- Genuine Quantum Thermal Machine in Single Nonequilibrium EM Bath

Auteur(s): Antezza M.(Corresp.)

Conférence invité: Quantum Science and Technology with EM Relevance (Prague, CZ, 2023-07-05)


We propose a scheme for a quantum thermal machine made by atoms interacting with a single nonequilibrium electromagnetic field. We show that these machines can deliver all thermodynamic tasks (cooling, heating, and population inversion) by establishing quantum coherence with the body on which they act. Remarkably, this system allows these machines to reach efficiencies at maximum power very close to the Carnot limit, which is much more than in existing models [1]. REFERENCES 1. Leggio, B., B. Bellomo, and M. Antezza, Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 91, 012117 (2015)