- Noise-cancellation algorithm for simulations of Brownian particles doi link

Auteur(s): Rusch Regina, Franosch Thomas, Jung G.

(Article) Publié: Physical Review E, vol. 109 p.015303 (2024)

Ref HAL: hal-04735130_v1
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.109.015303
Exporter : BibTex | endNote

We investigate the usage of a recently introduced noise-cancellation algorithm for Brownian simulations to enhance the precision of measuring transport properties such as the mean-square displacement or the velocity-autocorrelation function. The algorithm is based on explicitly storing the pseudo-random numbers used to create the randomized displacements in computer simulations and subtracting them from the simulated trajectories. The resulting correlation function of the reduced motion is connected to the target correlation function up to a cross-correlation term. Using analytical theory and computer simulations, we demonstrate that the cross-correlation term can be neglected in all three systems studied in this paper. We further expand the algorithm to Monte Carlo simulations and analyze the performance of the algorithm and rationalize that it works particularly well for unbounded, weakly interacting systems in which the precision of the mean-square displacement can be improved by orders of magnitude.