- Direct liquid injection pulsed-pressure MOCVD of large area MoS 2 on Si/SiO 2 doi link

Auteur(s): Astié Vincent, Wasem Klein Felipe, Makhlouf H., Paillet M., Huntzinger J.-R., Sauvajol J.-L., Zahab A. A., Juillaguet S., Contreras S., Voiry Damien, Landois P., Decams Jean-Manuel

(Article) Publié: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. p. (2024)

Ref HAL: hal-04734922_v1
DOI: 10.1039/D4CP00603H
Exporter : BibTex | endNote

This paper presents the reproducible DLI-MOCVD of MoS 2 on Si/SiO 2 from benign precursors, with very high photoluminescence on a cm-scale area.