Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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Physique Appliquée
(56) Production(s) de l'année 2017

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+ Quantum Dot based UV Light Emitting Diodes hal link

Auteur(s): Brault Julien, Matta S., Al Khalfioui Mohamed, Leroux Mathieu, Damilano Benjamin, Chenot S., Korytov M, Peyre H., Konczewicz L., Contreras S., Chaix C., Massies Jean, Gil B.

(Affiches/Poster) 12th international conference on nitride semiconductors (STRASBOURG, FR), 2017-07-24

+ High Temperature Electrical Transport Study of MBE grown Mg-doped AlGaN

Auteur(s): Contreras S., Konczewicz L., Juillaguet S., Peyre H., Al khalfioui Mohamed, Matta S., Leroux Mathieu, Damilano Benjamin, Brault Julien

(Affiches/Poster) 12th international conference on nitride semiconductors (STRASBOURG, FR), 2017-07-24

+ High temperature electrical transport study of n-type Si-doped AlN

Auteur(s): Contreras S., Konczewicz L., Peyre H., Juillaguet S., Weyher J.l., Dziecielewski I, Al khalfioui Mohamed, Matta S., Leroux Mathieu, Damilano Benjamin, Brault Julien, Gil B.

(Affiches/Poster) International Workshop on Ultraviolet Materials and Devices (FUKUOKA, JP), 2017-11-14

+ HgCdTe as a playground for massless fermions hal link

Auteur(s): Teppe F., Krishtopenko S.

Conférence invité: 7th International Symposium on Terahertz Nanosciences (Porquerolles, FR, 2017-10-02)

+ Temperature-driven massless fermions in HgCdTe heterostructures hal link

Auteur(s): Teppe F.(Corresp.)

Conférence invité: SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications (San Diego, CA, US, 2017-08-06)

+ Terahertz studies of semi-relativistic fermions in HgCdTe heterostructures hal link

Auteur(s): Teppe F.(Corresp.)

Conférence invité: Russia-Japan-USA-Europe Symposium on Fundamental & Applied Problems of Terahertz Devices & Technolog (Troy, NY, US, 2017-10-02)

+ High Temperature Annealing of MBE-grown Mg-doped GaN doi link

Auteur(s): Contreras S., Konczewicz L., Peyre H., Juillaguet S., Al Khalfioui M., Matta S., Leroux M., Damilano B., Brault J.

Actes de conférence: Journal of Physics Conference Series, vol. 864 p.UNSP 012018 (2017)
Texte intégral en Openaccess : openaccess

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