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(1) Presentation(s)


Mer. 02/04/2014 14:30 Andromede, Bâtiment 11, Etage 3 (à confirmer)

SERRA Javi (Cornell University)
Candidat CNRS section 2 - NOTE MODIFIED TIME & PLACE
The dilaton and its many faces

(Théorie des Interactions Fondamentales)


Even if theoretically discovered long ago, the dilaton, the Goldstone-boson of spontaneous breaking of scale (conformal) invariance, is still subject of active investigations. These not only concern its theoretical applications, such as the a-theorem in four dimensions, but also phenomenological ones. In this talk I will review some of the potential manifestations of the dilaton in Nature: at the electroweak scale in relation to the recently discovered Higgs-like particle, and in cosmology owing to its connection with the energy of the vacuum.

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Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Frigerio M.