- Fourdimensional Universe where Time is Taken as a Length, and Dark Energy hal link

Auteur(s): Olivi-Tran N.

Chapître d'ouvrage: Advances In Dark Energy Research, vol. p. (2015)
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Ref HAL: hal-01186613_v1
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If we use the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker model for avacuum dominated universe, we see that time may be a function ofa length, the so called co-moving distance. In the FLRW model, thisfunction is injective, so for each time t there is one co moving distancea(t). Straightforwardly, we can assume that time has the dimensionof a length, even if, in a fourdimensional universe, the four dimensionsare not isotropic. Taking account of this hypothesis, we can solve theEPR paradox for entangled states. Moreover, a simple model of antimatter can also be made: antimatter deforms the universe inwardswhile matter deforms the universe outwards. Dark matter is alsodeduced to be a track of massive moving objects within the local curvature of the universe. And finally, taking account that our universeis fourdimensional and that time may be the fourth dimension andhas the dimension of a length, the mystery of dark energy is solved.Indeed, in a fourdimensional universe, what we call dark energy hasa positive pressure which comes naturally from the expansion of theuniverse.