Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221 CNRS/UM2 (L2C)


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Physique de l'exciton, du photon et du spin
(59) Production(s) de l'année 2024

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+ Imaging of multiferroic solitons and investigation of DMI with a quantum sensor hal link

Auteur(s): Finco A.

Conference: International conference on Skyrmionics (Seeon Monastery, DE, 2024-09-02)

+ Pymodaq for scanning NV center microscopy hal link

Auteur(s): Sfeir E., Beignon Roméo, Wane Elijah, Finco A.

Conference: PyMoDAQ days (Lyon, FR, 2024-10-21)

+ Efficient light-matter interaction in hexagonal boron nitride hal link

Auteur(s): Cassabois G.

Conférence invité: EMRS 2024 Fall Meeting (E-MRS) (Varsovie, PL, 2024-09-16)

+ Polytypism in hexagonal boron nitride: an optical study hal link

Auteur(s): Cassabois G.

Conférence invité: EMRS 2024 Fall Meeting (E-MRS) (Varsovie, PL, 2024-09-16)

+ Optical and spin properties of boron-vacancy centers in few-layer thick hBN hal link

Auteur(s): Cassabois G.

Conference: 2nd International Boron Nitride Workshop (BNW2024) (Sydney, AU, 2024-05-20)

+ Spin-dependent photodynamics of boron-vacancy centers in hexagonal boron nitride doi link

Auteur(s): Clua-Provost T., Mu Z., Durand A., Schrader C., Happacher J., Bocquel J., Maletinsky P., Fraunié J., Marie X., Robert C., Seine G., Janzen E., Edgar J., Gil B., Cassabois G., Jacques V.

(Article) Publié: Physical Review B, vol. 110 p.014104 (2024)

+ The Influence of Alloy Disorder Effects on the Anisotropy of Emission Diagrams in (Al,Ga)N Quantum Wells Embedded into AlN Barriers doi link

Auteur(s): Ibanez Alexandra, Leroux Mathieu, Nikitskiy Nikita, Desrat W., Moret M., Valvin P., Cassabois G., Brault Julien, Gil B., Chugenji Fumiya, Taiga Kirihara, Khan Muhamad Ajmal, Hirayama Hideki

(Article) Publié: Physica Status Solidi B, vol. 261 p. (2024)

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