*alsewsb),'g_3(Q) DRbar' c ------------------------------------- c c The trilinear couplings Au, Ad and Ae c c ------------------------------------- c scalesave=scale if(ichoice(1).eq.2) scale=ehigh write(nout,105) write(nout,54) 'Au Q=',scale,'The trilinear couplings' write(nout,53) 1,1,dau1, 'A_u(Q) DRbar' write(nout,53) 2,2,dau1, 'A_c(Q) DRbar' write(nout,53) 3,3,dau,'A_t(Q) DRbar' write(nout,105) write(nout,54) 'Ad Q=',scale,'The trilinear couplings' write(nout,53) 1,1,dad1,'A_d(Q) DRbar' write(nout,53) 2,2,dad1,'A_s(Q) DRbar' write(nout,53) 3,3,dad ,'A_b(Q) DRbar' write(nout,105) write(nout,54) 'Ae Q=',scale,'The trilinear couplings' write(nout,53) 1,1,dal1 ,'A_e(Q) DRbar' write(nout,53) 2,2,dal1 ,'A_mu(Q) DRbar' write(nout,53) 3,3,dal,'A_tau(Q) DRbar' c ---------------------------------- c c The Yukawa couplings Yu, Yd and Ye c c ---------------------------------- c write(nout,105) write(nout,54) 'Yu Q=',scalesave,'The Yukawa couplings' write(nout,53) 3,3,ytewsb,'y_top(Q) DRbar' c write(nout,105) write(nout,54) 'Yd Q=',scalesave,'The Yukawa couplings' write(nout,53) 3,3,ybewsb,'y_b(Q) DRbar' c write(nout,105) write(nout,54) 'Ye Q=',scalesave,'The Yukawa couplings' write(nout,53) 3,3,ytauewsb,'y_tau(Q) DRbar' c ----------------------------- c c The soft SUSY breaking masses c c ----------------------------- c write(nout,105) write(nout,54) 'MSOFT Q=',scale,'soft SUSY breaking masses at the .scale Q' write(nout,52) 1,dm1,'M_1' write(nout,52) 2,dm2,'M_2' write(nout,52) 3,dm3,'M_3' write(nout,52) 21,mhd2,'M^2_Hd' write(nout,52) 22,mhu2,'M^2_Hu' write(nout,52) 31,dmel,'M_eL' write(nout,52) 32,dmel,'M_muL' write(nout,52) 33,dmsl,'M_tauL' write(nout,52) 34,dmer,'M_eR' write(nout,52) 35,dmer,'M_muR' write(nout,52) 36,dmtaur,'M_tauR' write(nout,52) 41,dmuq,'M_q1L' write(nout,52) 42,dmuq,'M_q2L' write(nout,52) 43,dmsq,'M_q3L' write(nout,52) 44,dmur,'M_uR' write(nout,52) 45,dmur,'M_cR' write(nout,52) 46,dmtr,'M_tR' write(nout,52) 47,dmdr,'M_dR' write(nout,52) 48,dmdr,'M_sR' write(nout,52) 49,dmbr,'M_bR' c write(*,'(a)')' OUTPUT in SLHA format in suspect2_lha.out ' 50 format('#',1x,A) 51 format('BLOCK',1x,A,2x,'#',1x,A) 52 format(1x,I9,3x,1P,E16.8,0P,3x,'#',1x,A) 53 format(1x,I2,1x,I2,3x,1P,E16.8,0P,3x,'#',1x,A) 54 format('BLOCK',1x,A,1P,E16.8,2x,'#',1x,A) 55 format(1x,I5,3x,1P,E16.8,0P,3x,'#',1x,A) 60 format(9x,1P,E16.8,0P,3x,'#',1x,A) 61 format(1x,I5,3x,A) 62 format(1x,I5,1x,I5,3x,'#',A) 72 format(1x,I9,3x,1P,E16.8,0P,3x,'#',1x,A) 105 format('#') c ------------------------------------------------------------------------- end c%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END OF THE PROGRAM %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%