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(1) Presentation(s)


Mar. 07/07/2015 14:00 Petite Ourse, Bâtiment 13, Etage 1

MIURA Kohtaroh (CPT, Marseille)
Conformal/Walking Dynamics in Many-Flavor QCD in The Light of BSM

(Théorie des Interactions Fondamentales)


We investigate many-flavor QCD with regards to applications to physics beyond the standard model (BSM). Novel (quasi-)conformal dynamics associated with the Infra-red fixed point
is anticipated to emerge in many flavor QCD, and advocated as a basis for strongly interacting mechanisms of electroweak symmetry breaking.
We show the recent LatKMI lattice results on 8-flavor QCD, and discuss its applicability to the physics beyond standard model. Our focus will be particularly put on the mass anomalous dimension
- a key quantity in the (quasi-)conformal system and the BSM model building. In addition to the lattice analyses, we provide the Schwinger-Dyson studies on the mass anomalous dimension to investigate some tensions among several lattice results. Furthermore, we discuss a possible implication to the ordinary QCD by focusing on
the scalar meson (sigma) and the vacuum polarization function. The former is a modern interest also in the ordinary QCD, and the latter plays an essential role in the g-2 physics.

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Pour plus d'informations, merci de contacter Frigerio M.