Direct Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Facilitation in Glass-Forming Liquids Auteur(s): Herrero C., Berthier L. (Article) Publié: Physical Review Letters, vol. 132 p.258201 (2024) Texte intégral en Openaccess : Ref HAL: hal-04623148_v1 Ref Arxiv: 2310.16935 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.132.258201 Ref. & Cit.: NASA ADS Exporter : BibTex | endNote Résumé: We propose a computational strategy to quantify the temperature evolution of the timescales and length scales over which dynamic facilitation affects the relaxation dynamics of glass-forming liquids at low temperatures, which requires no assumption about the nature of the dynamics. In two glass models, we find that dynamic facilitation depends strongly on temperature, leading to a subdiffusive spreading of relaxation events which we characterize using a temperature-dependent dynamic exponent. We also establish that this temperature evolution represents a major contribution to the increase of the structural relaxation time. |